42 research outputs found

    Approach regarding the influence of business ethics on corporate governance

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    We may affirm that there is a cost for those who choose to live ethically in the midst of a world where fraud, tampering, theft, industrial espionage, corruption, bribes, conspiracy, tax evasion, embezzlement and unfair competition proliferate. The issue of business ethics has gained great relevance today, not only from research or journals that have proliferated views on this subject, but also because the economic and business reality itself shows it almost daily in the media. Both from the political and economic perspective, social responsibilities, the headlines on benefits due to fraud, bribery, corruption, privileges, unfair competition, have had as a result in many European countries the claim that somehow a stop should be put to these problems, which have irrupted heavily for several decades. Business ethics need not be a brake on economic benefit of companies, but it gives the business organization, even by using an Ethical Code, the social legitimacy it needs to be able to operate on the natural and business environment. The attitude of a company’s senior management that reflects the observance of the business ethics both by the managers’ own actions and by the policies applied within the company, by the decisions that are made, and the tasks that are set, by the adopted policies and the way in which the disciplinary sanctions and regulations are highly important for a clear grasp of the role played by ethics in business and regarding the good functioning of an organizationethics, fraud, management, social responsibility

    Pareto’s Law As Structural Economic Synapse

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    Starting from the observations of Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, in the early days of XX-th century, refering to personal income distribution, we are coming to understand that it is not enough heightens the wealth of a nations, so that collective welfare to increase. It requires that the wealth created to be equitably distributed and not equally. Today, the famous Paretian Principle 80/20 demonstrates that we must wisely use the resources (i.e. 20%), enhance productivity, competitiveness and sustainability of the entities on the markets, so as to maintain the favourable results in 80 % ratio, but also to be overcome. Due to the elements composing the concept of Pareto’s Law, but mainly to the practical use of the theoretical pattern of an ex-post nature, we consider it a true synapse within economics, in order to facilitate an well-functioning of the society and economy and to motivate a rising of productivity in all domains

    Consumers of a Special Product Service Within a Changing Business and Social Environment

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    We consider that around the Consumer gravitate all the problems concerning any provider (supplyer) or distributor. The actual economic and financial world crisis shown, once more, that the firms have to conceive and develop theirs products and services according to the needs, the preferences and the budgets of the potential consumers. The domain of mobile telephony is the the specific production and service aspect addressed in this paper. Despite the crisis effects, this domain continued its expansion in Romania and not only. The communication is a necessity and the facilities, the devices and the revolutionary new IT technologies are essential in these days for many people, among them the Romanian consumers. The study case is based on the experience of a Romanian company, Vegastel (partner of the corporate entity "O", which has realised remarkable economic and financial results, just by the special attention to the requirements, preferences and financial potential of the clients (individuals or firms). The importance of the domain and its continuing improvement and reshaping entail for the firms in the field, including Vegastel, to permanent adapt the offer and take into account the consumers’ feedback, such that to gain profits and to remain sustainable on the market

    Analysis of a Large Company’s Global Activity Sustained by the Organizational Culture

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    Organization's strategic position has to be understood in relation to the external environment, its internal resources, the employees’ skills, desires, and influences endogenous and exogenous. But, above all, the competition and the programs applied have to be different from that activities or services of the competitors. Market research provides the firm with information regarding the markets or market segments with the best prospects, the price levels accepted by the market, the ways of distributing the products on the market, promotional actions, etc. Equally important for grounding the strategy are the macroeconomic forecasts, the field projections, and the policies of the bodies regulating and supervising insurances. This provides the guidance of the organization’s development in accordance with the main macroeconomic developments foreshadowed for the following period. The quality of the global activity is given by the nature of the organizational culture, a powerful instrument for performing the management and getting the appropriate results. I think that Petrom is the most suitable enterprise (firm) for the analyze, being the largest company in Southeast Europe, whose market penetration force and market sustainability are largely due to the European management implemented by OMV, as Petrom is part of the OMV structure. At the same, in this period, it is capable to get down the prices, in order to keep the clients, but maintaining the efficiency of the main activity

    Micro and Macroeconomic Approaches Regarding Foreign Direct Investments Throughout Offshore Entities

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    Offshore companies represent a key-link of the current operations of the multinationals, banking institutions and, even, of the small and medium enterprises (SME) and are able to perform complicated tasks in a special business environment. These jurisdictional entities offer, mainly, fiscal benefits, comparative with other types of jurisdictional entities. The advantages are targeting the enterprises or companies which establish their social headquater, or to individuals who are resident in these territories. The final scope is represented by attracting the expanding companies, by attracting capital and stimulating the rise of the necessary activities to ensure economic and social balance, so desirable in the economic games of win-win type. Therefore, we are in the presence of fine plaition of micro approach with macroeconomic one. On the first side, the desire of transnationals to obtain profits with less efforts and investments and, on the other hand, globalization (influenced by these entities) pursuit the shrinkage of all markets and businesses all around the world, inclusive using the offshores centers (or ,,fiscal paradisesâ€). These institutions of free market are actioning both on the developed and developing countries. The last ones are affected by the imposibility of tax collect to the national budget and in the infrastructure investments. At the same time, using offshore companies in offshore zones, the multinationals gain neloial competitive advantages over the other companies, unable to spread theirs economic power and influence. We may speak about a sound offshore industry , which has turned into global business and range of activities. We try to underline the importance of the general development process in the actual world and, first of all, the direct connection beteen investments and offshore activities, in the benefit of either parties. It is an organic liaison between investments and offshore entities, including transitional hard developing countries as Romania

    Mind the Gap of Inequalities Between and Within Countries

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    "Mind the gap!" is an expression meaning a visual or audible warning phrase to take caution while crossing the gap between the train door and the platform. The subject of this paper is to highlight the existing inequalities, even the case of East-West, and the necessity that, by political will and concrete economic and social measures, not only by warnings, mitigate these disparities for the benefit of the parties concerned. This means that, through continuous political awareness of these inequalities, paying attention to this scourge of today’s world and implementing such measures in order to ensure a strategic game type win-win. The methods used in this paper are represented by primary data collected from international reports and situations about the status of today’s world countries and national analyses published. All these data and information become base for the analyses of this issue and the emergence of valuable recommendations, rather than conclusions, regarding the counterbalance East and West, apart from the famous and classic example of  David Ricardo regarding the theory of the international trade between the rich and developed North and the poor and underdeveloped/developing South, in Europe and the world. Awareness, alertness and prompt responses to all challenges and a balanced development type win-win, here they are the keys for a modus vivendi and sustainable evolution

    Double-way interrelations customers↔products

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    On the one hand, the impulse in the case of these interrelations and the proper functioning of any company producing/providing services is represented by the needs and motivation of the customers, these aspects leading to determining their behavior in the process of their acceptance / rejection of the products/services they are provided. On the other hand, the products or services should be tailored according to the requirements of the customers and consumers and they should consider the satisfaction of a set of desires and needs, including the ones expressed by the Maslow's Pyramid of Needs. In order to highlight these multidimensional double-way interrelations, one surely needs, at the same time, to use the marketing sub-function in a case study in symbiosis with the other functions, sub-functions and highlighting tools of the analyzed firm or company. Any purchasing act follows to simultaneous reach more goals, the consumer having to manage between positive motivations and the negative ones, the last category acting as a break. In the double-way interaction, the redirecting of the negative behaviors, along with the improving the supply characteristics are the appropriate ways of winning. A key role in this action is played by the customer loyalty programs which provide a strengthened interrelation and a win-win type beneficial strategy

    The Global Economic Crisis and its Effects in Romania

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    The crises represent malfunctions that may occur within every domain of the human activity. That is why the causes, their way of emergence and their consequences are studied. The crisis is analyzed by economists considering specific criteria, these offering it the characteristics of a phenomenon with poisonously consequences for the affected organizations, institutions and social groups: inflation, unemployment, stagnation, recession etc. The evolution of the financial crisis will lead economies into a deflationary spiral in the next year or even a longer lasting, as deficit reduction efforts will take large, and probably we shall assist an output of some euro area of weaker states. World economies are hit by this crisis to various extents, depending on the vulnerabilities of each and their exposure to toxic assets. The response to the crisis is contingent upon the fundamental principles we believe in, the available resources, the institutions and the instruments we can make use of. In Romania, the response to the adverse effects of the crisis cannot be similar to that made by some European countries or the U.S. There are several differences between the Romanian economy and these economies, which do not allow copying the package of measures developed there


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    In our era, of globalization, of postmodernism, we may speak about modern ethic management. The complex and multilevel system which is the entity, i.e. firm, company, organization, is confronting with different challenges of the endogenous factors and exogenous factors (the natural and business environment). What we are interested in emphasizing the other modality of ruling an entity: the mismanagement. The mismanagement exists, not only in Romania, but all over the world, because in a competitive and open economy, not all the companies succeed, some of them go into insolvency, fail and disappear. Why? Either because managers’ incompetence and inabilities, or intentionally, pursuing unorthodox interests, outside the firm and supported by the organization in question management. Thus, it come up the natural question:  we can talk about “Ethics” in this situation, or we are talking about “a special Ethics”, or we are not talking at all about Ethics? These issues we try to emphasize them and to find an approach to complete or to highlight the importance of Ethics as qualitative and substance element of today entities’ activities. These are the  types of entities which tend to globalize and to enter in different political and economic spheres of influence, at regional or international levels

    Economics Of Food And Leisure Services

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    Important in this paperwork is to underline the significance and the role of one of the economic niche domain, that is food and leisure. We think that this name, evoqued in the title, is more appropriate, than catering, to design the economic process of providing, transformation (even production) and consumption of food, especially within firms, corporations, in the benefit of theirs employees. Therefore, we’ve analyzed some theoretical and practical aspects of this kind of Economics. Because, it’s indeed an aspect of Economics, regarding the factors of production (on a larger scale, the resources), the production and preparation of different meals and, finally, meet the demand required by the people who intend to mix the food pleasure with work activities.The practical example is from Romania’s services, which domain is not enough developed and there are many things, especially of qualitative order, in order to improve catering or food services within the entire Romanian economic system