273 research outputs found

    Model Prediksi Berat Lahir Bayi Berdasarkan Berat Badan Ibu Hamil

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    Berat lahir bayi kurang dari 3.000 gram berisiko untuk terjadinya penyakit jantung dan stroke serta kematian yang tiga belas persen lebih tinggi daripada berat lahir lebih dari 3000 gram. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendapatkan model prediksi berat lahir dan mengetahui faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap berat lahir bayi. Desain penelitian menggunakan cohort retrospektif. Sampel melibatkan 233 ibu hamil beserta bayi yang melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal care dan melahirkan di Rumah Sakit Citra Medika dan bidan bersalin Hj. Sumartini dari bulan Januari 2010 sampai Desember 2011 di Rantauprapat. Data dikumpulkan dari data rekam medis dan kelahiran pasien. Analisis korelasi dan regresi linier ganda digunakan untuk mengetahui kekuatan dan arah hubungan antara variabel independen dengan berat lahir. Hasil penelitian menemukan rata-rata berat lahir 3.337,8 ± 353,7 gram (95% CI= 3.292 – 3.383). Berat badan (BB) sebelum hamil, pertambahan berat badan ibu trimester pertama, kedua, dan ketiga mempunyai kekuatan hubungan yang sedang dan berpola positif. Model prediksi menunjukkan bahwa berat lahir = 1.764,133 + 0,023 (BB pra hamil) + 0,131 (pertambahan berat badan trimester 1) + 0,037 (per- tambahan berat badan trimester 2) + 0,037 (pertambahan berat badan trimester 3). Variabel yang paling berpengaruh adalah pertambahan berat badan trimester pertama.Birth weight less 3,000 gram have more risk to cause heart and stroke disease, 13% higher than birth weight < 3,000 gram. This study described about the correlation between prepregnancy weight, first trimester weight gain, second trimester weight gain, third trimester weight gain with birth weight. This study aimed to predict birth weight and find out the factors that most influence on birth weight. This study used a retrospective cohort design. Samples were 233 pregnant women and infants who perform antenatal care and deliver in Citra Medika Hospital and midwife maternity from January 2010 to December 2011. The data were collected through patient medical record and birth data. Correlation analysis and multiple linear regression were used to determine the strength and the relationship direction between independent variables and birth weight. The results revealed the averages of birth weight in the hospital and maternity midwife are 3,337.8 ± 353.72 grams (95% CI: 3,292 – 3,383). Prepregnancy weight, maternal weight gain in first, second, and third semester have a moderate power relationship and positive pattern. The prediction model of birth weight = 1,764.133 + 0.023 (pre-pregnancy weight) + 0.131 (first semester weight gain) + 0.037 (second semester weight gain) + 0.037 (third semester weight gain). The most variable effect is a first semester weight gain

    Analisis Kinerja Sekolah (Studi Kasus Sdn 002 Koto Peraku Kecamatan Cerenti Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi)

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    Elementary school 002 Koto Peraku is unit technical institution from Kuansing department. The function is giving attendant to make students intelligence in area subdistrict Cerenti. To create the purpose of education can useful for people or public, performance of school is influences to know the capability education in this school. But, these performance of school at SDN 002 Koto Peraku subdistrict Cerenti, Kuansing regency still low.Researcher use teori based on Mohamad Mahsun said there is some indicator in performance of organization: input, process, and output. The purpose of this research is to analyze how performance of school at SDN 002 Koto Peraku subdistrict Cerenti, Kuantan Singingi regency. This research is descriptive research the researcher. Used metode avalitative and snowball sampling to get the data the researcher use interview, observation, and documentation.Result of this result is performance of school at the SDN 002 Koto Peraku still low because lers the teacher (need teacher) means need teacher based on quality and quantity at this school sarana and prasarana still low to increase process studying. Support factor performance of school is teamwork all the teacher, obstacle factor performance of school is headmaster at school dont care with teacher and students, individual factor the teacher cant develop individual, system factor facilities of school dont enought to increase students and situational factor area at the school dont comfortable and safe for students.Keyward : Analyze, Performanc

    Status Gizi Balita Berdasarkan Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure

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    Upaya menurunkan prevalensi kurang gizi pemerintah membuat program Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi). Cakupan Kadarzi Kota Depok tahun 2011 rendah (12,7%) dan prevalensi gizi kurang, pendek, kurus berturut-turut 7,89%, 7%, 4,75%. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui faktor dominan terhadap status gizi Balita 6 - 59 bulan berdasarkan Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Penelitian menggunakan data sekunder hasil survei Kadarzi 2011. Survei dilakukan di sebelas kecamatan Kota Depok menggunakan desain cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 1.176 keluarga yang memiliki Balita termuda umur 6 _ 59 bulan. Variabel yang diteliti adalah status gizi Balita, perilaku Kadarzi, status Kadarzi, karakteristik Balita, dan karakteristik keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi Balita gagal tumbuh 31%. Terdapat dua variabel yang memberikan pengaruh status gizi Balita secara bersama-sama yaitu penimbangan Balita (nilai p = 0,003) dan pendidikan ibu (nilai p = 0,034). Uji regresi logistik ganda menunjukkan penimbangan Balita sebagai faktor dominan terhadap status gizi Balita. Balita yang ditimbang tidak teratur berisiko 1,5 kali mengalami gagal tumbuh dibandingkan yang ditimbang teratur. Indeks CIAF berguna untuk mengetahui prevalensi gizi kurang secara keseluruhan dan penanggulangannya. Diperlukan penyuluhan dan promosi yang lebih aktif kepada masyarakat mengenai pentingnya pemantauan pertumbuhan Balita melalui posyandu dan melakukan pembinaan kader posyandu dalam pemantauan status pertumbuhan anak sebagai deteksi dini adanya gangguan pertumbuhan.Effort to reduce malnutrition governments make Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi). Kadarzi in Depok 2011 still low (12,7%) and the prevalence of underweight, stunting, wasting are respectively 7,89%, 7%, 4,75%. This study aimed to determine the dominant factor for nutritional status of children based on Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Research using secondary data survey Kadarzi 2011. The survey was conducted using a cross sectional study in 11 districts. Samples of 1,176 families who have children youngest aged 6 - 59 months. The variables studied were the nutritional status, Kadarzi behaviors, Kadarzi status, children characteristics, and family characteristics. Results showed prevalence of growth faltering (31%). There are two variables that influence nutritional status, child\u27s weighing (p value = 0,003) and mother\u27s education (p value = 0,034). Multiple logistic regression analysis show child\u27s weighing as a dominant factor to the nutritional status of children. Children who are weighed not regularly are more risky 1,5 to get growth faltering then children who are weighed regularly. CIAF is useful to determine prevalence of undernutrition clearly and its solution. Counseling and promotion about child\u27s growth monitoring are required as early detection of growth faltering


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    An extended validation of the new Lagrangian particle model MicroSpray version for dense gas simulation is proposed. MicroSpray simulates the dense gas dispersion in situations characterized by the presence of buildings, other obstacles, complex terrain, and possible occurrence of low wind speed conditions. Its performances are compared to a chlorine railway accident (Macdona), to a field experiment (Kit Fox) and to an atmospheric CFD model

    The share of the mean turbulent kinetic energy in the near-neutral surface layer for high and low wind speeds

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    We examine the dependence on wind speed of the share of the mean turbulent kinetic energy among the three velocity components in the near-neutral surface layer. To contrast the general behaviour and the local effects, four datasets are considered, corresponding to different surfaces and environmental conditions. For high wind speeds (i.e., wind speed ≈ 10 ms^(−1)), the shares are well-defined and about the same for all sites. As wind speed decreases (becoming ≈ 1 ms^(−1)), large record-to-record variability occurs giving, on average, an almost isotropic state for the horizontal velocity components. Through spectral analysis, we relate this behaviour to the low-frequency, submeso motions and to the lack of conditions required by Reynolds averaging. The implications for modelling are also discussed, showing that the wind speed, or a related quantity, must be accounted for, besides stability, in second-order closures

    Joc a joc, de plaça a plaça

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    Aquest article ens presenta una experiència duta a terme conjuntament entre el CEIP Sant Miquel d’Ascó i l’IES Flix, en la qual, es va organitzar una activitat basada en la recuperació de diferents jocs tradicionals, preocupant-se no sols de la part lúdica que del joc es desprèn, sinó també de sensibilitzar l’alumnat de la necessitat de conèixer i dignificar zones del nucli antic del poble i generar dinàmiques de conscienciació, encaminades a valorar la riquesa de qualsevol racó del patrimoni urbà.Ens parla de la contextualització de l’experiència, dels objectius i metodologia del projecte i dels jocs i activitats a les places

    Pellet Ikan “Lisa Mudar”(limbah Pasar Murah dan Bergizi) Optimalisasi Fungsi Limbah Sayuran

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    Feed is one of important thing in fish culture because its contribute about 60 % for production cost. To create a good and sustain fish culture, innovation of fish feed is needed. The feed should be economized, rich nutrition, and give optimum growth. One of that feed is Lisa Mudar, an innovative and organic feed which made from vegetables waste, sausage waste, fish flour, pollard, premix vitamin, adhesive flour, probiotic, and fish oil. Lisa Mudar has good nutrition that are protein 22 %, carbohydrats 27 %, lipid 3 %, and rude fiber 18,3 %. This feed can be used for catfish culture and also tilapia culture