90 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja, Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Komitmen Organisasional pada Kinerja Karyawan, dengan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction, transformational leadership and organizational commitment on employee performance, using OCB as mediating variable. This research was conducted on employees at PT. Dan Liris Sukoharjo Central Java. The respondents were regular employees totaling 200 employees. The technique of sampling was Non-Probability Sampling and the technique of analyzing data was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 21.0 program. The result shows that job satisfaction, transformational leadership, organizational commitment and OCB simultaneously give positive effect and significant on the employees' performance. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment on OCB is not significant, whereas transformational leadership give positive effect and significant on OCB. OCB success to mediate the full effect between job satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee performance, but OCB mediates the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance partially. Managerial implications of this research are human resource management should improve job satisfaction, organizational commitment and appealedthe head to apply transformational leadership to improve employee performance through OCB behaviors

    Refleksi Pendidikan Nilai Bangsa Kita

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    Discussion in this article starts from the emergence of a variety of problems and global issues such as violation of human rights, multi-cultural-ethnic-religious reality, life environment, world peace, violence phenomena, and drug abuse which indispensably make educational practitioners think about an appropriate educational system capable of facing challenges. Therefore, an educational system focusing on moral value internalization emphasizing the aspect of universal humanism is important. Such a system should be adjusted to our needs in order for us as a nation to be able to face every challenge. The past education was deemed to fail to create people capable of individualizing and participating. As a result, our educational outputs are not only poor in skill and intellectual capacity but also fragile in character and morality. A national problem arising is not only unemployment and alumni\u27s poor capability but also a threat of moral decadence and criminality.The fact that the reform euphoria brings about effects on all aspects ofthe nation\u27s life, initially directed towards substantial matters, shows thatit still needs a long struggle to attain the reform objective. In fact, ournation needs not only characters with morality but also those withintellect, capable of thinking clearly and profoundly, idealistic andrealistic, and having a long-term vision. Those with intellect are able tosee the invisible, to see what is behind an emergent phenomenon, and toraise appropriate critical questions. Not all people are able to see avariety of moral problems that are usually behind emergent phenomena.The conclusion of this article is that to prevent moral values prevalent insociety from extinction, the society itself has to transfer them to the nextgeneration. A way to do so is education. Through education, the societyteaches knowledge, concepts of live, norms, and attitudes in social life,and teaches how to behave in social life, nation life, and government life

    Efektifitas Pendekatan Pembelajaran Kontekstual Dan Pemecahan Masalah Ditinjau Dari Konsep Diri Siswa Pada Pelajaran Matematika Kelas VIII SMP Negeri Di Kabupaten Sragen Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1). Manakah yang memberikan prestasi belajar matematika siswa yang lebih baik, pendekatan pembelajaran Kontekstual, Pemecahan Masalah atau Pembelajaran Langsung. (2). Manakah yang memberikan prestasi belajar matematika siswa yang lebih baik, siswa dengan konsep diri tinggi, sedang atau rendah. (3). Apakah pada masing-masing konsep diri siswa (tinggi, sedang dan rendah) pendekatan pembelajaran Kontekstual lebih baik dibanding Pemecahan Masalah dan Pembelajaran Langsung, dan Pemecahan Masalah lebih baik dibanding Pembelajaran Langsung. (4). Apakah pada masing-masing pendekatan pembelajaran (Kontekstual, Pemecahan Masalah dan Pembelajaran Langsung) pada siswa dengan konsep diri tinggi lebih baik dibanding dengan konsep diri sedang dan rendah serta apakah siswa dengan konsep diri sedang lebih baik dibanding dengan konsep diri rendah.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain faktorial 3x3. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri di Kabupaten Sragen semester genap tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara stratified cluster random sampling dengan sampel penelitian adalah siswa-siswi SMP Negeri 2 Sragen, SMP Negeri 1 Karangmalang, dan SMP Negeri 2 Karangmalang masing-masing terdiri dari tiga kelas, satu kelas sebagai kelas Pembelajaran Kontekstual, satu kelas sebagai kelas Pembelajaran Pemecahan Masalah dan satu kelas sebagai kelas Pembelajaran Langsung. Banyak anggota sampel seluruhnya adalah 265 siswa. Uji instrumen yang digunakan adalah uji validitas, reliabelitas, daya beda dan tingkat kesukaran. Uji normalitas menggunakan Lilliefors, uji homogenitas dengan uji Bartlett dan uji keseimbangan menggunakan uji-F. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji anava dua jalan dengan sel tak sama.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan. (1). Pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual memberikan prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada pembelajaran pemecahan masalah dan pembelajaran langsung, dan pembelajaran pemecahan masalah memberikan prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada pembelajaran langsung. (2). Siswa yang memiliki konsep diri tinggi mempunyai prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada siswa yang memiliki konsep diri sedang dan rendah, dan siswa dengan konsep diri sedang memberikan prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada siswa dengan konsep diri rendah. (3a). Pada siswa dengan konsep diri tinggi, pembelajaran pemecahan masalah memberikan prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada pembelajaran langsung. Sedangkan pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual sama baiknya dengan pembelajaran pemecahan masalah dan pembelajaran langsung. (3b). Pada siswa dengan konsep diri sedang, pembelajaran kontekstual memberikan prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada pembelajaran langsung. Sedangkan pendekatan pembelajaran pemecahan masalah sama baiknya dengan pembelajaran kontekstual dan pembelajaran langsung. (3c). Pada siswa dengan konsep diri rendah, pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual memberikan prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada pembelajaran pemecahan masalah. Sedangkan pendekatan pembelajaran pemecahan masalah dan kontekstual sama baiknya dengan pembelajaran langsung. (4a). Pada pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual, semua siswa dengan beragam konsep diri memiliki prestasi belajar yang sama. (4b). Pada pendekatan pembelajaran pemecahan masalah, siswa dengan konsep diri tinggi memiliki prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada siswa dengan konsep diri sedang dan siswa dengan konsep diri tinggi memiliki prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada konsep diri rendah, dan siswa dengan konsep diri sedang akan lebih baik daripada siswa dengan konsep diri rendah. (4c). Pada pendekatan pembelajaran langsung, semua siswa dengan beragam konsep diri memiliki prestasi yang sama

    Professional Development of a Teacher in the ICT Era

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    Teacher plays a significant role in educating. As an agent of change, the teacher should be perceptive to any change as the result of the modernism. It requires the teacher to possess more complex competence and idea. Therefore, competence development activities are needed for the teacher. The competence and professional development of teacher are expected to be able in improving the professional teacher quality and further improve the education quality. This research was aimed to describe the development of teacher profession in this ICT era. The method used was a literature study. The data from the research showed that 1) The professional development can be done through the activities within the working area, and 2) There are some factors affecting the teacher’s professional development. Teacher plays a significant role in educating. As an agent of change, the teacher should be perceptive to any change as the result of the modernism. It requires the teacher to possess more complex competence and idea. Therefore, competence development activities are needed for the teacher. The competence and professional development of teacher are expected to be able in improving the professional teacher quality and further improve the education quality. This research was aimed to describe the development of teacher profession in this ICT era. The method used was a literature study. The data from the research showed that 1) The professional development can be done through the activities within the working area, and 2) There are some factors affecting the teacher’s professional development. Keywords: development, ICT era, professionalism, teacher.     Keywords: development, ICT era, professionalism, teache

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Think Pair Share Dan Team Assisted Individualization Pada Materi Trigonometri Ditinjau Dari Minat Belajar Matematika Siswa Smk Di Kabupaten Ponorogo Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) wich learning model of Think Pair Share (TPS), Team Assisted Individualization (TAI), or conventional learning model results in a better learning achievement in Mathematics, (2) which learning interest of the high learning interest, the moderate learning interest, and the low learning interest results in a better learning achievement in Mathematics,(3) in the students with the high, moderate, and low learning interests, wich learning model of Think Pair Share (TPS), Team Assisted Individualization (TAI), and conventional learning model results in a better learning achievement in Mathematics. This research used the quasi experimental research method with the factorial design of 3x3. The population of the research were the students of Vocational High School (SMK) in Ponorogo regency on Academic Year 2011/2012. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. It was conducted at SMK 1 of Ponorogo, SMK Bakti of Ponorogo, and SMK Sore 1 of Ponorogo. The samples included two experimental classes and one control class of each of the schools. The size of the sample was 275 students consisted of 84 students in the first experimental class, 105 sudents in the second experimental class and 86 students in control class. The data of the research were gathered through mathematics achievement tes and quetionary of learning interest. The data was analyzed by using two-way analysis of variance with.The results of the reseach are as follows: (1) both TPS and TAI result in the same good learning achievement in Mathematics, and result in a better learning achievement than the conventional one does; (2) the students with the higher learning interest have a better learning achievement in Mathematics than those with the moderate learning interest and the low learning interest, but the students with the moderat learning interest have the same learning achievement in Mathematics those with the low learning interest; (3) in the students with the high, moderat, and low learning interest, both TPS and TAI result in the same good learning achievement in Mathematics, and result in a better learning achievement than the conventional one does

    Pengembangan Lampu LED Alternatif Sebagai Efisiensi Daya

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    — Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana efisiensi daya dari lampu LED Alternatif dengan menggunakan ragkaian pararlel dibandingkan dengan lampu LED dipasaran. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara mengambil 2 merk dari total populasi yaitu berjumlah 6 lampu LED yang sudah berstandar SNI. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pengukuran dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian melalui pengukuran didapat hasil data pengukuran Data diperoleh dari percobaan dan pengambilan data dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan, data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakanperhitungan efisiensi daya. Simpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu lampu LED alternatif dengan pemasangan lampu LED secara paralel tidak terbukti lebih baik dari lampu dipasaran, lampu LED Alternatif kurang efisien daya 40% dibandingkan dengan lampu LED Ph. Dan Lampu LED Alternatif kurang efisien daya 63% dibandingkan dengan lampu LED Ao. Saran yang dapat diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebaiknya diharapkan penelitian kedepan dapat mengembangkan lampu LED dengan rangkaian paralel yang jauh lebih efisien dan tahan lama.Kata kunci— lampu LED, efisiensi day
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