62 research outputs found

    Characterization And The Release Test of Anti-Aging Tretinoin in Nanoemulsion Using Olive Oil

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    People are more and more desire a youthful and attractive appearance. Aging of the skin can be the result of a normal process that involves a lower rate of metabolic activities and is called chronologic aging. Photoaging is the consequence of chronic sun exposure and manifests clinically with fine and coarse wrinkling, roughness, dryness,laxity, shallowness, pigmentary mottling, telangiectasia, and in some cases with preneoplastic and neoplastic changes (Stefanaki et al., 2005). Tretinoin is a compound that is able to show an effect of prevention and treatment of wrinkles due to photo aging, acne, and inflammation of the skin. It is all-trans retinol is oxidized through retinal to its most active metabolite (Kligman et. al, 1986). The effectivity of an active ingredient is determined among others by the ability to reach the site of action. To reach the site of action the active ingredients used orally or topically must first dissolve, release then absorbed or penetrates through the membrane and then diffuses into the site of action. Tretinoin practically insoluble to increase it used nanoemulsion delivery as a vehicle. Solubility is one of the factors of drug absorption. Higher solubility of drug caused higher amount of drug to absorb. Smaller droplet of emulsion caused rapid drug release. In this study tretinoin loaded in nanoemulsion using olive oil than it characterized and test of tretinoin release compared with tretinoin in emulsion. Olive oil used as oil phase in nanoemulsion as known it widely used in cosmetic

    Influenced of Kojic Acid and β-Cyclodextrin on SPF Value Sunscreen Product Contained Oxybenzone and Octyldimetyl Paba (3:7) (In Vanishing cream base formulation)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the SPF value of sunscreen product contained oxybenzone and octyl dimetyl PABA (3:7) with the addition of kojic acid 1% w/wr as whitening agent and their complex with p-cyclodextrin in 1:1 molar equivalent. The SPF value was determined by Petro correlation for in vitro method. The result Showed that the addition of kojic acid increased the SPF value of sunscreen product from 10,607 ± 0,432 became 11,741 ± 0,479. A different result showed with the addition of complex form of kojic acid with p-cyclodextrin. The SPF value decreased to 9,113 ± 0,295. The complex formation of the sunscreen agent with p-cyclodextrin was suspected to be responsible for this phenomenon. Moreover, it was suggested to make in vivo correlation with the result of this study


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    Telah ditelitl ketepatan pencantuman batas laik edar dan laik pakal enam produk sirup ampisilina yang dipasarkan. Masing-masing dua produk BUMN, dua produk PMDN dan dna produk PMA, yang diambil secara acak dan daftar produsen yang tercantum dalam 1S0-1995. Produk BUMN terpilih merupakan Obat Generik. Semua produk berbentuk sirup kering, berbahan aktif ampisilina anhidrat, dosis 125 mgj 5 ml dan mempunyai nomer registrasi dan Dep. Kes. R.L Setiap macam sampel-produk terpilih, mempunyai No. Batch dan batas kadaluwarsa sama

    Physical characteristics and release study of ovalbumin from alginate microspheres by different concentration of alginate and BaCl2 using aerosolization technique

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    Microsphere formulations have been widely used for oral applications. The aim of this research was to study physical characteristics and release study of ovalbumin from alginate microspheres prepared by different concentration of aiginate polymer and BaCI2. This research used concentrations of BaCl2 of 0,5M and 0,75M and concentrations of alginate of 2,5% w/v and 3,5% w/v. Ionotropic gelation using aerosolisation technique was applied in this study. All ovalbumin - loaded alginate microspheres were characterized in terms of size, morphology, protein loading, encapsulation efficiency, yield, and release profile of ovalbumin. In vitro release study was conducted in the simulated gastric fluid (HCI pH 1.2) and simulatedintestinal fluid (PBS pH 7,4) at temperature 370C. Results showed spherical and smooth microspheres were produced. In addition, smaller particle size of less than 8 pm was produced by increasing alginate and BaCl2 concentration. Afactorial design ANOVA and one way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis at a 95% confidence interval. No significant effect was shown by increasing alginate and BaCI2 concentration on the protein loading, encapsulation efficiency, and yield. No significant differences of ovalbumin release were found when increasing concentration of BaCI2 from 0,5M to 0,75M, however ovalbumin release decreased by increasing alginate concentration and slower release in HCI pH 1,2 during 2 hours followed by complete release in PBS pH 7,4after 17 hour


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh L-arginin, kasein hidrolisat, tepung pisang dan sakarosa terhadap kandungan solasodina pada kultur pucuk Solanum laciniatum. Kultur pucuk Solanum laciniatum diperoleh dari Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Industri, Bogor yang telah berhasil ditumbuhkan dalam media MS yang dimodifikasi dengan hormon tumbuh BA 4 mg/l (media MSK). Setelah diperbanyak kemudian ditanam pada media MSK dengan penambhan L-arginin (50, 100, dan 150 mg/l), media MSK dengan penambahan kasein hiderolisat ( 100, 150, dan 200 mg/l ), media MSK dengan penambahan tepung pisang ( 3, 6, dan 8 g/l ) dan media MSK dengan penurunan kadar sakarosa ( 20, 15, 10 dan 0 g/l ). Dikultivasi dalam ruang kultur dengan suhu lebih kurang 25 derajat Celsius dan peninaran lampu fluoresensi putih (lebih kurang 700 lux). Setelah berumur 4 minggu kultur pucuk dipanen ddan dikeringkan dibawah lampu sampai kering, kemudian diserbuk. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan bahan perlakuan terhadap pertumbuhan kultur pucuk Solanum laciniatum dilakukan perhitungan indeks pertumbuhan (IP), yaitu dengan membandingkan berat awal dengan berat waktu panen kultur pucuk Solanum laciniatum. ..

    Coenzyme Q10 nanostructured lipid carriers as an inducer of the skin fibroblast cell and its irritability test in a mice model

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    Background Coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble antioxidant that can help to prevent collagen and elastin damage and avoid wrinkles. Coenzyme Q10 has several disadvantages to be formulated in topical dosage forms, such as low water solubility and large molecular weight. These make coenzyme Q10 retained in the stratum corneum and cause low skin penetration, so proper formulation is required to get products that can penetrate the skin layer. A nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) consists of a matrix of solid lipids and liquid lipids in a certain amount with nanoparticle size; it may help increase the penetration of active ingredients. Methods For the antiaging activity test, mice were grouped into four treatment groups and killed on the 14th day; then the back of the skin was stained with Masson trichrome staining. For the irritation test, the mice were grouped into three groups and killed after 24 h; then the back of the mice was stained with hematoxylin-eosin staining. Results The number of fibroblasts in mice with NLC coenzyme Q10 is highest from all test groups. The irritation test results after 24 h of application preparation showed that NLC coenzyme Q10 did not irritate the skin of the back of male mice. Conclusions One percent coenzyme Q10 loaded in NLC induced the number of fibroblast cells in the mice model and showed no irritability effect in histopathology preparations

    The Influence of Arbutin and Olive Oil as an Enhancher in Characteristic and SPF Value of Sunscreen (Combination of Oxybenzone and Octyldimethyl Paba in a Carbomer 940 gel base)

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    The aim of this research was to understand the influence of arbutin (3% w/vO) and olive oil addition and the increase of olive oil concentration (3, 5, and 7% w/w) on characteristic and SPF value of sunscreen product containing oxybenzone-and octyldimethyl PABA (3 : 7% w/w) in a carbomer 940 gel base. The characteristic test was done by observing the physical appearance, pH and spreading ability on the 2nd day after the product was made; while the measuring of SPF value was done with a spectrophotometric method. The result of the characteristic test showed that the addition of arbutin and olive oil affect the physical appearance (organoleptic and consistency) of sunscreen product as well as its spreading ability but has no effect on pH; while the significant raise in SPF value of the sunscreen formula showed that the addition of arbutin and olive oil affect the effectiveness of sunscreen product and an increase in olive oil concentration has lead to an increase in SPF value. Considering the result of this research, it's suggested to perform a further research to comprehend the in vivo effectiveness of this product on human skin

    Effect of different types and amount of fatty acid content in corn oil and virgin coconut oil (VCO) on the characteristic, relase rate, penetration and effectiveness of para methoxycinnamic acid (PMCA) in nanoemultion

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    This study was aimed to determine the role of the type of vegetable oils. Corn oil and virgin coconut oil (VCO) were used as the oil phase in nanoemulsion drug delivery systems of p-methoxycinnamic acid (PMCA). The effect of differences of fatty acid contents in lipid of the oils on the characteristics of the nanoemulsion were observed in terms of, droplet morphology by TEM and droplet size by Delsa Nano. In addition, this research was also studied the effect on the release rate and penetration rate by Franz diffusion cell using cellophane membrane and full skin of male Wistar rats, and anti-inflammatory test of the PMCA in nanoemulsion was observed at mice's ear skin. Result of this research, showed the droplet morphology of the nanoemulsion that used VCO appeared more spherical than nanoemulsion using com oil. Droplet size ofnanoemulsion, the value of the release rate, and the rate of penetration of PMCA in nanoemulsion using corn oil and VCO were 157.4 ± 5.98, 62.63 ± 12.97 nm, 0.3925 ± 0.0 I 00, 0.4024 ± 0.0339 g/cm and 0.1398 ± 0.0384, 0.1513 ± 0.0314 g/cm2/minute, respectively. The percentage decrease of edema thickness by PMCA in nanoemulsion using corn oil and VCO were 115.14 and 91.08 % respectively. Average number of inflammation cell (PMN) by PMCA in nanoemulsion using corn oil and VCO were 91.2 ± 4 7 .36 and 27 .36 ± 64.2 respectively. The result of statistical test using T-test resulted that there was significant differences between the droplets size of the nanoemulsion using com oil larger than nanoemulsion using VCO. There were no significant differences between the value of the release rate and the rate of penetration of PMCA, percentage decrease of edema thickness and average number of inflammation cell by PMCA in nanoemulsion using com oil and VCO. In conclusion, the differences in lipid fatty acid contents of corn oil and VCO influenced on the droplet morphology and droplet size of the nanoemulsion, but had no difference effect on the release rate, the rate of penetration and anti-inflammatory effects of PMCA

    Pengaruh Sistem Mikroemulsi Tipe W/O Terhadap Karakteristik Sediaan Dan Pelepasan Natrium Diklofenak (Perbandingan Konsentrasi Surfaktan (Span 80-Tween 80): Kosurfaktan (Etanol 96%) = 6:1 dalam basis gel HPMC 4000)

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    he aim of this study was to observe the effect of microemulsion system w/o type on the characteristics of dosage form and release of diclofenac sodium in HPMC 4000 gel base. The ratio of surfactant (Span 80-Tween 80): cosurfactant (ethanol 96%), was used to make microemulsion is 6:1. Diclofenac sodium with emulsion in gel base was used as comparator. The evaluation included organoleptic, pH, spread diameter measurement of zero load, and also diclofenac sodium release test from gel base of each formula. Data from pH test, spread diameter measurement of zero load, and flux of drug release test were evaluated based on independent sample t-test. Data analysis showed that pH for microemulsion system in gel base (formula I) was 6.59±0.006 and emulsion system in gel base (formula II) was 6.55±0.047. Spread diameter measurement of zero load for formula I was 7.5±0.10 cm and for formula II was 12.7±0.21 cm. Those data was analyzed using independent sample t-test with degree of confident 95% (α=0.05). The result showed that there was a significant difference between two formulas in spread diameter of zero load but no significant difference in pH. Then, drug release test was carried out with Erweka Dissolution Tester Type DT 820 with apparatus 5 paddle overdisk in phosphate buffer 7.4±0.05, temperature 32°C and paddle rotation speed 100 rpm. The rate of diclofenac sodium release in microemulsion system in gel base was 48.4±0.52 µg/cm 2 /√minute

    Praformulation study of P-Methoxycinnamic Acid (PMCA) nanoemulsion using vegetable oils (soybean oil, corn oil, VCO)

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    Objective: This study aims were to obtain the praformulation data of p-methoxycinnamic acid (PMCA) (solubility in buffer; apparent partition coefficient between buffer and vegetable oils), to determine the fatty acids content and screening HLB needs of each oils as well as to determine the composition of nanoemulsion using these oils, surfactants (Tween 80 and Span 80) and ethanol 96% as cosurfactant. Methods: Solubility test of PMCA in acetate buffer pH 4.2±0.2 were conducted with shakes and followed by measuring PMCA amount dissolved by spectrophotometer. To determine the PMCA apparent partition coefficients between buffer pH 4.2±0.2 and soybean oil, corn oil, VCO, respectively, PMCA dissolved in buffer then oil that has been saturated with buffer were added. Firstly by shaking followed by centrifugations than PMCA remained amount in the buffer was measured by spectrophotometer. Determination of fatty acid contents in the oils was used GC-MS while screening HLB was carried by various compositions of surfactants and cosurfactant to obtain a clear emulsion (nanoemulsion). Results: From the results of this study, the solubility of PMCA in acetate buffer pH 4.2±0.2 was 70.04±0.66 mg/L. PMCA apparent partition coefficient in buffer pH 4.2±0.2 and soybean oil, corn oil, and VCO, respectively were 2.39; 2.38 and 2.41. The main contents of soybean oil fatty acids were 19.57% palmitic acid, 45.2% linoleic acid, 25.36% elaidic acid, and 7.07% stearic acid. The main contents of corn oil fatty acids were 26.86% palmitic acid, 31.52% linoleic acid, 31.30% elaidic acid and 4.68% stearic acid. The main contents of VCO fatty acids were 32.41% lauric acid, 24.15% myristic acid, 15.68% palmitic acid, 2.29% linoleic acid, 11.06% elaidic acid and 5.22% stearic acid. These oils HLB needs was 14 and the ratio of surfactant - cosurfactant which can formed a clear emulsion (nanoemulsion) was 6:1 Conclusion: 1) To produce nanoemulsion with soybean oil, corn oil, and VCO as oil phase HLB needs was 14 and the ratio of surfactant and cosurfactant was 6:1. 2) Nanomulsions with soybean oil and corn oil more turbid than nanoemulsion with VCO
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