266 research outputs found

    Alone/Together: Simulacral “A-presentation” in and into Practice-as-Research in Jazz

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    This paper began life as a conference presentation interweaving live music and spoken word. In what follows, we retain our original format of alternating (individually authored) discourse with video documentation of the performances given by Fletcher and me (on saxophone and piano, respectively). This is to evoke for the reader a sense of the liveness of the original event and, importantly, to retain the balance of spoken word to music-making that we deliberately factored into our presentation. In this respect, the paper should be thought of as a performance of artistic research in music, where the knowledge pertaining to that research inhabits and is expressed by both the writing and the music-making in equal measure

    Priority concerns for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    BACKGROUND: The approach taken to support individuals during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic needs to take into account the requirements of people with intellectual disabilities and/or autism, who represent a major vulnerable group, with higher rates of co-occurring health conditions and a greater risk of dying prematurely. To date, little evidence on COVID-related concerns have been produced and no report has provided structured feedback from the point of view of people with intellectual disabilities and/or autism or of their family/carers. AIMS: To provide systemised evidence-based information of the priority concerns for people with intellectual disabilities and/or autism regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. METHOD: Senior representatives of major UK-based professional and service-user representative organisations with a stake in the care of people with intellectual disabilities and/or autism were contacted to provide a list of concerns across three domains: 'mental health and challenging behaviour', 'physical health and epilepsy' and 'social circumstances and support'. The feedback was developed into statements on frequently reported priorities. These statements were then rated independently by expert clinicians. A video-conference meeting to reconcile outliers and to generate a consensus statement list was held. RESULTS: Thirty-two organisations were contacted, of which 26 (81%) replied. From the respondent's data, 30 draft consensus statements were generated. Following expert clinician review, there was initially strong consensus for seven statements (23%), increasing to 27 statements (90%) following video conferencing. CONCLUSIONS: These recommendations highlight the expectations of people with intellectual disabilities and/or autism in the current pandemic. This could support policymakers and professionals' deliver and evidence person-centred care

    Patterns of comorbidity and psychopharmacology in adults with intellectual disability and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: an UK national cross-sectional audit.

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    Background: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is higher in people with intellectual disability (ID) compared to the general population. Available limited evidence suggests this population has increased psychological problems, diagnostic overshadowing and psychotropic prescribing. This audit Identifies and analyzes real-world characteristics, diagnostic practices, treatment, and management of ADHD in adults with ID.Research Design and Methods: Pooled retrospective case note data for people with ID and ADHD, collected from 30 organizations across the UK, were analyzed. Patients were classified into mild and moderate-profound ID groups. Associated mental health and neurodevelopmental co-morbidity, Demographics, concomitant psychotropics, and mental and behavioral concerns were collected. Group differences were reported using logistic regression models.Results: Of 445 participants, 73% had co-occurring autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 65% were prescribed ADHD medications. Those on ADHD medication were less likely to be prescribed antipsychotics (p < 0.001) and antidepressants (p < 0.001). Multiple significant differences were found in ADHD medication response between ID groups and those with/without co-morbid ASD but not associated with challenging behavior reduction.Conclusions: High levels of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric comorbidity were found. ID severity and the presence of ASD appear to influence the use of certain psychotropic medications. Appropriate use of ADHD medication appears to reduce psychotropic polypharmacy

    Poo Matters! A scoping review of the impact of constipation on epilepsy

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    BACKGROUND: Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder which frequently presents with co-morbid physical health conditions, including constipation. However, the nature of the relationship between the two conditions has not been well defined. AIM: To quantify constipation's relationship with epilepsy and anti-seizure medication (ASM). METHOD: A scoping review registered on PROSPERO (CRD42022320079) with suitable search terms was conducted and reported in accordance with PRISMA guidance. CINAHL, Embase, PsycInfo and MEDLINE electronic databases were searched by an information specialist. The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal tools alongside the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (OCEBM) levels of evidence were used to assist in assessing relevance, quality, and results of the included publications. RESULTS: Nine articles selected for inclusion in the review. The prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome (including constipation) was reported to be up to five times more frequent in people with epilepsy (PWE). Functional constipation was reported in 36% of PWE. Constipation was found to be the second most common co-morbid condition in children with epilepsy. Two studies found constipation to precede seizures. Constipation was reported as a common side effect of ASMs in PWE. Two studies rated OCEBM level 2 the remaining level 3. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest a higher prevalence of constipation in PWE. Co-occurring multimorbidity and resulting polypharmacy adds further complexity to the process of establishing aetiology of constipation in PWE. Potential contributory aetiological factors for constipation such as neurodevelopmental and genetic disorders, ASM side effects and the epilepsy itself require better understanding and research

    The long-term psycho-social impact of the pandemic on people with intellectual disability and their carers

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    Background: People with intellectual disabilities (PWID) are at six times higher risk of death due to COVID-19. To mitigate harm, as a high-risk group, significant social changes were imposed on PWID in the UK. Alongside these changes, the uncertainty of the pandemic influence, caused PWID and their carers to encounter significant stress. The evidence of the pandemic’s psycho-social impact on PWID originates mainly from cross-sectional surveys conducted with professionals and carers. There is little research on the longitudinal psycho-social impact of the pandemic from PWID themselves. Aims: To examine the long-term psycho-social impact of the pandemic on PWID. Methods: A cross-sectional survey, following STROBE guidance, of 17 Likert scale statements (12 to PWID and 5 to their carers) to ascertain the pandemic’s psychosocial impact was conducted. Every other PWID open to a specialist Intellectual Disability service serving half a UK County (pop:500,000) was selected. The same survey was re-run with the same cohort a year later. Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney, Chi-square and unpaired-t tests were used to compare responses. Significance is taken at p &lt; .05. Comments were analysed using Clarke and Braun’s approach. Results: Of 250 PWID contacted, 100 (40%) responded in 2020 and 127 (51%) in 2021. 69% (2020) and 58% (2021) reported seeking medical support. Carers, (88%, 2020 and 90%, 2021) noticed emotional changes in PWID they cared for. 13% (2020) and 20% (2021) of PWID had their regular psychotropics increased. 21% (2020) and 24% (2021) had their pro re nata (PRN) medication adjusted. PWID or carers demonstrated no statistically significant variation in responses between themselves from 2020 to 2021. PWID were more likely to report being upset/distressed compared to their carers’ perceptions of them in both years ( p &lt; .001). Four themes were identified. Conclusion: This longitudinal study highlights the diverse psycho-social impact of the pandemic on PWID in the UK. The Pandemic’s psycho-social impact has been significantly underestimated. </jats:sec

    Did the Draupner wave occur in a crossing sea?

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    The ‘New Year Wave’ was recorded at the Draupner platform in the North Sea and is a rare high quality measurement of a ‘freak’ or ‘rogue’ wave. The wave has been the subject of much interest and numerous studies. Despite this, the event has still not been satisfactorily explained. One piece of information which was not directly measured at the platform, but which is vital to understanding the nonlinear dynamics is the wave’s directional spreading. This paper investigates the directionality of the Draupner wave and concludes it might have resulted from two wave-groups crossing, whose mean wave directions were separated by about 90◦ or more. This result has been deduced from a set-up of the low frequency second order difference waves under the giant wave, which can be explained only if two wave systems are propagating at such an angle. To check whether second order theory is satisfactory for such a highly non-linear event, we have run numerical simulations using a fully non-linear potential flow solver, which confirm the conclusion deduced from the second order theory. This is backed up by a hindcast from ECMWF which shows swell waves propagating at ∼ 80◦ to the wind sea. Other evidence which supports our conclusion are the measured forces on the structure, the magnitude of the second order sum waves and some other instances of freak waves occurring in crossing sea states

    Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment in the UK after leaving the European Union

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    The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union and, until the terms of the ‘Brexit’ are negotiated, this has led to considerable uncertainty over the future practice of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the UK. Here we show that multiple obligations exist outside the scope of the EU which mean that EIA and SEA will continue to be required in the long-term, but that their future compliance with the Directives remains unclear. We consider three scenarios for Brexit and present the implications of each; these are: signing up to the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement; membership of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), but not EEA, or negotiate a separate agreement. The implications of no longer being subjected to the obligations of the Directives under some scenarios are discussed and include opening the door for increasing diversity of application across the regions of the UK, and the probability of raised screening thresholds so as to reduce the burden of assessment on developers

    Awareness of social care needs in people with epilepsy and intellectual disability

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    Background: Nearly a quarter of people with intellectual disability (ID) have epilepsy with large numbers experiencing drug-resistant epilepsy, and premature mortality. To mitigate epilepsy risks the environment and social care needs, particularly in professional care settings, need to be met. Purpose: To compare professional care groups as regards their subjective confidence and perceived responsibility when managing the need of people with ID and epilepsy. Method: A multi-agency expert panel developed a questionnaire with embedded case vignettes with quantitative and qualitative elements to understand training and confidence in the health and social determinants of people with ID and epilepsy. The cross-sectional survey was disseminated amongst health and social care professionals working with people with ID in the UK using an exponential non-discriminative snow-balling methodology. Group comparisons were undertaken using suitable statistical tests including Fisher's exact, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney. Bonferroni correction was applied to significant (p < 0.05) results. Content analysis was conducted and relevant categories and themes were identified. Results: Social and health professionals (n = 54) rated their confidence to manage the needs of people with ID and epilepsy equally. Health professionals showed better awareness (p < 0.001) of the findings/recommendations of the latest evidence on premature deaths and identifying and managing epilepsy-related risks, including the relevance of nocturnal monitoring. The content analysis highlighted the need for clearer roles, improved care pathways, better epilepsy-specific knowledge, increased resources, and better multi-disciplinary work. Conclusions: A gap exists between health and social care professionals in awareness of epilepsy needs for people with ID, requiring essential training and national pathways