79 research outputs found

    Geometric evaluation of stiffened steel plates subjected to transverse loading for naval and offshore applications

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    This work searched for the optimal geometrical configuration of simply supported stiffened plates subjected to a transverse and uniformly distributed load. From a non-stiffened reference plate, different geometrical configurations of stiffened plates, with the same volume as the reference plate, were defined through the constructal design method. Thus, applying the exhaustive search technique and using the ANSYS software, the mechanical behaviors of all the suggested stiffened plates were compared to each other to find the geometrical configuration that provided the minimum deflection in the plate's center when subjected to this loading. The optimum geometrical configuration of stiffeners is presented at the end of this work, allowing a reduction of 98.57% for the central deflection of the stiffened plate if compared to the reference plate. Furthermore, power equations were adjusted to describe the deflections for each combination of longitudinal and transverse stiffeners as a function of the ratio between the height and the thickness of the stiffeners. Finally, a unique equation for determining the central deflections of the studied stiffened plates based only on the number of longitudinal stiffeners without significantly losing accuracy has been proposed

    On Designing Multicore-Aware Simulators for Systems Biology Endowed with OnLine Statistics

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    The paper arguments are on enabling methodologies for the design of a fully parallel, online, interactive tool aiming to support the bioinformatics scientists .In particular, the features of these methodologies, supported by the FastFlow parallel programming framework, are shown on a simulation tool to perform the modeling, the tuning, and the sensitivity analysis of stochastic biological models. A stochastic simulation needs thousands of independent simulation trajectories turning into big data that should be analysed by statistic and data mining tools. In the considered approach the two stages are pipelined in such a way that the simulation stage streams out the partial results of all simulation trajectories to the analysis stage that immediately produces a partial result. The simulation-analysis workflow is validated for performance and effectiveness of the online analysis in capturing biological systems behavior on a multicore platform and representative proof-of-concept biological systems. The exploited methodologies include pattern-based parallel programming and data streaming that provide key features to the software designers such as performance portability and efficient in-memory (big) data management and movement. Two paradigmatic classes of biological systems exhibiting multistable and oscillatory behavior are used as a testbed

    User interfaces for information systems

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    This paper presents descriptions of four information-system interface projects in progress at ESRIN, each demonstrating a somewhat different approach to interface design, but ali sharing the commonality of responding to user goals, tasks and characteristics. It is suggested that next-generation scientific information systems will have to be designed for direct access by end users to a large variety of information sources, through a commom interface. Design of such systems, including their interfaces, should be based on a multi-level analysis of user goals, tasks and domain views.Se describen cuatro proyectos de interfaces de sistemas de información que se están desarrollando en ESRIN (establecimiento de la Agencia Espacial Europea, en Frascati). Cada uno de ellos muestra un enfoque diferente del diseño de interfaces, pero todos tienen en común el responder a los objetivos, tareas y características de los usuarios. Se sugiere que la próxima generación de sistemas de información científica se tendrá que diseñar para permitir el acceso directo de los usuarios finales a una gran variedad de fuentes de información a través de una interfaz común. El diseño de tales sistemas y de sus interfaces debería basarse en un análisis multinivel de objetivos, tareas y puntos de vista propios de la materia de trabajo de cada usuario

    Concurrency and Interaction in Complex Systems

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    The authors emphasize the actual relevance and need of formal methods for the advancements of complex systems, and present briefly the other papers contained in this issue

    Constructal design method dealing with stiffened plates and symmetry boundaries

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    A new computational procedure for modelling the structural behavior of stiffened plates with symmetry boundary conditions is here presented. It uses two-dimensional finite elements as a way to decrease computational time without losing precision thanks to a relatively small number of elements applied for analyzing out-of-plane displacements (deflections) and stresses. Adding, the constructal design method was included in the procedure, together with the exhaustive search technique, with the scope to optimize the stress/strain status of stiffened plates by design changes. For the purpose, a reference plate without stiffeners was initially design and used as starting point. Part of the volume was reshaped into stiffeners: thickness was reduced maintaining unchanged weight, length and width. The main goal was to minimize strains and stresses by geometric changes. Results demonstrated that, thanks to this design procedure, it is always possible to find an adequate geometry transformation from reference plate into stiffeners, allowing significant improvements in mechanical behavior

    Approximating Imperfect Cryptography in a Formal Model

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    We present a formal view of cryptography that overcomes the usual assumptions of formal models for reasoning about security of computer systems, i.e. perfect cryptography and Dolev-Yao adversary model. In our framework, equivalence among formal cryptographic expressions is parameterized by a computational adversary that may exploit weaknesses of the cryptosystem to cryptanalyze ciphertext with a certain probability of success. To validate our approach, we show that in the restricted setting of ideal cryptosystems, for which the probability of guessing information that the Dolev-Yao adversary cannot derive is negligible, the computational adversary is limited to the allowed behaviors of the Dolev-Yao adversary

    Weak Bisimulation for Probabilistic Timed Automata

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    We are interested in describing timed systems that exhibit probabilistic behaviour. To this purpose, we consider a model of Probabilistic Timed Automata and introduce a concept of weak bisimulation for these automata, together with an algorithm to decide it. The weak bisimulation relation is shown to be preserved when either time, or probability is abstracted away. As an application, we use weak bisimulation for Probabilistic Timed Automata to model and analyze a timing attack on the dining cryptographers protocol
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