39 research outputs found


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    Tho Chu archipelago was formed by sedimentary rocks (176 metres in height) with horizontal position. The islands are limited by the abraded slopes and landslide disruption. The shoreline morphology is cliffs, abrasion and boulders with good size, low abrasion, and little change. Vegetation of island is still in the primary condition. The average depth of Tho Chu archipelago is about 20 - 30 m with canyons of -96 m and several underwater hills which are covered by coral reefs. The characteristics of seabed sediment are mostly kinds of coarse - grained sediments such as gravelly sand (gS), slightly gravelly muddy sand ((g)mS), muddy sand (mS), mud (M).Quần đảo Thổ Chu được cấu tạo bởi các đá trầm tích (cao 176 m), có thế nằm ngang. Xung quanh đảo được giới hạn các sườn dốc mài mòn và đỗ vỡ sụp lở. Hình thái đường bờ là các vách dốc, mài mòn và các tảng lăn với kích thước khá lớn, bị mài mòn yếu, ít bị thay đổi, thảm thực vật trên đảo còn nguyên sinh. Độ sâu trung bình quần đảo Thổ Chu khoảng 20 - 30 m, có rãnh sâu có độ sâu -96 m và có rất nhiều đồi ngầm phần lớn được phủ san hô. Đặc điểm trầm tích tầng mặt được phủ bởi các kiểu trầm tích hạt thô: Cát chứa graven, cát chứa bùn sét (và graven), cát chứa bùn sét, bùn sét

    Impact factors of knowledge sharing intention of it employees in Vietnam – An integrated approach

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    In the knowledge era, knowledge sharing has been becoming an essential issue to knowledge-based organizations, such as IT businesses. However, knowledge sharing among workers in IT organizations is not efficient in reality. Especially, in a developing country like Vietnam, there is a lack of research in this topic. Therefore, this research tries to identify and to measure the impact of those factors on the knowledge sharing intention of employees in the IT industry. Unlike previous studies, this research integrated factors of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and other factors of the organization environment and ICT to explore their impacts on knowledge sharing intention. Using Convenience sampling method, 257 valid samplings were collected from organizations in IT industry in HCMC. The scale was tested by Cronbach’s Alpha, EFA analysis methods. Based on regression analysis, the factor affecting knowledge sharing intention of employees was sorted by descending order, including: affiliation and innovativeness in an organization, attitude towards knowledge and subjective norms, perceived behavioral control. Besides, the knowledge sharing intention of employees is also indirectly affected by factors: anticipated reciprocal relationship and fairness in organization and support of ICT. The results of the ANOVA analysis show that there is a marked difference in knowledge sharing intention between managers and employees. Based on these results, some suggestions for facilitating knowledge sharing between employees in IT industry are proposed

    Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm For Clustered Minimum Routing Cost Problem

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    Minimum Routing Cost Clustered Tree Problem (CluMRCT) is applied in various fields in both theory and application. Because the CluMRCT is NP-Hard, the approximate approaches are suitable to find the solution for this problem. Recently, Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm (MFEA) has emerged as one of the most efficient approximation algorithms to deal with many different kinds of problems. Therefore, this paper studies to apply MFEA for solving CluMRCT problems. In the proposed MFEA, we focus on crossover and mutation operators which create a valid solution of CluMRCT problem in two levels: first level constructs spanning trees for graphs in clusters while the second level builds a spanning tree for connecting among clusters. To reduce the consuming resources, we will also introduce a new method of calculating the cost of CluMRCT solution. The proposed algorithm is experimented on numerous types of datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, partially on large instance

    Status of the shore area from Tiengiang to Camau: causes of accumulation and erosion

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    The paper presents some results of the research programs which had been performed during 1996-1999 (“Studying of river-sea interaction in the mouth of Tien river” and KHCN.06.08). Based on these results the morphological schemes of the shore areas from Tiengiang to Camau were compiled; causes and mechanics of accumulation and erosion were also determined. These results may be used as scientific basis for forecasting the development of the shoreline, it will contribute to the management, protection and reasonable exploitation the shore areas


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    Hoi An is a famous tourist city in Central Vietnam with Cua Dai beach which is a long beautiful swimming beach. In recent years, tourism of the city is developing very fast. The southern part of Cua Dai beach was covered by many resorts which were located close to the beach and protected by hard structures such as seawall, revetment, groin,… At present, all properties closed to the beach and hard protection structures of resort system were destroyed by wave action. And the northern part of Cua Dai beach (public beach) was seriously eroded and has been protected by “Soft structure”. Cua Dai coast erosion problem becomes the hot topic in communication system from central to local governments and it becomes the big concern of Vietnamese and international scientists. This paper presents the initial study results of Cua Dai beach erosion features. Study results show that Cua Dai beach erosion/deposition phenomenon occurred for a long time but the rate of accretion was larger than that of erosion. From the year of 2000 to present the rate of erosion was larger than that of accretion. The main causes of Cua Dai beach erosion are the interaction between hard protection structures and wave action, dredging operation in Thu Bon river mouth... which reduced the longshore sediment transport rate from Thu Bon river mouth to eroded beach


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    Application of remote sensing and GIS (Geographic Information System) technologies found that: Fluctuation process of shoreline in O Loan lagoon became evident, through which a general picture of the shoreline development in a long time from 1965 - 2014 has been launched. The process of erosion - accretion evolutions occurred time by time. In which, the period from 1965 - 1995 was the process of erosion - accretion and gradual northward movement of O Loan lagoon inlet, with erosion area greater than deposition area. The period after 1995 was the process of erosion and An Hai inlet opening during rainy season, coincident with northeast monsoon and typhoon activity; and the process of accretion and An Hai inlet closing during dry season, coincident with southwest monsoon.Trên cơ sở ứng dụng công nghệ viễn thám và GIS (hệ thông tin địa lý) cho thấy: Quá trình biến động của đường bờ biển khu vực đầm Ô Loan được thể hiện rõ rệt, qua đó đã đưa ra bức tranh tổng quát về quá trình phát triển của đường bờ, trong một thời gian dài từ năm 1965 - 2014. Các quá trình xói lở - bồi tụ diễn biến theo thời gian. Trong đó, thời kỳ từ năm 1965 - 1995 là các quá trình xói lở - bồi tụ và dịch chuyển cửa biển đầm Ô Loan dần lên phía bắc, với diện tích bị xói lở lớn hơn diện tích được bồi tụ. Thời kỳ từ sau năm 1995 đến nay là quá trình xói lở và mở cửa biển An Hải chủ yếu xảy ra vào mùa mưa, trùng với thời kỳ gió mùa Đông Bắc và bão hoạt động, còn bồi lấp cửa biển xảy ra vào mùa khô, trùng với thời kỳ gió mùa Tây Nam


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    This paper has focused on analyzing morphological change features of Nha Trang Beach based on the comparison of different beach profiles which were measured from July 2008 to September 2016 corresponding to the Northeast and Southwest monsoons. Additionally, the sediment transport balance was estimated by the method of equity value curve. Studied results show that the beach profiles were accreted and eroded during Southwest and Northeast monsoons respectively, but due to the shortage of materials supply, the beach has the narrowing trend. In this paper, some effects of the existing works in Nha Trang Beach such as Vinpearl, Navy Port, and hydro-dams in upstream area of Cai river have been also analyzed for estimating sedimentary supply to beach segments.Bài báo phân tích đặc điểm biến đổi hình thái địa hình bãi biển Nha Trang trên cơ sở so sánh các trắc diện địa hình bãi biển, với số liệu đo đạc từ tháng 7/2008 đến tháng 9/2016, cụ thể vào các thời kỳ gió mùa Đông Bắc và gió mùa Tây Nam tại các vị trí cố định. Đồng thời, cán cân trầm tích được tính toán và phân tích bằng phương pháp đường cong đẳng giá trị. Kết quả cho thấy, bãi biển được bồi tụ vào mùa gió Tây Nam và bị xói lở vào mùa gió Đông Bắc. Tuy nhiên, do thiếu hụt bồi tích nên bãi biển có xu thế thu hẹp. Bài báo còn phân tích một số ảnh hưởng của các công trình hiện diện tại bãi biển Nha Trang, như cầu cảng Vinpearl, cảng Hải Quân và các đập chắn trên lưu vực sông Cái khi xét đến nguồn cung cấp vật liệu bồi tích

    Crystal structure and Hirshfield surface analysis of 4-phenyl-3-(thio-phen-3-ylmeth-yl)-1<i>H</i>-1,2,4-triazole-5(4<i>H</i>)-thione.

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    In the title compound, C13H11N3S2, the phenyl ring is twisted from the 1,2,4-triazole plane by 63.35 (9)° and by 47.35 (9)° from the thio-phene plane. In the crystal, chains of mol-ecules running along the c-axis direction are formed by N-H⋯S inter-actions [graph-set motif C(4)]. The 1,2,4-triazole and phenyl rings are involved in π-π stacking inter-actions [centroid-centroid distance = 3.4553 (10) Å]. The thio-phene ring is involved in C-H⋯S and C-H⋯π inter-actions. The inter-molecular inter-actions in the crystal packing were further analysed using Hirshfield surface analysis, which indicates that the most significant contacts are H⋯H (35.8%), followed by S⋯H/H⋯S (26.7%) and C⋯H/H⋯C (18.2%)

    Lung Volume Reduction Surgery in Patients with Heterogenous Emphysema: Selecting Perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) was introduced to alleviate clinical conditions in selected patients with heterogenous emphysema. Clarifying the most suitable patients for LVRS remained unclear. AIM: This study was undertaken to specifically analyze the preoperative factor affecting to LVRS. METHODS: The prospective study was conducted at 103 Military Hospital between July 2014 and April 2016. Severe heterogenous emphysema patients were selected to participate in the study. The information, spirometry, and body plethysmographic pulmonary function tests in 31 patients who underwent LVRS were compared with postoperative outcomes (changing in FEV1 and CAT scale). RESULTS: Of the 31 patients, there was statistically significant difference in the outcome of functional capacity, lung function between two groups (FEV1 ≤ 50% and &gt; 50%) (∆FEV1: 22.46 vs 18.32%; p = 0.042. ∆CAT: 6.85 vs 5.07; p = 0.048). Changes of the FEV1 and CAT scale were no statistically significant differences in three groups residual volume. Patients with total lung capacity &lt; 140% had more improved than others (∆FEV1: 23.81 vs 15.1%; p = 0.031). CONCLUSION: Preoperative spirometry and body plethysmographic pulmonary function tests were useful measures to selected severe heterogenous emphysema patients for LVRS. Patients with FEV1 ≤ 50%, TLC in the range of 100-140% should be selected