236 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Potential Small-Molecule Inhibitors for S. commune Metacaspase

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    Metacaspase are proteases that are involved in the cell death pathway of fungi. A better understanding of metacaspase might be helpful in the development of the antifungal drugs. The project was a collaboration between the Fox Lab and the Kehlbeck Lab. The Fox Lab aims to elucidate the structures and the properties of five types of metacaspase enzyme in S. commune fungus. The Kehlbeck Lab, has been working on synthesizing different inhibitors for the S. commune metacaspase. Z-Arg(Pmc)-benzothiazole served has been shown to inhibit similar metacaspases in similar organisms. The project aimed to propose the most effective synthetic pathway to generate Z-Arg(Pmc)-benzothiazole that would ideally allow us to explore other related inhibitors. This project focused on studying the direct one-way synthesis pathway from a carboxylic acid and heteroaryl halides. Several model reactions with different R-groups were tested and analyzed by NMR and GC-MS to study the effectiveness of the synthesis pathway. The model reaction using Z-Ala-OH gave the most promising NMR data. The NMR result suggested that a new compound, which was different from the starting materials, had been synthesized. In the near future, the synthesis method will be studied using different model reactions to compare how it works on structures with different R-groups. The final goal of the research is to make a library of different inhibitors for S.commune metacaspase.https://digitalworks.union.edu/steinmetz_posters/1014/thumbnail.jp


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    Pengusaha telah berkontribusi banyak tidak hanya untuk ekonomi suatu negara tetapi juga menciptakan banyak perubahan dalam kehidupan orang-orang. Baru-baru ini, kewirausahaan telah menjadi topik yang sedang hangat dibahas oleh akademisi, pengusaha, dan pemerintah di Indonesia. Ada begitu banyak penelitian tentang kewirausahaan dalam hal karakteristik pribadi, motivasi pribadi, perilaku yang direncanakan, dll. Namun, faktor-faktor yang memutuskan keputusan seseorang untuk memulai usaha masih belum sepenuhnya diketahui. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji apakah pendidikan kewirausahaan, pengalaman kewirausahaan, dan kreativitas mempengaruhi niat kewirausahaan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, regresi berganda, ANOVA, uji parsial, dan simultan. Hasil dari 266 mahasiswa Administrasi Bisnis angkatan 2015 dan 2016 di Universitas Telkom ditemukan bahwa pendidikan kewirausahaan mempengaruhi keinginan siswa untuk menjadi wirausaha, sementara pengalaman tidak tampak menjadi penentu pengaruh. Di sisi lain, kreativitas sangat mempengaruhi siswa dalam mengejar kegiatan kewirausahaan. Kreativitas sangat terlibat dalam niat kewirausahaan dan siswa yang telah terlibat dalam mata kuliah Kewirausahaan memiliki niat yang lebih tinggi untuk memulai usaha baru. Oleh karena itu, Program Administrasi Bisnis perlu meningkatkan kwalitas mata kuliah kewirausahaan dan kreativitas & Inovasi. Kata Kunci: Kreativitas, Niat Berwirausaha, Pendidikan Kewirausahaan, Pengalaman Wirausaha

    Threshold Ring Signature Scheme from Cryptographic Group Actions

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    Impacts of Compaction Load and Procedure on Stress-Deformation Behaviors of a Soil Geosynthetic Composite (SGC) Mass—A Case Study

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    Fill compaction in the construction of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) mass is typically performed by operating a vibratory or roller compactor, which in turns imposed a compaction load in direction perpendicular to the wall face. The compaction process resulted in the development of the so-called compaction-induced stress (CIS), which may subsequently increase the stiffness and strength of the fill material. Compaction process is normally simulated using one of the following compaction procedures—(i) a uniformly distributed load acting on the top surface of each soil lift, (ii) a uniformly distributed load acting on the top and bottom surface of each soil lift, and (iii) a moving strip load with different width. Uncertainties such as compaction procedures, compaction and surcharge loads led to the disparity in studying the mechanism of GRS mass. This paper aimed to study the impact of compaction load, compaction procedure, surcharge load and CIS on the stress-deformation behavior of GRS mass via the simulation of a 2 m high Soil Geosynthetic Composite (SGC) mass and a 6 m high GRS mass. The results were examined in terms of reinforcement strains, wall lateral displacements, and net CIS. Results from the analysis show the important impacts of compaction conditions on the stress-deformation behavior of SGC mass and the CIS

    Mechanical Responses of Soil-Geosynthetic Composite (SGC) Mass under Failure Load

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    There is an increasing awareness on the major benefits of using soil-geosynthetic composite (SGC) to achieve and maintain the stability of earth-filled embankment. Unlike the mechanically stabilized earth wall, the mechanism of the composite mass is still not fully understood. For examples, current analyses have been limited to an SGC mass with a reinforcement spacing Sv of 0.2 m only; the combined effect of reinforcement and backfill properties is rarely studied; the equation for the estimation of the load-carrying capacity of the SGC mass has only been validated for backfill with maximum particle size dmax between 10 mm and 33 mm and an Sv/dmax ratio between 6 and 20. The consequences of backfill compaction on an SGC mass with different reinforcement spacings are yet to be validated and whether the load-carrying capacity equation would still be applicable for materials with properties falling outside the above ranges. Through the simulation and validation of a field scale SGC mass, this study aims to assess the influence of various reinforcement and backfill parameters on the mechanical responses of a large-scale experimental SGC mass under its working load and failure conditions; the results are presented in terms of the wrapped face lateral displacement, reinforcement axial strain, and load-carrying capacity


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    Objective: The purpose of this work was to develop and validate a novel HPLC-UV method using triethylamine (TEA) as a volatile buffer for simultaneous determination of amlodipine besylate (AML) and atorvastatin calcium (ATV).Methods: System suitability, linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), selectivity, accuracy, and precision was validated using Hitachi L-2000 system with detector: DAD L-2455 at a detected wavelength of 245 nm. Stationary phase: Phenomenex Luna RP-C18 (250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 µm) and mobile phase: acetonitrile-methanol-TEA pH 4.0 (ratio 52:18:30 v/v/v) were used. Samples' volume of 20 µl was run at room temperature with the flow rate at 1 ml/min.Results: The linearity demonstrated good correlation in the concentration range at 2-40 ppm and 4-80 ppm for AML and ATV, respectively. The method was repeatable with relative standard deviation (RSD) of the intermediate precision test less than 1%. The recovery rate was 100.03% and 99.58% for AML and ATV, respectively. The method was also validated for dissolution studies with excellent compatibility.Conclusion: A new, simple and easy HPLC-UV method was successfully developed and validated for the determination of AML and ATV in both quantification test and dissolution test.Keywords: Amlodipine, Atorvastatin, Simultaneous, Dissolution, HPLC, Quantification, Volatile buffe

    Destination brand and tourism business brands in Binh Thuan province, Vietnam

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    The consistency between a destination brand (DB) and tourism business brands (TBBs) has been acknowledged as pivotal in destination brand management (DBM). Recent research suggests that consistency should be a synergy of a DB and TBBs and that consistency could be guaranteed if stakeholders are fully involved through the whole process of the DB creation and development. However, research which goes beyond theoretical suggestions is lacking. To fill the research gap, this thesis seeks to address two related research aims: (1) To assess the consistency between the DB and TBBs in Binh Thuan province; (2) To examine the process of DB creation and development in Binh Thuan province, the involvement of tourism business stakeholders in this, and the influence of this process on consistency. In doing so, this thesis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the consistency in relation to the nature of DB, the DBM, and the involvement/buy-in of tourism stakeholders. This thesis, drawing on the literature of DBs and the recent developments in DBM and stakeholders‟ buy-in, develops a conceptual framework and applies it in Binh Thuan (BT), Vietnam. The first phase examines the brand-related information projected in marketing materials of BT‟s DB and 87 TBBs. The consistency between the DB and the TBBs is assessed through the use of content analysis. To seek an explanation for the resulting patterns of consistency, 29 in-depth interviews of business managers who managed the TBBs, and two interviews with destination marketing organisations‟ (DMOs) representatives were coded into prominent themes using an analytical framework developed by the researcher. The study found that the consistency between the DB and TBBs varied according to businesses. Among the brand elements, selling points and target markets were the most consistent. However, the most competitive values reflected through slogans varied among TBBs. This study found that the DB is the outcome of a long-term process in which the destination core values play an important role for building the DB identity, underpinning all of the following components of the DB, influencing the integration of TBBs into the DB architecture, and TBBs‟ consistency with the DB. The study found that if stakeholders are fully involved in the whole process of DB creation and development, their brands are likely to be very consistent with the DB

    Abacavir methanol 2.5-solvate

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    The structure of abacavir (systematic name: {(1S,4R)-4-[2-amino-6-(cyclo­propyl­amino)-9H-purin-9-yl]cyclo­pent-2-en-1-yl}methanol), C14H18N6O·2.5CH3OH, consists of hydrogen-bonded ribbons which are further held together by additional hydrogen bonds involving the hydroxyl group and two N atoms on an adjacent purine. The asymmetric unit also contains 2.5 mol­ecules of methanol solvate which were grossly disordered and were excluded using SQUEEZE subroutine in PLATON [Spek, (2009 ▶). Acta Cryst. D65, 148–155]

    Vietnam's socioeconomic status influence on the passport power

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    Passports are indeed becoming increasingly important in our interconnected world. As the world becomes more interconnected through trade, travel, and digital communication, the need for international travel has grown. Passports are essential for individuals to move across borders, whether for tourism, business, or personal reasons. International education and employment opportunities have become more accessible and desirable. Students and professionals often need passports to study or work abroad. Countries with stable political and economic conditions tend to have passports that grant their citizens greater visa-free access to other nations. As a result, passport strength can be a reflection of a country's overall stability and standing in the world. Many countries enter into bilateral or multilateral agreements to allow visa-free travel between their citizens. A strong passport, with visa-free access to many countries, can simplify travel and reduce costs and administrative burdens. Indeed, a country's socioeconomic status can have a significant impact on its passport power. The socioeconomic factors of a nation, such as its economic strength, political stability, and human development indicators, often correlate with the global acceptance and strength of its passport.  While socioeconomic factors are important, it's essential to remember that passport power is a complex interplay of various elements, including diplomatic relations, international agreements, and economic strength. Therefore, while socioeconomic status is a crucial element, it is just one piece of the puzzle in determining a passport's global influence

    Conivaptan: a step forward in the treatment of hyponatremia?

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    Hyponatremia is one of the most common electrolyte abnormalities linked to adverse outcomes and increased mortality in hospitalized patients. While the differential diagnosis for hyponatremia is diverse, most cases stem from arginine vasopressin (AVP) dysregulation, where hypoosmolality fails to suppress AVP synthesis and release. The physiological effects of AVP are currently known to depend on its interaction with any of 3 receptor subtypes V1A, V2, and V1B. Activation of V2 by AVP is the key in renal water regulation and maintenance of total body volume and plasma tonicity. Despite the long-recognized problem with excess AVP in euvolemic and hypervolemic hyponatremia, traditional therapeutic options have relied on nonspecific and potentially problematic strategies. More recently, a new class of drugs, introduced as “aquaretics,” has gained great attention among clinicians because of its ability to correct hyponatremia via direct competitive inhibition of AVP at V2 receptors to induce renal electrolyte-free water excretion. In this paper, we aim to review available clinical data on the only FDA-approved aquaretic, dual V1A/V2 receptor antagonist conivaptan, discuss its clinical indications, efficacy, safety profile, and comment on its clinical limitations