61 research outputs found

    NĂ€r barn under 15 Ă„r misstĂ€nks för brott – hur utreds och faststĂ€lls skuldfrĂ„gan?

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    Hanteringen av barn som misstĂ€nks för brott har varit ett omdebatterat Ă€mne under de senaste Ă„ren, sĂ€rskilt efter att det sĂ„ kallade Kevinfallet uppmĂ€rksammades i media under 2017. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka om, och i sĂ„ fall hur, skuldfrĂ„gan utreds och faststĂ€lls nĂ€r barn under 15 Ă„r misstĂ€nks för brott. Vidare har syftet varit att undersöka vilka centrala intressen som prioriteras i dagens gĂ€llande regelverk och hur den nuvarande debatten förs kring Ă€mnet. En rĂ€ttsanalytisk metod och ett rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhetsperspektiv har anvĂ€nts vid genomförandet av undersökningen. Barn under 15 Ă„r Ă€r enligt svensk rĂ€tt inte straffmyndiga och kan sĂ„ledes inte fĂ„ nĂ„gon straffrĂ€ttslig pĂ„följd. Det Ă€r heller inte möjligt att föra en sedvanlig förundersökning eller att vĂ€cka Ă„tal nĂ€r det rör sig om barn. IstĂ€llet Ă€r det möjligt att bedriva en utredning enligt 31 § lagen (1964:167) med sĂ€rskilda bestĂ€mmelser om unga lagövertrĂ€dare, LUL, och en bevistalan enligt 38 § i samma lag. Det primĂ€ra syftet med att utreda barn som misstĂ€nks för brott Ă€r att klarlĂ€gga behovet av sociala insatser. DĂ€remot ska Ă€ven hĂ€nsyn tas till mĂ„lsĂ€gandes intresse av att brottet blir utrett, samhĂ€llets intresse av att det blir klarlagt kring vad som Ă€gt rum och allmĂ€nna rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhetsaspekter. Det synes inte vara avsikten att faststĂ€lla skuldfrĂ„gan nĂ€r utredningar avseende barn bedrivs. SkuldfrĂ„gan kan utredas i domstol genom en bevistalan, men denna typ av talan förs ytterst sĂ€llan i praktiken. UtifrĂ„n det undersökta materialet kan det konstateras att nuvarande regleringar innefattar en del oklarheter. Det finns en klar vilja i den nuvarande debatten att se över systemet, frĂ€mst med anledning av att öka rĂ€ttssĂ€kerheten för misstĂ€nkta barn men Ă€ven för att komma till bukt med gĂ€ngkriminaliteten. Samtidigt poĂ€ngteras att straffmyndighetsĂ„ldern ska bibehĂ„llas och att det inte ska handla om att bestraffa barn.Children who are suspected of crimes have been a highly debated topic the last couple of years, especially after the so-called Kevin-case was brought up in the media in 2017. The purpose of this essay has been to examine if, and in that case how, the question of guilt is investigated and determined when children under the age of 15 are suspected of crimes. Furthermore, the purpose has been to examine what interests that are being prioritized in the current regulations and how the debate on the subject looks like. A legal analytical method and a legal security perspective have been used. Children under the age of 15 are not criminally responsible and can therefor not be criminally sanctioned. It is further not possible to initiate an ordinary preliminary investigation or to commence a prosecution regarding such a child. Instead there is a possibility to initiate a special criminal investigation according to 31 § lagen (1964:167) med sĂ€rskilda bestĂ€mmelser om unga lagövertrĂ€dare, LUL, and an evidential proceeding according to 38 § in the same mentioned law. The primary purpose of these investigations is to clarify the need of care of the child. However, other interests such as the injured party’s interest and the community’s interest in the crime being investigated should also be taken into account. It does not appear to be intended to determine the question of guilt when investigations concerning children are conducted. That question can be clarified in court through an evidential proceeding, but that type of proceeding is rarely practiced. Based on the examined material, it can be stated that the current regulation contains several ambiguities. There is a distinct will in the current debate to overlook the system when children are suspected of crimes, mainly to increase legal security and to tackle gang crime. At the same time, it is emphasized that the age of when you are criminally responsible should be maintained and that it should not be about punishing children

    Tradition, change and variation : past and present trends in public old-age care

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    The general aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyse how public old-age care in Sweden has developed and changed during the last century. The study applies a provider perspective on how care has been planned and professionally carried out. A broader social policy perspective, studying old-age care at central/national as well as local/municipal level, is also developed. A special focus is directed at the large local variation in care and services for the elderly. The empirical base is comprised of official documents and other public sources, survey data from interviews with elderly recipients of public old-age care, and official statistics on publicly financed and controlled old-age care and services. Study I addresses the development of old-age care in Sweden during the twentieth century by studying an important occupation in this field – the supervisors and their professional roles, tasks and working conditions. Throughout, the roles of supervisors have followed the prevailing official policy on the proper way to provide care for elderly people in Sweden; from poor relief at the beginning of the 1900s, via a generous level of services in the 1960s and 1970s, to today’s restricted and economy-controlled mode of operation. Study II describes and compares two main forms of public old-age care in Sweden today, home help services and institutional care. The care-load found in home-based care was comparable to and sometimes even larger than in service-homes and other institutions, indicating that large care needs among elderly people in Sweden today can be met in their homes as well as in institutional settings. Studies III and IV analyse the local variation in public old-age care in Sweden. During the last decades there has been an overall decline in home help services. The coverage of home help for elderly people shows large differences between municipalities throughout this period, and the relative variation has increased. The local disparity seems to depend more on historical factors, e.g., previous coverage rates, than on the present municipal situation in levels of need or local economy and politics. In an introductory part the four papers are linked together by an outline of the demographic situation and the social policy model for old-age care in Sweden. Trends that have been apparent over time, e.g. professionalisation and market orientation, are traced and discussed. Conflicts between prevailing ideologies are analysed, in regards to for instance home-based and institution-based care, social and medical culture, and local and central levels of decision-making. ’Welfare municipality’, ‘path dependency’, and ‘decentralisation’ are suggested as a conceptual framework for describing the large and increasing local variations in old-age care. Finally, implications of the four studies with regard to old-age care policy and further research are discussed.HĂ€rtill 4 uppsatser</p

    Suggestions for implementation of Statistical Process Control in Lithium-ion battery processes : A field study at Northvolt

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    Due to growing awareness of sustainable development and renewable sources of electricity, the public demand for electric cars has increased during the last decade, Lithium-ion batteries are used to power today's electric cars and the batteries are mainly produced in Asia. The need for batteries in the automobile industry in Europe has led to the birth of many new organisations, Northvolt is one of them. The mission at Northvolt is to bring lithium-ion batteries to the European market. The process of producing Lithium-ion batteries is complex and includes several sub-processes that together will generate the final product. The quality of the processes and product are important for performance as well as safety. Statistical Process Control is one way of creating and maintaining good quality. This thesis aims to describe how Statistical Process Control can be implemented in the context of Lithium-ion battery production. To answer the aim, a literature study and a field study were conducted at Northvolt labs in VÀsterÄs. The field study collected data through interviews, as well as observations on the different processes in production. A thematic analysis was conducted, the findings resulted in a framework for implementation of Statistical Process Control in the Lithium-ion battery industry. The framework has similarities with other frameworks gathered from literature on Statistical Process Control implementation but differs in some key aspects. A clear emphasis on initial focus regarding training and education is one aspect that contributes to the existing literature and a practical contribution to organisations in the batter production industry. Early focus on process definition and identification of critical-to-quality characteristics are also aspects that are emphasised in the developed framework. The emphasize on these factors are connected to the complexity of the processes of the Lithium-ion battery production

    Home care in Sweden

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    OmsorgstjÀnster för Àldre och funktionshindrade: skilda villkor, skilda trender?

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    Care services for elderly and disabled persons: different conditions, different trends? Care services for disabled and elderly persons are essential parts of the Nordic welfare states. While these services are often not separated in statistics and research, a comparison of the two services reveals substantial differences in the case of Sweden. This article focuses the recent developments of Swedish elder care and disability care; the changing roles of the state, the family and the market; and the consequences of the changes for all parties concerned: the elderly and disabled persons, their next of kin and the care staff. The analysis shows that the financial resources for elder care have declined in relation to the increasing number of old people, while the resources for disability care have increased substantially. The coverage of services has decreased among elderly people and increased among the younger. The care workers in elder care and disability care report very different working conditions regarding their workload and the possibility to meet the needs of the care recipients. Private providers (mainly for-profit companies) of publicly financed care services have enlarged their share in both services, but are far more common in disability care than in elder care. The boundary line between formal and informal care has changed in both groups, but partly in opposite directions. There is a trend of informalisation among elderly people with larger as well as smaller care needs, especially among elderly with lower education. Among less disabled younger persons there is a similar trend of informalisation, while there is an opposite trend towards more formal care services among disabled persons with large needs of assistance and support. In relation to the Nordic welfare state model, care services for elderly and for disabled people in Sweden seem to be moving in different directions. An increasing number of disabled people with extensive care needs can lead their lives with greater autonomy and less family dependency than previously. Among frail elderly people, decreasing public support and increasing, often coerced, family dependency, might instead be a sign of a departure from the Nordic model
