90 research outputs found

    Profil Kondisi Lingkungan Kerja di Industri Pengolahan Udang

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    Working environment such as physical, biological and chemical factors can influence health status of the workers. The research objective was studying about working environment and health problem felt by the women workers in 25 shrimp manufacture factories in East Java. The research method was observational with descriptive data. Working environment variables include cleanliness, physical, biological, and chemical factors. The result showed that working environment was clean but slippery. The disturbing physical factors were over lighting (brightness) and cold temperature at cold storage. Chemical factor was high used of chlorine. Biological factor was the shrimp trashes. The health problems felt by the women workers were headache, nausea, stiff neck and fatique. It is concluded that the problems in shrimp industries were cold temperature, over lighting, the shrimp trashes and the high use of chlorine. The health problem reported was indicated as light health problem. Therefore it is suggested to arrange lightning, floor condition and shift schedule for workers who work at cold storage. Keywords: chemical factors, health complaint, physical factors, shrimp industries

    Effect of Circardian Rhythm Changes on Innate Immunity Response

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    The adaptation failure of circadian rhythm cause work stress for the night shift workers. The research aims to prove that the work stress will affect the innate immunity, by the concept of psychoneuroimmunology. The research was done by using quasi-experimental research design and similar working unit workers who have never been in night shift work as control. Samples were selected among male workers, unmarried, 2025 years old with good health status and no psychological disturbances. Responses of cortisol hormone was used as stress indicator, and cellular response of monocyte, lymphocyte, neuthrophyl, and natural killer (NK) cell were used as immune response indicators. Data were collected during 5 (five) working days. This study shows that cortisol hormone and neuthrophyl cell are the important indicators in the circadian rhythm among workers. Two profiles appear in the group studied. The first is considered adaptive to circadian rhythm. The second group, unadaptive group, is a group where the work stress occurs and this is showed by the high of cortisol response with low response of neuthrophyl cell. Circadian rhythm changes can play as a stressor for rotating shift worker.Key words: circadian rhythm, night shift, cortisol, psychoneuroimmunology, immune respons

    Pregnancy disorders in female workers at the industrial area of Sidoarjo, Indonesia

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    Background: The number of female workers in Indonesia has increased and female workers have been discovered to be very vulnerable to several hazards and health problems in the workplace environment linked to their menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze risk factors associated with pregnancy disorders in female workers. Design and Methods: The research was conducted through the use of a cross-sectional design with 307 female workers using simple random sampling. Furthermore, a descriptive analysis was conducted to describe the conditions of the respondents during pregnancy to childbirth process. Results: The results showed 45% of respondents had pregnancy disorders, 16% had miscarriages, and despite the fact most of the prenatal care processes was assisted by doctors or midwives, 2.6% of the respondents consulted Traditional Birth Attendants, who were also recorded and was found to account for 2.9% of the deliveries. Moreover, the risk factors associated with pregnancy disorders include vibrations (P=0.004), irritants (P=0.002) and repetitive works (P=0.009). Conclusions: It is recommended that companies should provide maternal and child health protection and control for any risk associated with female workers

    School bag weight and the occurrence of back pain among elementary school children

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    Background: Children in primary schools use school bags to carry study material, although the heavy bags are often associated with musculoskeletal problems, especially back pain. This practice requires strength, which significantly changes the body posture and walking pattern, subsequently leading to the incidence of back pain as a side effect. The aim of this study, therefore, is to analyze the differences in bag loads between elementary school children in urban and suburban area, and also analyze the relationship with the occurrence of back pain. Design and methods: This was a cross sectional study, which used stratified random sampling to choose 2 elementary schools each representing the urban and suburban areas. Furthermore, a total sample of 164 students were selected, whose school bag weight were measured for 5 consecutive days, particularly in the morning on respondents arrival at school. Moreover, the occurrence of back pain was evaluated using a modified Nordic map, and data analysis required the use of independent sample analysis t test and χ2 test.Results: The results showed the presence of highly significant differences in the school bags weight of respondents in the urban and suburban areas, as well as between schools using the 2013 curriculum and otherwise. Conclusions: In conclusion, there is a correlation between the weight measured and the occurrence of back pain, hence the 2013 curriculum is recommended to be adopted by all elementary schools. Also, the use of lockers to store items used at school repeatedly by children is also highly encouraged

    Hubungan antara Stresor Kerja dengan Insomnia pada Pekerja Bergilir Bagian Central Processing Area di Job P-pej Tuban

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    Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB P-PEJ) is one of the Cooperation Contract in the oil and gas exploration of the region of East Java Soko District of Tuban. In the Central Processing Area (CPA), JOB P-PEJ shift system imposes on its workers. Job rotation or shift has the potential for the occurrence of stress and other health disorders. The purpose of this research analyzed the relationship between job stressors with insomnia in shift workers Central Processing Area (CPA) Joint Operating Body Pertamina-Petrochina East Java (JOB P-PEJ) Tuban. This research used cross sectional design and used analytic analysis. This research used primary data from result of the Diagnostic of Stress and Insomnia Severity Index questionnaire and also secondary data from the company. The results showed that there was relationship between job stressors role conflict and overload qualitative with insomnia while working the day shift with a value of 0,034 and 0,010 significancy. There was also a relationship between job stressors were overload quantitative and qualitative with insomnia while working the night shift with a value of 0,038 and 0,013 significancy. And there was a statistically significant difference between insomnia while working the day shift and night shift with a value of 0,000 significancy. Suggestions are given for the company is to make counseling program, analyze or review existing job description, hold meetings and refreshing programs regularly to increase motivation to work. And suggestions given to the worker include: exercise regularly, use the time off to bed early, and plan the daily agenda so that the task can be completed earlier.Keywords: job stressor, insomnia, shift worke

    Hubungan Usia dan Masa Kerja dengan Nilai Ambang Dengar Pekerja yang Terpapar Bising di PT. X Sidoarjo

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    One factor that could result in disturbance of health in the process production is noise the following noise interferes due to the use of thr machine production. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation of age and working period with hearing threshold value of workers exposed to noise in the unit of production Steel Melting Shop PT. X Sidoarjo. This study used cross-sectional design. Population of the study is labor in the production of Steel Melting Shop PT. X Sidoarjo as many as 108 employees. Samplesin this study are 28 employees, taken by simple random sampling with criteria inklusi willing to be the sample of the research and not experience pain (no history of ear disease and had never experienced head trauma). Variables independent is age, and working period. Variable dependent is a hearing threshold value. Noise measurements in the unit production of Steel Melting Shop PT. X Sidoarjo show his worth beyond NAB (106 dB s/d 107 dB). Workup audiometri show 22 from 28 sample had abnormal hearing threshold value (> 25 dB). Test with correlation pearson showed relationship age and working period with hearing threshold value. Conclusion from this study is that noise in the unit production of Steel Melting Shop PT. X Sidoarjo beyond NAB and many workers had abnormal hearing threshold value as the correlation of age and working period with a worker hearing threshold value PT. X Sidoarjo. Do the rotation of workers to reduce long exposure to high risk workers exposed to noise

    The determinants of Safety behavior in hospital

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    Nosocomial infection poses a serious thread if the health care workers (HCWs) did not perform safety behavior. The complete implementation of universal precautions indicates that the HCWs perform good safety behavior. The objective of this research was to analyze the determinants of HCWs’ safety behavior in hospital.The research was conducted in two hospitals involving 120 nurses as sample.The dependent variable was safety behavior in the implementation of universal precautions while the external variables were:management commitment, management communication, employee involvement, risk response appreciation, work pressures, rules and procedures, work environment and supervision environment. Data analysis was performed using logistic regression. The result showed Internal variable influence safety behavior was sex (p-value=0.039) while the external variables were: management communication (p-value=0.003), employee involvement (p-value=0,041), work pressures (p-value=0,047). In conclusion, safety behavior in hospital was influenced by sex,management communication, employee involvement,and work pressure


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    ABSTRACT One of eye’s health problems that can be experienced by batik artisans are eyestrain. There are many factors that can cause eyestrain, one of them is the intensity of the illumination. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the intensity of illumination with eyestrain on batik artisans. This type of research is descriptive observational study with cross sectional design. This research was conducted in nine home industry batik which is in the area of Kampung Batik Jetis Sidoarjo. Data obtained by direct measurement, observation, interviews, and see the monument which contains the history of the Jetis batik village. The results showed that the intensity of illumination in some Jetis batik home industry does not reach the standards of the majority of the UNEP (500 lux). The craftsmen who experience eyestrain or not, the amount is balance. Based on the results of the statistical test known that the value of Cramer’s V coefficient is 0.905, which means the intensity of illumination with eyestrain has a very strong relationship level. The conclusion is, the intensity of the light which majority does not reach the standards had a very strong relationship with eyestrain. It is recommended to improve workplace hygiene lighting installation (including lamps), perform color settings and decorations workplace, using natural light as much as possible, and perform eye exams to the eye doctor regularly. Especially if the batik artisan’s eyes look red, watery, and itchy and feeling frequent headaches. Keywords: intensity of illumination, eyestrai
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