53 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty – a peace-keeping initiative with scientific impact

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    Any major shaking of the Earth can be recorded on a seismograph regardless of the nature of the source. Earthquakes and large explosions generate waves with similar frequency content. This fact has been used for decades to construct systems to monitor detonations of underground nuclear explosions. The quality of the monitoring system has increased significantly in recent years, and we demonstrate here that the data are useful in Danish earthquake research

    Miocene uplift of the NE Greenland margin linked to plate tectonics: Seismic evidence from the Greenland Fracture Zone, NE Atlantic:Margin Uplift and Plate Tectonics

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    Tectonic models predict that following breakup, rift margins undergo only decaying thermal subsidence during their postrift evolution. However, postbreakup stratigraphy beneath the NE Atlantic shelves shows evidence of regional-scale unconformities, commonly cited as outer margin responses to inner margin episodic uplift, including the formation of coastal mountains. The origin of these events remains enigmatic. We present a seismic reflection study from the Greenland Fracture Zone-East Greenland Ridge (GFZ-EGR) and the NE Greenland shelf. We document a regional intra-Miocene seismic unconformity (IMU), which marks the termination of synrift deposition in the deep-sea basins and onset of (i) thermomechanical coupling across the GFZ, (ii) basin compression, and (iii) contourite deposition, north of the EGR. The onset of coupling across the GFZ is constrained by results of 2-D flexural backstripping. We explain the thermomechanical coupling and the deposition of contourites by the formation of a continuous plate boundary along the Mohns and Knipovich ridges, leading to an accelerated widening of the Fram Strait. We demonstrate that the IMU event is linked to onset of uplift and massive shelf progradation on the NE Greenland margin. Given an estimated middle to late Miocene (~15–10Ma) age of the IMU, we speculate that the event is synchronous with uplift of the east and west Greenland margins. The correlation between margin uplift and plate motion changes further indicates that the uplift was triggered by plate tectonic forces, induced perhaps by a change in the Iceland plume (a hot pulse) and/or by changes in intraplate stresses related to global tectonics

    Exploring for extended continental shelf claims off Greenland and the Faroe Islands – geological perspectives

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    Following the expected ratification in 2004 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS from 1982), Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands have a period of maximum 10 years to make claims beyond 200 nautical miles (NM) in five potential areas off Greenland and the Faroe Islands (Fig. 1). In order to provide the necessary database, the Danish Continental Shelf Project has been launched by the Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation in cooperation with the Faroese and Greenland Home Rule governments. Several institutions are participating in this project, with the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) as the coordinator of the technical work for the Greenland part of the project, and sharing the responsibility for coordination of the Faroese part with the Faroese Geological Survey (JFS)

    Citizen Seismology in the Arctic

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    Landslides, earthquakes and other natural disasters are expected to increase in the Arctic, yet our ability to make informed decisions about safety is tightly limited by lack of data. As part of the Integrated Arctic Observation System (INTAROS) project, geophones were installed by residents in Greenland and by University of Bergen in Svalbard in 2018. The purpose of the installations was to explore challenges and benefits of community-based data collection for seismological monitoring in the Arctic region. Raspberry Shake units with one/three-component velocity sensors were selected for the deployment, due to their user-friendly configuration, easy installation, and well established digital platform and web services. The purpose of engaging community members in the use of geophone sensors was to monitor earthquakes, cryoseisms (events generated by ice mass), and landslides. We report our findings with respect to challenges regarding the installation and operation of the Raspberry Shake sensors at both locations. Connecting community-based recordings with permanent seismological networks improved both the detection capability and the data support for understanding seismic events in Greenland. In contrast, finding suitable locations for deployments in Longyearbyen turned out to be challenging, because most buildings are constructed on poles due to the permafrost and indoor space is expensive. Promoting citizen seismology in the Arctic could improve monitoring of seismic events in the Arctic while simultaneously raising community awareness of natural hazards.publishedVersio

    GNSS-IR Measurements of Inter Annual Sea Level Variations in Thule, Greenland from 2008–2019

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    Studies of global sea level often exclude Tide Gauges (TGs) in glaciated regions due to vertical land movement. Recent studies show that geodetic GNSS stations can be used to estimate sea level by taking advantage of the reflections from the ocean surface using GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry (GNSS-IR). This method has the immediate benefit that one can directly correct for bedrock movements as measured by the GNSS station. Here we test whether GNSS-IR can be used for measurements of inter annual sea level variations in Thule, Greenland, which is affected by sea ice and icebergs during much of the year. We do this by comparing annual average sea level variations using the two methods from 2008–2019. Comparing the individual sea level measurements over short timescales we find a root mean square deviation (RMSD) of 13 cm, which is similar to other studies using spectral methods. The RMSD for the annual average sea level variations between TG and GNSS-IR is large (18 mm) compared to the estimated uncertainties concerning the measurements. We expect that this is in part due to the TG not being datum controlled. We find sea level trends from GNSS-IR and TG of −4 and −7 mm/year, respectively. The negative trend can be partly explained by a gravimetric decrease in sea level as a result of ice mass changes. We model the gravimetric sea level from 2008–2017 and find a trend of −3 mm/year

    A multidisciplinary approach to landslide monitoring in the Arctic: Case study of the March 2018 ML 1.9 seismic event near the Karrat 2017 landslide

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    The landslide of 17 June 2017 at Karrat Fjord, central West Greenland, triggered a tsunami that caused four fatalities. The catastrophe highlighted the need for a better understanding of landslides in Greenland and initiated a recent nation-wide landslide screening project led by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS; see also Svennevig (2019) this volume). This paper describes an approach for compiling freely available data to improve GEUS’ capability to monitor active landslides in remote areas of the Arctic in near real time. Data include seismological records, space borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data and multispectral optical satellite imagery. The workflow was developed in 2018 as part of a collaboration between GEUS and scientists from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This methodology provides a model through which GEUS will be able to monitor active landslides and provide relevant knowledge to the public and authorities in the event of future landslides that pose a risk to human life and infrastructure in Greenland. We use a minor event on 26 March 2018, near the site of the Karrat 2017 landslide, as a case study to demonstrate 1) the value of multidisciplinary approaches and 2) that the area around the landslide has continued to be periodically active since the main landslide in 2017

    Continuous broadband seismic observation on the Greenland Ice Sheet under Greenland Ice Sheet monitoring Network

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    第4回極域科学シンポジウム横断セッション:[IP] 極域における多圏融合物理現象11月13日(水)統計数理研究所 3階セミナー室2(D304