929 research outputs found

    Interpolation of Hilbert and Sobolev Spaces: Quantitative Estimates and Counterexamples

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    This paper provides an overview of interpolation of Banach and Hilbert spaces, with a focus on establishing when equivalence of norms is in fact equality of norms in the key results of the theory. (In brief, our conclusion for the Hilbert space case is that, with the right normalisations, all the key results hold with equality of norms.) In the final section we apply the Hilbert space results to the Sobolev spaces Hs(Ω)H^s(\Omega) and H~s(Ω)\widetilde{H}^s(\Omega), for s∈Rs\in \mathbb{R} and an open Ω⊂Rn\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n. We exhibit examples in one and two dimensions of sets Ω\Omega for which these scales of Sobolev spaces are not interpolation scales. In the cases when they are interpolation scales (in particular, if Ω\Omega is Lipschitz) we exhibit examples that show that, in general, the interpolation norm does not coincide with the intrinsic Sobolev norm and, in fact, the ratio of these two norms can be arbitrarily large

    Dynamic Transitions for Quasilinear Systems and Cahn-Hilliard equation with Onsager mobility

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    The main objectives of this article are two-fold. First, we study the effect of the nonlinear Onsager mobility on the phase transition and on the well-posedness of the Cahn-Hilliard equation modeling a binary system. It is shown in particular that the dynamic transition is essentially independent of the nonlinearity of the Onsager mobility. However, the nonlinearity of the mobility does cause substantial technical difficulty for the well-posedness and for carrying out the dynamic transition analysis. For this reason, as a second objective, we introduce a systematic approach to deal with phase transition problems modeled by quasilinear partial differential equation, following the ideas of the dynamic transition theory developed recently by Ma and Wang

    Geodesic distance for right invariant Sobolev metrics of fractional order on the diffeomorphism group

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    We study Sobolev-type metrics of fractional order s≄0s\geq0 on the group \Diff_c(M) of compactly supported diffeomorphisms of a manifold MM. We show that for the important special case M=S1M=S^1 the geodesic distance on \Diff_c(S^1) vanishes if and only if s≀12s\leq\frac12. For other manifolds we obtain a partial characterization: the geodesic distance on \Diff_c(M) vanishes for M=R×N,s<12M=\R\times N, s<\frac12 and for M=S1×N,s≀12M=S^1\times N, s\leq\frac12, with NN being a compact Riemannian manifold. On the other hand the geodesic distance on \Diff_c(M) is positive for dim⁥(M)=1,s>12\dim(M)=1, s>\frac12 and dim⁥(M)≄2,s≄1\dim(M)\geq2, s\geq1. For M=RnM=\R^n we discuss the geodesic equations for these metrics. For n=1n=1 we obtain some well known PDEs of hydrodynamics: Burgers' equation for s=0s=0, the modified Constantin-Lax-Majda equation for s=12s=\frac 12 and the Camassa-Holm equation for s=1s=1.Comment: 16 pages. Final versio

    A Probabilistic proof of the breakdown of Besov regularity in LL-shaped domains

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    {We provide a probabilistic approach in order to investigate the smoothness of the solution to the Poisson and Dirichlet problems in LL-shaped domains. In particular, we obtain (probabilistic) integral representations for the solution. We also recover Grisvard's classic result on the angle-dependent breakdown of the regularity of the solution measured in a Besov scale

    Boundary Conditions for Singular Perturbations of Self-Adjoint Operators

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    Let A:D(A)\subseteq\H\to\H be an injective self-adjoint operator and let \tau:D(A)\to\X, X a Banach space, be a surjective linear map such that \|\tau\phi\|_\X\le c \|A\phi\|_\H. Supposing that \text{\rm Range} (\tau')\cap\H' =\{0\}, we define a family AΘτA^\tau_\Theta of self-adjoint operators which are extensions of the symmetric operator A∣{τ=0}.A_{|\{\tau=0\}.}. Any ϕ\phi in the operator domain D(AΘτ)D(A^\tau_\Theta) is characterized by a sort of boundary conditions on its univocally defined regular component \phireg, which belongs to the completion of D(A) w.r.t. the norm \|A\phi\|_\H. These boundary conditions are written in terms of the map τ\tau, playing the role of a trace (restriction) operator, as \tau\phireg=\Theta Q_\phi, the extension parameter Θ\Theta being a self-adjoint operator from X' to X. The self-adjoint extension is then simply defined by A^\tau_\Theta\phi:=A \phireg. The case in which Aϕ=T∗ϕA\phi=T*\phi is a convolution operator on LD, T a distribution with compact support, is studied in detail.Comment: Revised version. To appear in Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, vol. 13

    Regularity of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes driven by a L{\'e}vy white noise

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    The paper is concerned with spatial and time regularity of solutions to linear stochastic evolution equation perturbed by L\'evy white noise "obtained by subordination of a Gaussian white noise". Sufficient conditions for spatial continuity are derived. It is also shown that solutions do not have in general \cadlag modifications. General results are applied to equations with fractional Laplacian. Applications to Burgers stochastic equations are considered as well.Comment: This is an updated version of the same paper. In fact, it has already been publishe

    Fractional differentiability for solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations

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    We study nonlinear elliptic equations in divergence form div⁥A(x,Du)=div⁥G.{\operatorname{div}}{\mathcal A}(x,Du)={\operatorname{div}}G. When A{\mathcal A} has linear growth in DuDu, and assuming that x↩A(x,Ο)x\mapsto{\mathcal A}(x,\xi) enjoys Bnα,qαB^\alpha_{\frac{n}\alpha, q} smoothness, local well-posedness is found in Bp,qαB^\alpha_{p,q} for certain values of p∈[2,nα)p\in[2,\frac{n}{\alpha}) and q∈[1,∞]q\in[1,\infty]. In the particular case A(x,Ο)=A(x)Ο{\mathcal A}(x,\xi)=A(x)\xi, G=0G=0 and A∈Bnα,qαA\in B^\alpha_{\frac{n}\alpha,q}, 1≀q≀∞1\leq q\leq\infty, we obtain Du∈Bp,qαDu\in B^\alpha_{p,q} for each p<nαp<\frac{n}\alpha. Our main tool in the proof is a more general result, that holds also if A{\mathcal A} has growth s−1s-1 in DuDu, 2≀s≀n2\leq s\leq n, and asserts local well-posedness in LqL^q for each q>sq>s, provided that x↩A(x,Ο)x\mapsto{\mathcal A}(x,\xi) satisfies a locally uniform VMOVMO condition

    An online authoring and publishing platform for field guides and identification tools

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    Various implementation approaches are available for digital field guides and identification tools that are created for the web and mobile devices. The architecture of the “biowikifarm” publishing platform and some technical and social advantages of a document- and author-centric approach based on the MediaWiki open source software over custom-developed, database driven software are presented

    MART-1 peptide vaccination plus IMP321 (LAG-3Ig fusion protein) in patients receiving autologous PBMCs after lymphodepletion: results of a Phase I trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Immunotherapy offers a promising novel approach for the treatment of cancer and both adoptive T-cell transfer and immune modulation lead to regression of advanced melanoma. However, the potential synergy between these two strategies remains unclear. METHODS: We investigated in 12 patients with advanced stage IV melanoma the effect of multiple MART-1 analog peptide vaccinations with (n = 6) or without (n = 6) IMP321 (LAG-3Ig fusion protein) as an adjuvant in combination with lymphodepleting chemotherapy and adoptive transfer of autologous PBMCs at day (D) 0 (Trial registration No: NCT00324623). All patients were selected on the basis of ex vivo detectable MART-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses and immunized at D0, 8, 15, 22, 28, 52, and 74 post-reinfusion. RESULTS: After immunization, a significant expansion of MART-1-specific CD8 T cells was measured in 83% (n = 5/6) and 17% (n = 1/6) of patients from the IMP321 and control groups, respectively (P &lt; 0.02). Compared to the control group, the mean fold increase of MART-1-specific CD8 T cells in the IMP321 group was respectively &gt;2-, &gt;4- and &gt;6-fold higher at D15, D30 and D60 (P &lt; 0.02). Long-lasting MART-1-specific CD8 T-cell responses were significantly associated with IMP321 (P &lt; 0.02). At the peak of the response, MART-1-specific CD8 T cells contained higher proportions of effector (CCR7⁻ CD45RAâș/⁻) cells in the IMP321 group (P &lt; 0.02) and showed no sign of exhaustion (i.e. were mostly PD1⁻CD160⁻TIM3⁻LAG3⁻2B4âș/⁻). Moreover, IMP321 was associated with a significantly reduced expansion of regulatory T cells (P &lt; 0.04); consistently, we observed a negative correlation between the relative expansion of MART-1-specific CD8 T cells and of regulatory T cells. Finally, although there were no confirmed responses as per RECIST criteria, a transient, 30-day partial response was observed in a patient from the IMP321 group. CONCLUSIONS: Vaccination with IMP321 as an adjuvant in combination with lymphodepleting chemotherapy and adoptive transfer of autologous PBMCs induced more robust and durable cellular antitumor immune responses, supporting further development of IMP321 as an adjuvant for future immunotherapeutic strategies

    On the Fourier transform of the characteristic functions of domains with C1C^1 -smooth boundary

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    We consider domains D⊆RnD\subseteq\mathbb R^n with C1C^1 -smooth boundary and study the following question: when the Fourier transform 1D^\hat{1_D} of the characteristic function 1D1_D belongs to Lp(Rn)L^p(\mathbb R^n)?Comment: added two references; added footnotes on pages 6 and 1
