15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sel Galvanik Kawat Busur Ortodontik Cekat Australia dan Nikel Titanium dengan Amalgam terhadap Pelepasan Ion Nickel: Studi Laboratoris pada Lingkungan Saliva Tiruan dengan pH Normal

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    In the oral environment, orthodontic appliances can potentially release metal elements; it is influenced by temperature change, oral microbe, oral enzymes, change of saliva pH and galvanic coupling of dissimilar metal alloy. At present, most orthodontic patients have amalgam fillings on their teeth. The aim of this study was to identify nickel ion release caused by Australian and nickel titanium orthodontic arch wires galvanic cells with amalgam. Subjects were divided into 4 groups i.e. group 1 consisting of 8 Australian wires, group 2 consisting of 8 Australian wires and 8 amalgams, group 3 consisting of 8 NiT wires, and group 4 consisting of 8 NiTi wires and 8 amalgams. Each group was immersed in 20 ml artificial saliva with normal pH and temperature 37C. On the third, fifth and seventh day, the artificial saliva was changed with fresh artificial saliva. The quantity of nickel ions released was measuredfrom the artificial saliva immerse of the four groups using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The data collected was analyzed statistically using 2-ways Analysis of Variance and t-test. The result of the study showed that the average release of nickel ions from Australian wires andNiTi wires coupled with amalgam was greater than Australian wires andNiTi wires themselves (p0,01), and the quantity of nickel ions released from Australian wires was greater than NiTi wires (p0,01). In conclusion, galvanic cells Australian and Nickel Titanium orthodontic arch wires with amalgam affect the release of nickel ions significantly.Pada lingkungan mulut, peralatan ortodontik berpotensi melepaskan elemen-elemen logam, yang dipengaruhi oleh perubahan suhu, mikroba mulut, enzim mulut, perubahan pH ludah dan pasangan galvanik logam paduan yang berbeda. Saat ini pada sebagian besar pasien ortodontik cekat digunakan amalgam sebagai bahan tambalan pada giginya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh sel galvanik kawat busur ortodontik cekat australia dan nikel titanium dengan amalgam terhadap pelepasan ion nickel pelepasan ion nikel yang disebabkan oleh kawat busur ortodontik cekat australia dan nikel titanium. Subyek penelitian dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok 1 terdiri atas 8 kawat Australia; kleompok 2 terdiri atas 8 kawat Australia dan 8 amalgam, kelompok 3 terdri atas 8 kawat NiTi, dan kelompok 4 terdiri atas 8 kawat NiTi dan 8 amalgam. Tiap kelompok direndam dalam 20 ml saliva tiruan dengan pH normal dan suhu 37C. Saat perendaman hari ke-3, hari ke-5 dan ke-7, saliva tiruan diganti dengan saliva tiruan yang baru. Jumlah pelepasan ion nikel dianalisis dari saliva tiruan hasil perendaman ke-4 kelompok pada hari ke-3, hari ke-5 dan ke-7 dengan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah varians 2 jalur dilanjutkan dengan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata jumlah pelepasan ion nikel pada kawat Australia dan kawat NiTi yang berpasangan dengan amalgam lebih besar daripada kawat Australia dan kawat NiTi itu sendiri (p0,01) dan jumlah pelepasan ion nikel pada kawatAustralia lebih besar dari pada kawat NiTi (p0,01). Kesimpulannya adalah sel galvanik kawat busur ortodontik cekat australia dan nikel titanium dengan amalgam meningkatkanjumlah pelepasan ion nikel kawat busur ortodontik cekat Australia dan Nikel Titanium

    The effect of aerosol suction distance during brushing brackets of orthodontic patients on the presence of Streptococcus and Staphylococcus

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    Dentists are one of the professions most at risk of infection transmission because dental care potentially produces many infectious aerosols for bacterial transmission. Using personal protective equipment and aerosol suction that meets the standards for dentists is vital to prevent cross-infection in patients in practice. This study aims to determine the effect of aerosol suction distance on the orthodontic patient bracket brushing process on total plate number and the presence of Streptococcus and Staphylococcus on the dentist’s face shield. The method used is the swab method on the face shield used by dentists after brushing orthodontic patient brackets with variations in the distance of aerosol suction to the oral cavity of 10 cm, 15 cm, and 20 cm. After 2 x 24 hours of incubation, the total plate count was calculated, and Streptococcus and Staphylococcus were identified by analyzing the characteristics of the growing colonies and executing the catalase test. The results showed that the lowest total plate number found on a face shield with aerosol suction distance of 10 cm from the oral cavity, 1.23 ± 0.01 CFU/cm2. The one-way ANOVA test obtained a significance value of p < 0.05, concluding that the variation of the aerosol suction distance affects the total face shield plate number. The presence of bacteria on the face shield was negative for Streptococcus and positive for Staphylococcus

    The Newly Bone Formation with Carbonate Apatite-Chitosan Bone Substitute in the Rat Tibia

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    Large bone defect still represent a major problem in orthopedics. A tissue engineering approach has been proposed where osteogenic cells, bioceramic scaffolds and growth factors can play in a role to the bone repair. Bone consist a mineral phase such as carbonate apatite and an organic phase such as collagen. Synthetic carbonate apatite ceramics are considered as promising alloplastic materials for bone substitute. Chitin is the organic matrix of the hard parts of exoskeleton of insect, crustacean and present in a small amounts in mushrooms. It is an insoluble, similar to cellulose and composed of N-acetylglucosamine unit. Partial deacetylation from chitin result in the formation of chitosan. Chitin’s properties as a flexible and strong material make it favourable as surgical thread. It has novel properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, anti bacterial, wound healing activity, tissue regeneration and hemostatic activitities. The composit from carbonate apatite and chitosan may have a great impact on human health care system as bioresorbable bone substitute. The aim of the study was to evaluate the newly bone formation on the bone healing of defect tibia treated with carbonate apatite-chitosan bone substitute. Eighteen Sprague Dawley rats, male, 3 months, weighing 250-300g used in this study. Bilateral defect were created in each tibia rat. The defects were filled with carbonate-apatite chitosan bone substitute. The rats were sacrificed after respectively 1, 2 and 3 weeks. The result of this study showed that carbonate apatite-chitosan significantly increased a number of osteoblast (p<0.05). Carbonate apatite-chitosan group showed that matrix deposition faster than the other groups and have a good interface with the old bone. These data indicate that carbonate apatite-chitosan are potential candidate for bone substitut

    Uji Temperatur Air Pencampur Terhadap Setting Time Bahan Cetak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana)

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    Bahan cetak gigi adalah bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat replica (model)gigi dan jaringan sekitarnya. Bahan cetak harus memenuhi syarat, salah satunyaharus memiliki setting time yang cukup sehingga operator dan pasien dapatmelakukan pencetakan gigi dengan baik. Penentuan waktu gelasi bisa ditentukanoleh beberapa faktor yaitu temperatur air, W/P ratio dan bahan pengisi yangdipakai. Namun cara modifikasi tersebut banyak memberikan efek pada sifat gelseperti elastisitas, dan mempengaruhi kekuatan terhadap robekan. Cara lain yanglebih aman ialah dengan mengubah temperatur air pencampur. Pada bahan cetakalginat, terbukti bahwa semakin tinggi temperatur, semakin pendek waktu gelasi.Namun belum ada pembuktian bahwa sifat-sifat tersebut berlaku untuk bahancetak kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana). Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui bagaimana pengaruh temperatur air pencampur terhadap setting timebahan cetak kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana). Dua puluh lima spesimendibagi menjadi 5 kelompok : kelompok 1 (10°C), kelompok 2 (15°C), kelompok 3(20ºC), kelompok 4 (25°C) dan kelompok 5 (30°C). Pengukuran setting timemenggunakan alat ukur indikator setting time berbentuk batang silindris daribahan poly (methyl methacrylate). Hasil uji statistik ANAVA satu jalurmenunjukkan bahwa temperatur air pencampur berpengaruh terhadap setting timebahan cetak kulit buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana) (p 0,05). Hasil uji LSD0,05 menunjukkan adanya perbedaan setting time yang bermakna antar setiapkelompok tempetatur air pencampur yang digunakan, kecuali pada kelompoktemperatur air pencampur 20°C dan 25°C. Kedua kelompok temperatur airpencampur tersebut tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna karena keduakelompok temperatur air pencampur tersebut berada pada temperatur air padasuhu ruangan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah temperatur air pencampursuhu 10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C dan 30°C mempengaruhi lama setting time bahancetak kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana) dan semakin tinggi temperaturair pencampur yang diuji, setting time semakin pendek (cepat). Setting timetercepat terdapat pada kelompok suhu (temperatur) air pencampur 30° C

    Perbandingan Pemberian Ekstrak Kayu Siwak (Salvadora Persica) 50% dan Larutan Sodium Fluorida 2% terhadap Ketahanan Email Gigi Rattus Norvegicus

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    Miswak (Salvadora Persica) Has A Substance Of Anti Bacterium Which Can Decrease The Amount Of Bacteria In Mouth So That The Tooth Become Health And Prevent Dental Caries And Also The Disinfectant Effect Of Miswak That Can Discontinue Gum Bleeding. While Sodium Fluoride Pursue Decalcification And Enamel Condensation In Mouth And Also Remineralization Of Tooth Enamel. The Aim Of This Research Is To Compare The Effect Between Extract Of Wood Miswak 50% And Solution Of Sodium Fluoride 2% To Enamel Resistant In Rattus Norvegicus On Tooth. The Subjects This Research Are 10 Rattus Norvegicus Which 20 Days Old. During 30 Day Of Rattus Norvegicus Is Given The Same Feed And Drink With Different Intervention That Is Lower Jaw Teeth Of 5 Rattus Norvegicus Was Dabbing With Extract Of Wood Miswak 50% And Other Lower Jaw Teeth Of 5 Rattus Norvegicus Was Dabbing With Solution Of Sodium Fluoride 2%. After 30 Day, All Rattus Norvegicus Were Decapited By Using Ether. Afterwards, Lower Jaw Of Rattus Norvegicus Was Extracted, Next Nub With 37% Phosphoric Acid Gel During 60 Second Then Cleaned With Refine Water And Digitally Periapical Roentgen. Then, They Were Scored To Get Data Of Each Variable And Statistical Test With Mann-Whitney Test. Statistical Test With MannWhitney Test Resulted ( P=0,419) Because ( P&gt;0,05) Means There Is Influence Which Not Significantly Different Between Extract Of Wood Miswak 50% And Solution Of Sodium Fluoride 2%. Research Result Indicates That Extract Of Wood Miswak 50% And Solution Of Sodium Fluoride 2% Have Influence Which Not Significantly Different To Enamel Resistance Of Rattus Norvegicus Tooth Which Assessed With Score Using 5 Point Of Belief Scale

    The Newly Bone Formation with Carbonate Apatite-Chitosan Bone Substitute in the Rat Tibia

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    Large bone defect still represent a major problem in orthopedics. A tissue engineering approach has been proposed where osteogenic cells, bioceramic scaffolds and growth factors can play in a role to the bone repair. Bone consist a mineral phase such as carbonate apatite and an organic phase such as collagen. Synthetic carbonate apatite ceramics are considered as promising alloplastic materials for bone substitute. Chitin is the organic matrix of the hard parts of exoskeleton of insect, crustacean and present in a small amounts in mushrooms. It is an insoluble, similar to cellulose and composed of N-acetylglucosamine unit. Partial deacetylation from chitin result in the formation of chitosan. Chitin\u27s properties as a flexible and strong material make it favourable as surgical thread. It has novel properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, anti bacterial, wound healing activity, tissue regeneration and hemostatic activitities. The composit from carbonate apatite and chitosan may have a great impact on human health care system as bioresorbable bone substitute. The aim of the study was to evaluate the newly bone formation on the bone healing of defect tibia treated with carbonate apatite-chitosan bone substitute. Eighteen Sprague Dawley rats, male, 3 months, weighing 250-300g used in this study. Bilateral defect were created in each tibia rat. The defects were filled with carbonate-apatite chitosan bone substitute. The rats were sacrificed after respectively 1, 2 and 3 weeks. The result of this study showed that carbonate apatite-chitosan significantly increased a number of osteoblast (p<0.05). Carbonate apatite-chitosan group showed that matrix deposition faster than the other groups and have a good interface with the old bone. These data indicate that carbonate apatite-chitosan are potential candidate for bone substitut

    Anti-inflammatory loading of cinnamaldehyde on artificial bone scaffolds against the process of bone regeneration

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    Cinnamaldehyde is an organic component in cinnamon and has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and osteogenic properties. Loading cinnamaldehyde with a concentration of 4% into an artificial scaffold from gypsum calcium carbonate hydrogel could reduce inflammation, accelerate healing, and promote new bone regeneration at bone implantation surgery. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of cinnamaldehyde loaded on gypsum-hydrogel calcium carbonate on the process of wound healing and bone regeneration in rats. Implantation of bone scaffolding from gypsum hydrogel calcium carbonate with an addition of cinnamaldehyde was performed on 20 5-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 300-350 g in an artificial defect of condyle femoris bone dexter and sinister. Group A was a control with gypsum only, while groups B, C, and D were given gypsum and CaCO3 with a combination of cinnamaldehyde or dehydrothermal treatment (DHT). Euthanasia was performed after implantation at 1, 4 and 8 weeks for 4 groups (n = 3). Femoris condyle bone was cut, made into histological preparations by hematoxylin eosin (HE) staining, and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the loading of cinnamaldehyde on the scaffold was effective in weeks 1 and 4, but after 8 weeks of implantation, cinnamaldehyde was observed to inhibit defect closure. The cinnamaldehyde group combined with dehydrothermal (DHT) treatment was found to be better than those without DHT

    Pengaruh Teknik Preparasi Email dengan Abrasi Udara Tekanan Tinggi terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Bahan Adesif Ionomer Kaca Modifikasi Resin

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    Enamel preparation with acid etching before bonding orthodontic brackets has provide very succesfull, although has been reported to cause an enamel loss. A resin-modified glass ionomer adhesive with poliacrilic acid conditioner can minimize enamel loss and the ability to release fluoride ions during treatment, that could reduce the risk of decalcification and caries, on the other hand this adhesive has a significantly lower shear bond strenght if was compared with a composite resin adhesive. Sandblasting technique can be alternative for enamel preparation, which the highest shear bond strenght was obtained sandblasting technique followed by acid etching. The purpose of this article was evaluate the effect of sandblasting technique followed by 20% polyacrylic acid on the shear bond strenght of resin-modified glass ionomer adhesive. In conclusion, sandblasting technique followed by 20% polyacrylic acid can increases shear bond strenght of resin-modified glass ionomer adhesive. Key words : sandblasting technique, shear bond strenght , resinâ¢modified glass ionomer adhesiv

    Pengaruh Amalgam terhadap Pelepasan Ion Nikel Kawat Busur Ortodontik Cekat

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    In the oral enviroment, orthodontic appliances can potentially release metal elemens, it is influenced by temperature change, oral microbia, oral enzims, pH change of saliva and galvanic coupling of dissimilar metals alloy. At present, most orthodontic patients have amalgam fillings on their teeth. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of amalgam on nickel ions release from australian and nickel titanium orthodontic arch wires. Subjects were divided into 4 groupsgroup 1 consists of 8 australian wires, group 2 consists of 8 Australian wires and 8 amalgams, group 3 consists of 8 NiTi wires, and group 4 consists of 8 NiTi wires and 8 amalgams. Each groups was immersed in 20 ml prepared artificial saliva with normal pH and temperature 370 C. On the third day, fifth day and seventh day, the artificial saliva was removed and change with a fresh artificial saliva. The quantity of nickel ions released was measured from artificial saliva that was removed from each the immersed time, using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), and the collected data were analyzed statistically by using 2 âways Analysis of Variance and t-test. The result of to study showed that the average release of nickel ions from Australian wires and NiTi wires that coupling with amalgam greater than Australian wires and NiTi wires themself (