2 research outputs found


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    Brizgani beton je tisti beton katerega transportiramo po tlačnih ceveh do mesta vgraditve in ga vgradimo z brizganjem. Pri tem načinu vgrajevanja betona, nanašamo beton s pomočjo stisnjenega zraka. Brizganemu betonu lahko dodamo tudi vlakna, da izboljšamo njegove lastnosti. Ideja, da v mešanico svežega betona ali malte primešamo vlakna anorganskega ali organskega izvora, se je porodila ob želji, da bi se v betonu izboljšale njegove lastnosti kot so: upogibna trdnost, žilavost in odpornost na utrujanje. S tem dosežemo zmanjšanje razpokanosti strukture. Danes za mikroarmiranje uporabljamo vlakna, ki so obstojna v alkalni cementni osnovi in bistveno izboljšajo lastnosti tako nastalega kompozitnega materiala.Shotcrete is concrete, which is transported under pressure through pipes, do the place where is built in with shoting. Shotcrete is build in with the help of compressed air. To the concrete mixture we can also add some fibres to enhance its properties. An idea, to mix fresh concrete with organic or anorganic fibres, come of wish that properties such as: bending stiffness, stamina and resistance on fatique would improve. With that we can achieve reduction of cracks in the structure. Nowadays we use for microreinforced concrete fibres that are persistent in alkaline cement base, that essentially improve properties of so made composite material

    Experimental and numerical analysis of timber-glass beams

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    Moderna arhitektura dandanes zahteva vedno večjo transparentnost notranjih prostorov in s tem transparentnost konstrukcijskih elementov. Prosojni konstrukcijski elementi iz stekla pa postavljajo arhitekte in konstrukterje pred velik izziv. Steklo ima namreč veliko nižjo natezno trdnost od tlačne trdnosti, zaradi velike tlačne trdnosti pa ga je mogoče uporabiti za prenos vertikalnih in tudi horizontalnih obtežb. Zaradi krhkosti pa je treba razporejanju obtežb nameniti posebno pozornost. Les uporabimo v kompozitni sestavi s steklom, ker imata oba materiala podobno temperaturno obnašanje, s čimer se lahko v veliki meri izognemo vsiljenim napetostim. Les je kot duktilen material tudi sposoben kompenzirati relativno nizko natezno trdnost stekla in podpirati njegovo visoko tlačno trdnost. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na kompozit lesa in stekla na primeru nosilcev. Izvedli smo eksperimentalne preiskave na leseno-steklenih I nosilcih, dobljene rezultate pa smo primerjali z izračuni numerične analize in z izračunom po analitičnem postopku z uporabo γ-koeficienta.Nowadays modern architecture requires an increasing amount of transparency of the interior and thus transparency of structural elements. Translucent structural elements made of glass pose a significant challenge for architects and structural engineers. Glass has a much lower tensile strength than compressive strength, but because of its high compressive strength it can be used for enduring vertical and horizontal loads. Due to its fragility the distribution of loads needs special attention. Wood is used in composition with glass as both materials have a similar temperature behavior, which helps us avoid induced stresses. As a ductile material, wood can compensate for the relatively low tensile strength of glass and support its high compressive strength. In this thesis we focused on a composite of timber and glass in the case of beams. We carried out experimental investigations of timber-glass I beams and compared our results with calculations from the numerical analysis and the calculation according to the analytical method using the γ-coefficient