47 research outputs found

    Diversity of plant-parasitic nematodes on medicinal plants in Melinh station for biodiversity, Vinh Phuc Province, Vietnam

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    Plant-parasitic nematodes are known as one of the most important pests attacking various plants in the world, and investigating the nematode component is very essential for management of this pest and prevent damage to plants in general. Our survey of plant-parasitic nematodes on medicinal plants in Melinh Station for Biodiversity, a place for conservation of precious plants and animals in Vietnam, identified ten species that belong to nine genera, five families, and two orders of plant-parasitic nematodes parasitizing six medicinal plants. Excoecaria cochinchinensis was parasitized by the highest number of nematode genera (5 genera, including Xiphinema, Discocriconemella, Meloidogyne, Helicotylenchus, and Hemicriconemoides), while Hymenocallis littoralis was associated with the highest number of plant-parasitic nematodes (2060 nematodes/250g soil). The results also showed that Discocriconemella limitanea was found to be a dominant species with the highest number of individuals on 6 medicinal plants, and the genus Helicotylenchus had the highest frequency of appearance (5/6 plants or 83.3%). These nematodes caused symptoms such as yellowing leaves, root galls, and root lesions, which directly affect the quality and yield of medicinal plants. Based on the results, this study showed that plant-parasitic nematodes are a potential threat to the cultivation of medicinal plants in Melinh Station for Biodiversity, and thus, control measures should be applied to ensure sustainable cultivation of medicinal plants in this place

    Measuring the progress of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance in Vietnam between 2006-2014 : a decomposition analysis

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    Vietnam launched the national Expanded Program on Immunization in 1981. Since then, this program has contributed signi cantly to the improvement of child health and to the reduction of child mortality rate. Despite of the fact that the coverage of the national EPI keeps expanding, the number of children who complied with the recommended immunization schedule remains low. This article studies the progress of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance among children between 0-5 years of age in Vietnam from 2006 to 2014 and analyzes the socio-economic factors that account for the changes of the compliance rate during this period. The dataset is extracted from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in 2006 and 2014. We rst identify the socio-economic factors that impact on the vaccination compliance rate using a logistic regression model. Next, we apply the decomposition method to determine the contribution of each factor on the evolution of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance. The progress of the timeliness childhood immunization has been positive and the major contribution comes from the structure e ect (unmeasured e ect). Rural areas show a stronger improvement as of 2014. Among the socio-economic factors, mother education and birth order are the ones that have the larger in uence on the childhood immunization compliance rate. However, these factors have di erent implications in urban and rural areas. These findings are critical to the current context of Vietnam where the government is designing a strategy focusing on the effectiveness rather than the traditional coverage indicator

    Measuring the progress of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance in Vietnam between 2006-2014: A decomposition analysis

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    Vietnam launched the national Expanded Program on Immunization in 1981. Since then, this program has contributed signi cantly to the improvement of child health and to the reduction of child mortality rate. Despite of the fact that the coverage of the national EPI keeps expanding, the number of children who complied with the recommended immunization schedule remains low. This article studies the progress of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance among children between 0-5 years of age in Vietnam from 2006 to 2014 and analyzes the socio-economic factors that account for the changes of the compliance rate during this period. The dataset is extracted from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in 2006 and 2014. We rst identify the socio-economic factors that impact on the vaccination compliance rate using a logistic regression model. Next, we apply the decomposition method to determine the contribution of each factor on the evolution of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance. The progress of the timeliness childhood immunization has been positive and the major contribution comes from the structure e ect (unmeasured e ect). Rural areas show a stronger improvement as of 2014. Among the socio-economic factors, mother education and birth order are the ones that have the larger in uence on the childhood immunization compliance rate. However, these factors have di erent implications in urban and rural areas. These ndings are critical to the current context of Vietnam where the government is designing a strategy focusing on the e ectiveness rather than the traditional coverage indicator

    Measuring the progress of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance in Vietnam between 2006-2014: A decomposition analysis

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    Vietnam launched the national Expanded Program on Immunization in 1981. Since then, this program has contributed signi cantly to the improvement of child health and to the reduction of child mortality rate. Despite of the fact that the coverage of the national EPI keeps expanding, the number of children who complied with the recommended immunization schedule remains low. This article studies the progress of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance among children between 0-5 years of age in Vietnam from 2006 to 2014 and analyzes the socio-economic factors that account for the changes of the compliance rate during this period. The dataset is extracted from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in 2006 and 2014. We rst identify the socio-economic factors that impact on the vaccination compliance rate using a logistic regression model. Next, we apply the decomposition method to determine the contribution of each factor on the evolution of the timeliness childhood immunization compliance. The progress of the timeliness childhood immunization has been positive and the major contribution comes from the structure e ect (unmeasured e ect). Rural areas show a stronger improvement as of 2014. Among the socio-economic factors, mother education and birth order are the ones that have the larger in uence on the childhood immunization compliance rate. However, these factors have di erent implications in urban and rural areas. These ndings are critical to the current context of Vietnam where the government is designing a strategy focusing on the e ectiveness rather than the traditional coverage indicator

    Fabrication of silver-nanoparticles-embedded polymer masterbatchs with excellent antibacterial performance

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    In the present work, a versatile and effective synthesis method of the silver-nanoparticles-embedded polyethylene (PE)-based polymer masterbatchs was demonstrated. Antibacterial investigations revealed that the nano-silver masterbatchs consisting of oleate capped silver nanoparticles dispersed in PE polymer matrix exhibited excellent antibacterial performance against Gram-negative Escherichia Coli (E.coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacteria.  A complete inhibition in bacteria growth was found at a silver nanoparticles concentration as low as 600 ppm. The origin of bactericidal effect and interaction mechanism of the stabilized silver nanoparticles with the Gram-negative E. coli and Gram-positive S. aureus bacteria can be understood in the light of electron microscopic observation. These advances make the synthesized nano-silver masterbatchs ideal for mass production of effectively antibacterial green products in medical, biological and industrial sectors. The type of polymer resin and silver concentration can be adjusted depending on the application area


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    A bacterial strain with casein hydrolytic activity was isolated from shrimp waste sludge from a culture pond at Phong Dien, Thua Thien Hue. Molecular identification using 16S rRNA nucleotide sequence shows a high similarity to Bacillus tequilensis on the NCBI database. Hence, the isolate was named B. tequilensis ON1. Extracellular protease activity value is 192,42 U·mL–1 after 24 h culture. Zymogram SDS-PAGE electrophoresis shows that the major extracellular protease has a molecular weight of 130 kDa. The enzyme exhibits maximal activity at 50 °C and pH 8. Protease activity increases in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions, while Mn2+ inhibits protease activity. The protease activity was more active and stable in hydrophobic organic solvents.Từ mẫu bùn thải của ao nuôi tôm tại huyện Phong Điền, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế, chúng tôi đã phân lập được chủng vi khuẩn phân giải casein. Định danh phân tử thông qua giải trình tự 16S rRNA và so sánh với cơ sở dữ liệu GenBank cho thấy chủng phân lập tương đồng cao với vi khuẩn Bacillus tequilensis và được đặt tên là B. tequilensis ON1. Hoạt tính protease ngoại bào đạt giá trị cao nhất 192,42 U·mL–1 sau 24 giờ nuôi cấy. Điện di SDS-PAGE trên nền cơ chất cho thấy protease ngoại bào chính của chủng ON1 có khối lượng phân tử khoảng 130 kDa. Enzyme ngoại bào hoạt động tối ưu ở 50 °C và pH 8. Hoạt tính protease tăng lên khi có mặt Ca2+ và Mg2+, trong khi đó Mn2+ ức chế hoạt động của protease. Protease hoạt động và ổn định hơn trong các dung môi hữu cơ kỵ nước

    Assessment of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 as a Probiotic Candidate

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    Background and Objective: Lactobacillus farciminis is an obligate homofermentative bacterial species in fermented foods. Although other species such as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus in Lactobacillus genus have been well characterized, probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus farciminis still need to investigate. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate probiotic characteristics and antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 isolated from Solanum macrocarpon sauces in Hue city, Vietnam. Material and Methods: Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 was cultured in Rogosa and Sharpe media and antibacterial activity of the free-cell suspension was assessed against Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahaemolyticus K5, Vibrio parahaemolyticus KS-02, Vibrio owensii KS-05, Vibrio alginolyticus KS-08, Vibrio alginolyticus A1-1 and Staphylococcus aureus using agar well diffusion method. Various probiotic characteristics of the isolate including antibacterial and antioxidant activities, autoaggregation and coaggregation were assessed. Furthermore, hemolytic and amino-acid dercarboxylase activities were assessed for biosafety assessment. The strain abilities to resist sodium chloride and bile salts were assessed as well. Results and Conclusion: Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 exhibited significant resistance to NaCl and bile salts. The strain expressed high coaggregation abilities for Escherichia coli, significant autoaggregation abilities and antibacterial activities against Vibrio spp. and Escherichia coli. Antioxidant assessment showed that Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 contained high antioxidant activities. This strain was negative for hemolytic and amino-acid dercarboxylase activities. Moreover, ampicillin and chloramphenicol inhibited growth of Lactobacillus farciminis HN11. This study assessed characteristics of Lactobacillus farciminis HN11 and showed its great potentials as a probiotic in fermented foods, enhancing antioxidant and decreasing harmful foodborne bacteria. Although, encapsulation of the strain within acid resistance materials is suggested to better protect it against high-acid contents of the stomach. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    Groundwater simulation in Dak Lak province based on MODFLOW model and climate change scenarios

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    Purpose – Groundwater plays a critical part in both natural and human existence. When surface water is scarce in arid climates, groundwater becomes an immensely valuable resource. Dak Lak is an area that frequently lacks water resources for everyday living and production, and the scarcity of water resources is exacerbated during the dry season. As a result, it is critical to do study and understand about groundwater to meet the region's water demand. This study aims to extend the use of the MODFLOW model for groundwater simulation and assess the overall groundwater reserves and water demand in the highland province Dak Lak. Design/methodology/approach – The MODFLOW model is used in this work to compute and analyze the flow, prospective reserves of groundwater from which to plan extraction and estimate groundwater variation in the future. Findings – The application of the MODFLOW model to Dak Lak province demonstrates that, despite limited data, particularly drilling hole data for subterranean water research, the model's calculation results have demonstrated its reliability and great potential for use in other similar places. The use of the model in conjunction with other data extraction modules is a useful input for creating underground flow module maps for various time periods. The large impact of recharge and evaporation on groundwater supplies and water balance in the research area is demonstrated by simulations of climate change scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Originality/value – None of the studies has been done previously to analyze water resources of Dak Lak and the scarcity of water resources is exacerbated during the dry season. Therefore, this study will provide useful insights in the water resource management and the conservation of Dak Lak. The groundwater in Dak Lak can meet the area's water demand, according to the results obtained and water balance in the study area. However, the management of water resources and rigorous monitoring of groundwater extraction activities in the area should receive more attention

    A preliminary study to establish the transfected CHO cell lines which highly express Trastuzumab - A biosimilar product of Herceptin

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    Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) has been identified as a molecular target for breast cancer therapy, such as Trastuzumab (Herceptin®). This has been shown to improve patient survival substantially. The current study is aiming to locally produce an anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody (named Trastuzumab) which has an equivalent biological properties in comparison with the original version, Herceptin®). In silico design and construction of recombinant vectors, as well as the establishment of transfected cell lines with high expression of Trastuzumab were performed. Based on the protein sequences obtained from the Drugbank, the DNA sequences encoding for the light chain (Tras-Lc) and heavy chain (Tras-Hc) of Trastuzumab were optimized and integrated into pNanogen-Hygro and pNanogen-Puro vectors, respectively. The Neon Transfection System was used to co-transfect the pNanogen-Tras-Lc-Hygro and pNanogen-Tras-Hc-Puro constructs into CHO cells. Different co-transfected single-cell-colonies selected on media supplemented with hygromycin and puromycin were used for ELISA and SDS-PAGE assays to identify the CHO cell lines which highly express Trastuzumab. Based on the present results, 30μg of both constructs were suitable for DNA co-transfection. After 07 days of culture, the highest amount of Trastuzumab (561 µg/ml) was obtained from the H06LD68 cell line


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    The estimation of the present day tectonic movement and tectonic gradient (strain rate) has an important practical signification in the assessment of active fault and seismic hazards for the selection of Ninh Thuan nuclear power plant. Based on the three campaigns of GPS measurement between 2012 - 2013, we used BERNESE 5.0 software to determine present day slip rates of 13 stations in ITRF08 frame. The GPS stations move eastwards at the slip rates of 22 - 25 mm/yr, southwards at the velocities of 5 - 10 mm/yr. The standard errors in latitudinal and longitudinal directions are 1.2 mm/yr and 0.9 mm/yr, respectively. Combined with GPS data from the project of the study on actual geodynamics in Tay Nguyen TN3/06, we determined the strain rate ranging from 50 to 100 nanostrains with the standard error of 50 nanostrains. The direction of  maximum compressive strain rate is from northwest - southeast to east - west.Đánh giá vận tốc chuyển động kiến tạo hiện đại và gradient kiến tạo hiện đại có ý nghĩa thực tiễn quan trọng trong việc đánh giá đứt gãy hoạt động nguy hiểm động đất phục vụ xây dụng nhà máy điện hạt nhân Ninh Thuận. Trên cơ sở đo 3 chu kỳ GPS vào các năm 2012 - 2013, sử dụng phần mềm BERNESE 5.0, chúng tôi đã xác lập được vận tốc chuyển động kiến tạo hiện đại tại 13 điểm đo GPS trong khu vực lân cận bao gồm kéo dài từ Nha Trang tới đảo Phú Quý. Vận tốc chuyển dịch kiến tạo hiện đại về phía đông thay đổi từ 22 - 25 mm/năm và chuyển dịch về phía nam với vận tốc giao động từ 5 - 10 mm/năm trên hệ tọa độ toàn cầu ITRF08. Sai số vận tốc chuyển dịch kiến tạo về phía đông giao động trong khoảng 1,2 - 1,5 mm/năm và về phía nam giao động trong khoảng 0,9 - 1,2 mm/năm. Liên kết với giá trị đo GPS từ đề tài nghiên cứu địa động lực hiện đại khu vực Tây Nguyên mã số TN3/T06, chúng tôi đã xác định được giá trị vận tốc biến dạng giao động từ 50 nano tới 100 nano biến dạng với sai số giao động trong khoảng 50 nano biến dạng. Trục biến dạng nén cực đại giao động theo phương thay đổi từ bắc nam sang đông bắc - tây nam. Trục biến dạng căng cực đại có phương thay đổi từ tây bắc - đông nam sang phương đông - tây