336 research outputs found

    L'avenc d'en Patrona (Pollença, Mallorca)

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    Cova Xives: troballes prehistòriques a Eivissa

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    La cova d'en Jaume Orat (Parròquia d'Albarca, Sant Antoni, Eivissa)

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    Més dades sobre els soterranis de Sant Felip a l’illa de Menorca

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    [cat] El castell de Sant Felip està ubicat a la boca del port de Maó de l’illa de Menorca; un mínim de 8 quilòmetres de galeries i sales foradaven el subsòl d’aquesta impressionant fortalesa que s’estenia per més de 300 Ha de terreny. Quan el rei d’Espanya ocupa Menorca el 1782 va fer destruir el castell, incloent els soterranis, la majoria dels quals estan plens d’enderrocs. En el passat nombre d’Endins (TRIAS, 2007) publicàrem un treball extens sobre els soterranis amb les topografies que n’havíem fet fins al moment i una explicació general del castell i dels seus antecedents històrics. El present escrit no és més que una addenda a l’anterior on oferim la topografia i descripció de dos soterranis “inèdits” que tenen un desenvolupament aproximat de 300 m; tanmateix no hi manquen uns breus apunts sobre el castell, la seva arquitectura i història.[eng] The castle of Sant Felip is located at the mouth of the port of Maó on the island of Menorca; a minimum of 8 kilometres of galleries and chambers excavated under this impressive fort that covers more than 300 Ha of terrain. When the Spanish King occupied Menorca in 1782 the castle was destroyed, including the underground sections, most of which are full of rock falls. In the previous issue of Endins (TRIAS, 2007) we published an extensive paper on the underground sections with a survey we had produced up to that moment and an explanation of the castle and its history. This paper is no more than an addendum to the previous one and we offer a survey and description of two “unpublished” underground sections with a survey length of about 300 m; however we include a few brief notes about the castle, its architecture and its history

    La Cova des Moro (Manacor, Mallorca). Alguns destacats aspectes de la seva morfologia

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    Apunts sobre els avencs del Puig Major (Escorca, Mallorca)

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    La font des Patró Lau (Sòller, Mallorca)

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    Arqueologia de les cavernes de Mallorca / Archaeology of the caverns of Mallorca

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    Markov chain Monte Carlo searches for Galactic binaries in Mock LISA Data Challenge 1B data sets

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    We are developing a Bayesian approach based on Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques to search for and extract information about white dwarf binary systems with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Here we present results obtained by applying an initial implementation of this method to some of the data sets released in Round 1B of the Mock LISA Data Challenges. For Challenges 1B.1.1a and 1b the signals were recovered with parameters lying within the 95.5% posterior probability interval and the correlation between the true and recovered waveform is in excess of 99%. Results were not submitted for Challenge 1B.1.1c due to some convergence problems of the algorithms, despite this, the signal was detected in a search over a 2 mHz band.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 12th GWDAW (Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop). Accepted for publication in CQ
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