18 research outputs found

    Non-equilibrium thermodynamics with higher order fluxes: Balance laws and exploitation of the entropy inequality

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    Weakly non-local extended thermodynamics of rigid heat conductors is presented. The two celebrated procedures by Coleman-Noll and Liu for the exploitation of second law of thermodynamics are compared. It is proved that the two procedures are equivalent, if in the Coleman-Noll procedure all relevant equations are taken into account as constraint

    Exploitation of the Second Law: Coleman–Noll and Liu Procedure in Comparison

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.A comparison is made between two classical methods for the exploitation of the second law of thermodynamics: the Coleman–Noll and the Liu procedure. On the example of a rigid heat conductor with general entropy flux, it is shown that the two procedures are equivalent. This equivalence is demonstrated in the case of a state space including the wanted fields, only, as well as in the case of gradients being relevant for constitutive equations, too. Also, the possible importance of an internal variable or an internal degree of freedom is considered

    Non-equilibrium thermodynamics with higher order fluxes: Balance laws and exploitation of the entropy inequality

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    Weakly non-local extended thermodynamics of rigid heat conductors is presented. The two celebrated procedures by Coleman-Noll and Liu for the exploitation of second law of thermodynamics are compared. It is proved that the two procedures are equivalent, if in the Coleman-Noll procedure all relevant equations are taken into account as constraints


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    Latar Belakang Baby spa merupakan rangkaian stimulasi tumbuh kembang anak dengan memadukan layanan senam bayi (baby gym), berenang (baby swim), pijat bayi (babymassage). Di Wilayah Puskesmas Kedungmundu Semarang didapatkan hasil bahwa untuk angka kejadian bayi yang mengalami kurang gizi sebanyak 6 bayi, gizi buruk sebanyak 3 bayi dan yang mengalamigangguantumbangsebanyak 15 bayi. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh teknik baby spa terhadapperkembanganmotorikdankenaikanberatbadanbayi. Metode : Quasi Experiment dengan Pre dan Post test with control group design, analisa data menggunakan Dependent T Test dan Independent T test. Hasil : Ada perbedaan perkembangan motorik sebelum dan sesudah penelitian (P Value 0,001) pada kelompok perlakuan dan (P Value 0,041) pada kelompok kontrol, Ada perbedaan kenaikan berat badan bayi sebelum dan sesudah baby spa (P Value 0,000) pada kelompok perlakuan dan tidak ada perbedaan kenaikan BB Bayi (P Value 0,061) pada kelompok kontrol, ada pengaruh pemberian teknik baby spa dan pijat bayi terhadap perkembangan motorik bayi pada ke dua kelompok (P Value 0,021), ada pengaruh teknik baby spa dan pijat bayi terhadap kenaikan BB bayi pada ke dua kelompok (P Value 0,04). Simpulan: ada perbedaan perkembangan motorik dan kenaikan berat badan bayi pada kedua kelompok, dan ada pengaruh teknik baby spa dan pijat bayi terhadap perkembangan motorik serta kenaikan BB pada bayi usia 4-12 bulan pada masing-masing kelompok Kata Kunci : Teknik baby spa, perkembangan motorik dan kenaikan berat badan bayi Background: Baby Spa is a series of stimulation of growth and development of children by combining baby gym services, baby swimming and baby massage. In the Kedungmundu District Health Center, it was found that the incidence of infants who had poor nutrition were 6 babies, malnutrition were 3 infants and those who suffered from growth disorder were 15 infants. Objective: This research was aimed to find out the influence of baby spa techniques on motor development and increase in baby's weight. Method: this study used Quasi Experiment method with Pre and Post test with control group design, data analysis used Dependent T Test and Independent T test. Results: There were differences in motor development before and after the treatment, it obtained p Value of 0.001in the treatment group and p value of 0.041 in the control group. There were differences in infant weight gain before and after baby spa (P Value 0,000) in the treatment group and no difference increase in baby’s weight (P Value 0.061) in the control group, there is the influence of giving Baby Spa techniques and baby massage to baby’s motor development in the two groups (P Value 0.021), there is the influence of Baby Spa techniques and baby massage on baby’s weight in the second group (P Value 0.04). Conclusions: There are differences in motor development and increase of baby weight in both groups, and there are effects of Baby Spa techniques and baby massage on motor development and baby’s weight increase in baby aged 4-12 months in each group. Keywords : Baby Spa, Motor Development, and increasing of baby’s weigh


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    The application of pregnant mother class is needed for high risk pregnancy. The materials that was taught in pregnant mother class such as Prenatal Excercise. The benefit of doing Prenatal Exercise is helping a pregnant mother to deliver their baby normally, maintaining body readiness, helping to maintain mom’s & baby’s health, giving a relaxed mind and creating a good mechanical system for baby in and after pregancy. This research was aimed to analize the influence of Prenatal Exercise traininig with Prenatal Exercise skill at Kedungmundu District Health Centre.this research used quantitative design with pre-post test without control group approach. The populations were all pregnant mothers at Kedungmundu District Health Centre, and took samples were 15 pregnant mothers by using accidental sampling technique with Wilcoxon to analize the development of skill before and after Prenatal Exercise training. The result showed the average of rate skill before training was 6,20 with Deviation Standard 1,93. And the rate skill after given training was 8,30 with Deviation Standard 1,52 with p value 0,000 < 0,05. The conclusion is the Prenatal Exercise training with lecturing and demosntration is efective to increase skill of Prenatal Exercise in pregnan mothers at Kedung Mundu District Health Center Semarang.Key Words : Prenatal Exercise, Pregnant Mother

    Anisotropic heat transport in rigid solids

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    A nonlinear model of anisotropic rigid heat conductor is developed in the framework of weakly nonlocal Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics. The restrictions placed on the constitutive functions by the principles of dissipation and material frame indifference are investigated. Nonlinear anisotropic Guyer–Krumhansl and Maxwell–Cattaneo equations are derived. Comparison is made with some other models existing in the literatur

    Interpretation of Second Law of Thermodynamics in the presence of interfaces

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    In 1996, Muschik and Ehrentraut (J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn. 21:175–192, 1996) proposed an amendment to the classical Second Law of Thermodynamics, which asserts that, except in equilibria, reversible process directions in state space do not exist. As a consequence of this statement, they proved that the Second Law of Thermodynamics necessarily restricts the constitutive equations and not the thermodynamic processes. In this way, the classical Coleman–Noll approach to the exploitation of Second Law (Coleman and Noll in Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 13:167–178, 1963) follows by a rigorous proof. In the present paper, we generalize the amendment, in order to encompass the case, not considered in Muschik and Ehrentraut (J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn. 21:175–192, 1996), in which there are surfaces across which the unknown fields suffer jump discontinuities. Due to the generalization above, we prove that the same conclusions of Muschik and Ehrentraut (J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn. 21:175–192, 1996) can be achieved also in the presence of non-regular processes. As an application, we study the thermodynamics of a Kortweg-type fluid interface

    Entropy principle, non-regular processes, and generalized exploitationprocedures

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    The classical Coleman-Noll approach to the exploitation of the entropy principle regards the classical balances of mass, linear and angular momentum and energy as differential constraints for the entropy inequality, and presupposes that the second law of thermodynamics is a restriction on the constitutive equations describing the material properties [B. D. Coleman and W. Noll, “The thermodynamics of elastic materials with heat conduction and viscosity,” Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 13, 167–178 (1963)]. In 1996, Muschik and Ehrentraut proved that this presupposition may be confirmed by a rigorous proof, provided that an amendment to the classical second law of thermodynamics, which asserts that, except in equilibria, reversible process directions in state space do not exist, is postulated [“An amendment to the second law,” J. Non-Equilib. Thermodyn. 21, 175–192 (1996)]. In their paper, the authors considered regular processes only. In a recent article [V. Triani and V. A. Cimmelli, “Interpretation of second law of thermodynamics in the presence of interfaces,” Continuum.Mech. Thermodyn. 24, 165–174 (2012)], we proved that the result above remains valid in the presence of interfaces across which the unknown fields suffer jump discontinuities. Here, we show that the same conclusions achieved by Muschik and Ehrentraut and Triani and Cimmelli hold when the classical Coleman-Noll and Liu [“Method of Lagrange multipliers for exploitation of the entropy principle,” Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 46, 131–148 (1972)] procedures for the exploitation of the second law, are generalized by considering also the gradients of the fundamental balance equations as constraints for the entropy inequality