27 research outputs found

    A Task-based Evaluation of French Morphological Resources and Tools

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    Morphology is a key component for many Language Technology applications. However, morphological relations, especially those relying on the derivation and compounding processes, are often addressed in a superïŹcial manner. In this article, we focus on assessing the relevance of deep and motivated morphological knowledge in Natural Language Processing applications. We ïŹrst describe an annotation experiment whose goal is to evaluate the role of morphology for one task, namely Question Answering (QA). We then highlight the kind of linguistic knowledge that is necessary for this particular task and propose a qualitative analysis of morphological phenomena in order to identify the morphological processes that are most relevant. Based on this study, we perform an intrinsic evaluation of existing tools and resources for French morphology, in order to quantify their coverage. Our conclusions provide helpful insights for using and building appropriate morphological resources and tools that could have a signiïŹcant impact on the application performance

    Les récits de conjuration sous le rÚgne de Louis XIV

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    ThÚse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Retz et Mazarin: polĂ©mique et politique dans les “MĂ©moires” de Retz

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    This paper analyses the significance of the image of Mazarin in Retz’s Memoirs. Critics have often considered the caricature of the Cardinal as a means for Retz to obliterate the contradictions of his own ‘heroic mythology’, especially by reinforcing the opposition between his supposed aristocratic ethics and the Machiavellianism attributed to Mazarin. Indeed criticism of Mazarin’s hypocrisy, dissimulation and incompetence – an inverted mirror for Princes – enables Retz, by contrast, to give a flattering image of himself in keeping with the antagonistic nature of his defence. Yet the latter cannot conceal the fact that there are significant similarities between Retz and Mazarin, for Retz’s criticism of the Cardinal coexists with praise of the author’s own skill in political realism. The Memoirs thus rehabilitate not only the notion of honest dissimulation as a means to protect oneself, but also the very Machiavellianism attributed to Mazarin. In combining nostalgia for heroic ideals with political realism (Retz and Mazarin being, in turn, in opposition to and in competition with each other), the comparison between these two enemies proves to be a key element in the missing self-portrait of Retz in his Memoirs, providing insights into his polemical narrative and political ideas.Questo articolo analizza la funzione del ritratto di Mazarin nei MĂ©moires di Retz. La critica ha spesso considerato la caricatura del ministro come un modo per Retz di eliminare le contraddizioni della propria “mitologia eroica”, inasprendo soprattutto l’opposizione tra la sua supposta etica aristocratica e il machiavellismo attribuito a Mazarin. Certo Ăš che l’accusa di ipocrisia, di dissimulazione e di incompetenza del ministro – vero e proprio “specchio del principe” in negativo – permette a Retz di tracciare un’immagine di sĂ© adulatrice, mostrando la natura antitetica della sua apologia. Quest’ultima tuttavia non puĂČ dissimulare le profonde similitudini tra Retz e Mazarin: la critica al cardinale coesiste in Retz con una dimostrazione di competenza nell’ambito del pragmatismo politico. I MĂ©moires riabilitano pertanto sia il concetto della dissimulazione onesta come risposta difensiva, sia lo stesso machiavellismo attribuito a Mazarin. Articolando nostalgia per l’ideale eroico e pragmatismo politico (rispettivamente nell’opposizione e competizione tra Retz e Mazarin), la complessa comparazione tra i due nemici costituisce dunque un elemento chiave del mancante autoritratto di Retz nei suoi MĂ©moires, permettendo di comprendere meglio la sua argomentazione polemica e le idee politiche

    Introduction: Seeing through a glass darkly

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    Des diables au seuil de la conscience moderne : Raconter l’expĂ©rience de soi dans un fragment des MĂ©moires de Retz

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    Cet article tente d’éclairer un aspect de l’invention de la conscience moderne Ă  travers l’analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e d’un fragment des MĂ©moires de Retz (1613-1679). Parce qu’elle connaĂźt d’importantes mutations Ă  l’époque moderne, l’expĂ©rience de soi est mĂ©diatisĂ©e par d’intĂ©ressants dispositifs narratifs : ici, de façon originale, Retz fait entrer les diables dans un processus de figuration de l’espace intĂ©rieur. Ainsi, « l’anecdote des capucins noirs » se prĂ©sente comme le rĂ©cit allĂ©gorique d’une quĂȘte initiatique, dont le terme est atteint grĂące au dispositif oculaire qui « rĂ©vulse » le regard et nous fait dĂ©boucher dans ce nouveau milieu entre le monde et soi qu’est la conscience. PrisonniĂšre de ses propres images du monde et repliĂ©e sur elle-mĂȘme, la conscience moderne n’apparaĂźt pourtant pas comme une conscience malheureuse, car son isolement lui impose la tĂąche, infinie mais joyeuse, de se raconter elle-mĂȘme par le truchement des images.Through a detailed analysis of an excerpt taken from Cardinal de Retz's MĂ©moires (1613-1679), this article attempts to illuminate an aspect of the invention of modern consciousness. As it underwent profound alteration in early modern times, the experience of the self is expressed via interesting narrative devices: in this text, Retz uses the figure of devils to produce a figuration of inner space. Thus, the anecdote of the capucins noirs appears as the allegoric narrative of an initiatory quest. The revelation is finally given by means of an ocular device which turns our glance upside down and shows the consciousness as a new milieu between the world and us. Trapped in its own images and cut off from the outside world, modern consciousness is not yet a “sad consciousness”, because its isolation brings about the task, endless but joyous, to tell oneself in the interplay of images

    Retz and Mazarincontroversy and politics in the "Memoirs" of Retz

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    Article du laurĂ©at 2007 de l’Association M. Bruno Tribout : RĂ©volutions temporelles et conspirations politiques : la figuration du temps historique dans quelques rĂ©cits de conjuration sous Louis XIV

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    Tribout Bruno. Article du laurĂ©at 2007 de l’Association M. Bruno Tribout : RĂ©volutions temporelles et conspirations politiques : la figuration du temps historique dans quelques rĂ©cits de conjuration sous Louis XIV. In: Cahiers de l'Association internationale des Ă©tudes francaises, 2008, n°60. pp. 409-427

    A critical memory of the Frondeforms and functions of pastiche in the fictional Memoirs by Courtilz de Sandras

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    L’image de Mazarin dans le De rebus gallicis

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