55 research outputs found
Global Retrievals of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence With TROPOMI: First Results and Intersensor Comparison to OCO-2
In recent years, solarâinduced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) retrieved from spaceborne spectrometers has been extensively used as a proxy for terrestrial photosynthesis at relatively sparse temporal and spatial scales. The nearâinfrared band of the recently launched TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) features the required spectral resolution and signalâtoânoise ratio to retrieve SIF in a spectral range devoid of atmospheric absorption features. We find that initial TROPOMI spectra meet high expectations for a substantially improved spatiotemporal resolution (up to 7âkm Ă 3.5âkm pixels with daily revisit), representing a step change in SIF remote sensing capabilities. However, interpretation requires caution, as the broad range of viewingâillumination geometries covered by TROPOMI's 2,600âkmâwide swath needs to be taken into account. A first intersensor comparison with OCOâ2 (Orbiting Carbon Observatoryâ2) SIF shows excellent agreement, underscoring the high quality of TROPOMI's SIF retrievals and the notable radiometric performance of the instrument
Global Retrievals of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at Red Wavelengths With TROPOMI
Observations of solarâinduced chlorophyll a fluorescence (SIF) from spaceborne spectrometers can advance our understanding of terrestrial and aquatic carbon cycles. Here we present the first global retrievals of SIF at red wavelengths from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). Despite the weak signal level, considerable uncertainties, and subtle measurement artifacts, spatial patterns and magnitudes agree with independent data sets. Over land, spatial patterns of our red SIF estimates covary with the farâred SIF data. Red SIF over the ocean is highly consistent with the normalized fluorescence line height (nFLH) inferred from measurements of the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), even when comparing single days and fine spatial scales. Major advantages of our Fraunhofer lineâbased SIF retrievals include the capability to sense SIF through optically thin cloud/aerosol layers and an insensitivity to ocean color. This opens up new avenues for studying ocean biogeochemistry from space
A double peak in the seasonality of California's photosynthesis as observed from space
Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has been shown to be a powerful proxy for photosynthesis and gross primary productivity (GPP). The recently launched TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) features the required spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio to retrieve SIF from space. Here, we present a downscaling method to obtain 500âm spatial resolution SIF over California. We report daily values based on a 14âd window. TROPOMI SIF data show a strong correspondence with daily GPP estimates at AmeriFlux sites across multiple ecosystems in California. We find a linear relationship between SIF and GPP that is largely invariant across ecosystems with an intercept that is not significantly different from zero. Measurements of SIF from TROPOMI agree with MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) vegetation indices â the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and near-infrared reflectance of vegetation index (NIR_v) â at annual timescales but indicate different temporal dynamics at monthly and daily timescales. TROPOMI SIF data show a double peak in the seasonality of photosynthesis, a feature that is not present in the MODIS vegetation indices. The different seasonality in the vegetation indices may be due to a clear-sky bias in the vegetation indices, whereas previous work has shown SIF to have a low sensitivity to clouds and to detect the downregulation of photosynthesis even when plants appear green. We further decompose the spatiotemporal patterns in the SIF data based on land cover. The double peak in the seasonality of California's photosynthesis is due to two processes that are out of phase: grasses, chaparral, and oak savanna ecosystems show an April maximum, while evergreen forests peak in June. An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis corroborates the phase offset and spatial patterns driving the double peak. The EOF analysis further indicates that two spatiotemporal patterns explain 84â% of the variability in the SIF data. Results shown here are promising for obtaining global GPP at sub-kilometer spatial scales and identifying the processes driving carbon uptake
Global Retrievals of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at Red Wavelengths With TROPOMI
Observations of solarâinduced chlorophyll a fluorescence (SIF) from spaceborne spectrometers can advance our understanding of terrestrial and aquatic carbon cycles. Here we present the first global retrievals of SIF at red wavelengths from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). Despite the weak signal level, considerable uncertainties, and subtle measurement artifacts, spatial patterns and magnitudes agree with independent data sets. Over land, spatial patterns of our red SIF estimates covary with the farâred SIF data. Red SIF over the ocean is highly consistent with the normalized fluorescence line height (nFLH) inferred from measurements of the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), even when comparing single days and fine spatial scales. Major advantages of our Fraunhofer lineâbased SIF retrievals include the capability to sense SIF through optically thin cloud/aerosol layers and an insensitivity to ocean color. This opens up new avenues for studying ocean biogeochemistry from space
PhotoSpec: A new instrument to measure spatially distributed red and far-red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) is an emission of light in the 650â850âŻnm spectral range from the excited state of the chlorophyll-a pigment after absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). As this is directly linked to the electron transport chain in oxygenic photosynthesis, SIF is a powerful proxy for photosynthetic activity. SIF observations are relatively new and, while global scale measurements from satellites using high-resolution spectroscopy of Fraunhofer bands are becoming more available, observations at the intermediate canopy scale using these techniques are sparse.
We present a novel ground-based spectrometer system - PhotoSpec - for measuring SIF in the red (670â732âŻnm) and far-red (729â784âŻnm) wavelength range as well as canopy reflectance (400â900âŻnm) to calculate vegetation indices, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and the photochemical reflectance index (PRI). PhotoSpec includes a 2D scanning telescope unit which can be pointed to any location in a canopy with a narrow field of view (FOV = 0.7°). PhotoSpec has a high signal-to-noise ratio and spectral resolution, which allows high precision solar Fraunhofer line retrievals over the entire fluorescence wavelength range under all atmospheric conditions using a new two-step linearized least-squares retrieval procedure.
Initial PhotoSpec observations include the diurnal SIF cycle of single broad leaves, grass, and dark-light transitions. Results from the first tower-based measurements in Costa Rica show that the instrument can continuously monitor SIF of several tropical species throughout the day. The PhotoSpec instrument can be used to explore the relationship between SIF, photosynthetic efficiencies, Gross Primary Productivity (GPP), and the impact of canopy radiative transfer, viewing geometry, and stress conditions at the canopy scale
Extreme events driving year-to-year differences in gross primary productivity across the US
Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) has previously been shown to strongly correlate with gross primary productivity (GPP), however this relationship has not yet been quantified for the recently launched TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). Here we use a Gaussian mixture model to develop a parsimonious relationship between SIF from TROPOMI and GPP from flux towers across the conterminous United States (CONUS). The mixture model indicates the SIF-GPP relationship can be characterized by a linear model with two terms. We then estimate GPP across CONUS at 500-m spatial resolution over a 16-day moving window. We find that CONUS GPP varies by less than 4% between 2018 and 2019. However, we observe four extreme precipitation events that induce regional GPP anomalies: drought in west Texas, flooding in the midwestern US, drought in South Dakota, and drought in California. Taken together, these events account for 28% of the year-to-year GPP differences across CONUS
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Extreme events driving year-to-year differences in gross primary productivity across the US
Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) has previously been shown to strongly correlate with gross primary productivity (GPP), however this relationship has not yet been quantified for the recently launched TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). Here we use a Gaussian mixture model to develop a parsimonious relationship between SIF from TROPOMI and GPP from flux towers across the conterminous United States (CONUS). The mixture model indicates the SIF-GPP relationship can be characterized by a linear model with two terms. We then estimate GPP across CONUS at 500-m spatial resolution over a 16-day moving window. We find that CONUS GPP varies by less than 4% between 2018 and 2019. However, we observe four extreme precipitation events that induce regional GPP anomalies: drought in west Texas, flooding in the midwestern US, drought in South Dakota, and drought in California. Taken together, these events account for 28% of the year-to-year GPP differences across CONUS
Systematic Assessment of Retrieval Methods for Canopy Far-Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Using High-Frequency Automated Field Spectroscopy
Remote sensing of solarâinduced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) offers potential to infer photosynthesis across scales and biomes. Many retrieval methods have been developed to estimate topâofâcanopy SIF using groundâbased spectroscopy. However, inconsistencies among methods may confound interpretation of SIF dynamics, ecoâphysiological/environmental drivers, and its relationship with photosynthesis. Using high temporalâ and spectral resolution groundâbased spectroscopy, we aimed to (1) evaluate performance of SIF retrieval methods under diverse sky conditions using continuous field measurements; (2) assess method sensitivity to fluctuating light, reflectance, and fluorescence emission spectra; and (3) inform users for optimal groundâbased SIF retrieval. Analysis included field measurements from biâhemispherical and hemisphericalâconical systems and synthetic upwelling radiance constructed from measured downwelling radiance, simulated reflectance, and simulated fluorescence for benchmarking. Fraunhoferâbased differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) and singular vector decomposition (SVD) retrievals exhibit convergent SIFâPAR relationships and diurnal consistency across different sky conditions, while OâAâbased spectral fitting method (SFM), SVD, and modified Fraunhofer line discrimination (3FLD) exhibit divergent SIFâPAR relationships across sky conditions. Such behavior holds across system configurations, though hemisphericalâconical systems diverge less across sky conditions. OâA retrieval accuracy, influenced by atmospheric distortion, improves with a narrower fitting window and when training SVD with temporally local spectra. This may impact SIFâphotosynthesis relationships interpreted by previous studies using OâAâbased retrievals with standard (759â767.76 nm) fitting windows. Fraunhoferâbased retrievals resist atmospheric impacts but are noisier and more sensitive to assumed SIF spectral shape than OâAâbased retrievals. We recommend SVD or SFM using reduced fitting window (759.5â761.5 nm) for robust farâred SIF retrievals across sky conditions
TROPOMI reveals dry-season increase of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in the Amazon forest
Photosynthesis of the Amazon rainforest plays an important role in the regional and global carbon cycles, but, despite considerable in situ and space-based observations, it has been intensely debated whether there is a dry-season increase in greenness and photosynthesis of the moist tropical Amazonian forests. Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), which is emitted by chlorophyll, has a strong positive linear relationship with photosynthesis at the canopy scale. Recent advancements have allowed us to observe SIF globally with Earth observation satellites. Here we show that forest SIF did not decrease in the early dry season and increased substantially in the late dry season and early part of wet season, using SIF data from the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), which has unprecedented spatial resolution and near-daily global coverage. Using in situ CO_2 eddy flux data, we also show that cloud cover rarely affects photosynthesis at TROPOMIâs midday overpass, a time when the forest canopy is most often light-saturated. The observed dry-season increases of forest SIF are not strongly affected by sun-sensor geometry, which was attributed as creating a pseudo dry-season green-up in the surface reflectance data. Our results provide strong evidence that greenness, SIF, and photosynthesis of the tropical Amazonian forest increase during the dry season
Global Retrievals of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence With TROPOMI: First Results and Intersensor Comparison to OCO-2
In recent years, solarâinduced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) retrieved from spaceborne spectrometers has been extensively used as a proxy for terrestrial photosynthesis at relatively sparse temporal and spatial scales. The nearâinfrared band of the recently launched TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) features the required spectral resolution and signalâtoânoise ratio to retrieve SIF in a spectral range devoid of atmospheric absorption features. We find that initial TROPOMI spectra meet high expectations for a substantially improved spatiotemporal resolution (up to 7âkm Ă 3.5âkm pixels with daily revisit), representing a step change in SIF remote sensing capabilities. However, interpretation requires caution, as the broad range of viewingâillumination geometries covered by TROPOMI's 2,600âkmâwide swath needs to be taken into account. A first intersensor comparison with OCOâ2 (Orbiting Carbon Observatoryâ2) SIF shows excellent agreement, underscoring the high quality of TROPOMI's SIF retrievals and the notable radiometric performance of the instrument
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