1,275 research outputs found

    Outward Influence and Cascade Size Estimation in Billion-scale Networks

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    Estimating cascade size and nodes' influence is a fundamental task in social, technological, and biological networks. Yet this task is extremely challenging due to the sheer size and the structural heterogeneity of networks. We investigate a new influence measure, termed outward influence (OI), defined as the (expected) number of nodes that a subset of nodes SS will activate, excluding the nodes in S. Thus, OI equals, the de facto standard measure, influence spread of S minus |S|. OI is not only more informative for nodes with small influence, but also, critical in designing new effective sampling and statistical estimation methods. Based on OI, we propose SIEA/SOIEA, novel methods to estimate influence spread/outward influence at scale and with rigorous theoretical guarantees. The proposed methods are built on two novel components 1) IICP an important sampling method for outward influence, and 2) RSA, a robust mean estimation method that minimize the number of samples through analyzing variance and range of random variables. Compared to the state-of-the art for influence estimation, SIEA is Ω(log4n)\Omega(\log^4 n) times faster in theory and up to several orders of magnitude faster in practice. For the first time, influence of nodes in the networks of billions of edges can be estimated with high accuracy within a few minutes. Our comprehensive experiments on real-world networks also give evidence against the popular practice of using a fixed number, e.g. 10K or 20K, of samples to compute the "ground truth" for influence spread.Comment: 16 pages, SIGMETRICS 201

    Importance Sketching of Influence Dynamics in Billion-scale Networks

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    The blooming availability of traces for social, biological, and communication networks opens up unprecedented opportunities in analyzing diffusion processes in networks. However, the sheer sizes of the nowadays networks raise serious challenges in computational efficiency and scalability. In this paper, we propose a new hyper-graph sketching framework for inflence dynamics in networks. The central of our sketching framework, called SKIS, is an efficient importance sampling algorithm that returns only non-singular reverse cascades in the network. Comparing to previously developed sketches like RIS and SKIM, our sketch significantly enhances estimation quality while substantially reducing processing time and memory-footprint. Further, we present general strategies of using SKIS to enhance existing algorithms for influence estimation and influence maximization which are motivated by practical applications like viral marketing. Using SKIS, we design high-quality influence oracle for seed sets with average estimation error up to 10x times smaller than those using RIS and 6x times smaller than SKIM. In addition, our influence maximization using SKIS substantially improves the quality of solutions for greedy algorithms. It achieves up to 10x times speed-up and 4x memory reduction for the fastest RIS-based DSSA algorithm, while maintaining the same theoretical guarantees.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in ICDM 2017 as a regular pape

    Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Perawat Pelaksana Tentang Fungsi Manajerial Kepala Ruang Terhadap Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan Di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Swasta Di Semarang

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    Background: This research background by a management function has not been a good head space as functions of planning, organizing, directing, monitoring and controling. Nursing management is the coordination and integration of nursing resources by applying the management process to achieve the goal, objectivity nursing care and nursing services. Good managerial function in nursing management is critical nursing care in the inpatient nurse practitioner in carrying out documentation of nursing care to clients. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effect of implementing the nurse's perception of the function manjerial head space of the implementation of documenting nursing care in the inpatient hospital nursing Wilasa Citarum Semarang. Methods: The method of research is a kuantitatif study with cross – sectional study. The research population is 57 nurse practitioner in the inpatient Orchid lounge, Cempaka, Dahlia and Flamboyan. Results: The result shows the perception of the nurse practitioner about managerial functions well enough head room (68.4%), the implementation of good documentation of nursing care (42.1%). Conclusion: a relationship between the perception of the nurse practitionerabout managerial function head space of the implementation of nursing documentation in patient wards (p = 0027)

    Rancangan Strategi Peningkatan Produktiivitas Berbasis Total Productive Maintenance dengan Pendekatan Dmaic Six Sigma

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    PT.KKM merupakan salah satu Perusahaan produsen keramik genteng berglazur yang terkemuka di Indonesia,. Dalam USAha untuk mempertahankan mutu dan meningkatkan produktifitas, salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan adalah masalah perawatan fasilitas/mesin produksi. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai penyebab dan akibat tidak tercapainya hasil produksi selama proses produksi yang ditimbulkan oleh Mesin Press . Untuk mendapatkan mesin yang dapat terjaga keterandalannya dibutuhkan suatu konsep yang baik. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) merupakan sebuah konsep yang baik untuk merealisasikan hal tersebut. Konsep ini, selain melibatkan semua personil dalam Perusahaan, juga bertujuan untuk merawat semua fasilitas produksi yang dimiliki Perusahaan.Data yang digunakan merupakan data breakdown yang terjadi di Mesin Press selama bulan Januari-Desember 2014. Parameter yang digunakan dalam mengetahui tingkat produktivitas mesin adalah dengan menghitung nilai OEE dari mesin Press, dengan menggunakan data record selama tahun 2014. Sehingga nantinya akan diketahui informasi keadaan aktual dari mesin tersebut, Selanjutnya akan dibuat suatu strategi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas berbasis TPM dengan pendekatan DMAIC Six Sigm

    Identifikasi Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Transfer Energi Zikir: Integrasi Ilmu Kesehatan dan Islam

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    Kecenderungan pencarian pengobatan untuk mengatasi gangguan kesehatan dipengaruhi oleh cara pandang individu terhadap penyakit yang diderita. Penelitian ini berupaya mengidentifikasi faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku pencarian pengobatan transfer energi zikir, dengan desain penelitian cross sectional dan dianalisis dengan metode binary logistic analysis. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perilaku pencarian pengobatan transfer energi zikir, mayoritas kategori penyakit sedang (41,9%), responden yang sembuh (71%). Perilaku pencarian pengobatan transfer energi zikir tanpa pengobatan medis sebesar (67,7%). Hasil analisis multivariant variabel percieved suseptibility (kerentanan) nilai p value 0,010<0,05 artinya mempunyai pengaruh secara signifikan (bermakna) terhadap perilaku pencarian pengobatan. Nilai Exp. (B) sebesar 14,799 bahwa responden yang mempunyai persepsi rentan atau berisiko terhadap penyakit mempunyai peluang 14 kali mencari pengobatan dengan transfer energi zikir, dibandingkan variabel lainnya yang secara statistik memberikan kesembuhan lebih tinggi. Penulis mengimplikasikan hal ini sebagai bukti kesempurnaan agama Islam dalam mengatur kehidupan manusia secara lengkap melalui keteladanan Rasulullah menganjurkan pengobatan berdasarkan petunjuk al-Qur'an sebagai penawar dan rahmat bagi orang mukmin. Abstract: Identification of Behavior of Zikir Energy Transfer Treatment: Integration of Health and Islamic Science. Abstract: The tendency of searching treatment to overcome health problems is influenced by the individual's perspective on the illness being sufferred. This research seeks to identify factors that influence the behavior of the search for zikir energy transfer treatment, with cross sectional research design and analyzed by binary logistic analysis method. The results of this study found that the search behavior of zikir energy transfer treatment, the majority of moderate disease category (41.9%), respondents who recover (71%). Behavior seeking treatment of zikir energy transfer without medical treatment amounted to (67,7%). The result of multivariant analysis of percieved suseptibility variable (p value) 0,010 <0,05 means that it has significant (significant) effect on treatment seeking behavior. Value Exp. (B) of 14.799 that respondents who have a vulnerable or risky perception of the disease have 14 times the chance to seek treatment with the transfer of zikir energy, compared to other variables that statistically resulted in higher number of healing. The author implies that this prooves the perfection of Islam in regulating the complete human life through the the Prophet who advocated treatment based on the guidance of the Qur'an as a healing and grace for the believers


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi manajer industri bakery tentang kesiapan kerja yang dibutuhkan sebagai manager bakery. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei. Populasi penelitian adalah 54 industri bakery di Yogyakarta yang tedaftar di Dinas Peridustrian, Perdagangan dan Koperasi (Deperindagkop) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Sampel penelitian ini adalah manajer bakery yang memiliki tenaga kerja minimal 5 orang karyawan dan nilai produksi adalah Rp. 300.000,00 yang memadai untuk kelangsungan proses industri. Jumlah sampel adalah 10 industri bakery. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan teknik purposif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode angket. Validitas instrumen dilakukan dengan cara konsultasi dengan ahli (expert judment), sedangkan reliabilitas instrumen penelitian ini mengunakan rumus K-R 20. Teknik analisis dan penafsiran data dilakukan dengan teknik deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa, 1) Persepsi manajer terhadap kesiapan kerja manajer bakery pada aspek pengawasan, perencanaan dan pengarahan menunjukkan kategori sangat dibutuhkan bagi kesiapan kerja manajer bakery. 2) Sedangkan aspek penyusunan personalia dan penorganisasian dibutuhkan bagi kesiapan kerja manajer bakery. Kata Kunci : persepsi, industry bakery, kesiapan kerja, manaje

    Vaginal Acidity and Whiff Test for Screening Bacterial Vaginosis in Pregnant Women Tri Nur

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    Keasaman vagina dan tes whiff untuk penapisan bacterial vaginosis pada ibu hamil.Background: It has been acknowledged that bacterial vaginosis (BV) in pregnant women is associated with miscarriage and premature delivery. Microscopic examination of vaginal secretion should be used in the diagnosis of BV. Nevertheless, usually microscope does not exist in antenatal care facility in the community based setting. Therefore, screening tool of BV among pregnant women attending antenatal care that is simple, cheap, and fast is needed.Methods: Diagnostic study was conducted among pregnant women attending antenatal care in the Community Health Centre. Vaginal acidity combines with whiff test were used as a screening tool, and compared blindly with Gram stain of vaginal smear as a gold standard to diagnose BV.Results: This study showed that the sensitivity and specificity of the vaginal acidity combine with whiff test to diagnose BV were 93.1% and 69% respectively. It means that false negative and false positive were 6.9% and 31% respectively. In the screening method, high sensitivity or less false negative is needed. Therefore, only few people who really have the disease (the false negative) can\u27t be reached by the gold standard of diagnostic test.Conclusions: It could be concluded that the combination of vaginal acidity and whiff test is a useful tool for screening BV in pregnant women especially in the community-based health facility