120 research outputs found

    Tax income differences between multinational and domestic corporations in Norway : a panel data approach

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    In this paper regression analysis is used to investigate negative profitability differential between foreign and domestic companies in Norway. More years and industries are included in the sample compared to previous studies on Norwegian data. Panel data methods, allowing to get rid of get rid of unobserved heterogeneity across the firms, are applied, in addition to OLS used in most of the earlier literature. More accurate and detailed classification of firms into different foreignness categories is conducted that allows to "refine" control group used for comparisons. The results indicate that multinational firms report around 30% lower profitability than comparable domestic firms. It has also been shown that profitability of domestic firms goes down by about 20% when they become multinational. This is after the most important characteristics and permanent differences between these two types of firms have been controlled for. The estimates of the profitability differential has been shown to be robust to different estimations methods used, as well as different definitions of foreignness and profitability measures. The differential found is consistent with profit shifting behavior by multinational companies in Norway, and would imply that profits are shifted out of Norway. The evidence provided cannot serve a direct proof of profit-shifting activities by multinational firms in Norway, but it strongly suggests that further research is warranted in order to get a better understanding of the problem of profit-shifting


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    A heat model of the laser discharge in a supersonic turbulent gas flow has been developed. A numerical investigation of the error of the method of velocity measurements, which is based on the nitrogen molecules excitation, has been carried out. It is shown that fast gas heating by the discharge causes the velocity profiles deformation

    Kunnskapsstatus for hva økonomisk forskning har avdekket om flernasjonale selskapers internprising i Norge

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    Ved å manipulere prisene på selskapsinterne transaksjoner kan flernasjonale selskaper flytte overskudd fra høyskatteland til lavskatteland. Slik overskuddsflytting kan ha stor innflytelse på selskapsskattebasen til vertslandene. Denne rapporten oppsummerer den kunnskapen akademisk forskning har frembrakt om hvor stort problem flernasjonale selskapers internprising representerer for norske skattemyndigheter. Det er svært få tidligere empiriske studier som bruker norske data. Vi drøfter disse inngående og supplerer litteraturen med omfattende egne analyser. Vi avdekker sammenhenger som er konsistente med overskuddsflytting gjennom manipulering av internpriser. Vi finner at flernasjonale selskaper både flytter overskudd ut av Norge og inn til Norge - alt avhengig av hvilke skattesatser de står overfor i andre land. Vi anslår at nettostrømmen går ut av Norge og at skatteunndragelsen kan være i størrelsesorden 30 prosent av det potensielle skatteprovenyet fra utenlandske flernasjonale foretak. Dette estimatet er svært usikkert, og videre forskning er nødvendig for å bedre kunnskapen på feltet

    Модернизация русской языковой картины мира на рубеже тысячелетий

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    The article focuses on the appearance of new collective vision and the new technocratic stereotype of perception of the world under the infl uence of cardinal life changes, wide use of technics. As a result a new technocratic model of metaphorical nomination the “usual” methods of verbalization of the world is appeared. Both the old archaic stereotypes the new technocratic stereotype function in the modern language.В данной статье рассматривается, как под влиянием кардинальных изменений жизни, широкого использования техники возникают новое коллективное видение мира и новый технократический стереотип мировосприятия. В результате появляется новая технократическая модель метафорической номинации, изменяющая «привычные» способы ословливания мира

    Well-informed citizens and access to public sector information

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    Pristup informacijama javnog sektora važan je za ostvarenje javnosti uprave i onoga što radi vlast. Pravo na pristup tim informacijama inovacija je koja se širi iz skandinavskih zemalja u SAD i ostatak Europe. Hrvatska je uzakonila takvo pravo 2003. U radu se analiziraju važeći međunarodni pravni dokumenti, kao i oni koji se tek pripremaju. Analizira se i hrvatski Zakon o pravu na pristup informacijama. Iznose se i analiziraju podaci o ostvarenju toga prava u razdoblju 2004.– 2008., prema službenim izvješćima. Spominju se i kritike koje se upućuju Zakonu, kao i načinu njegove provedbe.Access to public sector information is important for the publicness of public administration and of the government. The right to access information is an innovation that has been spreading from the Scandinavian countries to the USA and the rest of Europe. Croatia enacted this right in 2003. The paper analyses international legal documents that are in force and those that are being drafted. It also analyses Croatian Law on Access to Information. The author provides and analyses the data about exercising this right between 2004 and 2008, according to official reports. She also mentions the critiques of the Law and the manner of its implementation

    International Debt Shifting: Do Multinationals Shift Internal or External Debt?

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    Multinational companies can exploit the tax advantage of debt more aggressively than national companies. Besides utilizing the standard debt tax shield, multinationals can shift debt from affiliates in low-tax countries to affiliates in high-tax countries. We study the capital structure of multinationals and expand previous theory by incorporating debt tax shield effects from both internal and external capital markets. A main finding is that firm value is maximized if both internal and external debt is used, and that internal lending should be conducted through a financial center in the lowest-taxed affiliate. Testing our model using a large panel of German multinationals, we identify all three debt tax shields. Our estimates suggest that internal and external debt shifting are of about equal relevance

    Adoption of Blockchain Technology in Trade Finance Process

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    The complexity of trade finance instruments associated with need for many accompanying documents, constant coordination are problems of this process. Successful development of trade finance instruments depend on improvement of software and implement blockchain solutions that enable companies to unite and through partnerships and process automation to accelerate cash flow and documentation throughout supply chain. The paper aims to examine areas and ways of blockchain application in trade finance and to identify key aspects of improving transactions process. We present possible interaction of participants with digital letters of credit and factoring with blockchain application and display its effect on key trade finance instruments. Moreover, we identifies a number of problems, implementation solutions of which will lead to further more efficient application of technology in supply chain finance. The achieving these goals will lead to further more effective application of blockchain in financing of supply chain. Blockchain with a high level of functionality and security in trade finance processes reduces processing time for documents, transaction costs, expanding number of participants and increases level of transparency

    Dissolving local representative bodies and appointment of the goverment\u27s commissioner

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    Opisuju se i analiziraju najčešći razlozi raspuštanja lokalnih predstavničkih tijela. Brojne su postupovne situacije zanimljive u kontekstu takvog raspuštanja. Hrvatska je vlada ovlaštena imenovati povjerenika ne samo u slučaju raspuštanja lokalnog predstavničkog tijela nego i u slučajevima kad se ne održe lokalni izbori ili se nakon izbora ne konstituira lokalno predstavničko tijelo. Analizira se pravni status povjerenika.The most frequent reasons for dissolving local representative bodies are described and analysed. There are a plenty of procedural situations, which are interesting in the context of dissolving such bodies. The Croatian Government is entitled to appoint its commissioner not only in case of dissolving local representative body, but also in cases when local elections are not held and when local representative body cannot be constituted after the elections. Legal status of the commissioner is reviewed

    Experimental characterization of thermionic surface cooling in thermionic discharge

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    In this work, the thermionic cooling effect during thermionic discharges with parallel plate electrodes at 1 Torr is investigated. Time-resolved observation of electron emission and surface temperature is realized in addition to the typical steady state characterization. Surface cooling by the electron emission, initiated by plasma ignition, is directly captured at its onset and an estimated cooling capacity of 1.6 \pm 0.2 MW/m^2 is observed. The present work provides experimental evidence of considerable surface cooling achieved by thermionic cooling. This result indicates that thermionic cooling can be a promising thermal protection method at elevated temperatures, such as those encountered by hypersonic vehicle leading edges in flight.Comment: 14 pages, 21 figures. Submitted on 17 September 202