23 research outputs found

    Characterising wood properties for deployment of elite subtropical and tropical hardwoods.

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    Queensland has over 42,000 hectares of hardwood plantations, with 13,700 hectares currently managed for sawn timber and high-value products. Previously, a major impediment to expansion of the hardwood sawn timber and high-value products industry in Queensland was that improved varieties of the key subtropical and tropical species were not available for plantation establishment. Trees from earlier projects, such as Hardwoods Queensland and the Private Plantations Initiative, have now reached an age where selection for growth, form and wood properties is possible. The current project used non-destructive and destructive wood evaluation techniques to characterise the timber quality of 443 subtropical and tropical Corymbia and Eucalyptus trees in these plantings, allowing selection of trees with the best growth, form and wood properties under Queensland conditions. Ecological assessments were also undertaken in the Corymbia plantings to identify germplasm that posed minimal risk of gene flow into native forests. Elite varieties are being fast tracked for deployment in Queensland using economical systems for germplasm capture and nursery production. The project identified and captured 108 new Corymbia and Eucalyptus varieties that can be grown with confidence in Queensland over a shorter rotation length and which produce well-characterised high-quality hardwood timber

    Application of heavy-quark effective theory to lattice QCD: III. Radiative corrections to heavy-heavy currents

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    We apply heavy-quark effective theory (HQET) to separate long- and short-distance effects of heavy quarks in lattice gauge theory. In this paper we focus on flavor-changing currents that mediate transitions from one heavy flavor to another. We stress differences in the formalism for heavy-light currents, which are discussed in a companion paper, showing how HQET provides a systematic matching procedure. We obtain one-loop results for the matching factors of lattice currents, needed for heavy-quark phenomenology, such as the calculation of zero-recoil form factors for the semileptonic decays BD()lνB\to D^{(*)}l\nu. Results for the Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie scale qq^* are also given.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figures. Program LatHQ2QCD to compute matching one-loop coefficients available at http://theory.fnal.gov/people/kronfeld/LatHQ2QCD

    Application of heavy-quark effective theory to lattice QCD: II. Radiative corrections to heavy-light currents

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    We apply heavy-quark effective theory to separate long- and short-distance effects of heavy quarks in lattice gauge theory. In this approach, the inverse heavy-quark mass and the lattice spacing are treated as short distances, and their effects are lumped into short-distance coefficients. We show how to use this formalism to match lattice gauge theory to continuum QCD, order by order in the heavy-quark expansion. In this paper, we focus on heavy-light currents. In particular, we obtain one-loop results for the matching factors of lattice currents, needed for heavy-quark phenomenology, such as the calculation of heavy-light decay constants, and heavy-to-light transition form factors. Results for the Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie scale qq^* are also given.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures. v2 corrects Eqs. (4.9) and (4.10) and adds a reference. Program LatHQ2QCD to compute matching one-loop coefficients available at http://theory.fnal.gov/people/kronfeld/LatHQ2QCD

    Clonal propagation and storage of subtropical pines in Queensland, Australia

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    Clonal forestry is the approach used for deployment of Pinus elliottii x P. caribaea hybrids in Queensland, Australia. Clonal forestry relies on the ability to maintain juvenility of stock plants while selections are made in field tests, so that genetic gains are not eroded by the effects of stock plant maturation. Two parallel approaches are employed in Queensland to maintain juvenility of clonal material. Firstly, the ortet and several ramets of each clone are maintained as archive hedges <20-cm height for the duration of field tests. Secondly, shoots from archive hedges are stored in tissue culture at low temperature and low irradiance to slow growth and slow maturation. Once the best clones have been identified, production hedges are derived from both archive hedges and tissue culture shoots. About 6 million rooted cuttings are produced annually, representing almost the entire planting program of Pinus in subtropical Queensland

    In vitro propagation of Corymbia torelliana x C. citriodora (Myrtaceae) via cytokinin-free node culture

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    Hybrids between Corymbia torelliana (F.Muell.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson and C. citriodora subsp. variegata (F.Muell.) A.R.Bean & M.W.McDonald are used extensively to establish forestry plantations in subtropical Australia. Methods were developed for in vitro seed germination, shoot multiplication and plantlet formation that could be used to establish in vitro and ex vitro clone banks of juvenile Corymbia hybrids. Effects of sodium hypochlorite concentration and exposure time on seed contamination and germination, and effects of cytokinin and auxin concentrations on shoot multiplication and subsequent rooting, were assessed. A two-step surface sterilisation procedure, involving 70% ethanol followed by 1% sodium hypochlorite, provided almost no contamination and at least 88% germination. A novel method of cytokinin-free node culture proved most effective for in vitro propagation. Lateral bud break of primary shoots was difficult to induce by using cytokinin, but primary shoots rooted prolifically, elongated rapidly and produced multiple nodes in the absence of exogenous cytokinin. Further multiplication was obtained either by elongating lateral shoots of nodal explants in cytokinin-free medium or by inducing organogenic callus and axillary shoot proliferation with 2.2 µm benzyladenine. Plantlets were produced using an in vitro soil-less method that provided extensive rooting in sterile propagation mixture. These methods provide a means for simultaneous laboratory storage and field-testing of clones before selection and multiplication of desired genotypes

    Propagation of Wollemi pine from tip cuttings and lower segment cuttings does not require rooting hormones

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    Domestication of the recently discovered and highly endangered Wollemi pine has relied almost entirely upon serial propagation of cuttings from a very small conservation collection. This study assessed the requirement for applied auxin to induce rooting in tip cuttings and lower segment cuttings of Wollemi pine. Both types of cuttings proved easy-to-root, with mean rooting of 71% for tip cuttings and 82% for lower segments. Auxin application (at 1.5, 3.0 or 8.0 g indole-3-butyric acid/L) did not accelerate root protrusion from propagation tubes or affect final rooting percentages

    Relationships between Indole-3-butyric Acid, Photoinhibition and Adventitious rooting of Corymbia torelliana, C. citriodora and F1 Hybrid Cuttings

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    Rooted cutting propagation is widely used for maximising tree yield, quality and uniformity in conjunction with clonal selection. Some eucalypt species are deployed as rooted cuttings but many are considered to difficult to root. This study examined IBA effects on photoinhibition, root formation, mortality and root and shoot development in cuttings of Corymbia torelliana, C. citriodora and their hybrids. IBA had little or no effect on photoinhibition but it had strong, dose-dependent effects on root formation and mortality. IBA frequently increases primary root number of rooted cutting but it did not increase total root weight, length, surface area or volume, possibly because the highest doe (8g IBA/kg IBA/kg powder) caused leaf abscission and sometimes reduced leaf area (by 55-79%)or shoot dry weight (by 40-58%). An intermediate dose (3g IBA/kg powder) most consistnely improved root formation with little or no effect on mortality or shoot development. Across the F1 hybrid families this treatment increased the number of rooted cuttings by 72-121% and more than ddoubled the number of primary roots per rooted cutting (from 1.1-1.7 roots to 3.5-4.1 roots). This simple treatment will facilitate commercial multiplication of superior individuals or selected families of C. torelliana x C. citriodora through a vegetative propagation system