1,090 research outputs found

    Temperature Measurement in a THM Solution Zone for the Growth of Hg1-xCdxTe

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    A combined process for temperature measurements in THM growth systems is described including the preparation of the source material as well as the liquid solution zone in one and the same ampoule. Using starting compositions with an excess of that component to act as the solvent the solution zone is formed during the travelling heater procedure. With thermocouples attached to the slightly modified ampoule axial temperature distributions were recorded under the usual THM growth conditions. The measurements were done in Hg0.8Cd0.2Te growing from Te-rich solution zones. The procedure described can be applied to all materials for which THM crystal growth can be achieved

    On Segregation during Crystal Growth from a Solution Zone

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    The distribution in a mixed crystal A1-xBxC grown from an either (A, B)-rich or C-rich solution zone (e.g. travelling heater method or related techniques) is to be described by Pfann's zone melting function which depends on the segregation coefficient and a characteristic length. Using pseudobinary mole fractions x the characteristic length of the distribution function is not the actual length of the liquid solution zone but an effective zone length is to be regarded which may be considerably smaller or much bigger for C-rich or (A, B)-rich solutions zones, respectively

    A new approach to crystal growth of Hg1−xCdxTe by the travelling heater method (THM)

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    Crystal growth by the travelling heater method (THM) is reported using a source material preparation process that is different from all methods used before. Non-stoichiometric (Hg, Cd)Te melts were homogenized and quenched to prevent macroscopic segregation effects. Inclusions of excess Te were removed during a first THM pass, resulting in stoichiometric solid alloys with a shift of the mole fraction towards higher CdTe contents. The amount of the shift, dependent on the Te excess and on the equilibrium temperature of the first THM run, was calculated and taken into account in the preparation of x=0.22 and x=0.30 Hg1-xCdxTe single crystals. Source material ingots, as well as THM single crystals, were characterized with special emphasis of the compositional homogeneity. Radial as well as axial homogeneity are comparable with the best results on THM crystals reported so far. The described method can be used in growing all materials for which THM is possible. However, quantitative calculation requires the exact knowledge of the particular ternary phase diagram

    Investigations of the process of crystal growth from a liquid zone by Seebeck measurements

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    An arrangement for measuring the thermoelectric voltage (Seebeck signal) during the crystal growth from a liquid zone is described. Using the example of growing PbTe single crystals by THM it is shown that different equilibrium temperatures at both phase boundaries provide a differential Seekeck voltage depending on the crystal growth rate. Relaxation times which are needed to reach steady-state conditions with respect to the concentration difference between the growing and solving interface in the case of a start or sudden stop of the heater motion can be obtained

    Materials science and applications of solid crystals

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    AbstractProfessor Robert Triboulet from CNRS, France and Professor Antoni Rogalski from the Institute of Applied Physics, Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland report on the ”Second International Conference on Solid State Crystals (ICSSG)-Material Science and Applications“, which was held in Zakopane, Poland, 9-13 October and covered developments in bulk crystal growth of GaN and CdZnTe, infra-red detectors for thermal imaging arrays on cars, and two-colour QWIP detectors

    Axially linear slopes of composition for “delta” crystals

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    “Delta” crystals are solid solutions of miscible materials with large lattice parameter differences which contain high concentration gradients in one direction (parallel to a lattice plane strongly diffracting X-rays). The system GaSb-InSb has been chosen as suitable for study. By means of a “gradient projection method”, the growth of nearly linear composition profiles with relatively steep slopes of the lattice parameter (up to (Δa/ ) / Δz = 8.3% cm-1), adjustable by the temperature gradient, have been performed. However, the grown ingots were not monocrystalline due to the use of too high a growth rate

    Comparison of two approaches to forced convection in crystal growth of II-VI compounds by THM

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    Hg1 - xCdxTe and Cd1 - xZnxTe single crystals were grown by the tracwelling heater method (THM), applying two different techniques of artificially stirring the solution zone. Accelerated crucible rotation (ACRT) was used in a vertical growth arrangement and compared a technique with constant rotation around the horizontal axis of the ampoule. The dominant hydrodynamic mechanisms of noth methods are discribed by the rotating disc model and are suggested to be almost identical with respect to the growth conditions at the interface. Convective flow is effectively enhanced adhacent to the growing crystal, where the matter transport is regarded as the rate-limiting step of solution growth. Inclusion density analysis by IR microscopy was used to characterise the crystals of Cd1 - xZnxTe grown at different rates. It was shown that forced convection allows an increase in the crystal growth rate from a few mm day-1 with ACRT or horizontally rotating THM

    Etude des effets de deux types de nanoparticules métalliques sur des macrophages murins par une approche protéomique

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    Metallic nanoparticles (NPs) are more and more widely used, from industrial processes to biomedical research.However, data on their potential toxicity towards organisms are still lacking, especially regarding molecularmechanisms. It has been proven that some inorganic particles can lead to diseases when tissues are chronicallyexposed. In the case of pulmonary silicosis and asbestosis, induced by silica particles and asbestos fibers, chronicinflammation through alveolar macrophages is responsible for the disease. Indeed, macrophages are the firstdefense against exogenous attacks, like pathogens or inorganic compounds, which are eliminated throughphagocytosis and inflammatory processes that are part of the innate immune response. Thus, this study aimedat analyzing the molecular effects of both copper- and zinc-based NPs (Cu/CuO and ZnO) on murinemacrophages cell lines. To this end, a reproducible proteomic-based approach using 2D electrophoresis andmass spectrometry was used. The proteomic data were validated using targeted approaches on both cell linesand primary macrophages. Our results show that both NPs exert similar high cytotoxicity, but the molecularresponses are markedly different. Copper-based NPs strongly induce oxidative stress as well as alterations inmitochondrial metabolism, phagocytosis, and inflammatory mediators’ production. These effects seem to bemostly related to the redox properties of copper, and are specific to the NP form. Conversely, zinc inducedlimited effects on the same processes, thus leading to no significant alterations in macrophages’ immunefunctions. These effects are not NP-specific, since Zn2+ ions seem to exert most of them, probably due to theirability to interact with numbers of proteins, slightly altering their normal functions, and eventually leading onlyto cell death without prior functional alterations. This study allowed us to highlight some molecular mechanismsof both NP’s toxicity.Les nanoparticules (NP) métalliques occupent une place de plus en plus importante, tant dans les procédésindustriels que dans la recherche biomédicale. Néanmoins, les données sur leur toxicité potentielle pour lesorganismes vivants restent insuffisantes, notamment à l’échelle moléculaire. Des exemples historiques montrentque certaines pathologies, comme la silicose et l’asbestose, peuvent être engendrées par l’exposition chroniqueà des particules inorganiques (silice et fibres d’amiante). Dans les deux cas, la réponse des macrophagesalvéolaires est en grande partie responsable de la maladie. Les macrophages sont en effet la première ligne dedéfense (immunité innée) contre toute attaque exogène, pathogène ou non, du fait de leurs fortes capacitésphagocytaires et de leurs propriétés inflammatoires. Ainsi, les objectifs de ces travaux étaient d’étudier les effetsde deux types de NP métalliques (Cu/CuO et ZnO) sur deux lignées cellulaires de macrophages murins. Cetteétude a été réalisée par une approche protéomique basée sur l’électrophorèse 2D et la spectrométrie de masse,permettant d’accéder de façon reproductible à des données mécanistiques. Les données obtenues ont étévalidées par plusieurs approches ciblées de biologie cellulaire, sur les lignées ainsi que sur des macrophagesprimaires. Nos résultats montrent que les deux types de NP engendrent des réponses différentes, bien que leurdegré élevé de cytotoxicité soit similaire. Les NP de cuivre induisent un stress oxydant et une réponsemitochondriale intenses, associées à de fortes perturbations de la phagocytose et de la production de certainsmédiateurs de l’inflammation. Cette toxicité semble être essentiellement liée aux propriétés redox du cuivre, etest spécifique de la forme nanoparticulaire. A l’inverse, le zinc induit des réponses modérées sur les mêmesprocessus, n’affectant pas a priori le rôle immunitaire des macrophages. Cette toxicité n’est pas non plusspécifique des NP, les ions ayant des effets très étendus, liés à leurs interactions avec de nombreuses protéines,perturbant leur fonctionnement normal jusqu’à induire la mort cellulaire. L’ensemble de ces résultatspermettent une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires expliquant la toxicité de ces NP