31 research outputs found

    Potensi Antibodi Antispermatozoa (ASA) Terhadap Spermatogenesis dan Fertilitas pada Tikus Jantan

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    The experiment was conducted the potential of antissperm antibodies (ASA)to spermatogenesis and fertility of the male rat.this research was to use Ten of white rat testis and then to crush and added with Na Cl 1% 10 cc and then to filtration and centrifuged 1800 rpm for ten minutes. Twenty four of the male white rat divided in to four groups. Group I: injected by NaCl Fisiologis 0.1 cc/sc/day for 45 days; group II: injected by suspention 0.1 cc/sc/day for 15 days; group III: injected by suspention 0.1 cc/sc/days for 30 days; group IV:injected suspention 0.1 cc /sc/days for 45 days. Then each of the male rat on the group marriaged and than count of the total of child after birth, male rat to killed for take of the testes, preparation of histologyc and than count of the spermatocyt I, II and spermatid

    Potensi Antibodi Spermatozoa (ASA) Terhadap Spermatogensis dan Fertilisasi pada Tikus Putih

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    Imunisasi spermatozoa akan mcnginduksi produksi antibodi antispcrmatozoa yang akan menyelubungi antigen pada kcpala dan ekor spermatozoa yang akan mengganggu proses kapasitasi sehingga menghambat terjadinya reaksi akrosom akibatnya kemampuan fertilisasi berkurang. Antibodi Antispermatozoa mempengaruhi sistem reproduksi yaitu terhadap:spermatogenesis, transport spermatozoa, daya tahan hidup spermatozoa. interaksi gamet dan daya tahan hidup embrio ( Hinting, 1989; Liu.1991; Clarke, 1988, Mandelbaum, 1987 ). Pada pcnclitian sebelumnya telah tcrbukti bahwa imunisasi ekstrak testes tikus pada mencit betina mampu menurunkan jumlah fetus dalam setiap kebuntingan hewan coba ( Qatrina ,B.W, 2000). Tujuan dan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi antibodi antispermatozoa (ASA) terhadap spermatogenesis dan fertilitas pada tikus putih jantan Manfaat penelitian ini adalah ekstrak testes dapat gigunakan sebagai imunokontrasepsi. Adapun hipotesis penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan jumlah spermatosit dan spermatid pada tikus putih jantan dan terdapat pcrbcdaan fcrtilisasi pada tikus purih jantan putih perlakuan dengan antibodi antispermatozoa dan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan lO buah testes tikus putih jantan yang diambil secara kastrasi kemudian digerus. diencerkan dengan Na Cl 1% sebanyak 10 ml, selanjutnya disaring dan disertrifus dengan kecepatan 1800 rpm selama l0 menit hingga terbentuk 3 lapisan yakni lemak dibagian atas, cairan bcning ditengah dan endapan berwarna merah muda, kemudìan cairan bening ditambah dengan PBS (Phosphat Buffer Saline ) dan slap untuk disuntikkan. 24 ekor tikus jantan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu Kelompok kontrol : tikus disuntik dengan Na CI fisiologis 0,1 mL/sciliari sclama 45 han. Kelompok I :tikus disuntik dengan suspensi 0.1 ml/sc/hari selama 15 hari. Kelompok II:mencit disuntik dengan suspensl 0,1 ml/sc/hari selama 30 hari Kclompok III: tikus disuntik dcngan suspensi 0,1 ml/sc/hari selama 45 hari Selanjutnya masing-masing tikus pada tiap-tiap kclompok dikawinkan dan dilihat jumlah anaknya setelah mclahirkan, selanjutnya tikus jantan dibunuh dan testesnya dibuat preparat histologis dan diperiksa jumlah spermatid dan spermatositnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang nyata terhadap jumlah spermatid dan spermatosit pada kelompok perlakuan dan juga tcrdapat perbedaan yang nyata terhadap jumlab anak yang dilahirkan pada kelompok perlakuan ( p <0.05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah penyuntikan ekstrak testes pada tikus putih jantan menurunkan jumlah spermatid. spermatozoa dan jumlah anak yang dilahirkan jika dikawinkan dengan tikus betina. Saran penelitian ini adalah dosisnya dapat ditingkatkan agar diperoleh kcadaan spermatogenesis dan tidak terjadi fertilisasi sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai imunokontrasepsi

    Usage of Rabbit uterine as natural incubator of Goat embryonic growth process originated from slaughter house

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    Embryo transfer is a new method that developed in Indonesia and has been applied to cows in west java, central java, and east java. The principle of embryo transfer is to transfer the embryos produced by superior female animals (donors) to the local animal as recipient. Embryo transfer techniques can not be separated from super ovulation measures to increase the number of ovum in a single period of estrus in the donors genital on in-vitro fertilization. The aim of this research to find out how far the level of embryo development as the results of in vivo flushing after transferred to the female rabbit genital tract. The hypothesis proposed of this research is the occurrence of embryo growth of kacanggoat in rabbit genital tract at various cell level. The research used a complete randomized design that use 20 adult female rabbits divided into 4 treatment groups consisting of : Group I was a control group consisting of 5 rabbits and treated with 2 cells embryo transfer of kacanggoat. Group II was a treatment group consisting of 5 rabbit and treated with 4 cells embryo transfer of kacanggoat. Group III was a treatment group consisting of 5 rabbit and treated with 8 cells embryo transfer of kacanggoat. Group IV was a treatment group consisting of 5 rabbit and treated with 16 cells embryo transfer of kacanggoat. The embryo transfer development result from cell level were tabulated, then to know the difference ANOVA test was performed and followed by BNT test. 76 The obtained result showed that average percentage of 2 cells embryo development of kacangbeans are 9.80 ± 2.244, 4 cells embryo are : 12,46 ± 1,414, 8 cells embryo are : 23,49 ± 4,394 and 16 cells embryo are : 51,01 ± 2,124. After the statistical test was done the obtained result are : there is a significant difference (P>0.05) between 2 cells and 4 cells embryo group with 8 cells and 16 cells embryo groups, as well as 8 cells embryo group with 16 cells embryo group, meanwhile there were no significant difference between 2 cells embryo group with 4 cells embryo group (P<0.05). Keywords: Embryo Transfer, Rabbit Uterine, Embryonic Growth, Goat Embry

    The Effectiveness of Honey in Physiological Nacl to Maintain of Viability and Motility of Spermatozoa

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    This research was conducted to determine whether there is influence of various concentrations of mead physiological saline as diluent on the viability and motility fat-tailed sheep during storage 5°C. This research is compiled using the trial completely randomized design (CRD). Differences in the treatment of thinning the honey in physiological saline are PO (0%), P1 (0.2%), P2 (0.4%), P3 (0.6%), P4 (0.8%). The treatment  stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 5°C and then observed every 0, 24, and 48 hours. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The  conclusions obtained from this research there is the effect of adding various concentrations of NaCl physiological mead on the viability and motility fat tailed sheep during storage 5°C and consentration mead NaCl physiological to maintain viability and motility best tail sheep are treated P3 (0.6% solution = 0.6 ml honey in 99.4 ml physiological NaCl) at the time T24 (24 hours).  Key words: Fat-Tailed Sheep, Honey, Motility, Physiological NaCl, Spermatozoa, Viabilit

    Insulin like growth factor-i complex sebagai alternatif antioksidan dalam media pendewasaan spermatozoa kambing

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    One of the protein in the seminal plasm of goat is Insulin Like Growth Factor (IGF-I) Complex. IGF-I Complex has molecular weigth 150,288 kDa which consisted of three protein molecules that were IGF-I (subunit a) , IGFBP (subunit p)and ALS (Acid Label Subunit) ( subunit ¥) The research was done into two phases. First phase concerned with explorative to identify and isolation ofIGF-I Complex and second phase was to supplementation of IGF-I into capatitation medium of goat sperm. The aim of this research was to increased of motiliyi, viability, capatition and decreased of MDA concentration. The benefit of this research was to increased of the sperm quality so that can used for in vitro fertilitation. Analysis with varian showed significant different (P&lt;0,05) to motility, viability, capatitation and MDA concentration. From results above can be concluded that potein of IGF-I Complex can increase of motility, viability, capatitation and decreased ofMDA concentration


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    Repeat Breeding is an adult cattle which have normal estrous cycle and clear signs of estrous but did not get pregnant when it got breed by natural mating or artificial insemination. The main purposes of this study is to know the number of repeat breeding cases in beef cattle in regency Jombang period of 2015-2018. The metode of the study is survey which collected by recording and survey. Were analyzed though Normality Test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test) and Homogenity Test and followed by T Test. Questionnaire test result processed using Kendall’s Tau-b Correlation Test. Study result showed that repeat breeding cases fluctuate significantly per year and the factors affecting fertilization failure and early embrionic death, hormonal, infection, and management factors

    Prevalensi dan Drajat Infeksi Cacing Saluran Pencernaan pada Itik Petelur di Dusun Keper dan Dusun Markolak Desa Kramat Kecamatan Bangkalan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan prevalensi dan derajat infeksi cacing saluran pencernaan pada itik petelur di dua kondisi lingkungan yang berbeda. Sampel feses diperiksa dengan metode sedimentasi dan metode apung kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menghitung telur cacing per gram tinja dengan metode Mc Master. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 22,9% (8/35) itik petelur di Dusun Keper terinfeksi oleh Capillaria sp., dan Echinostoma revolutum, dengan rata-rata derajat infeksi sebsar 52,50 ± 41,662, sedangkan 31,4% (11/35) itik petelur di Dusun Markolak terinfeksi oleh Capillaria sp., Echinostoma revolutum, dan cacing dari kelas cestoda, dengan rata-rata derajat infeksi sebesar 155,45 ± 166,395. Infeksi bersifat tunggal maupun campuran. Analisis terhadap prevalensi dan derajat infeksi cacing saluran pencernaan itik petelur menunujukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan (p>0,05) antara Dusun Keper dan Dusun Markolak. Kata kunci: itik petelur, cacing, saluran pencernaan, prevalensi, derajat infeks

    The Effectiveness of Honey in Physiological NACI to Maintain of Viability and Motility of Spermatozoa

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    This research was conducted to determine whether there is influence of various concentrations of mead physiological saline as diluent on the viability and motility fat- tailed sheep during storage 5°C. This research is compiled using the trial completely randomized design (CRD). Differences in the treatment of thinning the honey in physiological saline are PO (0%), P1 (0.2%), P2 (0.4%), P3 (0.6%), P4 (0.8%). The treatment stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 5°C and then observed every o, 24, and 48 hours. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The conclusions obtained from this research there is the effect of adding various concentrations of NaCl physiological mead on the viability and motility fat tailed sheep during storage 5°C and consentration mead NaCl physiological to maintain viability and motility best tail sheep are treated P3 (0.6% solution = 0.6 ml honey in 99.4 ml physiological NaCI) at the time T24 (24 hours)


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    Plasma seminalis terdiri dari bermacam-macam komponen biokimia yang spesifik mengatur fungsi spermatozoa. Salah satu komponen plasma seminalis adalah Insulin Like Growth Factor I (IGF - I). Insulin Like Growth Factor I berbentuk komplek yaitu berikatan dengan molekul lain yaitu Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding protein (IGFBP) dan Acid Label Subunit (ALS) dengan berat molekul 150 kDa. Protein IGF - I dapat diidentifikasi dengan metode elektroforesis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persentase motilitas, hidup, membran plasma utuh, tudung akrosom utuh, konsentrasi malondialdehid, pembelahan embrio dan tingkat perkembangan embrio. Sedangkan manfaat penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kualitas spermatozoa kambing pada medium pencucian dengan menggunakan Insulin Like Growth Factor I sehingga pada proses fertilisasi in vitro di dapat embrio yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan semen kambing untuk melakukan identifikasi dan isolasi protein IGF - I. Semen kambing yang ditampung diperiksa kualitasnya, kemudian disentrifugasi dengan kecepatan 1800 rpm selama 10 menit untuk memisahkan plasma seminalisnya. Identifikasi dilakukan dengan metode Native PAGE 12 % dan isolasi dilakukan dengan metode elektroelusi. Karakterisasi protein IGF - I dilakukan dengan metode Western Blot. Isolat IGF - I yang diperoleh kemudian diukur konsentrasinya dengan metode biuret dan selanjutnya dilakukan aplikasi pada spermatozoa secara in vitro. Semen ditampung diperiksa kualitasnya kemudian dipisahkan dari plasma seminalis dengan cara sentrifugasi, kemudian diambil 2 tabung , tabung I diisi spermatozoa yang ditambah BO dan tabung II diisi spermatozoa yang ditambah dengan isolat IGF – I. Tabung I dan II diinkubasi selama 30 menit kemudian diperiksa motilitas, hidup, membran plasma utuh, tudung akrosom utuh dan konsentarsi malondialdehid. Spermatozoa pada tabung I dan II kemudian dilakukan invitro fertilisasi, selanjutnya diperiksa pembelahan embrio dan tingkat perkembangan embrio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang nyata terhadap motilitas, hidup, membran plasma utuh, tudung akrosom utuh dan konsentrasi malondialdehid antara perlakuan I dan perlakuan II ( P 0,05 ). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah protein Insulin Like Growth Factor - I Plasma Seminalis kambing dapat meningkatkan kualitas spermatozoa dengan indikator motilitas, hidup, membran plasma utuh, tudung akrosom utuh dan menurunkan konsentrasi malondialdehid serta meningkatkan persentase pembelahan embrio dan tingkat perkembangan embrio

    Potensi Fermentasi Bekatul dengan Bakteri Enterobacter Cloacae WPL 111 terhadap Kecernaan Serat Kasar pada Ayam Pedaging

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    This research was aimed to know the influence of rice bran fermentation Enterobacter cloacae WPL 111 on the crude fiber digestibility. Twenty Four Cobb’s CP 707 strain broiler which DOC were randomly divided into four dietary treatment groups (n=6), namely P0, P1, P2 and P3 treatment of P0, P1, P2 and P3 was rice bran fermentation by giving Enterobacter cloacae WPL 111 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%. The treatment is given for a period. Fecal sample were collected to determine crude fiber and crude protein disgestibility. The data were analyzed with ANOVA (Analysis of Variant) followed by Duncan test. The result of experiment showed that P0 treatment were significantly different with treatment of P1, P2 and P3 (p<0,05). In conclusion bran fermentation can improve digestibility of crude fiber on broiler. Keywords : rice bran fermented, Enterobacter cloacae, crude fibe