843 research outputs found

    Application of processed organic municipal solid waste on agricultural land - a scenario analysis

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    Source separation, composting and anaerobic digestion, with associated land application, are increasingly being considered as alternative waste management strategies to landfilling and incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW). Environmental life cycle assessments are a useful tool in political decision-making about waste management strategies. However, due to the diversity of processed organic MSW and the situations in which it can be applied, the environmental impacts of land application are very hard to determine by experimental means. In the current study, we used the agroecosystem model Daisy to simulate a range of different scenarios representing different geographical areas, farm and soil types under Danish conditions and legislation. Generally, the application of processed organic MSW resulted in increased emissions compared with the corresponding standard scenarios, but with large differences between scenarios. Emission coefficients for nitrogen leaching to the groundwater ranged from 0.03 to 0.87, while those for nitrogen lost to surface waters through tile drains ranged from 0 to 0.30. Emission coefficients for N2O formation ranged from 0.013 to 0.022 and for ammonia volatilization from 0.016 to 0.11. These estimates are within reasonable range of observed values under similar conditions. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis showed that the estimates were not very sensitive to the mineralization dynamics of the processed organic MSW. The results show that agroecosystem models can be powerful tools to estimate the environmental impacts of land application of processed MSW under different conditions. Despite this, agroecosystem models have only been used to a very limited degree for this purpose

    Progression of experimental chronic Aleutian mink disease virus infection

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    BACKGROUND: Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV) is found world-wide and has a major impact on mink health and welfare by decreasing reproduction and fur quality. In the majority of mink, the infection is subclinical and the diagnosis must be confirmed by serology or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Increased knowledge based on a systematically description of clinical signs, pathology and histopathology might be a tool to reduce the risk of infection from subclinically infected mink to AMDV free herds. The aim of this study was to give a histopathological description of the progression of a chronic experimental infection with a currently circulating Danish strain of AMDV, Saeby/DEN/799.1/05. These results were compared with the pathogenesis of previously published AMDV stains. RESULTS: This experimental AMDV infection resulted in only decreased appetite and soft or discolored feces, primarily within the first 8 weeks after AMDV inoculation. Gross pathology revealed few and inconsistent findings mainly associated with the liver, spleen and kidneys. The majority of the AMDV inoculated wild type mink (n = 41) developed various histopathological changes consistent with AMDV infection in one or more organs: infiltrations of mononuclear cells in liver, kidney and brain, reduced density of lymphocytes and increased numbers of plasma cells in lymph nodes and spleen. Natural infection, as occurred in the sentinel sapphire mink (four of six mink), progressed similar to the experimentally inoculated mink. CONCLUSIONS: Experimental AMDV inoculation mainly resulted in subclinical infection with unspecific clinical signs and gross pathology, and more consistent histopathology appearing at any time after AMDV inoculation during the 24 weeks of observation. Thus, the observed histopathology substantiates AMDV infection and no correlation to time of inoculation was found. This confirms that diagnosing AMDV infection requires serology and/or PCR and the Saeby/DEN/799.1/05 AMDV strain results in histopathology consistent with other AMDV strains

    Fra sameemissær via helbredelsespredikant til hvilehjemetablerer. Didrik Trulssen Solli (1904-1989)

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    Denne oppgaven er en biografisk framstilling av sameemissæren Didrik T. Solli. Sollis rolle som emissær var utypisk for sin samtid, og han skred til emissærgjerningen med dyp respekt og ærbødighet for det samiske. Solli fikk også tidlig evner til helbredelser, evner han brukte for å hjelpe mange med sykdom og lidelser. Til tross for mange samstemte holdninger til Sollis virke, så blir bildet noe mer nyansert når også motstemmer kommer til ordet. Med dette som bakteppe svarer oppgaven på følgende overordnede problemstilling; Hvem var Didrik Trulssen Solli? En ydmyk Herrens tjener eller en selvsentrert helbredelsespredikant? Gjennom bruken av tre ulike metoder, sikter oppgaven å belyse Sollis liv og virke fra flere innfallsvinkler; tekstanalyse, historie-kritisk metode og samtale med informanter. Utfallet av analysen er ikke entydig, men spennende. Solli trer frem som en mer sammensatt person enn først antatt