11 research outputs found

    Potential of Varies Trees Litter Containing Tannin on Agroforestry System as Nitrification Inhibitor for Increasing Nitrogen Fertilizer Efficiency for Soybean

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    Abstract: Soybean plants production in agroforestry system in Gunung Gajah forest were very low since the percentage of empty pods relatively high. The case presumably about soil fertility mainly is nitrification activity. The research aim is to study about the potential of trees litter containing tannin as nitrification inhibition for increasing nitrogen fertilizer efficiency. The research was conducted by survey (about trees characteristics, micro climate, soil properties, and farmers practice in soybean cultivation) and experiment method (variety, N, P, Mo, and Mg fertilizer). The yield of the research are: nitrogen in the soil is low since nitrification and oxidation process by bacteria, and leaching; The trees litter potential for inhibiting nitrification process are litter from: Mahogany, Teak, Jackfruit, Manggo, and Breadfruit (the sequence also exhibiting the sequence of litter quality as nitrification inhibition). By N, P, Mo, and Mg fertilizations the number of empty pods of soybean plant decreases so the plant seeds production obtained 0.86 ton ha -1


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    Organic cultivation in egroforestry system by biofertilizer potentialy conducted for soybean.  Soybean cultivation in agroforestry system there are several limitations but it have to effort since the area of ideal land decreasing year by year.  The aim of the research by experiment method is increasing yield of soybean by organic cultivation in agrofrestry system either quality or quantity.  The experiment design is randomized block design (RBD) with two factor trearments.  The first factor are kinds of variety (Grobogan and Local) as mainplot and the second one are biofertilizer duration (no biofertilizer as control, 4, 5, 6, 7 weeks applies ones a week).  So there are 10 combination treatments and replicated three times for each of them


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    Organic cultivation in egroforestry system by biofertilizer potentialy conducted for soybean.  Soybean cultivation in agroforestry system there are several limitations but it have to effort since the area of ideal land decreasing year by year.  The aim of the research by experiment method is increasing yield of soybean by organic cultivation in agrofrestry system either quality or quantity.  The experiment design is randomized block design (RBD) with two factor trearments.  The first factor are kinds of variety (Grobogan and Local) as mainplot and the second one are biofertilizer duration (no biofertilizer as control, 4, 5, 6, 7 weeks applies ones a week).  So there are 10 combination treatments and replicated three times for each of them


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    The study aimed to determine which substrate and nutrition that gives the best result in improving growth and yield of Capsicum frutescens. The study design using CRD (completely randomized design) with two factors, namely substrates (6 levels: charcoal husks, fractional tiles, fractional bricks, arenga fiber, beach sand, husk steamed) and nutrition (2 levels: standards, standards with NPK). The study was conducted October 2015 until March 2016 in screen house Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and if significant difference continued with DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) level of 5%. The results showed that the kinds of substrates significantly affect all variables of Capsicum frutescens (plant height, leaf number, branch number, total interest, diameter trunk, root length, root volume, fresh weight of plants, plant dry weight, fruit weight and number of fruit), and the addition of NPK nutrition significantly affect variable leaf number, branch number, and fresh weight of plants

    Pengaruh Perendaman Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Alami pada Perkecambahan dan Pertumbuhan Bibit TSS Bawang Merah

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    Penggunaan benih TSS (True Shallots Seeds) memiliki kendala yaitu rendahnya daya kecambah benih serta rendahnya pertumbuhan awal saat persemaian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi penggunaan bahan ZPT alami serta pengaruh lama perendaman sebagai sumber ZPT alami guna meningkatkan daya perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan bibit bawang merah asal TSS. Percobaan dilakukan dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama bahan perendaman dengan tiga taraf yaitu ekstrak tauge, urin sapi, dan air kelapa. Faktor kedua adalah lama perendaman dengan tiga taraf yaitu 2 jam, 4 jam dan 6 jam dengan variabel peubah yaitu kecepatan tumbuh benih, daya kecambah, vigor benih, panjang akar, jumlah akar, panjang daun jumlah daun, berat segar dan berat kering tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi interaksi antara perendaman dalam bahan zat pengatur tumbuh alami dan lama perendaman terhadap komponen perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan bibit bawang merah (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum ) asal TSS. Semakin lama perendaman yang dilakukan dapat menurunkan vigor benih dan lama perendaman 2 jam lebih baik dibandingkan dengan lama perendaman 4 jam dan 6 jam. Perendaman menggunakan urin sapi meningkatkan panjang akar tanaman lebih baik  dibandingkan ekstrak tauge dan urin sapi

    The Enhancement of Melon Fruit Quality by Application of the Fertilizer and Gibberellin

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    Abstract: Generally, the diameter of organic melon fruit relatively short (the fruit is small), weight of fruit just as big as 1.25-1.49 kg only, while weight of inorganic melon fruit can reach 2-3 kg. The research was conducted by experiment method with the aim to enhance quality of the organic melon fruit. Experiment I is: N, P and K fertilizer solution concentration as main plot (0, 20, 30, and 40 g L-1 ) and dose of cow manure fertilizer as sub plot (0, 10, 15, and 20 ton ha -1 ) (there are 16 treatment combinations). Experiment II is kinds of dung as main plot (chicken, cow, and goat) and dose of fertilizer as sub plot (20, 25, and 30 ton ha -1 ) (there are 9 treatment combinations). Experiment III is dose of cow manure fertilizer as main plot (15, 20, 25, and 30 ton ha -1 ) and gibberellins concentration as sub plot (0, 30, 60, and 120 ppm) and (there are 16 treatment combinations). Each of the treatment combination replícated 3 times. The result showed that chicken, cow, and goats manure can be used in organic cultivation of melons, and cow manure has the highest potential. The role of the dose is relatively low in plant growth, but to improve the quality of fruit need dose of 10-15 tons ha -1 . The addition of inorganic NPK fertilizer solution or use of gibberellins can increase growth and fruit quality of melon (the used of gibberellins are recommended)


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    The research aims to assess the yield of baby kale that can be consumed almost all of the parts and generate organic manure free. Field research was conducted in Sindon Village, Ngemplak, Boyolali in September to October 2016. The research method uses Randomized Complete Block Design factorial with two factors, these are the dosage of manure and the age of harvest. Manure consisted of 4 doses O1 (0 ton/ha), O2 (6 tons/ha) and O3 (8 tons/ha) and O4 (10 tons/ha), and age of harvest consisted of P1 (16 DAS), P2 (20 DAS), and P3 (24 DAS). Variables observed were plant height, number of leaves, internode length, fresh weight, dry weight, leaf area index, and harvest index. The result showed that age of harvest has significant influence plant height, internode length, the number of leaves, leaf area index, fresh weight, dry weight, and harvest index. Manure doses only influence dry weight. Manure dosage of 8 ton/ha and harvest age of 16 DAS is the best combination of baby kale. Manure dosage of 10 ton/ha and harvest age of 16 DAS produce baby kale that can be consumed almost in all parts of the plant with the highest harvest index that is equal to 0.83

    Pengaruh pupuk organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai (Glycine max L.) pada sistem tanpa olah tanah

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    Potensi hasil kedelai mampu optimal untuk dikembangkan dengan penggunaan sistem tanpa olah tanah yang banyak memberikan keuntungan dengan menekan input seperti biaya dan waktu panen. Upaya yang mengarah ke perbaikan terus dilakukan seperti pemanfaatan lahan bekas penanaman padi yang memanfaatkan potensi air dan pemanfaatan pupuk organik untuk meningkatkan kualitas tanah dan produktivitas tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk organik yang meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai pada sistem tanpa olah tanah. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) faktor tunggal dengan 5 perlakuan dosis pupuk organik dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut adalah P0 (tanpa pupuk organik), P1 ( pupuk organik 5 ton/ha), P2 (pupuk organik 10 ton/ha), P3 (pupuk organik 15 ton/ha), P4 (pupuk organik 20 ton/ha). Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan analisis keragaman (Analysis of variance / ANOVA) pada taraf kepercayaan 95% dan diuji lanjut dengan uji DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) pada taraf α 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis pupuk organik 5 ton/ha meningkatkan indeks luas daun (ILD), berat segar dan kering brangkasan serta berat hasil biji per tanaman dan per hektar


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    Kata kunci: Padi Beras Merah, Lahan Kering, Morfologi Saat ini beras merah telah menjadi produk andalan dan dikonsumsi banyak orang seiring dengan kesadaran masyarakat yang tinggi akan kesehatan. Nilai gizi dan serat yang cukup tinggi dipandang sangat penting bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan vitamin dan antioksidan dalam tubuh. Karena itu, ketersediaan beras merah secara kontinyu sangatlah diharapkan, terlebih ketersediaan di setiap wilayah seperti di Surakarta yang sampai saat ini belum banyak diketahui. Inventarisasi yang berhasil dihimpun menunjukkan bahwa beras merah di wilayah Surakarta hanya terdapat di tiga kabupaten yaitu Boyolali (kultivar Merah Wulung), Sragen (kultivar Cempo) dan Wonogiri (kultivar Slegreng) yang sebagian besar dibudidayakan secara tergenang seperti budidaya padi pada umumnya. Keterbatasan air khususnya pada musim kemarau menjadi kendala utama usaha budidaya padi secara tergenang dan hal inilah yang mendasari peneliti melakukan optimalisasi pemanfaatan lahan kering untuk budidaya padi beras merah melalui paket teknologi pemupukan. Sebagai langkah awal diperlukan informasi morfologi padi beras merah di lahan kering sebagai upaya menginventarisasi plasma nutfah dan kemudian dikembangkan dengan teknologi budidaya organik guna peningkatan hasil dan perluasan area penanaman. Hasil penelitian tahun pertama menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan morfologi dari ketiga kultivar padi beras merah dan ketiganya terbagi menjadi dua kelompok besar yaitu pertama, kelompok Wonogiri (kultivar Slegreng) dan kedua, kelompok Boyolali (kultivar Merah Wulung) dan Sragen (kultivar Cempo) dengan tingkat kemiripan relatif rendah (65%). Pengelompokan ditentukan berdasarkan perbedaan utama pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan per tanaman, dan warna biji. Kelompok pertama yaitu Wonogiri (Slegreng) menunjukkan kenampakan yang rendah dan jumlah anakan yang lebih rendah daripada kelompok kedua yaitu Merah Wulung dan Cempo. Namun demikian kedua kelompok ini mampu menghasilkan jumlah malai yang hampir sama. Khusus kultivar Slegreng dan kultivar Merah Wulung memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang dekat (75%) dan ditunjukkan dari tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan dan jumlah malai yang relatif sama. Sedangkan tingkat kemiripan kultivar Slegreng dan kultivar Cempo relatif rendah yaitu kurang dari 70% dan ditentukan oleh pembeda utama berupa jumlah malai per tanaman