21 research outputs found


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    Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO), which is the most serious type of chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO), is a rare chronic noninfectious auto-inflammatory disease characterized by multiple sites of painful bone inflammation. Its etiology and pathophysiology is still unclear. The clinical presentation of CRMO is discerned by bone pain with typical inflammation signs and elevated inflammation parameters. Lytic and sclerotic bone lesions can be found on X-ray scans, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but magnetic resonance imaging represents a more sensitive method of choice for determining the prognosis and stage of the disease. CRMO treatment methods include the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), corticosteroids, bisphosphonates and biological therapy. In 2019, a 13-year-old boy was admitted at the University Hospital Center Zagreb (UHC Zagreb). After several years of disease remissions and exacerbations with constant moderate pain, the correct diagnosis has been ascertained through the use of imaging methods, clinical presentation, biopsy and the exclusion of other diagnoses, The patient was monitored by a paediatric rheumatologist, and he has remained in remission following his treatment with biological therapy. CRMO should be suspected in a child with chronic and recurrent bone pain, elevated inflammatory parameters, osteolytic and osteosclerotic lesions found on X-ray, with the addition of visible bone oedema detected through MRI and the exclusion of infectious or malignant etiology. The process of establishing proper diagnoses puts an end to the unnecessary diagnostic procedures and inadequate therapy and reduces the occurrence of disease complications. This case report could potentially prove to be helpful in establishing a proper diagnosis and treatment of patients with CRMO, but new studies about this rare and important disease would help shed some light on this topic and provide more information about this disease.Kronični rekurentni multifokalni osteomijelitis (KRMO) koji je najteži oblik kroničnog nebakterijskog osteomijelitisa (KNO) rijetka je kronična neinfektivna autoinflamatorna bolest koju karakteriziraju viÅ”estruka mjesta upale kostiju. Etiologija i patofiziologija bolesti joÅ” uvijek je nejasna. Klinički dijagnoza KRMO-a razabire se po boli u kostima i prisutnosti tipičnih znakova upale uz poviÅ”enje parametara upale. Litičke i sklerotične lezije kostiju mogu se naći na rendgenskim snimkama, pregledu kompjuteriziranom tomografijom i nuklearnoj magnetskoj rezonanciji (NMR), a za proÅ”irenost i fazu bolesti magnetska rezonancija predstavlja osjetljiviju metodu izbora. Bolest se liječi različitim protuupalnim lijekovima, kao Å”to su nesteroidni antireumatici (NSAR), glukokortikoidi, bisfosfonati i bioloÅ”ki lijekovi. Dječak star 13 godina primljen je 2019. godine u Klinički bolnički centar Zagreb (KBC Zagreb). Nakon viÅ”egodiÅ”njih remisija i egzacerbacija bolesti uz stalnu umjerenu bol, slikovnim dijagnostičkim metodama, kliničkom slikom, biopsijom i isključenjem drugih dijagnoza, postavljena je dijagnoza KRMO. Bolesnik je pod nadzorom dječjeg reumatologa i nakon bioloÅ”ke terapije ima zadovoljavajuću remisiju bolesti. Na KRMO treba posumnjati u djeteta s kroničnim i ponavljajućim bolovima u kostima, poviÅ”enjem upalnih parametara, osteolitičkim i sklerotičkim lezijama na rentgenskoj (RTG) snimci, uz vidljiv koÅ”tani edem na NMR-u i isključenom infektivnom ili malignom etiologijom. Postavljanjem ispravne dijagnoze prekidaju se nepotrebni dijagnostički postupci i neadekvatna terapija te se smanjuju komplikacije bolesti. Ovaj prikaz slučaja mogao bi biti koristan u dijagnosticiranju i liječenju bolesnika s KRMO-om. Nova istraživanja o ovoj rijetkoj, ali važnoj bolesti pomogla bi nam da saznamo viÅ”e informacija o ovoj bolesti

    Akutna neuroloŔka zbivanja u djece liječene od akutne limfoblastične leukemije

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    Complications of paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia therapy in a notable number of patients include acute neurotoxicity, which presents most often as cerebrovascular disease, infection or a variety of nonspecific neurologic signs and symptoms, as well as recognizable clinical- radiological syndromes, due to admistered chemo- and radiotherapy. Although acute neurological events are rarely fatal, they usually present as emergency situations, often require treatment postponement and modifications, and can be followed by permanent sequelae in the form of epilepsy or cognitive dysfunction. We present three cases of acute neurotoxicity in childhood leukaemia patients treated at our department. Based on clinical presentation, laboratory and radiological findings, these cerebral events were characterized as ischaemia of the brain, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome and brain oedema with syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. Timely and appropriate management resulted in complete neurological recovery in all three patients.U nezanemarivom broju pedijatrijskih bolesnika s akutnom limfoblastičnom leukemijom komplikacije primijenjene kemoterapije i radioterapije uključuju akutnu neurotoksičnost, koja se može manifestirati kao cerebrovaskularna bolest, infekcija, skup nespecifičnih neuroloÅ”kih simptoma i znakova, ili pak kao jasno definirani i prepoznatljivi kliničko - radioloÅ”ki sindrom. Iako akutna neuroloÅ”ka zbivanja rijetko zavrÅ”avaju smrtno, najčeŔće je ipak riječ o hitnim stanjima koja nerijetko zahtijevaju odgodu ili promjenu terapije te mogu biti praćena trajnim posljedicama, poput epilepsije i kognitivne disfunkcije. Prikazujemo tri slučaja akutne neurotoksičnosti u djece s leukemijom liječene u naÅ”em Zavodu. Temeljem kliničke slike, laboratorijskih i radioloÅ”kih nalaza okarakterizirana su kao moždana ishemija, sindrom posteriorne reverzibilne encefalopatije i edem mozga sa sindromom neadekvatne sekrecije antidiuretskog hormona. Uz pravodobnu i adekvatnu terapiju u sve troje bolesnika zamijećen je potpuni neuroloÅ”ki oporavak

    Korelacija između slikovnog prikaza magnetskom rezonancijom i histopatologije u diferencijaciji bolesti guÅ”terače

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    In the last four decades, the incidence of pancreatic cancer has tripled in Western countries. More than 90% of all pancreatic cancers are detected in the advanced stage of the disease when surgical treatment is no longer possible and survival after initial diagnosis is usually very short. The aim of this study was to correlate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) established diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, benign lesion and malignant neoplasm with final histopathology. The study included 29 patients in whom the nature of pancreatic pathology could not be determined clinically and by other imaging modalities including abdominal ultrasonography, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and multislice computed tomography. MRI examination was performed and radiological report was compared with histopathology assessment of the pancreatic lesion detected. The data obtained indicated systematic conformity between radiological and histopathology findings, confirmed high diagnostic accuracy of MRI for selected pancreatic pathology, and demonstrated the role of MRI as a problem solving diagnostic imaging modality in undetermined pancreatic changes.U posljednja četiri desetljeća incidencija karcinoma guÅ”terače se u zapadnim zemljama utrostručila. ViÅ”e od 90% svih karcinoma guÅ”terače otkriva se u uznapredovalom stadiju kada kirurÅ”ko liječenje viÅ”e nije moguće, a preživljavanje bolesnika nakon postavljene dijagnoze je najčeŔće vrlo kratko. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti nalaz magnetske rezonancije s histopatoloÅ”kim nalazom promjena u guÅ”terači u bolesnika oboljelih od kroničnog pankreatitisa te dobroćudnih i zloćudnih novotvorina guÅ”terače. U istraživanje je uključeno 29 bolesnika kod kojih se narav patoloÅ”ke promjene guÅ”terače nije mogla utvrditi klinički niti drugim radioloÅ”kim metodama koje su uključivale ultrazvučni pregled, endoskopsku retrogradnu kolangiopankreatografiju te viÅ”eslojnu kompjutoriziranu tomografiju. Podaci istraživanja upućuju na podudaranje u radioloÅ”koj i histopatoloÅ”koj prosudbi opaženih promjena, potvrđuju visoku točnost magnetske rezonancije u dijagnostici patoloÅ”kih promjena guÅ”terače i ilustriraju njenu važnost u procjeni naravi nejasnih promjena guÅ”terače


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    Tupa trauma abdomena kod djece je vodeći uzrok mortaliteta, morbiditeta i trajne invalidnosti. NajčeŔće ozlijeđeni organi zbog tupe traume abdomena su slezena, jetra, bubrezi, guÅ”terača, dok su ozljede crijeva i mokraćnog mjehura rjeđe. Dijagnostika tupe traume abdomena kod djece otežana je te bi bez primjene radioloÅ”kih metoda bila nepouzdana. NajčeŔće koriÅ”tene radioloÅ”ke metode su kompjuterizirana tomografi ja (CT) i ultrazvuk. Kod hemodinamski stabilne djece metoda izbora u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je CT. Ako postoji potreba za brzom slikovnom dijagnostikom hemodinamski nestabilne djece primjenjuje se ultrazvuk uz krevet djeteta. Primjena ultrazvuka u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je ograničena.Blunt abdominal trauma in children is the leading cause of mortality, morbidity and permanent disability. Most commonly injured organs due to blunt abdominal trauma are spleen, liver, kidneys and pancreas. Injuries of bowels and bladder are not so common. Diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children is a challenging task where diagnostic imaging plays a signifi cant role. The most commonly used imaging modalities are computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography. CT is a method of choice for hemodynamically stable children. Ultrasonography can be performed in hemodynamically unstable patients at their bedside. Ultrasonography has a limited use in the diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children


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    Tupa trauma abdomena kod djece je vodeći uzrok mortaliteta, morbiditeta i trajne invalidnosti. NajčeŔće ozlijeđeni organi zbog tupe traume abdomena su slezena, jetra, bubrezi, guÅ”terača, dok su ozljede crijeva i mokraćnog mjehura rjeđe. Dijagnostika tupe traume abdomena kod djece otežana je te bi bez primjene radioloÅ”kih metoda bila nepouzdana. NajčeŔće koriÅ”tene radioloÅ”ke metode su kompjuterizirana tomografi ja (CT) i ultrazvuk. Kod hemodinamski stabilne djece metoda izbora u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je CT. Ako postoji potreba za brzom slikovnom dijagnostikom hemodinamski nestabilne djece primjenjuje se ultrazvuk uz krevet djeteta. Primjena ultrazvuka u dijagnostici tupe traume abdomena je ograničena.Blunt abdominal trauma in children is the leading cause of mortality, morbidity and permanent disability. Most commonly injured organs due to blunt abdominal trauma are spleen, liver, kidneys and pancreas. Injuries of bowels and bladder are not so common. Diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children is a challenging task where diagnostic imaging plays a signifi cant role. The most commonly used imaging modalities are computed tomography (CT) and ultrasonography. CT is a method of choice for hemodynamically stable children. Ultrasonography can be performed in hemodynamically unstable patients at their bedside. Ultrasonography has a limited use in the diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children

    Morphological Manifestations of the Dandy-Walker Syndrome in Female Members of a Family

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    The Dandy-Walker syndrome (DWS) is a hereditary disorder, appearing somewhat more frequently in women. The most important characteristics of the DWS are the lack of the cerebellar vermis, varying from a partial lack to a complete agenesis, and enlargement of the cerebrospinal spaces, especially in the fourth ventricle. The above mentioned morphological changes clinically manifest in ataxia, increased intracranial pressure and hydrocephalus. Here is presented a family with DWS, where the disease is contracted only by female members, in two generations, whereas no signs of DWS have been noticed in male family members. DWS is clinically manifested from early childhood to middle age, with the morphological changes varying from hypoplastic cerebellar vermis to widening of the brain ventricles and hydrocephalus and arachnoid cyst in the occipital part


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    Vezikoureteralni refluks (VUR) jedna je od najčeŔćih anomalija mokraćnog sustava u djece i može biti povezan s refluksnom nefropatijom (RN). U nekih bolesnika s RN-om razviju se kronična bolest bubrega i hipertenzija, a u malog broja pacijenata bolest progredira i do kronične renalne insuficijencije. Å to ranije postavljanje dijagnoze cilj je kliničke, biokemijske i radioloÅ”ke procjene djece s hidronefrozom dijagnosticiranom prenatalno ili febrilnom infekcijom mokraćnog sustava. Cilj je slikovnih dijagnostičkih postupaka postaviti dijagnozu s visokim stupnjem osjetljivosti i specifičnosti kako bi se započelo ispravno liječenje i odredila prognoza. Dijagnostika vezikoureteralnog refluksa (VUR) relativno je jednostavan i dobro utvrđen postupak. Sve je viÅ”a svijest o potencijalnim Å”tetnim učincima izloženosti zračenju kod nekih dijagnostičkih postupaka, kao i invazivnosti dijagnostike VUR-a, Å”to može biti neugodno iskustvo za djecu i roditelje. Mikcijska urosonografija pojačana kontrastom metoda je bez ionizirajućeg zračenja, visoko osjetljiva za dijagnostiku Ā­vezikoureteralnog refluksa (VUR) i uretre u dječjoj dobi. Ona se koristi ultrazvučnom tehnologijom (softver specifičan za kontrast) u kombinaciji s komercijalno dostupnom drugom generacijom ultrazvučnog kontrasta koji se instilira intravezikalno nakon kateterizacije mokraćnog mjehura.Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is one of the most common urinary tract anomalies in children and can be associated with reflux nephropathy (RN). Some patients with RN develop chronic kidney disease, hypertension and a small number of patients progress to end-stage renal disease. Early detection of children with these clinical characteristics should be the goal of clinical, biochemical, and radiological evaluation of patients presenting with prenatal hydronephrosis or febrile urinary tract infection. The goals of imaging procedure in general are to confirm the diagnosis suspected with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity, to aid treatment and allow prognosis. The diagnosis of vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) is a relatively straightforward and well-established procedure. There is increasing awareness of the risks of radiation exposure and invasivness of VUR investigation which can be unpleasant experience for both child and parents. Currently, contrast enhanced voiding urosonography (ceVUS) is a radiation free, highly sensitive imaging modality for vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) and urethral imaging in children. It employs ultrasound technology (contrast-specific software) in combination with commercially available second generation ultrasound contrast administered intravesically via a bladder catheter

    Imaging methods in pediatric nephro/uroradiology: How far have we come?

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    Novije dijagnostičke tehnike oslikavanja mokraćnog sustava u dječjoj dobi, obzirom na visoki potencijal dijagnostičke evaluacije anatomije i fiziologije bubrega i mokraćnog sustava bez primjene ionizirajućeg zračenja, privukle su povećanu pozornost kao inovativni i neinvazivni dijagnostički alati za dječje nefrologe i urologe. Napredak u ultrazvučnoj dijagnostici koja se uz visoku dijagnostičku pouzdanost odlikuje i visokim sigurnosnim profilom, niskoj cijeni, Å”irokoj primjeni i dostupnosti uz krevet, posebno obećava. Razvoj ultrazvučnog kontrastnog sredstva i kontrast specifičnog softvera omogućio je danas rutinsku primjenu kontrastno pojačane mikcijska urosonografije (ceVUS) u dijagnostici vezikoureteralnog refluksa (VUR) umjesto mikcijske uretrocistografije (MCUG), te kontrastno pojačane urosonografije (CEUS) u dijagnostici žariÅ”nih lezija parenhima bubrega i traume bubrega. Magnetno rezonantna urografija (MRU) kao i funkcionalna magnetno rezonantna urografija (fMRU) izuzetno su korisne slikovne dijagnostičke metoda u pedijatrijskih pacijenata, koja nam omogućuje detaljnu morfoloÅ”ku ali i funkcionalnu procjenu bubrega te gornjih i donjih mokraćnih putova, pružajući jedinstvene informacije, koje bi inače zahtijevale viÅ”e drugih slikovnih dijagnostičkih pretraga kao i izlaganje ionizirajućem zračenju. JoÅ” uvijek nedostaje znanje o primjenjivosti, indikacijama i ograničenjima novijih dijagnostičkih modaliteta snimanja bubrega i mokraćnog sustava. Ovaj pregled pruža dječjem nefrologu i urologu uvid u pedijatrijski-specifične tehnike snimanja, dajući praktične smjernice za dijagnostiku poremećaja bubrega i mokraćnog sustava i potencijal kliničke primjene ovih slikovnih dijagnostičkih tehnika.Newer diagnostic techniques for imaging the urinary system in childhood, given the potential to characterize the anatomy and physiology of the kidney and urinary system without the use of ionizing radiation, have attracted increasing attention as innovative and noninvasive diagnostic tools for pediatric nephrologists and urologists. Advances in ultrasound diagnostics, which are characterized by a high safety profile, low cost, wide application and availability by the bed, are especially promising. The development of ultrasound contrast medium and contrast specific software has enabled the routine use of contrast enhanced urinary urosonography (ceVUS) in the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) instead of Voiding urethrocystography (VCUG) and contrast enhanced urosonography (CEUS) in the diagnosis of focal and cystic kidney lesions. Magnetic resonance urography (MRU) as well as functional magnetic resonance urography (fMRU) are extremely useful imaging diagnostic methods in pediatric patients, which allows us a detailed morphological and functional assessment of the kidneys and upper and lower urinary tract, providing unique information that would otherwise require several other imaging diagnostic tests as well as exposure to ionizing radiation. This review provides the pediatric nephrologist and urologist insight into the potential of the clinical application of these imaging diagnostic techniques

    Magnetic resonance urography (MRU) and functional magnetic resonance urography (fMRU) in children

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    Magnetnorezonantna urografija (MRU) i funkcionalna magnetnorezonantna urografija (fMRU) slikovne su dijagnostičke metode koje nam omogućuju cjelovitu morfoloÅ”ku i funkcijsku dijagnostiku mokraćnog sustava u dječjoj dobi. MRU koristimo u evaluaciji morfologije bubrega i mokraćnih puteva, dok nam fMRU kroz niz funkcionalnih parametara omogućuje kvantitativnu analizu parametara bubrežne funkcije i ekskrecije. Ove su metode od posebnog značaja za pacijente dječje dobi pri dijagnostici relativno čestih urođenih anamalija urogenitalnog sustava, dijagnostici uzroka i razine opstrukcije urinarnog sustava. Prednost magnetske rezonancije pred drugim slikovnim metodama, kao Å”to su ultrazvuk, scintigrafija bubrega i mikcijska cistoureterografija (MCUG), jest u mogućnosti cjelovite i objedinjene morfoloÅ”ke i funkcijske evaluacije mokraćnog sustava, kao i neinvazivnosti u smislu poÅ”tede od ionizirajućeg zračenja. S obzirom na navedene karakteristike, MRU i fMRU značajno pomažu u donoÅ”enju ispravnih kliničkih odluka za nekirurÅ”ko i kirurÅ”ko liječenje, pri procjeni stanja uslijed komplikacija kirurÅ”kih zahvata te u slučajevima kada ostale slikovne metode ne daju dostatne dijagnostičke informacije. NajčeŔće su kliničke indikacije za primjenu MRU-a i fMRU-a sumnja na opstrukciju urinarnog trakta, planiranje operativnog zahvata, postoperativne komplikacije, detaljna procjena anatomije urogenitalnog sustava i bubrega te kvantitativna procjena bubrežne funkcije i ekskrecije. Stoga su MRU i fMRU u dječjoj dobi izuzetno korisne i informativne dijagnostičke metode koje nam omogućuju cjelovitu procjenu bubrega i mokraćnog sustava, pružajući jedinstvene informacije, te zamjenjuju niz drugih slikovnih pretraga. Relativni nedostatci su potreba anestezije ili sedacije pri izvođenju pretrage u djece mlađe od pet godina te složenost programa kojim se funkcijski podatci analiziraju, Å”to iziskuje visokospecijalizirani kadar, ali i vrijeme koje je potrebno za obradu i interpretaciju podataka. S obzirom na svoje kvalitete, ove zahtjevne radioloÅ”ke dijagnostičke slikovne metode imaju sve veći i značajniji prostor u rutinskoj dijagnostici, obradi i liječenju nefroloÅ”kih i uroloÅ”kih pacijenata dječje dobi.Magnetic resonance urography (MRU) and functional magnetic resonance urography (fMRU) are imaging diagnostic methods that allow us to perform complete morphological and functional diagnostics of the urinary system in children. We use MRU in the evaluation of kidney and urinary tract morphology, while fMRU enables quantitative analysis of kidney function and excretion parameters through a series of functional parameters. These methods are of special importance for children patients in the diagnosis of relatively common congenital anomalies of the urogenital system, diagnosis of the cause and the level of obstruction of the urinary system. The advantage of magnetic resonance over other imaging methods, such as ultrasound, renal scintigraphy and micturition cystoureterography (MCUG), is the possibility of complete and unified morphological and functional evaluation of the urinary system, as well as non-invasiveness in the sense of avoiding ionizing radiation. Considering the mentioned characteristics, MRU and fMRU significantly help in making correct clinical decisions for non-surgical and surgical treatment, when assessing the condition due to complications of surgical procedures, and in cases where other imaging methods do not provide sufficient diagnostic information. The most common clinical indications for the use of MRU and fMRU are suspicion of urinary tract obstruction, surgical planning, postoperative complications, detailed assessment of urogenital kidney anatomy, and quantitative assessment of renal function and excretion. MRU and fMRU are therefore extremely useful and informative diagnostic methods in childrenā€™s age that allow us to fully evaluate the kidneys and urinary system, providing unique information, and replace a number of other imaging tests. A relative disadvantage is the need for anesthesia or sedation when performing the test in children under five years of age, and the complexity of the program used to analyze functional data, which requires highly specialized personnel as well as the time required for data processing and interpretation. Due to their qualities, these demanding radiological diagnostic imaging methods have an increasingly important role in the routine diagnosis and treatment of pediatric nephrology and urology patients

    Stroke in children: Management recommendations and perspectives

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    Moždani udar (MU) je teÅ”ko neuroloÅ”ko oÅ”tećenje, udruženo sa značajnim morbiditetom i mortalitetom. Spada među prvih deset uzroka smrti u djece i stoga zahtijeva hitnu dijagnozu, slikovne pretrage mozga i brzo liječenje u zadanom vremenskom okviru. Postavljanje dijagnoze IMU u djece je teÅ”ko i izazovno, zbog zbog raznolike i nepatognomonične prezentacije. Zahvaljujući provođenju protokola za IMU u djece, smjernica za dijagnosticiranje moždanog udara (prvenstveno magnetske rezonancije), uspostavi pedijatrijskih centara za moždani udar i specifičnoj terapiji za visokorizične bolesnike, ukupna smrtnost od IMU u djece se smanjuje, unatoč porastu incidencije zadnjih desetljeća. Dakle, glavni cilj je rano prepoznavanje IMU, standardizirani pristup i rana terapija (individualni pristup od slučaja do slučaja) u visokorizičnih pacijenata. Novija saznanja o neaterosklerotskim arteriopatijama, koje su u djetinjstvu najčeŔći uzrok IMU i koje predstavljanju najvažniji prediktor rekurentnog IMU u djece, zahtijevaju nove longitudinalne i multicentrične studije koje će vjerojatno pridonijeti boljem razumijevanju infektivnih, parainfektivnih i upalnih mehanizama IMU u djetinjstvu i razvoju prediktivnih biomarkera progresije bolesti.Acute ischemic stroke in childhood (AIS) is a severe neurological damage associated with significant morbidity and mortality. It is among the top ten causes of death in children and therefore requires immediate diagnosis, brain imaging and rapid treatment within a given time frame. Diagnosing AIS in children is difficult and challenging, due to the diverse and non-pathognomonic presentation. Thanks to the implementation of protocols for IMU in children, guidelines for diagnosing stroke (primarily magnetic resonance imaging), the establishment of pediatric stroke centers and specific therapy for high-risk patients, the overall mortality from IMU in children is decreasing, despite the increase in incidence in recent decades. Therefore, the main goal is early recognition of AIS in childhood, standardized approach and early threatment (individual approach on a case-by-case basis) in high- risk patients. Newer knowledge about non-atherosclerotic arteriopathy, which is the most common cause of AIS in childhood and which represents the most important predictor of recurrent AIS, requires new longitudinal and multicenter studies that will likely contribute to a better understanding of the infectious, parainfectious and inflammatory mechanisms of AIS in childhood and the development of predictive biomarkers of disease progression