146 research outputs found

    From the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase to the mitochondrial permeability transition pore: an overview

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    Based on recent advances on the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase features, a novel multistep mechanism involving the mitochondrial F1FO complex in the formation and opening of the still enigmatic mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP), is proposed. MPTP opening makes the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) permeable to ions and solutes and, through cascade events, addresses cell fate to death. Since MPTP forms when matrix Ca2+ concentration rises and ATP is hydrolyzed by the F1FO-ATPase, conformational changes, triggered by Ca2+ insertion in F1, may be transmitted to FO and locally modify the IMM curvature. These events would cause F1FO-ATPase dimer dissociation and MPTP opening

    Mercury and protein thiols: Stimulation of mitochondrial F1FO-ATPase and inhibition of respiration

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    In spite of the known widespread toxicity of mercury, its impact on mitochondrial bioenergetics is a still poorly explored topic. Even if many studies have dealt with mercury poisoning of mitochondrial respiration, as far as we are aware Hg(2+) effects on individual complexes are not so clear. In the present study changes in swine heart mitochondrial respiration and F1FO-ATPase (F-ATPase) activity promoted by micromolar Hg(2+) concentrations were investigated. Hg(2+) was found to inhibit the respiration of NADH-energized mitochondria, whereas it was ineffective when the substrate was succinate. Interestingly, the same micromolar Hg(2+) doses which inhibited the NADH-O2 activity stimulated the F-ATPase, most likely by interacting with adjacent thiol residues. Accordingly, Hg(2+) dose-dependently decreased protein thiols and all the elicited effects on mitochondrial complexes were reversed by the thiol reducing agent DTE. These findings clearly indicate that Hg(2+) interacts with Cys residues of these complexes and differently modulate their functionality by modifying the redox state of thiol groups. The results, which cast light on some implications of metal-thiol interactions up to now not fully explored, may contribute to clarify the molecular mechanisms of mercury toxicity to mitochondria

    Two separate pathways underlie NADH and succinate oxidation in swine heart mitochondria: Kinetic evidence on the mobile electron carriers

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    : We have investigated NADH and succinate aerobic oxidation in frozen and thawed swine heart mitochondria. Simultaneous oxidation of NADH and succinate showed complete additivity under a variety of experimental conditions, suggesting that the electron fluxes originating from NADH and succinate are completely independent and do not mix at the level of the so-called mobile diffusible components. We ascribe the results to mixing of the fluxes at the level of cytochrome c in bovine mitochondria: the Complex IV flux control coefficient in NADH oxidation was high in swine mitochondria but very low in bovine mitochondria, suggesting a stronger interaction of cytochrome c with the supercomplex in the former. This was not the case in succinate oxidation, in which Complex IV exerted little control also in swine mitochondria. We interpret the data in swine mitochondria as restriction of the NADH flux by channelling within the I-III2-IV supercomplex, whereas the flux from succinate shows pool mixing for both Coenzyme Q and probably cytochrome c. The difference between the two types of mitochondria may be ascribed to different lipid composition affecting the cytochrome c binding properties, as suggested by breaks in Arrhenius plots of Complex IV activity occurring at higher temperatures in bovine mitochondria

    Kinetic properties of the mitochondrial F1FO-ATPase activity elicited by Ca2+ in replacement of Mg2+

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    The mitochondrial F-ATPase can be activated either by the classical cofactor Mg2+ or, with lower efficiency, by Ca2+. The latter may play a role when calcium concentration rises in mitochondria, a condition associated with cascade events leading to cell death. Common and distinctive features of these differently activated mitochondrial ATPases were pointed out in swine heart mitochondria. When Ca2+ replaces the natural cofactor Mg2+, the enzyme responsiveness to the transmembrane electrochemical gradient and to the classical F-ATPase inhibitors DCCD and oligomycin as well as the oligomycin sensitivity loss by thiol oxidation, are maintained. Consistently, the two mitochondrial ATPases apparently share the F1FO complex basic structure and mechanism. Peculiar cation-dependent properties, which may affect the F1 catalytic mechanism and/or the FO proton binding site features, may be linked to a different physiological role of the mitochondrial Ca-activated F-ATPase with respect to the Mg-activated F-ATPase

    The Evaluation of the Effects of Dietary Vitamin E or Selenium on Lipid Oxidation in Rabbit Hamburgers: Comparing TBARS and Hexanal SPME-GC Analyses

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    The effects and specificity of dietary supplementation of EconomasETM (EcoE), mainly consisting of organic selenium (0.15 or 0.30 mg/kg feed; Se) or of vitamin E (100 or 200 mg/kg feed; VE), on lipid oxidation were evaluated in rabbit hamburgers during refrigerated storage. Oxidation data obtained by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) spectrophotometric analysis and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) coupled with gas chromatography (GC) to determine hexanal content were compared. The relationships between oxidation levels, colour and pH and the discriminability of EcoE- or VE-treatment compared with control were also examined. TBARS content decreased in both VE and EcoE groups, while hexanal showed lower values only in the VE100 dietary group. The colour parameters were compatible with acceptable product quality and seemed to parallel the TBARS values up to the second day storage. Both VE and EcoE improved oxidative stability without affecting the sensory properties, but the VE effect appeared to more specifically hamper lipid oxidation, as evidenced by the determination and quantification of hexanal, a specific product of fatty acid peroxidation

    Sulfide affects the mitochondrial respiration, the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase activity and the permeability transition pore but does not change the Mg2+-activated F1FO-ATPase activity in swine heart mitochondria

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    In mammalian cells enzymatic and non-enzymatic pathways produce H2S, a gaseous transmitter which recently emerged as promising therapeutic agent and modulator of mitochondrial bioenergetics. To explore this topic, the H2S donor NaHS, at micromolar concentrations, was tested on swine heart mitochondria. NaHS did not affect the F1FO-ATPase activated by the natural cofactor Mg2, but, when Mg2+ was replaced by Ca2+, a slight 15% enzyme inhibition at 100M NaHS was shown. Conversely, both the NADH-O2 and succinate-O2 oxidoreductase activities were totally inhibited by 200muM NaHS with IC50 values of 61.6±4.1 and 16.5±4.6muM NaHS, respectively. Since the mitochondrial respiration was equally inhibited by NaHS at both first or second respiratory substrates sites, the H2S generation may prevent the electron transfer from complexes I and II to downhill respiratory chain complexes, probably because H2S competes with O2 in complex IV, thus reducing membrane potential as a consequence of the cytochrome c oxidase activity inhibition. The Complex IV blockage by H2S was consistent with the linear concentration-dependent NADH-O2 oxidoreductase inhibition and exponential succinate-O2 oxidoreductase inhibition by NaHS, whereas the coupling between substrate oxidation and phosphorylation was unaffected by NaHS. Even if H2S is known to cause sulfhydration of cysteine residues, thiol oxidizing (GSSG) or reducing (DTE) agents, did not affect the F1FO-ATPase activities and mitochondrial respiration, thus ruling out any involvement of post-translational modifications of thiols. The permeability transition pore, the lethal channel which forms when the F1FO-ATPase is stimulated by Ca2+, did not open in the presence of NaHS, which showed a similar effect to ruthenium red, thus suggesting a putative Ca2+ transport cycle inhibition

    In vivo and in vitro effects of selected antioxidants on rabbit meat microbiota

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary vitamin E or EconomasE™ supplementation on the growth of several background/pathogenic bacteria on rabbit carcasses and hamburgers during refrigerated storage. For 51days, 270 New Zealand rabbits received either a basal diet, or experimental diets enriched with 100 or 200mg/kg of vitamin E or EconomasE™. The bacteria studied were Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, coagulase-positive staphylococci, plus both mesophilic and psychrotrophic aerobes. The growth of Listeria monocytogenes on contaminated patties was evaluated through a challenge test. The potential protective or antimicrobial effect of vitamin E or EconomasE™ on Listeria monocytogenes or Pseudomonas aeruginosa was assessed in vitro. Diet did not influence the concentrations of bacteria found on rabbit carcasses and developing on hamburgers. Vitamin E (in vivo and in vitro) and EconomasE™ in vivo had a protective antioxidant role, while EconomasE™ in vitro had strong antibacterial activity against Listeria monocytogenes, but not against Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Vitamin K Vitamers Differently Affect Energy Metabolism in IPEC-J2 Cells

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    The fat-soluble vitamin K (VK) has long been known as a requirement for blood coagulation, but like other vitamins, has been recently recognized to play further physiological roles, particularly in cell development and homeostasis. Vertebrates cannot de novo synthesize VK, which is essential, and it can only be obtained from the diet or by the activity of the gut microbiota. The IPEC-J2 cell line, obtained from porcine small intestine, which shows strong similarities to the human one, represents an excellent functional model to in vitro study the effect of compounds at the intestinal level. The acute VK treatments on the bioenergetic features of IPEC-J2 cells were evaluated by Seahorse XP Agilent technology. VK exists in different structurally related forms (vitamers), all featured by a naphtoquinone moiety, but with distinct effects on IPEC-J2 energy metabolism. The VK1, which has a long hydrocarbon chain, at both concentrations (5 and 10 \u3bcM), increases the cellular ATP production due to oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) by 5% and by 30% through glycolysis. The VK2 at 5 \u3bcM only stimulates ATP production by OXPHOS. Conversely, 10 \u3bcM VK3, which lacks the long side chain, inhibits OXPHOS by 30% and glycolysis by 45%. However, even if IPEC-J2 cells mainly prefer OXPHOS to glycolysis to produce ATP, the OXPHOS/glycolysis ratio significantly decreases in VK1-treated cells, is unaffected by VK2, and only significantly increased by 10 \u3bcM VK3. VK1, at the two concentrations tested, does not affect the mitochondrial bioenergetic parameters, while 5 \u3bcM VK2 increases and 5 \u3bcM VK3 reduces the mitochondrial respiration (i.e., maximal respiration and spare respiratory capacity). Moreover, 10 \u3bcM VK3 impairs OXPHOS, as shown by the increase in the proton leak, namely the proton backward entry to the matrix space, thus pointing out mitochondrial toxicity. Furthermore, in the presence of both VK1 and VK2 concentrations, the glycolytic parameters, namely the glycolytic capacity and the glycolytic reserve, are unaltered. In contrast, the inhibition of glycoATP production by VK3 is linked to the 80% inhibition of glycolysis, resulting in a reduced glycolytic capacity and reserve. These data, which demonstrate the VK ability to differently modulate IPEC-J2 cell energy metabolism according to the different structural features of the vitamers, can mirror VK modulatory effects on the cell membrane features and, as a cascade, on the epithelial cell properties and gut functions: balance of salt and water, macromolecule cleavage, detoxification of harmful compounds, and nitrogen recycling

    Isolation and characterization of mammary epithelial cells derived from Göttingen Minipigs: A comparative study versus hybrid pig cells from the IMI-ConcePTION Project

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    : The value of pig as "large animal model" is a well-known tool for translational medicine, but it can also be beneficial in studying animal health in a one-health vision. The ConcePTION Project aims to provide new information about the risks associated with medication use during breastfeeding, as this information is not available for most commonly used drugs. In the IMI-Conception context, Göttingen Minipigs have been preferred to hybrid pigs for their genetic stability and microbiological control. For the first time, in the present research, three primary cell cultures of mammary epithelial cells were isolated and characterized from Göttingen Minipigs (mpMECs), including their ability to create the epithelial barrier. In addition, a comparative analysis between Göttingen Minipigs and commercial hybrid pig mammary epithelial cells (pMECs) was conducted. Epithelial markers: CKs, CK18, E-CAD, ZO-1 and OCL, were expressed in both mpMECs and pMECs. RT2 Profiler PCR Array Pig Drug Transporters showed a similar profile in mRNA drug transporters. No difference in energy production under basal metabolic condition was evidenced, while under stressed state, a different metabolic behaviour was shown between mpMECs vs pMECs. TEER measurement and sodium fluorescein transport, indicated that mpMECs were able to create an epithelial barrier, although, this turned out to be less compact than pMECs. By comparing mpMECs with mammary epithelial cells isolated from Hybrid pigs (pMECs), although both cell lines have morphological and phenotypic characteristics that make them both useful in barrier studies, some specific differences exist and must be considered in a translational perspective

    The Impairment of Cell Metabolism by Cardiovascular Toxicity of Doxorubicin Is Reversed by Bergamot Polyphenolic Fraction Treatment in Endothelial Cells

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    The beneficial effects of bergamot polyphenolic fraction (BPF) on the mitochondrial bioenergetics of porcine aortic endothelial cells (pAECs) were verified under the cardiotoxic action of doxorubicin (DOX). The cell viability of pAECs treated for 24 h with different concentrations of DOX was reduced by 50%, but the negative effect of DOX was reversed in the presence of increasing doses of BPF (100 µg/mL and 200 µg/mL BPF). An analysis of the protective effect of BPF on the toxic action of DOX was also carried out on cell respiration. We observed the inhibition of the mitochondrial activity at 10 µM DOX, which was not restored by 200 µg/mL BPF. Conversely, the decrease in basal respiration and ATP production caused by 0.5 or 1.0 µM DOX were improved in the presence of 100 or 200 µg/mL BPF, respectively. After 24 h of cell recovery with 100 µg/mL or 200 µg/mL BPF on pAECs treated with 0.5 µM or 1.0 µM DOX, respectively, the mitochondrial parameters of oxidative metabolism impaired by DOX were re-boosted