36 research outputs found

    Procesamiento cerebral de estímulos no dolorosos en pacientes con fibromialgia: un estudio mediante potenciales evocados

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    A presente tese ten como principal obxectivo profundar en tres das hipóteses que poderían explicar a fisiopatoloxía da fibromialxia (FM), unha complexa enfermidade de dor crónica: a hipervixilancia xeneralizada, os déficits nos sistemas inhibitorios (preatencionais) e a presenza de sesgos atencionais. Para iso empregarase a técnica dos potenciais evocados, un índice directo da actividade cerebral que foi sinalado como un dos biomarcadores máis prometedores nesta área de investigación. Ademáis, como parte do presente estudo, realizarase unha coidada caracterización clínica dos pacientes e grupo control que permitirá investigar o papel das variables clínicas no procesamento cerebral na FM

    Utilidad diagnóstica y clínica del PET cerebral de amiloide en deterioro cognitivo leve, enfermedad de Alzheimer u otras demencias

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    O obxectivo deste documento é avaliar, mediante revisión sistemática, a efectividade e seguridade do PET cerebral de amiloide no diagnóstico do deterioro cognitivo, enfermidade de Alzheimer ou outras demencias, así como o seu impacto no manexo diagnóstico e terapéutico destes pacientes.El objetivo de este documento es evaluar, mediante revisión sistemática, la efectividad y seguridad del PET cerebral de amiloide en el diagnóstico cognitivo , enfermedad de Alzheimer u otras demencias, así como su impacto en el manejo diagnóstico y terapéutico de estos pacientes

    Avatar Therapy for auditory verbal hallucinations

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    O obxectivo deste documento é avaliar a Terapia AVATAR (AVATAR therapy, Audio Visual Assisted Therapy Aid for Refractory auditory hallucinations)El objetivo de este documento es evaluar la Terapia AVATAR (AVATAR therapy, Audio Visual Assisted Therapy Aid for Refractory auditory hallucinations

    Risk-Reduction Mastectomy versus other preventive options in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutation carriers

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    O obxectivo deste documento é avaliar de forma comparada a eficacia/efectividade e seguridade da mastectomía de redución de risco en mulleres portadoras de mutacóns en BRCA1 e/ou BRCA2 fronte a outras estratexias preventivas de diagnóstico precoz. Ademais da efectividade en termos de incidencia, mortalidade, supervivencia, calidade de vida, satisfacción e seguridade, abordaranse aspectos económicos, organizativos, éticos, sociais e legais.El objetivo de este documento es evaluar de forma comparada la eficacia/efectividad y seguridad de la mastectomía de reducción de riesgo en mujeres portadoras de mutaciones en BRCA1 y/o BRCA2 frente a otras estrategias preventivas de diagnóstico precoz. Además de la efectividad en términos de incidencia, mortalidad, supervivencia, calidad de vida, satisfacción y seguridad, se abordarán aspectos económicos, organizativos, éticos, sociales y legales

    Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on chronic pain in Spain: a scoping review

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    The COVID-19 outbreak has been a great challenge in the management of chronic pain patients. We have conducted a rapid scoping review to assess the impact of the pandemic (and the associated public health measures) on the health status and management practices of chronic pain patients in Spain. To this end, we performed a bibliographic search in LitCOVID and PubMed, and reviewed official websites and documents, and expert reports. The review showed that (1) the studies consistently indicate that the pandemic has had a very negative impact on the physical and psychological health of chronic pain patients; (2) there are scarce data on how the pandemic affected pain unit consultations and a lack of protocols to organize health care in the face of future waves of contagion, with little implementation of telehealth. We make proposals to improve management of chronic pain patients in pandemic situations, which should pivot around 3 axes: (1) a coordinated response of all the relevant stakeholders to define a future roadmap and research priorities, (2) a biopsychosocial approach in pain management, and (3) development and implementation of novel telemedicine solutions.The authors thank Beatriz Casal, information specialist, for advice on the bibliographic search, and to Dr. Carina Fernandes, Dr. López-País and to Dr. Mónica Moldes who provided input to a first draft of the article. Funding: this study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (reference PID2019-107986RB-100)

    Feasibility and applicability of the TIDY Program (Therapeutic Identification of Depression in Young People) in the National Health System

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    O obxectivo deste documento é avaliar a viabilidade e aplicabilidade do Programa TIDY no Sistema Nacional de Saúde. Este informe revisa a evidencia científica sobre a efectividade, seguridade e viabilidade do programa TIDY ou programas alternativos de identificación terapéutica da depresión en atención primariaEl objetivo de este documento es evaluar la viabilidad y aplicabilidad del Programa TIDY en el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Este informe revisa la evidencia científica sobre la efectividad, seguridad y viabilidad del programa TIDY o programas alternativos de identificación terapéutica de la depresión en atención primari

    First-time admissions for opioid treatment: crosssectional and descriptive study of new opioid users seeking treatment

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the profiles of the new treatment demands posed by opioid addicts between 2005 and 2010 at the addictive disorders assistance units in Galicia, Spain. Methods: A cluster analysis was performed using data from 1,655 treatment entrants. Clusters were constructed using sociodemographic and medicolegal variables. A cluster analysis was also conducted according to age. Once clusters were defined, their association with the following variables was analyzed: age at first use of opioids, years of use, frequency of opioid use in the previous month, psychiatric treatment, cocaine use, existence of a drug-dependent partner, and source of referral. Results: Four clusters were obtained in the main analysis. Cluster 1 (34.01%) consisted of young males, cluster 2 (16.19%) consisted of not-so-young males, cluster 3 (32.62%) consisted mainly of older males and a small group of females, and cluster 4 (17.18%) was made up entirely of women. With regard to age-related clusters, two clusters were obtained in those under the age of 30 years: cluster 1 (73%) without medicolegal complications and cluster 2 (27%) with medicolegal complications. For those over the age of 30 years, two clusters were obtained: cluster 1 (53.92%) with hardly any medicolegal complications and cluster 2 (46.08%) with medicolegal complications. Conclusion: Cluster analysis suggests that there have been no substantial changes in variables indicating greater severity in this new group of patients. Women are likely to seek help earlier, which reduces their duration of opioid use. The younger the patient, the shorter the duration of opioid use and the greater the likelihood of cessation of intravenous use. Public health systems should use a two-pronged treatment strategy of short but intense cessation therapies for women and younger treatment entrants and longer maintenance and replacement therapies for older treatment entrants with more psychosocial and medical complications.This study was partly supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Salud MentalS

    Sarcoidosis información para pacientes y familiares

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    En portada aparecen logos de Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Guiasalud.es, Red Española de Agencias de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias y Prestaciones del SNS

    Evaluación de las necesidades y elaboración de un documento de información para pacientes con sarcoidosis basado en la evidencia

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    En portada aparecen logos de Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad y Red Española de Agencias de Evaluación de Tecnologías y Prestaciones del SN

    ¿Cómo mejorar la práctica clínica de la depresión?: una aproximación cualitativa

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    En cubierta aparecen logos del Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, y de la Red Española de Agencias de Evaluación de Tecnologías y Prestaciones del SN