754 research outputs found

    Universal quantum magnetometry with spin states at equilibrium

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    We address metrological protocols for the estimation of the intensity and the orientation of a magnetic field, and show that quantum-enhanced precision may be achieved by probing the field with an arbitrary spin at thermal equilibrium. We derive a general expression for the ultimate achievable precision, as given by the quantum Fisher information, and express this quantity in terms of common thermodynamic quantities. We also seek for the optimal observable, and show that it corresponds to the spin projection along a suitable direction, defined by a universal function of the spin temperature. Finally, we prove the robustness of our scheme against deviations of the measured spin projection from optimality.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    All-optical non-demolition measurement of single-hole spin in a quantum-dot molecule

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    We propose an all-optical scheme to perform a non-demolition measurement of a single hole spin localized in a quantum-dot molecule. The latter is embedded in a microcavity and driven by two lasers. This allows to induce Raman transitions which entangle the spin state with the polarization of the emitted photons. We find that the measurement can be completed with high fidelity on a timescale of 100 ps, shorter than the typical T2. Furthermore, we show that the scheme can be used to induce and observe spin oscillations without the need of time-dependent magnetic fields

    Optimizing photon indistinguishability in the emission from incoherently-excited semiconductor quantum dots

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    Most optical quantum devices require deterministic single-photon emitters. Schemes so far demonstrated in the solid state imply an energy relaxation which tends to spoil the coherent nature of the time evolution, and with it the photon indistinguishability. We focus our theoretical investigation on semiconductor quantum dots embedded in microcavities. Simple and general relations are identified between the photon indistinguishability and the collection efficiency. The identification of the key parameters and of their interplay provides clear indications for the device optimization

    Kawasaki dynamics with two types of particles : critical droplets

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    This is the third in a series of three papers in which we study a two-dimensional lattice gas consisting of two types of particles subject to Kawasaki dynamics at low temperature in a large ¿nite box with an open boundary. Each pair of particles occupying neighboring sites has a negative binding energy provided their types are di¿erent, while each particle has a positive activation energy that depends on its type. There is no binding energy between particles of the same type. At the boundary of the box particles are created and annihilated in a way that represents the presence of an in¿nite gas reservoir. We start the dynamics from the empty box and are interested in the transition time to the full box. This transition is triggered by a critical droplet appearing somewhere in the box. In the ¿rst paper we identi¿ed the parameter range for which the system is metastable, showed that the ¿rst entrance distribution on the set of critical droplets is uniform, computed the expected transition time up to and including a multiplicative factor of order one, and proved that the nucleation time divided by its expectation is exponentially distributed, all in the limit of low temperature. These results were proved under three hypotheses, and involved three model-dependent quantities: the energy, the shape and the number of critical droplets. In the second paper we proved the ¿rst and the second hypothesis and identi¿ed the energy of critical droplets. In the third paper we prove the third hypothesis and identify the shape and the number of critical droplets, thereby completing our analysis. Both the second and the third paper deal with understanding the geometric properties of subcritical, critical and supercritical droplets, which are crucial in determining the metastable behavior of the system, as explained in the ¿rst paper. The geometry turns out to be considerably more complex than for Kawasaki dynamics with one type of particle, for which an extensive literature exists. The main motivation behind our work is to understand metastability of multi-type particle systems

    Metastability for low-temperature Kawasaki dynamics with two types of particles

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    In the thesis we investigate a model of a low-temperature and low-density lattice gas with particles of two different types in a finite volume surrounded by a gas reservoir in which the two types of particles have different densities. We consider a binding energy U > 0 between particles of different types. A Hamiltonian energy function is defined on the space of configurations and particles move according to Kawasaki dynamics. We study how the system nucleates, i.e., how the transition from the configuration where the finite volume is empty to a configuration where the volume is filled with a large checkerboard cluster happens and investigate the metastable behavior of the nucleation.UBL - phd migration 201