18 research outputs found

    Determining the caloric potential of wooden plant species with the goal to protect and improve the environment

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    Many countries are increasing the share of renewable and sustainable energy with the basic goal to reduce the volume of fossil fuels whose harmful impact on the environment is significant. The production and use of biomass that would be used for co-burning with fossil fuel are one of how the countries of the European Union and the United States are fighting against climate change. The most commonly used plant species is willow (Salix sp.) due to its multiple effects on environmental protection and improvement. The advantages they have are great, and only some of them are: efficient use of land combined with the growing demand for renewable energy sources. As fast-growing soft deciduous trees, willows show extremely good adaptability to the grounds where they grow and climatic conditions, which results in a high survival rate after planting and a high yield of wooden mass. This paper presents the results of the coburning of biomass of the indigenous species (Salix alba, clone B-44) with three samples of lignite in different ratios. Two samples of lignite were taken from the eastern part of MB Kolubara, while the third sample was taken from the western part of the Kolubara basin. The calorific values of biomass and lignite mixtures were determined using an IKA C 5003 calorimeter. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that even the minimum amount of the tested clone (5%), significantly increases the calorific value of lignite by an average value of 454 kJ/kg for a mixture of 5% added biomass and lignite. It was also found that the content of heavy metals in "contaminated" willows only slightly (by about 75 kJ/kg) reduces the thermal value of the mixture compared to a mixture of uncontaminated clone and lignite. The obtained results unequivocally indicate the possibility of using biomass obtained from willow in the electrical sector to increase the calorific value of lignite while reducing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted and recultivation of degraded land surfaces

    "Blue-green" corridors as a tool for erosion and stream control in highly urbanized areas - case study of Belgrade city

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    Highly urbanized areas constantly need new surfaces for building of commercial, residential or infrastructure objects. Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is a large regional centre with a population of 2 000 000 dwellers, covering a territory of 3500 km2. The territory of Belgrade is intersected by 187 streams, with watersheds mostly rural in higher parts, urbanized and highly urbanized in lower parts. Torrential floods that once occurred rarely during pre-development period have now become more frequent and destructive due to the transformation of the watershed from rural to urban land uses. Authorities of Belgrade defined a strategy for erosion control and protection from torrential floods, based on the restoration of “blue-green” corridors (residuals of open streams and fragments of forest vegetation). The restoration of “blue-green” corridors helps the establishment of new recreational areas, the preservation of biodiversity and the mitigation of effects of climate change

    Erosion control and protection from torrential floods in Serbia-spatial aspects

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    Torrential floods represent the most frequent phenomenon within the category of “natural risks” in Serbia. The representative examples are the torrential floods on the experimental watersheds of the rivers Manastirica (June 1996) and Kamišna (May 2007). Hystorical maximal discharges (Qmaxh) were reconstructed by use of ″hydraulics flood traces″ method. Computations of maximal discharges (Qmaxc), under hydrological conditions after the restoration of the watersheds, were performed by use of a synthetic unit hydrograph theory and Soil Conservation Service methodology. Area sediment yields and intensity of erosion processes were estimated on the basis of the “Erosion Potential Method”. The actual state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.475 (Manastirica) and Z=0.470 (Kamišna). Restoration works have been planned with a view to decreasing yields of erosive material, increasing water infiltration capacity and reducing flood runoff. The planned state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.343 (Manastirica) and Z=0.385 (Kamišna). The effects of hydrological changes were estimated by the comparison of historical maximal discharges and computed maximal discharges (under the conditions after the planned restoration). The realisation of restoration works will help decrease annual yields of erosive material from Wа=24357 m3 to Wа=16198.0 m3 (Manastirica) and from Wа=19974 m3 to Wа=14434 m3 (Kamišna). The values of historical maximal discharges (QmaxhMan=154.9 m3•s-1; QmaxhKam=76.3 m3•s-1) were significantly decreased after the restoration (QmaxcMan=84.5 m3 •s-1; QmaxcKam=43.7 m3•s-1), indicating the improvement of hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of erosion and torrent control works. Integrated management involves biotechnical works on the watershed, technical works on the hydrographic network within a precisely defined administrative and spatial framework in order to achieve maximum security for people and their property and to meet other requirements such as: environmental protection, sustainable soil usage, drinking water supply, rural development, biodiversity sustaining, etc. The lowest and the most effective level is attained through PAERs (Plans for announcement of erosive regions) and PPTFs (Plans for protection from torrential floods), with HZs (Hazard zones) and TAs (Threatened areas) mapping on the basis of spatial analysis of important factors in torrential floods formation. Solutions defined through PAERs and PPTFs must be integrated into Spatial Plans at local and regional levels

    Erosion control and protection from torrential floods in Serbia-spatial aspects

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    Torrential floods represent the most frequent phenomenon within the category of 'natural risks' in Serbia. The representative examples are the torrential floods on the experimental watersheds of the rivers Manastirica (June 1996) and Kamišna (May 2007). Hystorical maximal discharges (Qmaxh) were reconstructed by use of 'hydraulics flood traces' method. Computations of maximal discharges (Qmaxc), under hydrological conditions after the restoration of the watersheds, were performed by use of a synthetic unit hydrograph theory and Soil Conservation Service methodology. Area sediment yields and intensity of erosion processes were estimated on the basis of the 'Erosion Potential Method'. The actual state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.475 (Manastirica) and Z=0.470 (Kamišna). Restoration works have been planned with a view to decreasing yields of erosive material, increasing water infiltration capacity and reducing flood runoff. The planned state of erosion processes is represented by the coefficients of erosion Z=0.343 (Manastirica) and Z=0.385 (Kamišna). The effects of hydrological changes were estimated by the comparison of historical maximal discharges and computed maximal discharges (under the conditions after the planned restoration). The realisation of restoration works will help decrease annual yields of erosive material from Wa=24357 m3 to Wa=16198.0 m3 (Manastirica) and from Wa=19974 m3 to Wa=14434 m3 (Kamišna). The values of historical maximal discharges (QmaxhMan=154.9 m3·s-1; QmaxhKam=76.3 m3·s-1) were significantly decreased after the restoration (QmaxcMan=84.5 m3 ·s-1; QmaxcKam=43.7 m3·s-1), indicating the improvement of hydrological conditions, as a direct consequence of erosion and torrent control works. Integrated management involves biotechnical works on the watershed, technical works on the hydrographic network within a precisely defined administrative and spatial framework in order to achieve maximum security for people and their property and to meet other requirements such as: environmental protection, sustainable soil usage, drinking water supply, rural development, biodiversity sustaining, etc. The lowest and the most effective level is attained through PAERs (Plans for announcement of erosive regions) and PPTFs (Plans for protection from torrential floods), with HZs (Hazard zones) and TAs (Threatened areas) mapping on the basis of spatial analysis of important factors in torrential floods formation. Solutions defined through PAERs and PPTFs must be integrated into Spatial Plans at local and regional levels

    Pharmacodynamic properties of medicinal plants within eight departments of NM „Šuma Košutnjak“

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    U ovom radu sprovedena je analiza farmakodinamskih svojstava lekovitih biljaka u okviru osam odeljenja SP „Šuma Košutnjak“. Inventarisanjem lekovite flore na ovom području utrvđeno je prisustvo 101 lekovite vrste. Na osnovu opšteprihvaćene metodologije za analizu farmakodinamskih svojstava, svi lekoviti taksoni su svrstani u ukupno 14 grupa. Dobijeni rezultati farmakodinamske analize pokazuju dominaciju droga koje leče kardiovaskularni, digestivni i respiratorni sistem. Imajući u vidu značaj ovih istraživanja kako bi se, ne samo utvrdila brojnost i farmakodinamska svojstva prisutnih lekovitih vrsta, već i stvorila realna osnova za njihovo racionalno korišćenje u budućnosti, neophodno je nastaviti sa monitoringom na celokupnom području SP „Šuma Košutnjak“.In the paper was conducted analysis of pharmacodynamic properties of medicinal plants within eight departments of NM „Šuma Košutnjak“. Inventory of medicinal flora at this area established presence of total 101 medicinal plants. Baesd on generally accepted methodology for pharmacodynamic properties analysis, all medicinal taxa were classified in 14 groups. Obtained results show domination of the plants that treat cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory system. Bearing in mind the importance of this research, not only for establishing number and pharmacodynamic properties of medicinal plants, but also for creating a realistic basis for their reasonable utilization in the future, it is needed to continue with monitoring at the whole area of NM „Šuma Košutnjak“

    The Effect of Biotic Stress in Plant Species Induced by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’—An Artificial Neural Network Approach

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    Infections with phytoplasma present one of the most significant biotic stresses influencing plant health, growth, and production. The phytoplasma ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ infects a variety of plant species. This pathogen impacts the physiological and morphological characteristics of plants causing stunting, yellowing, leaf curling, and other symptoms that can lead to significant economic losses. The aim of this study was to determine biochemical changes in peony (Paeonia tenuifolia L.), mint (Mentha × piperita L.), and dill (Anethum graveolens L.) induced by ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ in Serbia as well as to predict the impact of the biotic stress using artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. The phylogenetic position of the Serbian ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ strains originated from the tested hosts using 16S rRNA (peony and carrot strains) and plsC (mint and dill strains) sequences indicated by their genetic homogeneity despite the host of origin. Biochemical parameters significantly differed in asymptomatic and symptomatic plants, except for total anthocyanidins contents in dill and the capacity of peony and mint extracts to neutralize superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed a correlation between different chemical parameters and revealed a clear separation among the samples. Based on the ANN performance, the optimal number of hidden neurons for the calculation of TS, RG, PAL, LP, NBT, •OH, TP, TT, Tflav, Tpro, Tant, DPPH, and Car was nine (using MLP 8-9-13), as it produced high r2 values (1.000 during the training period) and low SOS values. Developing an effective early warning system for the detection of plant diseases in different plant species is critical for improving crop yield and quality

    The Effect of Biotic Stress in Plant Species Induced by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’—An Artificial Neural Network Approach

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    Infections with phytoplasma present one of the most significant biotic stresses influencing plant health, growth, and production. The phytoplasma ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ infects a variety of plant species. This pathogen impacts the physiological and morphological characteristics of plants causing stunting, yellowing, leaf curling, and other symptoms that can lead to significant economic losses. The aim of this study was to determine biochemical changes in peony (Paeonia tenuifolia L.), mint (Mentha × piperita L.), and dill (Anethum graveolens L.) induced by ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ in Serbia as well as to predict the impact of the biotic stress using artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. The phylogenetic position of the Serbian ‘Ca. Phytoplasma solani’ strains originated from the tested hosts using 16S rRNA (peony and carrot strains) and plsC (mint and dill strains) sequences indicated by their genetic homogeneity despite the host of origin. Biochemical parameters significantly differed in asymptomatic and symptomatic plants, except for total anthocyanidins contents in dill and the capacity of peony and mint extracts to neutralize superoxide anions and hydroxyl radicals, respectively. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed a correlation between different chemical parameters and revealed a clear separation among the samples. Based on the ANN performance, the optimal number of hidden neurons for the calculation of TS, RG, PAL, LP, NBT, •OH, TP, TT, Tflav, Tpro, Tant, DPPH, and Car was nine (using MLP 8-9-13), as it produced high r2 values (1.000 during the training period) and low SOS values. Developing an effective early warning system for the detection of plant diseases in different plant species is critical for improving crop yield and quality

    Protection against erosion and torrential floods as an element of the environmental protection system in the city of Belgrade

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    Бујичне поплаве као једна од резултујућих форми деловања ерозионих процеса, представљају најчешће природне катастрофе у Србији, у погледу људских жртава и материјалних штета...Flash foods as one of the forms of action resulting from erosion processes, are among the most common natural disasters in Serbia in terms of human loss and material damage..