9 research outputs found

    Under the Brunt of the Crisis: Life Trajectories of Migrant Care Workers in Italy

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    The paper deals with the effects of the global financial and economic crisis still underway on a specific category of migrants in terms of the socio-economic consequences they have to face and the spillover effects on their attitudes, projects and opinions, but it is also playing out against a background that sees the refugee crisis with its ample media coverage. We select a country of Southern Europe where the economic crisis has been particularly strong and long lasting, Italy, and focus on the flow of care-work migrants - a structural one in our country - describing the changing circumstances of the crisis, their reaction strategies and the way they make sense of what the experience of migration is or should be

    "Siamo arrivate da strade diverse" I percorsi della partecipazione femminile nel volontariato toscano

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    Ricerca empirica condotta su un campione di associazioni di volontariato esclusivamente o prevalentemente femminili in Toscana, i loro soffitti di cristallo, la concezione della leadership che emerge, le motivazioni e le aspirazioni testimoniate in interviste biografiche non direttive