656 research outputs found

    Splitting of macroscopic fundamental strings in flat space and holographic hadron decays

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    In this review article we present the calculation of the splitting rate in flat space of a macroscopic fundamental string either intersecting at a generic angle a Dp-brane or lying on it. The result is then applied, in the context of the string/gauge theory correspondence, to the study of exclusive decay rates of large spin mesons into mesons. As examples, we discuss the cases of N=4 SYM with a small number of flavors, and of QCD-like theories in the quenched approximation. In the latter context, explicit analytic formulas are given for decay rates of mesons formed either by heavy quarks or by massless quarks.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Invited review for Modern Physics Letters

    Structure and Metamorphism of the Talc Creek Area, Harrison Lake B.C.

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    The Slollicum and Cogburn terranes, metamorphosed country rock within the southern Coast Plutonic Complex, are juxtaposed along a thrust fault together with large slabs of ultramafic rock. The structure and metamorphism along and near this fault are the focus of this study. Three periods of deformation (D1-D3) affected the study area. D1 structures consist of penetrative foliation and lineations that are attributed to thrust stacking of the Slollicum and Cogburn terranes. Foliation, which parallels the fault contact, dips to the northeast at moderate to steep angles. Lineations have mainly down-dip orientations. D2 structures record the intrusion of the Spuzzum pluton and consist of a foliation, defined mainly by biotite, that parallels the pluton contact. D3 caused rotation and distention of post-tectonic porphyroblasts during localized reactivation of the D1 foliation. D3 is probably a result of orogen-normal contraction that caused large map scale folding that affected the region some time after thrusting ceased. The metamorphic grade increases to the northeast across the study area from greenschist to amphibolite facies. Three metamorphic events (M1-M3) affect the rocks in the study area. M1, associated with D1, resulted primarily in greenschist facies metamorphism. M2, a result of contact metamorphism from the Spuzzum intrusion, produced the index minerals biotite, hornblende and garnet. M3, a high pressure event, is characterized by an overprint of large garnet and radiating hornblende, which grew over the D1 foliation. These M3 porphyroblasts were then rotated or pulled apart suggesting D3 began after the peak of high pressure metamorphism. M3 also may have produced the randomly oriented hornblende that is observed on foliation surfaces of many Slollicum and Cogburn rocks. Terrane stacking must have taken place after 146 Ma, which is the U/Pb zircon age of the Slollicum rocks (Walker, in Bennett, 1989), and prior to the 96 Ma age (Brown and Walker, 1993) of the Spuzzum pluton

    String splitting and strong coupling meson decay

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    We study the decay of high spin mesons using the gauge/string theory correspondence. The rate of the process is calculated by studying the splitting of a macroscopic string intersecting a D-brane. The result is applied to the decay of mesons in N=4 SYM with a small number of flavors and in a gravity dual of large N QCD. In QCD the decay of high spin mesons is found to be heavily suppressed in the regime of validity of the supergravity description.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. V2: References added. V3: Minor correction

    Thermal radiation in non-static curved spacetimes: quantum mechanical path integrals and configuration space topology

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    A quantum mechanical path integral derivation is given of a thermal propagator in non-static Gui spacetime. The thermal nature of the propagator is understood in terms of homotopically non-trivial paths in the configuration space appropriate to tortoise coordinates. The connection to thermal emission from collapsing black holes is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, major revised version, 9 figures, new titl

    Massless particles on supergroups and AdS3 x S3 supergravity

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    Firstly, we study the state space of a massless particle on a supergroup with a reparameterization invariant action. After gauge fixing the reparameterization invariance, we compute the physical state space through the BRST cohomology and show that the quadratic Casimir Hamiltonian becomes diagonalizable in cohomology. We illustrate the general mechanism in detail in the example of a supergroup target GL(1|1). The space of physical states remains an indecomposable infinite dimensional representation of the space-time supersymmetry algebra. Secondly, we show how the full string BRST cohomology in the particle limit of string theory on AdS3 x S3 renders the quadratic Casimir diagonalizable, and reduces the Hilbert space to finite dimensional representations of the space-time supersymmetry algebra (after analytic continuation). Our analysis provides an efficient way to calculate the Kaluza-Klein spectrum for supergravity on AdS3 x S3. It may also be a step towards the identification of an interesting and simpler subsector of logarithmic supergroup conformal field theories, relevant to string theory.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Quantum mechanical path integrals and thermal radiation in static curved spacetimes

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    The propagator of a spinless particle is calculated from the quantum mechanical path integral formalism in static curved spacetimes endowed with event-horizons. A toy model, the Gui spacetime, and the 2D and 4D Schwarzschild black holes are considered. The role of the topology of the coordinates configuration space is emphasised in this framework. To cover entirely the above spacetimes with a single set of coordinates, tortoise coordinates are extended to complex values. It is shown that the homotopic properties of the complex tortoise configuration space imply the thermal behaviour of the propagator in these spacetimes. The propagator is calculated when end points are located in identical or distinct spacetime regions separated by one or several event-horizons. Quantum evolution through the event-horizons is shown to be unitary in the fifth variable.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Global Anomalies in the Batalin Vilkovisky Quantization

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    The Batalin Vilkovisky (BV) quantization provides a general procedure for calculating anomalies associated to gauge symmetries. Recent results show that even higher loop order contributions can be calculated by introducing an appropriate regularization-renormalization scheme. However, in its standard form, the BV quantization is not sensible to quantum violations of the classical conservation of Noether currents, the so called global anomalies. We show here that the BV field antifield method can be extended in such a way that the Ward identities involving divergencies of global Abelian currents can be calculated from the generating functional, a result that would not be obtained by just associating constant ghosts to global symmetries. This extension, consisting of trivially gauging the global Abelian symmetries, poses no extra obstruction to the solution of the master equation, as it happens in the case of gauge anomalies. We illustrate the procedure with the axial model and also calculating the Adler Bell Jackiw anomaly.Comment: We emphasized the fact that our procedure only works for the case of Abelian global anomalies. Section 3 was rewritten and some references were added. 12 pages, LATEX. Revised version that will appear in Phys. Rev.

    Stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy combined with immunotherapy: Present status and future perspectives

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    Radiotherapy is along with surgery and chemotherapy one of the prime treatment modalities in cancer. It is applied in the primary, neoadjuvant as well as the adjuvant setting. Radiation techniques have rapidly evolved during the past decade enabling the delivery of high radiation doses, reducing side-effects in tumour-adjacent normal tissues. While increasing local tumour control, current and future efforts ought to deal with microscopic disease at a distance of the primary tumour, ultimately responsible for disease-progression. This review explores the possibility of bimodal treatment combining radiotherapy with immunotherapy

    The conformal current algebra on supergroups with applications to the spectrum and integrability

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    We compute the algebra of left and right currents for a principal chiral model with arbitrary Wess-Zumino term on supergroups with zero Killing form. We define primary fields for the current algebra that match the affine primaries at the Wess-Zumino-Witten points. The Maurer-Cartan equation together with current conservation tightly constrain the current-current and current-primary operator product expansions. The Hilbert space of the theory is generated by acting with the currents on primary fields. We compute the conformal dimensions of a subset of these states in the large radius limit. The current algebra is shown to be consistent with the quantum integrability of these models to several orders in perturbation theory.Comment: 45 pages. Minor correction
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