39 research outputs found

    The potential contributions of concept maps for learning website to assessment for learning practices

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the promising contributions of the Concept Maps for Learning (CMfL) website to assessment for learning practices. The CMfL website generates concept maps from relatedness degree of concepts pairs through the Pathfinder Scaling Algorithm. This website also confirms the established principles of effective assessment for learning, for it is capable of automatically assessing students’ higher order knowledge, simultaneously identifying strengths and weaknesses, immediately providing useful feedback and being user-friendly. According to the default assessment plan, students first create concept maps on a particular subject and then they are given individualized visual feedback followed by associated instructional material (e.g., videos, website links, examples, problems, etc.) based on a comparison of their concept map and a subject matter expert’s map. After studying the feedback and instructional material, teachers can monitor their students’ progress by having them create revised concept maps. Therefore, we claim that the CMfL website may reduce the workload of teachers as well as provide immediate and delayed feedback on the weaknesses of students in different forms such as graphical and multimedia. For the following study, we will examine whether these promising contributions to assessment for learning are valid in a variety of subjects

    Exploring the Mobile Structural Assessment Tool: Concept Maps for Learning Website

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    In this paper, we describe how the pathfinder algorithm converts relatedness ratings of concept pairs to concept maps; we also present how this algorithm has been used to develop the Concept Maps for Learning website (www.conceptmapsforlearning.com) based on the principles of effective formative assessment. The pathfinder networks, one of the network representation tools, claim to help more students memorize and recall the relations between concepts than spatial representation tools (such as Multi- Dimensional Scaling). Therefore, the pathfinder networks have been used in various studies on knowledge structures, including identifying students’ misconceptions. To accomplish this, each student’s knowledge map and the expert knowledge map are compared via the pathfinder software, and the differences between these maps are highlighted. After misconceptions are identified, the pathfinder software fails to provide any feedback on these misconceptions. To overcome this weakness, we have been developing a mobile-based concept mapping tool providing visual, textual and remedial feedback (ex. videos, website links and applets) on the concept relations. This information is then placed on the expert concept map, but not on the student’s concept map. Additionally, students are asked to note what they understand from given feedback, and given the opportunity to revise their knowledge maps after receiving various types of feedback.En este artículo se describe cómo el algoritmo de búsqueda de ruta convierte puntajes de conceptos pareados en mapas conceptuales. También se presenta cómo este algoritmo ha sido utilizado para desarrollar estos mapas conceptuales para aprendizaje (www.conceptmapsforlearning.com) basados en los principios del aseguramiento formativo efectivo. Las redes de búsqueda de ruta, una de las herramientas de representación de redes, ayudan a memorizar a los estudiantes y enunciar las relaciones entre mapas más que las herramientas de expresión espacial (tales como el escalonamiento multidimensional). Por tanto, las redes de búsqueda de rutas han sido usadas en varios estudios de estructura del conocimiento incluyendo la identificación de malos conceptos usados por los estudiantes. Para lograr esto, cada mapa de conocimiento tanto del estudiante como del experto son comparados vía el software de búsqueda de ruta y se remarcan las diferencias entre éstos. Después que los malos conceptos son identificados, el software de búsqueda falla en entregar una retroalimentación en estos nodos conceptuales. Para superar esta debilidad, se desarrolla una herramienta de mapa conceptual móvil que manda retroalimentaciones visuales, textuales y remediales (e.g. vídeos, enlaces a páginas web y applets) en las relaciones de los conceptos. Adicionalmente, los estudiantes son preguntados acerca de qué entienden de la retroalimentación brindada y se les da la oportunidad de revisar sus mapas de conocimiento después de recibir varios tipos de retroalimentación

    Making Interdisciplinary Collaboration Work: Key Ideas, a Case Study and Lessons Learned

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    This article discusses the ‘lessons learned’ from an attempt to establish an interdisciplinary education research group. The growth, development and dissolution of the group are treated as an instrumental case study. Current literature on interdisciplinary collaboration is synthesized in order to provide a frame for analysis. Data was collected over several years and included three rounds of written participant reflections and documentation of group activities and meetings. Five major themes arose from the research, covering issues such as disciplinary diversity, common ground, interpersonal relationships, career pressures, and the need for concrete problems and tangible progress. Based on these themes, a number of ‘lessons learned’ are discussed which will likely be of great interest to those considering similar interdisciplinary initiatives.Cet article discute des «leçons apprises» d’une tentative visant l’établissement d’un groupe de recherche sur l’enseignement interdisciplinaire. La croissance, le développement et la dissolution du groupe sont présentés comme une étude de cas déterminante. Les ouvrages actuels portant sur la collaboration interdisciplinaire sont synthétisés de sorte à produire un cadre pour l’analyse. La collecte des données s’est étendue sur plusieurs années et a impliqué trois cycles de réflexions écrites par les participants et de documentation des activités de groupe et des réunions. Cinq grands thèmes ont découlé de la recherche, portant sur des questions comme la diversité disciplinaire, le terrain d’entente, les relations interpersonnelles, les pressions professionnelles, et le besoin de problèmes concrets et de progrès tangibles. À partir de ces thèmes, on discute de plusieurs «leçons apprises» qui intéresseront sans doute ceux qui envisagent des initiatives interdisciplinaires similaires

    Designing and Operationalizing a Toolkit of Bilingual Interprofessional Education Assessment Instruments

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    This article addresses one of the most important unresolved issues of interprofessional education (IPE): assessment. Here we describe our process and experiences designing and operationalizing a toolkit of qualitative and quantitative IPE assessment instruments for online and face-to-face education programs developed concurrently in both English and French. The toolkit includes a) the quantitative W(e)Learn program evaluation survey, which aligns with the W(e)Learn framework, b) the quantitative Interprofessional Collaborative Competencies Attainment Survey (ICCAS), to self-assess competency development in collaborative practice using a post-post design, and c) qualitative team and learner contracts, with explanatory exemplars, that serve as both learning and assessment tools. These instruments are currently undergoing validation in hopes of a) increasing the likelihood that IPE experiences are planned and delivered effectively and b) increasing the justification and accountability of IPE experiences and practical outcomes. Although this validation process will continue for some time, the development of the IPE assessment tools is worthy of particular attention in order to guide further work in this field. French and English copies of the toolkit assessments can be downloaded from http://ennovativesolution.com/WeLearn/IPE-Instruments.html. Although these instruments were designed with interprofessional healthcare teams in mind, we feel they could readily be transferable to a variety of interdisciplinary tasks and settings, such as social work and human services education