139 research outputs found

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    JRC QSAR Model Database: EURL ECVAM DataBase service on ALternative Methods to animal experimentation: To promote the development and uptake of alternative and advanced methods in toxicology and biomedical sciences: SDF - STRUCTURE DATA FORMAT: How to create from SMILES

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    EURL ECVAM DataBase service on ALternative Methods to animal experimentation To promote the development and uptake of alternative and advanced methods in toxicology and biomedical sciences. This publication is a Tutorial by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide user support. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication.JRC.F.3-Chemicals Safety and Alternative Method

    Innovation Indicator 2009: Germany Has Still Some Catching up to Do

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    On behalf of the Deutsche Telekom Stiftung (Deutsche Telekom Foundation) and the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrien (Federation of German Industries) DIW Berlin has investigated Germany's innovative capacity for the fifth time in an international comparison. The survey evaluates the ability of countries to create and transform knowledge into marketable products and services (i.e., innovations) using a system of indicators that provides an overall composite indicator of innovative capacity as well as a detailed profile of strengths and weaknesses. Of the seventeen leading industrial nations investigated under the survey Germany only ranked 9th thus remaining in the broad middle range. Relative to its most important competitors Germany looses ground. The US, followed by Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark, headed up the list. Germany is particularly successful in its ability to network key participants in the innovation process as well as in international markets of high-technology sectors like mechanical engineering, chemical industry, vehicle manufacturing and medical instruments. Deficiencies in Germany's education and in the financing conditions for innovation and the founding of new companies, plus the regulation of product markets remain the country's greatest innovation system weaknesses.Innovation system, Composite indicator, Industrialized countries

    JRC QSAR Model Database: EURL ECVAM DataBase service on ALternative Methods to animal experimentation: Guideline for Authors and Editors

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    EURL ECVAM DataBase service on ALternative Methods to animal experimentation In the regulatory assessment of chemicals, Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) models are playing an increasingly important role in predicting properties needed for hazard and risk assessment. The JRC QSAR Model Database provides information on the validity of QSAR models that have been submitted to the JRC. The database is intended to help to identify valid QSARs, e.g. for the registration and authorisation purposes of chemical substances within the context of REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (EC 1907/2006), a European Union regulation dated 18 December 2006. The QSAR Model Reporting Format (QMRF) is a harmonised template for summarising and reporting key information on QSAR models, including the results of any validation studies. The information is structured according to the OECD principles for the validation of QSAR models.JRC.F.3-Chemicals Safety and Alternative Method

    Innovationsindikator 2009: Deutschland hat Aufholbedarf

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    Das DIW Berlin hat in diesem Jahr zum fünften Mal im Auftrag der Deutschen Telekom Stiftung und des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) einen Gesamtindikator für die Innovationsfähigkeit Deutschlands im internationalen Vergleich ermittelt. Dabei wird die Fähigkeit eines Landes, neues Wissen zu schaffen und in neue marktfähige Produkte und Dienstleistungen (Innovationen) umzusetzen, mit einem Indikatorsystem bewertet, das sowohl einen zusammengefassten Gesamtindikator als auch ein detailliertes Stärken-Schwächen-Profil liefert. In einer Gruppe von 17 weltweit führenden Industrieländern landet Deutschland nur auf dem neunten Platz und damit in einem breiten Mittelfeld. Relativ zu seinen wichtigsten Wettbewerbern verliert Deutschland an Boden. An der Spitze stehen die USA, gefolgt von der Schweiz, Schweden, Finnland und Dänemark. Deutschland ist besonders erfolgreich bei der Vernetzung der Innovationsakteure sowie auf den internationalen Märkten der Hochtechnologiebranchen wie Maschinenbau, chemische Industrie, Automobilbau und Medizintechnik. Die größten Schwächen des nationalen Innovationsystems liegen nach wie vor in der Bildung, bei den Finanzierungsbedingungen für Innovationen und Unternehmensgründungen sowie in der Regulierung von Produktmärkten.Innovation system, Composite indicator, Industrialized countries

    DeepSurveyCam — A Deep Ocean Optical Mapping System

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    Underwater photogrammetry and in particular systematic visual surveys of the deep sea are by far less developed than similar techniques on land or in space. The main challenges are the rough conditions with extremely high pressure, the accessibility of target areas (container and ship deployment of robust sensors, then diving for hours to the ocean floor), and the limitations of localization technologies (no GPS). The absence of natural light complicates energy budget considerations for deep diving flash-equipped drones. Refraction effects influence geometric image formation considerations with respect to field of view and focus, while attenuation and scattering degrade the radiometric image quality and limit the effective visibility. As an improvement on the stated issues, we present an AUV-based optical system intended for autonomous visual mapping of large areas of the seafloor (square kilometers) in up to 6000 m water depth. We compare it to existing systems and discuss tradeoffs such as resolution vs. mapped area and show results from a recent deployment with 90,000 mapped square meters of deep ocean floor

    Alternative methods for regulatory toxicology – a state-of-the-art review

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    This state-of-the art review is based on the final report of a project carried out by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The aim of the project was to review the state of the science of non-standard methods that are available for assessing the toxicological and ecotoxicological properties of chemicals. Non-standard methods refer to alternatives to animal experiments, such as in vitro tests and computational models, as well as animal methods that are not covered by current regulatory guidelines. This report therefore reviews the current scientific status of non-standard methods for a range of human health and ecotoxicological endpoints, and provides a commentary on the mechanistic basis and regulatory applicability of these methods. For completeness, and to provide context, currently accepted (standard) methods are also summarised. In particular, the following human health endpoints are covered: a) skin irritation and corrosion; b) serious eye damage and eye irritation; c) skin sensitisation; d) acute systemic toxicity; e) repeat dose toxicity; f) genotoxicity and mutagenicity; g) carcinogenicity; h) reproductive toxicity (including effects on development and fertility); i) endocrine disruption relevant to human health; and j) toxicokinetics. In relation to ecotoxicological endpoints, the report focuses on non-standard methods for acute and chronic fish toxicity. While specific reference is made to the information needs of REACH, the Biocidal Products Regulation and the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation, this review is also expected to be informative in relation to the possible use of alternative and non-standard methods in other sectors, such as cosmetics and plant protection products.JRC.I.5-Systems Toxicolog

    EURL ECVAM Status Report on the Development, Validation and Regulatory Acceptance of Alternative Methods and Approaches (2015)

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    The EURL ECVAM status report provides an update on the progress made in the development, validation and regulatory acceptance of alternative methods and approaches and their dissemination since the last report published in June 2014. It is informing on ongoing research and development activities, validation studies, peer reviews, recommendations, strategies and regulatory/international acceptance of alternative methods and approaches and dissemination activities. R&D activities within large European or International consortia continued in toxicity areas where 3Rs solutions are more difficult to find due to the underlying complexity of the area. On the other hand, toxicity areas where promising non-animal approaches have been developed, their validation and regulatory acceptance/international adoption could be progressed. Particular emphasis was given to the best and most intelligent combination and integration of these different non-animal approaches to ultimately obtain the required information without resorting to animal testing.JRC.I.5-Systems Toxicolog
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