5 research outputs found

    Keikutsertaan Kelas Ibu Hamil Berpengaruh Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Dalam Praktik Inisiasi Menyusu Dini

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    Objectives: to know the effect participation in prenatal class to the practice of early initiation breastfeeding in Sisir health care center-Batu. Materials and Methods: This research was an analytical study with cohort retrospective design. The population in this study was divided into two populations, exposed populations were mothers who attend prenatal classes during the last pregnancy and unexposed population were mothers never attend prenatal classes. Sample size was 32 respondent. Data were analyzed by chi square test. Results: The results of the bivariate analysis of age (p value = 0.229), education (p value = 0.1790, parity (p value = 0.011), knowledge (p value = 0.047), attitude (p value = 0.893), history of labor (p value = 0,021), information (p value = 0.472), birth attendants (p value = 0.017), the place of delivery (p value = 0.003), participation in prenatal classes (p value = 0.27), decision makers (p value = 0.137), counseling during pregnancy (0.16) The analysis showed significant variable is the parity (p = 0.011), knowledge (p = 0.047), birth attendants (p = 0.017), the place of delivery (0.003), history of labor (p = 0.021), counseling during pregnancy (p = 0.010). Conclusion: There is no effect of the mother's participation in the prenatal class to the practice of early initiation breastfeeding, but the prenatal classes effect mothers knowledge which influence the practice of early initiation breastfeeding

    Influence of Prenatal Class to the Practice of P4K (Birth Planning and Prevention of Birth Complication)

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    Objective: This study aimed to analyze the influence of prenatal class to the practice of P4K (Birth Planning And Prevention Of Birth Complication).Materials and Methods: This study applied analytical survey with cross sectional approach. The number of samples taken was as many as 30 mothers, using simple random sampling. Analysis of data was carried out using ordinal wilcoxon sign rank test. Datas were obtained from interviews and questionnaire.Result: The influence of prenatal class to practice of P4K (Birth Planning and Prevention of Birth Complication) (p = 0,0000). Conclusion: Prental class can influence to practic of P4K

    Pengaruh Beban dan Masa Kerja terhadap Pelayanan Antenatal di Pekesmas Kota Ambon

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    Kematian ibu merupakan salah satu indikator penting untuk mengukur derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Di Indonesia, angka kematian ibu sangat tinggi, yaitu 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Di Provinsi Maluku, AKI juga masih tinggi, meski di bawah angka nasional, yaitu 244 kematian per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Salah satu upaya untuk mencegah kematian ibu dan bayi adalah dengan meningkatnya pelayanan antenatal (ANC) untuk ibu hamil. Sebab, dalam ANC, ibu hamil mendapatkan layanan yang komprehensif sejak trimester pertama hingga ketiga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh beban kerja dan masa kerja bidan pada kualitas pelayanan antenatal di puskesmas di Kota Ambon. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional yang menguji lima variabel, yaitu pendidikan bidan; masa kerja; beban kerja, jarak rumah bidan; dan sarana-prasaran puskesmas. Responden sebanyak 85 bidan di 22 Puskesmas di Ambon, dipilih secara simple random sampling dengan undian. Responden diamati dan menjawab kuesioner terstruktur. Regresi logistik digunkan untuk menganalisa korelasi antara semua variabel. Hasilnya, variabel yang memiliki pengaruh dalam pelayanan antenatal di puskesmas-puskesmas di Kota Ambon adalah  lama bekerja (p = 0,017), dan beban kerja (p = 0,022). Kesimpulan, bidan di puskesmas di Ambon sudah menyediakan ANC yang layak dan berkualitas. Namun, beban kerja ganda yang dilakukan bidan mengakibatkan kualitas ANC kurang maksimal karena kerjanya tidak fokus dan berlebih. Kompetensi dan pelatihan yang kurang merata, khususnya bagi bidan yang masa kerja kurang dari 10 tahun, mengakibatkan kualitas ANC belum optimal. Oleh karena itu, direkomendasikan kepada Dinas Kesehatan Ambon secara berkala memperbarui pengetahuan dan keterampilan bidan, serta mengurangi beban kerja ganda yang dilakukan oleh bidan

    Effect of Pregnant Women\u27s Knowledge and Therapy Regimentation Towards Compliance in Consuming Iron (Fe) Tablets and Anemia Degree in South Kediri Public Health Center Year 2016

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    Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the influence of knowledge and regimentation of pregnant women consume tablets therapy adherence iron (Fe) and anemia in pregnant women in the South Regional Health Center Kediri.Materials and Methods: This study used observational analytic with cross sectional design. The population consisted of 63 third trimester pregnant women and samples taken were 34 third trimester pregnant women who have received 90 tablets of iron (Fe), with a simple random sampling technique. Data obtained from questionnaires, books Maternal and Child Health, and in-depth interviews. Data analysis was performed using ordinal regression and logistic regression.Results: There was an effect of knowledge of pregnant women on adherence to consume tablets of iron (Fe), there is no influence regimentation of therapy on adherence to consume tablets of iron (Fe), and no effect of compliance sufficient to consume tablets of iron (Fe) against anemia in pregnant women (p=0.012). Conclusion: The higher the level of knowledge possessed by pregnant women, pregnant women, the more it tends to stick to consume tablets of iron (Fe) during pregnancy. And no regimentation of therapeutic effect on adherence to consume tablets of iron (Fe) in pregnant women

    The Effect of Referral and Treatment of Severe Preeclampsia on Maternal Death at Sultan Imanudin General Hospital Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan

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    Background: Severe preeclampsia is an obstetric emergency, requiring a rapid app­ro­priate re­ferral and treatment. Emergency obstetrics are still facing three phenomena belated recog­ni­zing and deciding. Preeclamsia is also often belated reaching a reference place, and belated getting and adequate treatment. This study aimed to determine the effect of referral and treatment of severe preeclampsia on maternal death at Sultan Imanudin General Hospital Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan. Subjects and Method: This was retrospective cohort study conducted at Sultan Ima­nudin Hospital, Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan, from January to December 2017. A sample 0f 94 pregnant women with preeclamsia was selected for this study by purposive sampling. The dependent variable was maternal death. The independent va­ri­ables were referring, early treat­ment, referral travel time, operating room response time, delivery room, delivery time, and delivery, emergency response time, MgSO4, and Nifedipine. The data was obtained from medical records and analyzed by multiple lo­gistic regression. Results: The risk of maternal death increased with complicated delivery (OR=27.66; 95%CI = 3.71 to 206.26; p= 0.001), incompetent referal (OR= 21.80; 95%CI= 2.70 to 175.60; p= 0.004), and late treatment (OR=13.62; 95%CI= 2.25 to 82.45; p= 0.004), long referral travel time (OR= 9.99; 95% CI= 1.76 to 56.75; p= 0.009), long operating room response time (OR=0.05; 95%CI <0.01 to 0.56; p= 0.014), and long delivery room response time (OR=9.80; 95% CI=1.56 to 61.51; p= 0.015). Conclusion: The risk of maternal death increases with complicated delivery, incompetent re­feral, late treatment, long referral travel time, long operating room response time, and long de­livery room response time. Keywords: maternal death, severe preeclamsia, complicated delivery, late treatment