112 research outputs found

    Influence of leaf ageing, leaf area and crop load on photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and senescence of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir) leaves

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    Treatments varying the leaf area (source) to crop load (sink) balance of pot-grown Pinot noir vines caused differences in the photosynthesis (Pn) rates of the fourth leaf, 48 h after they were applied. Stomatal conductance was only affected by leaf removal, not by the presence or absence of crop. The vines with and without crop were subject to a range of leaf removal treatments. All treatments retained leaves at nodes 1-4 from the shoot base and then had 100%(control), 66 %, 33 %, or 0 % leaves retained from node 5 to the apex of the shoot. Leaf removal elevated the Pn rate of the fourth leaf, but there was no difference in Pn rate between vines with or without crop pre-veraison. From veraison on the photosynthetic rate of vines with crop and 100 % leaves retained increased. Similar, high Pn rate was also observed for vines without crop and 0 % leaves retained. The lower Pn rate of vines with crop pre-veraison suggests that there is potential to increase vine productivity in this period. The Pn rate of vines without crop, 100 % and 66 % leaves retained declined from 15 d after treatment. Average Pn of all treatments over the 4 measurements prior to harvest was positively correlated with the vine leaf area (source) to total vine dry weight (sink) ratio. Leaves of vines with a high source:sink ratio (without crop, 100, 66 or 33%leaves retained) senesced i.e. decreased in chlorophyll content more rapidly than leaves of the low source to sink ratio treatments. Results indicate that the decline in grapevine leaf Pn, previously associated with advanced leaf age is actually caused by a progressive increase in leaf area to fruit weight (source:sink) ratio, as leaves emerge on the developing vine

    Variability in flowering, fruit set and yield in response to vineyard topography and pruning type in Pinot noir

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    Aim: This study investigates the effects of site aspect and pruning management on flowering, fruit set and yield in Pinot noir vines. Methods: Two rows of 19-year-old Pinot noir vines were selected within a commercial vineyard with south, hilltop, and north-facing aspects. Vines were either cane- or spur-pruned, retaining 20 nodes per vine. One monitoring vine was selected at each sub-plot (consisting of four vines) and used to assess days to 50% flowering, fruit set (%) and days to 50% veraison. Total soluble solids samples were taken from each sub-plot and vines were harvested separately for yield. Results/Findings: Days to 50% flowering was affected by the topographical position. Vines from south-facing plots reached 50% flowering three days earlier during 2018-19 and eight days earlier 2020-21 compared to other plots. Cane pruning advanced the flowering date by one day compared with spur pruned vines (2019-20). Fruit set (%) was affected by topography. Vines from the hilltop plots had less than 50% fruit set during 2018-19 and 2020-21 compared to south and north plots (>70% fruit set). The lower fruit set was reflected in reduced yields. Despite the delayed flowering, vines from the hilltop position reached 50% veraison four days earlier than vines from the south and north plots during 2020–21. While there were initial differences in total soluble solids (at 7 to 8 oBrix) at six topographical positions, these variations disappeared by the time the vines were ready for a commercial harvest (>20 oBrix). The type of pruning generally had little effect on fruit set, the date of véraison or soluble solids at harvest, although cane pruning resulted in a 40% increase in yield in 2019–20 when compared to spur pruning. Conclusions: Flowering, fruit set, veraison, and vine yield were affected by topography (site aspect) and pruning type had little to no effect. Vine yield was a reflection of the fruit set (%) with differences between topographical positions. Positions with delayed veraison showed delayed soluble solids accumulation but reached a similar harvest soluble solids and yield

    Reduced grapevine canopy size post-flowering via mechanical trimming alters ripening and yield of 'Pinot noir'

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    The degree and time of canopy trimming can alter phenology, rates of increase or decrease in berry components during grape ripening, and may influence yield and its components. The objective of this study was to investigate the extent to which reducing canopy size, by mechanical trimming post-flowering, changed Vitis vinifera L. 'Pinot noir' fruit yield and composition. Vines were mechanically trimmed to three different canopy heights at fruitset: 1000 mm (100 % canopy height), 600 mm (60 % canopy height relative to the control treatment) and 300 mm (30 % canopy height relative to the control treatment). Total soluble solids concentration and content, titratable acidity, pH and fresh berry mass were measured throughout ripening, and yield and leaf area were measured at harvest.Reduced canopy size via trimming to 30 and 60 % of the control treatment height slowed total soluble solids accumulation and in some cases increased titratable acidity and increased pH. The total soluble solids-titratable acidity ratio was therefore reduced throughout ripening by these trimming treatments relative to the full canopy height. Trimming to reduce canopy size had two effects on the source-sink ratio; it reduced the source (canopy) but increased fruit yield, an important sink. Therefore, the time of trimming is an important management consideration because it can delay and slow ripening due to reduced source leaves but could potentially accentuate the delay via increasing yield (sink). This technique may represent a way to offset the acceleration of phenology and grape ripening that has been observed to occur as a result of warmer seasons

    Developing perennial fruit crop models in APSIM Next Generation using grapevine as an example

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    A new model for grapevines (Vitis vinifera) is the first perennial fruit crop model using the Agricultural Production System sIMulator (APSIM) Next Generation framework. Modules for phenology, light interception, carbohydrate allocation, yield formation and berry composition were adapted or added into APSIM Next Generation to represent the nature of fruit-bearing vines. The simulated grapevine phenological cycle starts with the dormancy phase triggered by a critical photoperiod in autumn, and then goes through the subsequent phenophases sequentially and finally returns to dormancy for a new cycle. The canopy microclimate module within APSIM Next Generation was extended to allow for row crop light interception. The carbohydrate arbitrator was enhanced to consider both sink strength and sink priority to reflect carbohydrate reserve as a concurrent competing sink. Weather conditions and source-sink ratio at critical developmental stages were used to determine potential grapevine yield components, e.g. bunch number, berry number and berry fresh weight. The model was calibrated and tested extensively using four detailed data sets. The model captured the variations in the timing of measured budburst, flowering and véraison over 15 seasons across New Zealand for five different varieties. The calculated seasonal dynamics of light interception by the row and alley were consistent with field observations. The model also reproduced the dynamics of dry matter and carbohydrate reserve of different organs, and the wide variation in yield components caused by seasonal weather conditions and pruning regimes. The modelling framework developed in this work can also be used for other perennial fruit crops

    Competencies for food graduate careers: developing a language tool

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    Unlike many other graduate career pathways in the UK, the food industry does not have a cohesive competency framework to support employers, students and degree providers. Food sciences-based technical graduates are a significant proportion of the industry’s graduate intake; this study aims to provide such a framework. Initial work involving a sample of representative stakeholders has created a list of typical attributes and associated definitions that may be desirable in food sciences graduates. Material was gathered by semi-structured qualitative interviews and analysed by thematic analysis followed by a modified Delphi technique. The resulting framework is tailored to needs and terminology prevalent in food industry employment. The process employed could be utilised for building other vocational graduate competency frameworks. Further plans include using the framework to ascertain the important elements for typical graduate entry roles, better informing students about desirable qualities and supporting future competency-based curriculum review

    Potential of a multiparametric optical sensor for determining in situ the maturity components of red and white vitis vinifera wine grapes

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    A non-destructive fluorescence-based technique for evaluating Vitis vinifera L. grape maturity using a portable sensor (Multiplex ®) is presented. It provides indices of anthocyanins and chlorophyll in Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Sangiovese red grapes and of flavonols and chlorophyll in Vermentino white grapes. The good exponential relationship between the anthocyanin index and the actual anthocyanin content determined by wet chemistry was used to estimate grape anthocyanins from in field sensor data during ripening. Marked differences were found in the kinetics and the amount of anthocyanins between cultivars and between seasons. A sensor-driven mapping of the anthocyanin content in the grapes, expressed as g/kg fresh weight, was performed on a 7-ha vineyard planted with Sangiovese. In the Vermentino, the flavonol index was favorably correlated to the actual content of berry skin flavonols determined by means of HPLC analysis of skin extracts. It was used to make a non-destructive estimate of the evolution in the flavonol concentration in grape berry samplings. The chlorophyll index was inversely correlated in linear manner to the total soluble solids (°Brix): it could, therefore, be used as a new index of technological maturity. The fluorescence sensor (Multiplex) possesses a high potential for representing an important innovative tool for controlling grape maturity in precision viticulture

    Behavioral responses of European blackbirds and Australasian silvereyes to varying acid and sugar levels in artificial grapes

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    Diminishing acid concentrations have long been thought to be one of the effects of ripening grapes that leads to increased bird pressure approaching harvest. Blackbirds (Turdus merula) and silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) were offered in a field context varying concentrations of tartaric and malic acids in artificial grapes, where sugar and all other ripening grape parameters were controlled. No linear response of consumption to varying acid concentration was found for either species. A response to rising sugar was confirmed, but dimin¬ishing acid concentrations in ripening grapes appear not to be a contributing factor to increasing bird pressure approaching harvest

    The effect of pre-budbreak cane girdling on the physical and phenological development of the inner and outer arm in Vitis vinifera L. 'Sauvignon blanc' inflorescence structures

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    The development of inflorescence primordia (IP) into floral bearing structures is influenced by many environmental and genetic factors. We hypothesise that carbohydrate (CHO) availability at budbreak (BB) has a strong influence on IP development, especially during the initial stages of shoot growth when pre-formed IP emerge from dormant buds and may be dependent on reserve CHOs for further branching and development. Carbohydrate availability to developing grapevine buds (Vitis vinifera L. 'Sauvignon blanc') was manipulated by girdling canes two weeks before BB. Dates of flowering, flower number, berry number and grape berry soluble solids (SS) were measured for the inner and outer arm bunch components of basal and apical bunches separately. Restricting pre-BB CHOs resulted in the abortion of some pre-formed inflorescences and reduced branching of the inflorescences that did develop. In general, berry SS were greatest for the basal inner arm, followed by those of the apical bunch inner arm, then those of the basal bunch outer arm, then lastly by those of the apical bunch outer arm. However, this was influenced by the relative berry numbers between the inner and outer arm. Bunches with more similar berry numbers on the inner and outer arms had more synchronous flowering and uniform SS, where the differences in SS were largely a reflection of the timing of flowering of the various inflorescence components and may be an important source of variation in SS within a vine at harvest

    How leaf area: Fruit weight ratio influences date of véraison and synchrony of primary and secondary metabolites

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    Key points: - Reducing the leaf area:fruit weight ratio via trimming delays véraison and directly slows the rate of sugar accumulation. - In contrast, the rate of decrease in concentration of acidity and other secondary metabolites such as methoxypyrazines are less affected. - As a result, when harvesting fruit at the same sugar concentrations, fruit will have a lower acidity or green character when the leaf area:fruit weight ratio is reduced. - Delaying and slowing sugar accumulation by trimming shoots is a useful tool for growers to manipulate the synchrony of fruit metabolites and may be valuable in combating the consequences of climate change
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