24 research outputs found

    Hypocenter Determination and Clustering of Volcano-tectonic Earthquakes in Gede Volcano 2015

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    Gede volcano is an active volcano in West Java, Indonesia. Research about determination the volcano-tectonic earthquake source positions has given results using volcano-tectonic earthquakes data from January until November 2015. Volcano-tectonic earthquakes contained deep (VT-A) have frequency (maximum amplitude) range 5 – 15 Hz. Furthermore, they contain shallow earthquake, VT-B have range 3-5 Hz and LF have range 1-3 Hz. Geiger's Adaptive Damping (GAD) methods used for determining the hypocenter of these volcano-tectonic (VT) events. Hypocenter distribution divided into 4 clusters. Cluster I located in the crater of Gede volcano dominated by VT-B earthquakes their depth range 2 km below MSL to 2 km above MSL including the VT-B swarm. The seismic sources in cluster I indicated dominant due to the volcanic fluid or gas filled in conduit pipes. Cluster II located at the west of Gede volcano caused by Gede-Pangrango fault-line dominated by VT-A earthquakes with depths range 1.5 km below MSL to 700 m above MSL. Cluster III located in the North of Gede volcano dominated by VT-A events there caused by graben fault area with those depths range 7.5 – 1.65 km below MSL. Cluster IV located in South West of Gede volcano contained VT-A earthquakes with depth range at 10 km below MSL and VT-B earthquakes this depth 2 km below MSL. Due to magma intrusion filled into fractures of the fault in the West of Gede volcano this shallow magma filling-fractures and degassing in subsurface assumed dominates the volcano-tectonic events from January to November 2015 due to faults extends from North to South occured in the West of Gede volcano


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    The source parameters describe the different physical properties of seismic volumes under the volcanoes. Source parameters that can be used to distinguish seismic events that are generated by different types of volcanoes activities. Temporary changes of the spectral source parameters provided a description of the main events during the eruption process.  Source parameters are calculated by correlating the relationship between source frequency at spectral displacement (corner frequency) and source parameters based on spectral sources of the Brune model (1970). The angular frequency obtained by applying the FFT algorithm to the VTA spectral displacement. The source parameters analyzed from this VTA earthquake are the spectral slope, seismic moment, stress drop, length of rupture, moment magnitude and radiation energy. Based on the obtained corner frequency (12 Hz-13 Hz), seismic moment, moment magnitude and energy radiation respectively were at 0.2 -1.9 x 1012 Nm, 0.7 - 2 Mw, and 0.1 - 9.5 x 1015 erg. The length of rupture were from 144.2 to 243.1 m, the spectra slope has 2.1 - 7.8 dB/cm, and stress drop are 0.1 - 7,6 bar. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the changes of spectra characteristic and fluctuate of source patrameters value of VTA earthquakes was asosiated with the different  volcanic activity of Sinabung. Keywords: spectral, VTA, source parameter, volcanic earthquak

    Hypocenter Distribution of Low Frequency Event at Papandayan Volcano

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    Papandayan volcano is a stratovolcano with irregular cone-shaped has eight craters around the peak. The most active crater in Papandayan is a Mas crater. Distribution of relocated event calculated using Geiger Adaptive Damping Algorithm (GAD) shows that the epicenter of the event centered below Mas crater with maximum rms 0.114. While depth of the hypocenter range between 0-2 km and 5-6 km due to activity of steam and gas

    Identifikasi Lokasi dan Q Factor Hiposenter Gunungapi Marapi, Sumatera Barat

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    Gunungapi Marapi, Sumatera Barat berada pada tingkat aktivitas level II (status Waspada) sejak Agustus 2011 hingga sekarang. Data sinyal gempabumi vulkanik Agustus-September 2013 yang meliputi sinyal gempabumi Vulkano-Tektonik (VT) dan Tornillo telah diolah untuk mengetahui keberadaan lokasi serta nilai faktor kualitas (Q factor) dari titik-titik hiposenter. Lokasi hiposenter diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode Geiger. Nilai faktor kualitas (Q factor) diperoleh dari perkalian nilai frekuensi dominan dengan phi ( ) dan dibagi dengan perkalian koefisien atenuasi terhadap kecepatan perambatan medium oleh gelombang P.Lokasi  hiposenter dari gempabumi VT dengan jumlah data 24 event dari 4 stasiun seismik yang tersebar pada sisi barat laut puncak Gunungapi Marapi yang memiliki kedalaman 1.855 m sampai 4.642 m. Data sinyal Tornillo berjumlah 20 event yang terekam pada satu stasiun seismik, dengan komponen vertikal. Untuk sinyal Tornillo, nilai koefisien atenuasi 0,17-0,73 dB/  dan asumsi kecepatan rambat medium 2,84 km/s. Untuk gempabumi VT, nilai koefisien atenuasi 0,16-0,4 dB/  dan asumsi kecepatan rambat medium berada antara nilai 2,36-2,84 km/s. Nilai Q factor dari gempabumi VT berada pada rentang 14-38 /dB dan dari sinyal Tornillo berada pada rentang 9-40 /dB. Litologi umum yang diperoleh dari nilai Q factor dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai batuan sedimen (Q= 20-200 /dB), batulempung (Q= 20-70 /dB), dan batuan dengan gas dalam rongga (Q= 5-50 /dB).Kata kunci: Gunung Marapi, volcano-tektonik, faktor kualitas, metode Geiger, hiposente

    Analisis Non Linier Tremor Vulkanik Gunungapi Raung Jawa Timur–Indonesia

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    Penelitian mengenai aktifitas tremor vulkanik gunung Raung yang terekam pada bulan Oktober 2012 telah dilakukan. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu data tremor vulkanik yang terekam pada tanggal 17 Oktober sampai 16 November 2012. Penelitian dimulai dengan seleksi event tremor vulkanik yang jelas. Selanjutnya dilakukan rekonstruksi diagram attraktor dari tremor vulkanik gunung Raung dengan menggunakan teorema delay embedding. Delay time untuk merekonstruksi diagram attraktor ditentukan dengan menggunakan Metode Mutual Information (MI) dan didapatkan delay time tremor vulkanik gunung Raung dalam range 0,08 s - 0,09s. Dimensi embedding ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode False Nearest Neighbour (FNN) dan didapatkan dimensi embedding tremor vulkanik gunung Raung dalam range 4-5. Dengan menggunakan delay time dan dimensi embedding yang didapatkan maka diagram attraktor dapat direkonstruksi. Dimensi fraktal dihitung dengan menggunakan metode dimensi korelasi dan didapatkan nilai dimensi fraktal tremor vulkanik gunung Raung berkisar 2,91 – 3,35. Nilai Lyapunov exponent tremor vulkanik gunung Raung didapatkan berkisar 0,016 – 0,030. Berdasarkan dimensi fraktal dan Lyapunov exponent tremor vulkanik gunungapi Raung bersifat kaotik

    Seismic Exploration Using Active Sources at Kuchierabujima Volcano, Southwest Japan

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    Seismic exploration using artificial sources was conducted at Kuchierabujima volcano, southwest Japan in November 2004 by 40 participants from 9 national universities andJapan Meteorological Agency to investigate the subsurface seismic structure. The exploration was the 11th joint experiment under the National Project for Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions. A total of 183 temporal stations equippedwith a 2 Hz vertical component seismometer (including 75 3component seismometers) and a portable data logger were deployed on Kuchierabu Island. Dynamite shots with charges of 10-115 kg were detonated at 19 locations, and seismic signals were successfully recorded. To reveal the P-wave velocity structure, 2955 arrival times of the first motion were picked from the seismograms, and 2187 were classified into ranks A and B. From the record sections and the arrival time data, characteristics reflecting the geological structure were identified. Refracted waves of 5 km/s were observed at stations>5km from the shot points. Apparent velocities near the shot points depend on the surface geology around the shots. P-wave arrived earlier at stations near the summits. Strongly scattered waves were observed similarly near the summits


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    京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(理学)甲第15156号理博第3521号新制||理||1514(附属図書館)27634京都大学大学院理学研究科地球惑星科学専攻(主査)准教授 井口 正人, 教授 岩田 知孝, 准教授 大倉 敬宏学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of ScienceKyoto UniversityDA