22 research outputs found
Ethics Of English On Business Presentation
Business presentation is needed by persons to inform or persuade audience about certain topics. Through the presentation, information are clearly received by audience. So it needs many aspects to do, such as chronological order of presentation; clear language; good attitude and behavior; and polite ethics. Ethics is the standards one uses to determine right from wrong in terms of thought and behavior. It is one of major components of successful presentation. To do that, ones could adopt ethics from their own culture or culture where they are right now, i.e. in abroad. This paper here intends to show ethic of English business presentation and ethic of presentation to public in order to persuade audience to use the product/ program. It means that it is not to use on presentation of national or International seminar because the rule is not so detailed and complicated The business presentation based on the result of research and good communication is necessary to present objective information, therefore public will get clear and objective understanding. In fact, showing strengths on the own products and showing the weaknesses of others are prohibited to save the existence of brands
SNP Filtering Summary.
<p>Variant filtering representation through the number of SNPs remaining after the various filtering steps.</p><p>The Average and Percentage remaining rows represent the average number of variants and percentage of variants remaining per family.</p>a<p>Intronic, intergenic and synonymous variants were discarded. See methods.</p>b<p>Detailed criteria for these filters is reported on the methods section.</p>c<p>Number of variants shared between the two individuals in the family.</p>d<p>Total number of final variants for all the individuals in this study.</p
Final Candidate Variants.
<p>List of final candidate variants passing all filters.</p>a<p>Chromosome in which the variant was mapped.</p>b<p>Position according to the coordinate system (HG18).</p>c<p>Variant consequence: NS = non-synonymous variant UTR3 = 3′ untranslated region variant.</p>d<p>Fisher’s Exact Test P value.</p>e<p>Odds Ratio.</p>f<p>95% confidence interval for the Odds Ratio.</p><p>N/A = not available.</p
INDEL Filtering Summary.
<p>Variant filtering representation through the number of INDELs remaining after the various filtering steps.</p><p>The Average and Percentage remaining rows represent the average number of variants and percentage of variants remaining per family.</p>a<p>Intronic and intergenic variants were discarded. See methods.</p>b<p>Detailed criteria for these filters is reported on the methods section.</p>c<p>Number of variants shared between the two individuals in the family.</p>d<p>Total number of final variants for all the individuals in this study.</p
Summary of the data analysis pipeline followed in the present study.
<p>Raw sequencing data was screened for common artifacts prior to the alignment step in a first quality control phase (QC1). High quality (QC2) genome matches were analyzed for variants, in the form of departures from a consensus reference genome. Subsequently, variants were filtered by keeping those common to both members in each family and then discarding variants present in HapMap controls and dbSNP130. Further filtering by variant consequence, score and gene function (see material and methods for details) resulted in a list of 67 snps and 14 indel candidate variants.</p
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Inheritance of deleterious mutations at both BRCA1 and BRCA2 in an international sample of 32,295 women
Ethics committees that granted approval for the access and use of the data for this study. Table S2. Participant counts by center and mutation. Table S3. Primers used for PCR and Sanger sequencing. Table S4. Primers used in micro-satellite analysis for loss of heterozygosity. Table S5. Micro-satellite loss of heterozygosity and sequencing analysis results. (DOC 177 kb
Per allele hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of previously published breast cancer loci among <i>BRCA2</i> mutation carriers from previous reports and from the iCOGS array, ordered by statistical significance of the region.
1<p>Reporting status of the SNP is either previously reported or novel to this report.</p>2<p>p-value was calculated based on the 1-degree of freedom score test statistic.</p>3<p>rs311499 could not be designed onto the iCOGS array. A surrogate (r<sup>2</sup> = 1.0), rs311498, was included, however, and reported here.</p>4<p>Stronger associations were originally reported for the SNP, assuming a dominant or recessive model of the ‘risk allele’.</p
Additional file 2: of Male breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: pathology data from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2
List of local ethics committees that granted approval for the access and use of the data in present study. (DOCX 23 kb
Associations between SNPs in the region surrounding rs9348512 on chromosome 6 and breast cancer risk.
<p>Results based on imputed and observed genotypes. The blue spikes indicate the recombination rate at each position. Genotyped SNPs are represented by diamonds and imputed SNPs are represented by squares. Color saturation indicates the degree of correlation with the SNP rs9348512.</p
Breast cancer hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of novel breast cancer loci with P-values of association <10<sup>−5</sup> among <i>BRCA2</i> mutation carriers.
1<p>P-value was calculated based on the 1-degree of freedom score test.</p