2 research outputs found

    Perception of emotional relationship with parents as the main factor that influence on teen pregnancy in Veracruz

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    [EN] A qualitative study was conducted in the VIFAC house at Veracruz, Mexico; pregnant teenagers who attended this institution where interviewed. Based on the data obtained from the investigation, we observed risk factors that exponentially increased that teenage girls between 12 and 19 years of age get pregnant, viewed from the perspective of own teenager. This study was conducted on a sample of 16 participants divided in two groups, one of pregnant teenagers and one with parent and / or guardian of these, so get a broader situation of each scenario and to evaluate how each of the factors were influencing their environment so that pregnancy is arrived at such young age, for which we apply two types of semi-structured interview depending on the group to which they belonged.[ES] Se realiz贸 un estudio de car谩cter cualitativo donde, con base a los datos obtenidos en la investigaci贸n, analizamos a fondo los factores de riesgo que elevaron de manera exponencial que adolescentes de entre 12 a 19 a帽os queden embarazadas, vistos desde la perspectiva de la propia adolescente y, de esta manera, obtener un panorama m谩s amplio de la situaci贸n de cada adolescente y evaluar c贸mo cada uno de los factores en su entorno fueron influyendo para que se llegara a un embarazo a tan temprana edad, para lo cual aplicamos una entrevista semiestructurada tanto a adolescentes embarazadas como a sus familiares.Trinidad-Noguera, KI.; Ch谩vez-Montes De Oca, VG.; Carrasco-Ponce, B.; S谩nchez-Valdivieso, EA. (2015). Percepci贸n de la relaci贸n afectiva con los padres como principal factor que influye sobre el embarazo en adolescentes en Veracruz, M茅xico. Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia. (8):75-83. doi:10.4995/reinad.2015.3420.SWORD7583

    Percepci贸n de la relaci贸n afectiva con los padres como principal factor que influye sobre el embarazo en adolescentes en Veracruz, M茅xico

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    A qualitative study was conducted in the VIFAC house at Veracruz, Mexico; pregnant teenagers who attended this institution where interviewed. Based on the data obtained from the investigation, we observed risk factors that exponentially increased that teenage girls between 12 and 19 years of age get pregnant, viewed from the perspective of own teenager. This study was conducted on a sample of 16 participants divided in two groups, one of pregnant teenagers and one with parent and / or guardian of these, so get a broader situation of each scenario and to evaluate how each of the factors were influencing their environment so that pregnancy is arrived at such young age, for which we apply two types of semi-structured interview depending on the group to which they belonged.Se realiz贸 un estudio de car谩cter cualitativo donde, con base a los datos obtenidos en la investigaci贸n, analizamos a fondo los factores de riesgo que elevaron de manera exponencial que adolescentes de entre 12 a 19 a帽os queden embarazadas, vistos desde la perspectiva de la propia adolescente y, de esta manera, obtener un panorama m谩s amplio de la situaci贸n de cada adolescente y evaluar c贸mo cada uno de los factores en su entorno fueron influyendo para que se llegara a un embarazo a tan temprana edad, para lo cual aplicamos una entrevista semiestructurada tanto a adolescentes embarazadas como a sus familiares