16 research outputs found

    Live Poultry Exposures, Hong Kong and Hanoi, 2006

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    Since 1997, the largest epidemic of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) ever recorded has caused 172 human and several billion bird deaths. Recently administered questionnaires determined that live poultry exposures have declined by ≈63% in Hong Kong since 2004 and that, in Vietnam, domestic backyard exposures to poultry are likely more important than retail exposures

    HierarchyNet : learning to summarize source code with heterogeneous representations

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    Code representation is important to machine learning models in the code-related applications. Existing code summarization approaches primarily leverage Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) and sequential information from source code to generate code summaries while often overlooking the critical consideration of the interplay of dependencies among code elements and code hierarchy. However, effective summarization necessitates a holistic analysis of code snippets from three distinct aspects: lexical, syntactic, and semantic information. In this paper, we propose a novel code summarization approach utilizing Heterogeneous Code Representations (HCRs) and our specially designed HierarchyNet. HCRs adeptly capture essential code features at lexical, syntactic, and semantic levels within a hierarchical structure. HierarchyNet processes each layer of the HCR separately, employing a Heterogeneous Graph Transformer, a Tree-based CNN, and a Transformer Encoder. In addition, HierarchyNet demonstrates superior performance compared to fine-tuned pre-trained models, including CodeT5, and CodeBERT, as well as large language models that employ zero/few-shot settings, such as CodeLlama, StarCoder, and CodeGen. Implementation details can be found at https://github.com/FSoft-AI4Code/HierarchyNet

    Physical Layer Secrecy Performance over Rayleigh/Rician Fading Channels

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    In this paper, we investigate the physical layer secrecy performance of a single-input single-output system that consists of single antenna devices and operates in the presence of a single antenna passive eavesdropper over dissimilar fading channels. In particular, we consider two scenarios in terms of dissimilar fading channel arrangements: 1) The legal/illegal channels are subject to Rayleigh/Rician fading, respectively; 2) The legal/illegal channels are subject to Rician/Rayleigh fading, respectively. Specifically, analytical expressions for the probability of the existence of a non-zero secrecy capacity and the secrecy outage probability are derived by using statistical characteristics of the signal-to-noise ratio. Numerical results are provided for selected scenarios to illustrate applications of the developed analytical expressions

    Cost effectiveness of tobacco control policies in Vietnam: The case of population-level interventions

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    Tobacco smoking is one of the leading public health problems in the world. It is also possible to prevent and/or reduce the harm from tobacco use through the use of cost-effective tobacco control measures. However, most of this evidence comes from developed countries and little research has been conducted on this issue in developing countries.The objective of this study was to analyse the cost effectiveness of four population-level tobacco control interventions in Vietnam.Four tobacco control interventions were evaluated: excise tax increase; graphic warning labels on cigarette packs; mass media campaigns; and smoking bans (in public or in work places). A multi-state life table model was constructed in Microsoft® Excel to examine the cost effectiveness of the tobacco control intervention options. A government perspective was adopted, with costing conducted using a bottom-up approach. Health improvement was considered in terms of disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) averted. All assumptions were subject to sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.All the interventions fell within the definition of being very cost effective according to the threshold level suggested by the WHO (i.e

    On the Inhibitability of Natural Products Isolated from Tetradium ruticarpum towards Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and α-Glucosidase (3W37): An In Vitro and In Silico Study

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    Folk experiences suggest natural products in Tetradium ruticarpum can be effective inhibitors towards diabetes-related enzymes. The compounds were experimentally isolated, structurally elucidated, and tested in vitro for their inhibition effects on tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) and α-glucosidase (3W37). Density functional theory and molecular docking techniques were utilized as computational methods to predict the stability of the ligands and simulate interaction between the studied inhibitory agents and the targeted proteins. Structural elucidation identifies two natural products: 2-heptyl-1-methylquinolin-4-one (1) and 3-[4-(4-methylhydroxy-2-butenyloxy)-phenyl]-2-propenol (2). In vitro study shows that the compounds (1 and 2) possess high potentiality for the inhibition of PTP1B (IC50 values of 24.3 ± 0.8, and 47.7 ± 1.1 μM) and α-glucosidase (IC50 values of 92.1 ± 0.8, and 167.4 ± 0.4 μM). DS values and the number of interactions obtained from docking simulation highly correlate with the experimental results yielded. Furthermore, in-depth analyses of the structure–activity relationship suggest significant contributions of amino acids Arg254 and Arg676 to the conformational distortion of PTP1B and 3W37 structures overall, thus leading to the deterioration of their enzymatic activity observed in assay-based experiments. This study encourages further investigations either to develop appropriate alternatives for diabetes treatment or to verify the role of amino acids Arg254 and Arg676

    Measuring health literacy in Asia: Validation of the HLS-EU-Q47 survey tool in six Asian countries

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    BACKGROUND: Health literacy has been increasingly recognized as one of the most important social determinants for health. However, an appropriate and comprehensive assessment tool is not available in many Asian countries. This study validates a comprehensive health literacy survey tool European health literacy questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q47) for the general public in several Asian countries. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey based on multistage random sampling in the target countries. A total of 10,024 participants aged ≥15 years were recruited during 2013-2014 in Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The questionnaire was translated into local languages to measure general health literacy and its three domains. To evaluate the validity of the tool in these countries, data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency analysis, and regression analysis. RESULTS: The questionnaire was shown to have good construct validity, satisfactory goodness-of-fit of the data to the hypothetical model in three health literacy domains, high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha >0.90), satisfactory item-scale convergent validity (item-scale correlation ≥0.40), and no floor/ceiling effects in these countries. General health literacy index score was significantly associated with level of education (P from <0.001 to 0.011) and perceived social status (P from <0.001 to 0.016), with evidence of known-group validity. CONCLUSIONS: The HLS-EU-Q47 was a satisfactory and comprehensive health literacy survey tool for use in Asia. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Validation of the Job Content Questionnaire among hospital nurses in Vietnam

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) in Vietnamese among hospital nursing staff. METHODS: The 22-items version of the JCQ was used. This includes four scales: (a) psychological demands (5 items); (b) job control (9 items); (c) supervisor support (4 items); and (d) coworker support (4 items). All 1258 nurses in a general hospital in Vietnam, excluding 11 who were due to retire, were invited to complete the cross-sectional survey. The internal consistency reliability was estimated using Cronbach's α. Construct validity was examined using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Convergent validity was evaluated by calculating correlations between the JCQ scores and DASS 21 and overtime work. RESULTS: In total, 949 (75%) of the 1258 eligible nurses completed the survey. Cronbach's α values demonstrated acceptable internal consistency in two scales (supervisor support α = .87; coworker support α = .86), while Cronbach's α was below the acceptable threshold of 0.70 for job control (α = .45) and job demand (α = .50). EFA assuming a four-factor structure showed a factor structure that was almost identical to the original JCQ, with two items loading on other scales. The subscales of depression, anxiety, and stress response of DASS 21 and the subscales of JCQ were significantly correlated, as expected. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the JCQ in Vietnamese can be used with some reliability and validity for examining psychosocial work environment among nurses. Further studies should be done to confirm and expand our findings in a variety of occupational groups and in other Asian low- and middle-income countries