1,678 research outputs found

    Texting for help:counselling processes and impact at a child helpline SMS service

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    Internetbaseret borgerinddragelse i planlĂŚgningen

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    I dag er borgerinddragelse en vigtig del af kommunernes hverdag. Men hvordan fastholder kommunerne borgernes interesse for at deltage i kommunens planlÌgning? Med udbredelsen af Internettet er der kommet et nyt medie, hvorigennem det er muligt at inddrage flere borgere for fÌrre ressourcer. Dette har bl.a. Slagelse Kommune og Hinnerup Kommune i samarbejde med RAMBØLL NYVIG forsøgt at anvende i forbindelse med udarbejdelse af henholdsvis en trafiksikkerhedsplan og en skolevejsanalyse. I begge kommuner er undersøgelsen blevet lagt pü Internettet, hvor henholdsvis borgere og skoleelever har kunnet gü ind og svare pü undersøgelserne. I dette paper er de to undersøgelser beskrevet. Hvad er borgerinddragelse, og hvornür skal borgerne inddrages? Büde i Planloven og i Agenda 21 bliver kommunerne forpligtet til at inddrage borgerne. Ministerier og styrelser ser samtidig gerne, at der anvendes nye metoder til borgerinddragelse. Problemer opstür dog ofte, hvis der kun er et fütal af borgere, som er interesseret i at deltage i den kommunale planlÌgning. I dag bliver borgerne eksempelvis inddraget gennem postomdelte spørgeskemaer, borgermøder og avisannoncer. Besvarelserne og deltagelsen i de forskellige borgerundersøgelser lever bare ikke altid op til kommunernes forventninger

    Emergent Ecologies.

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    This is a book review of Emergent Ecologies by Eben Kirksey, published by Duke University Press, Durham and London. 201

    12-Step Programs to Reduce Illicit Drug Use

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    Many treatments are not rigorously evaluated as to their effectiveness, and it is uncertain which types of interventions are more effective than others in reducing illicit drug use. The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic mapping of the research literature of the effectiveness of 12-step programs in reducing illicit drug use. A systematic literature search was conducted based on 17 international and Nordic bibliographic databases. A total of 15,993 references were screened, and eleven unique studies were finally included in this mapping. The included studies demonstrated conflicting results regarding the effectiveness of the 12-step treatment and TSF in reducing individuals' drug use. Two studies reported a positive effect of the TSF treatment compared to the comparison conditions in reducing drug use. Six studies reported no differences between the 12-step program and the comparison condition, and the remaining three studies reported a greater effect of the comparison condition. However, the included studies demonstrate that, in general, 12-step programs and the comparison conditions have some positive effects in reducing drug use and supporting abstinence among the participants

    Children’s velo-mobility – how cycling children are ‘made’ and sustained.

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    Sustainable mobilities play a dominate role in low carbon futures and cycling is an integral element. Children are heirs of transport cultures and crucial for future sustainable mobility. Moreover cycling is important for children’s independent mobility and geographical experience.Dominating approaches in transport research, including cycling, understand travel behaviour individualistic and lack to grasp the relational complexities, which are inevitable when considering children’s mobilities. Furthermore has children’s cycling largely been studied as independent mobility and active school travel. How cycling is learned and constituted, and how cycling skills are consolidated, extended and turned into a stabilized practice remains unstudied. Drawing on in-depth interview data from the region of Copenhagen, Denmark, among families with children (N=20) the paper provides new insights into how children, parents, and the locale socio-spatial environment through collaborations, negations and experiments co-produce independent cycling.It introduces a three-step model for conceptualizing children’s cycling deriving from processes of gradually enlarging the geographical experience and partial embodying of know-how of traffic power relations and mobility technology. The paper examines how parents’ perception of risks are transgressed by cycle training and how cycling is fitted into complex household routines. By shedding light on the sensitive mechanisms that ‘make’ and sustain cycling children the paper inform a discussion of urban planning and transport policy measures important for stabilizing sustainable mobility

    Children’s velo-mobility – how cycling children are ‘made’ and sustained.

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    Sustainable mobilities play a dominate role in low carbon futures and cycling is an integral element. Children are heirs of transport cultures and crucial for future sustainable mobility. Moreover cycling is important for children’s independent mobility and geographical experience.Dominating approaches in transport research, including cycling, understand travel behaviour individualistic and lack to grasp the relational complexities, which are inevitable when considering children’s mobilities. Furthermore has children’s cycling largely been studied as independent mobility and active school travel. How cycling is learned and constituted, and how cycling skills are consolidated, extended and turned into a stabilized practice remains unstudied. Drawing on in-depth interview data from the region of Copenhagen, Denmark, among families with children (N=20) the paper provides new insights into how children, parents, and the locale socio-spatial environment through collaborations, negations and experiments co-produce independent cycling.It introduces a three-step model for conceptualizing children’s cycling deriving from processes of gradually enlarging the geographical experience and partial embodying of know-how of traffic power relations and mobility technology. The paper examines how parents’ perception of risks are transgressed by cycle training and how cycling is fitted into complex household routines. By shedding light on the sensitive mechanisms that ‘make’ and sustain cycling children the paper inform a discussion of urban planning and transport policy measures important for stabilizing sustainable mobility
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