389 research outputs found

    Controle-onzekerheid : een experimenteel-psychologisch onderzoek naar een mogelijke ontstaansvoorwaarde voor dwanggedrag

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    De gedragstherapeutische behandeling van dwangklachten verloopt soms voorspoedig. Vaak echter blijken dwangsymptomen zeer hardnekkig en wordt van de patiënt en van de therapeut veel creativiteit en doorzettingsvermogen gevraagd. In contacten met dwangpatiënten of supervisanden die dwangpatiënten gedragstherapeutisch behandelen, blijkt nogal eens dat veel gebruikte behandelingstechnieken tekortschieten. Het gaat dan bijvoorbeeld om responspreventie, flooding en denkstop {cf. Beech & Vaughan, 1978, Haaijman, 1977, Haaijman & Haaijman-van Breukelen; 1979, Marks, 1973, Rimm & Masters, 1974, Yates, 1970). Sommige auteurs {bijvoorbeeld Haaijman, 1977 en Haaijman & Haaijman-van Breukelen, 1979) maken echter duidelijk dat het praktisch en nuttig is deze gedragstherapeutische procedures aan te vullen met motiveringstechnieken, echtpaarbehandeling, psychodrama en zo meer. Bij een dergelijke praktische gerichtheid is het nut van verklaringsprincipes niet erg groot. Het hoeft dan ook geen verwondering te wekken dat wat uit de leertheorie bekend is over het ontstaan van dwanggedrag niet erg aansluit bij de therapeutische praktijk. Doorgaans lijkt de veronderstelling dat dwanggedrag een angstreducerende werking heeft voldoende grond te bieden voor het ontwerpen van een behandelingsplan. Dat niet altijd sprake is van angstreductie bij dwang is theoretisch misschien interessant, maar praktisch niet erg relevant. De idee dat verklaringsprincipes en erop gebaseerde behandelingsmethoden tekortschieten is echter onbevredigend. Het is immers mogelijk dat elke stap in de richting van een béter passende verklaring van het ontstaan van dwanggedrag ook tot verbetering van behandelingsprocedures kan leiden. De belangstelling naar de verklaring van het ontstaan van dwanggedrag is de drijfveer geweest voor het onderzoek waarover in dit proefschrift wordt gerapporteerd. Het uitgangspunt van het onderzoek is dat eenvoudige leerprincipes als klassieke en eperante conditionering niet goed verklaren hoe dwanggedrag ontstaat, noch wat precies het rituele van veel dwanggedrag bepaalt, waarom angst soms toeneemt bij het uitvoeren van dwanggedrag, en tenslotte waarom dwangpatiënten niet lijken te geloven dat het gedrag dat ze uitvoeren zinvol i

    Home measures of anxiety, avoidant coping and defence as predictors of anxiety, heart rate and skin conductance level just before invasive cardiovascular procedures

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    The question was whether anxiety, heart rate and skin conductance level just before invasive cardiac procedures could be predicted by anxiety related measures obtained at patients homes approximately 3 weeks before treatment. Trait measures of avoidant coping and defence were provided by sixty-three male and thirty-three female patients who were scheduled for a diagnostic or interventional heart catheterization. In hospital physiological measures were registered continously during a 20 min interview and subsequently patients reported their anxiety. Results with hierarchical regres

    Validating fatty acid intake as estimated by an FFQ : how does the 24 h recall perform as reference method compared with the duplicate portion?

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    Objective: To compare the performance of the commonly used 24 h recall (24hR) with the more distinct duplicate portion (DP) as reference method for validation of fatty acid intake estimated with an FFQ. Design: Intakes of SFA, MUFA, n-3 fatty acids and linoleic acid (LA) were estimated by chemical analysis of two DP and by on average five 24hR and two FFQ. Plasma n-3 fatty acids and LA were used to objectively compare ranking of individuals based on DP and 24hR. Multivariate measurement error models were used to estimate validity coefficients and attenuation factors for the FFQ with the DP and 24hR as reference methods. Setting: Wageningen, the Netherlands. Subjects: Ninety-two men and 106 women (aged 20–70 years). Results: Validity coefficients for the fatty acid estimates by the FFQ tended to be lower when using the DP as reference method compared with the 24hR. Attenuation factors for the FFQ tended to be slightly higher based on the DP than those based on the 24hR as reference method. Furthermore, when using plasma fatty acids as reference, the DP showed comparable to slightly better ranking of participants according to their intake of n-3 fatty acids (0·33) and n-3:LA (0·34) than the 24hR (0·22 and 0·24, respectively). Conclusions: The 24hR gives only slightly different results compared with the distinctive but less feasible DP, therefore use of the 24hR seems appropriate as the reference method for FFQ validation of fatty acid intake.</p

    De effectiviteit van re-integratietraining versus boostersessies na kortdurende klinische psychotherapie: een gerandomiseerd klinisch onderzoek

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Standardised evaluation studies performed in the Netherlands in a large number of inpatient and day-treatment hospitals providing psychotherapy have shown significant symptomatic improvements in patients between the date of entry to the studies and follow-up after one year. However, the work situation of ex-patients hardly changed and a large number of patients were still receiving psychotherapy. AIM: To examine the effectiveness of a specifically designed course of re-integration training. METHOD: A group of 128 patients were assigned randomly either to a re-integration training course aimed at improved functioning at work and improved relationships, or to booster sessions. Outcome measures were symptom level, work status, absence from work, and further psychotherapy. results After two years the number of patients in paid employment remained the same (76%) in the re-integration training course and increased from 67 to 87% in the booster sessions. Attendance was significantly higher in the booster sessions than in the re-integration training. There were no differences in the other outcome measures. CONCLUSION: We conclude that re-integration training was no more effective than the booster sessions. Our hypothesis is that continuity of care (therapists plus programme) explains the favourable result of the booster sessions

    Validity of absolute intake and nutrient density of protein, potassium, and sodium assessed by various dietary assessment methods:An exploratory study

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    It is suggested that nutrient densities are less affected by measurement errors than absolute intake estimates of dietary exposure. We compared the validity of absolute intakes and densities of protein (kJ from protein/total energy (kJ)), potassium, and sodium (potassium or sodium (in mg)/total energy (kJ)) assessed by different dietary assessment methods. For 69 Dutch subjects, two duplicate portions (DPs), five to fifteen 24-h dietary recalls (24 hRs, telephone-based and web-based) and two food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) were collected and compared to duplicate urinary biomarkers and one or two doubly labelled water measurements. Multivariate measurement error models were used to estimate validity coefficients (VCs) and attenuation factors (AFs). This research showed that group bias diminished for protein and sodium densities assessed by all methods as compared to the respective absolute intakes, but not for those of potassium. However, the VCs and AFs for the nutrient densities did not improve compared to absolute intakes for all four methods; except for the AF of sodium density (0.71) or the FFQ which was better than that of the absolute sodium intake (0.51). Thus, using nutrient densities rather than absolute intakes does not necessarily improve the performance of the DP, FFQ, or 24 hR.</p

    Diet quality indices for research in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review

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    Nutrition insecurity among urban poor in modernizing Asian metropolises is a critical issue. It is well recognized that in urban Asia the poor are food insecure. Across Asia the food retail environment is transforming rapidly, in which supermarkets increasingly replace traditional food vending, like markets and street vendors that the urban poor depend upon. The question is, how these transformations impact the diets of the urban poor? What drives their food choice? What are their daily shopping practices and how does that affect their dietary intake? To investigate this, we developed a cross-disciplinary nutrition and social practices study with a sequential quantitative-qualitative mixed-method design. Building on empirical evidence from Hanoi, Vietnam, the study links (i) food choice and measured dietary intake, with (ii) food retail environment, through (iii) food shopping practices and preferences of 400 women of reproductive age within the context of (iv) their transformative urban lifestyles. Methods included are a retail census with GPS coordinates to map the food retail environment, a household survey, a 24-h diet recall, multi-generation household interviews and shopping trips. We demonstrate that integrated sociological and nutritional perspectives are productive in rapidly generating evidence to comprehend the complex trade-offs between food safety and nutrition in everyday food consumption practices. We describe and reflect on our theoretical mix of dietary intake and social practices research, and our holistic mixed method approach which besides combining quantitative and qualitative methods, also voices the urban poor first hand

    Compendium of indicators for food system assessment

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    Effect of Daily Antenatal Iron Supplementation on Plasmodium Infection in Kenyan Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

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    IMPORTANCE: Anemia affects most pregnant African women and is predominantly due to iron deficiency, but antenatal iron supplementation has uncertain health benefits and can increase the malaria burden. OBJECTIVE: To measure the effect of antenatal iron supplementation on maternal Plasmodium infection risk, maternal iron status, and neonatal outcomes. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Randomized placebo-controlled trial conducted October 2011 through April 2013 in a malaria endemic area among 470 rural Kenyan women aged 15 to 45 years with singleton pregnancies, gestational age of 13 to 23 weeks, and hemoglobin concentration of 9 g/dL or greater. All women received 5.7 mg iron/day through flour fortification during intervention, and usual intermittent preventive treatment against malaria was given. INTERVENTIONS: Supervised daily supplementation with 60 mg of elemental iron (as ferrous fumarate, n = 237 women) or placebo (n = 233) from randomization until 1 month postpartum. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Primary outcome was maternal Plasmodium infection at birth. Predefined secondary outcomes were birth weight and gestational age at delivery, intrauterine growth, and maternal and infant iron status at 1 month after birth. RESULTS: Among the 470 participating women, 40 women (22 iron, 18 placebo) were lost to follow-up or excluded at birth; 12 mothers were lost to follow-up postpartum (5 iron, 7 placebo). At baseline, 190 of 318 women (59.7%) were iron-deficient. In intention-to-treat analysis, comparison of women who received iron vs placebo, respectively, yielded the following results at birth: Plasmodium infection risk: 50.9% vs 52.1% (crude difference, -1.2%, 95% CI, -11.8% to 9.5%; P = .83); birth weight: 3202 g vs 3053 g (crude difference, 150 g, 95% CI, 56 to 244; P = .002); birth-weight-for-gestational-age z score: 0.52 vs 0.31 (crude difference, 0.21, 95% CI, -0.11 to 0.52; P = .20); and at 1 month after birth: maternal hemoglobin concentration: 12.89 g/dL vs 11.99 g/dL (crude difference, 0.90 g/dL, 95% CI, 0.61 to 1.19; P < .001); geometric mean maternal plasma ferritin concentration: 32.1 µg/L vs 14.4 µg/L (crude difference, 123.4%, 95% CI, 85.5% to 169.1%; P < .001); geometric mean neonatal plasma ferritin concentration: 163.0 µg/L vs 138.7 µg/L (crude difference, 17.5%, 95% CI, 2.4% to 34.8%; P = .02). Serious adverse events were reported for 9 and 12 women who received iron and placebo, respectively. There was no evidence that intervention effects on Plasmodium infection risk were modified by intermittent preventive treatment use. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Among rural Kenyan women with singleton pregnancies, administration of daily iron supplementation, compared with administration of placebo, resulted in no significant differences in overall maternal Plasmodium infection risk. Iron supplementation led to increased birth weight. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01308112

    Developing feasible healthy diets for Ethiopian women of reproductive age: a linear goal programming approach

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    Abstract Objective: To develop a healthy diet for Ethiopian women closely resembling their current diet and taking fasting periods into account while tracking the cost difference. Design: Linear goal programming models were built for three scenarios (non-fasting, continuous fasting and intermittent fasting). Each model minimised a function of deviations from nutrient reference values for eleven nutrients (protein, Ca, Fe, Zn, folate, and the vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12). The energy intake in optimised diets could only deviate 5 % from the current diet. Settings: Five regions are included in the urban and rural areas of Ethiopia. Participants: Two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls (24HDR) were collected from 494 Ethiopian women of reproductive age from November to December 2019. Results: Women’s mean energy intake was well above 2000 kcal across all socio-demographic subgroups. Compared to the current diet, the estimated intake of several food groups was considerably higher in the optimised modelled diets, that is, milk and dairy foods (396 v. 30 g/d), nuts and seeds (20 v. 1 g/d) and fruits (200 v. 7 g/d). Except for Ca and vitamin B12 intake in the continuous fasting diet, the proposed diets provide an adequate intake of the targeted micronutrients. The proposed diets had a maximum cost of 120 Ethiopian birrs ($3·5) per d, twice the current diet’s cost. Conclusion: The modelled diets may be feasible for women of reproductive age as they are close to their current diets and fulfil their energy and nutrient demands. However, the costs may be a barrier to implementation
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