3 research outputs found
Atenção primária à saúde e a construção de sentidos para a saúde bucal: leitura construcionista social sobre discursos de idosos Primary healthcare and the construction of meanings for oral health: a social constructionist interpretation of discourses by the elderly
A odontologia mostra-se, na atualidade, aberta à construção de novos sentidos para saúde bucal. Esta abertura vem ao encontro da produção social da saúde e mostra a contextualização de aspectos sociais, históricos dos diversos saberes para as diferentes comunidades. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi construir sentidos para a saúde bucal com um grupo de idosos, propondo uma aproximação entre os discursos trazidos por idosos e o Construcionista Social. Assim, foram entrevistados 14 idosos cadastrados em uma Unidade de saúde da família na cidade de Ribeirão Preto (SP) no primeiro semestre de 2010 e identificados dois Repertórios Interpretativos, por meio da Análise de Discurso, que mostraram as relações existentes entre 1-Deficiência de informação e assistência odontológica na infância, e 2-Atenção Primária à Saúde construindo o sentido da saúde bucal. Concluiu-se que o Construcionismo Social vem colaborar epistemologicamente para a construção de sentidos para saúde bucal e que a Atenção Primaria à Saúde é essencial para valorização e cuidado com a saúde que permite a construção de sentidos para a saúde bucal por parte de idosos, gerando condições para autocuidado e atitudes saudáveis.<br>Dentistry is nowadays open to new ideas about the constructions of meanings for oral health. This openness tallies with the social production of health and shows the need to contextualize the social, historical and sundry knowledge in the development of oral health for different communities. The scope of this research is to build meanings for oral health with a group of elderly people. With this in mind, we propose an approximation between the discourses of the elderly on oral health and the Social Constructionist discourse. Thus, we interviewed 14 elderly people registered with a Family Health Unit in Ribeirão Preto in the State of São Paulo in the first semester of 2010. This enabled us to identify two Interpretative Repertoires with the use of Discourse Analysis, which showed the relationship between: 1 - Lack of dental information and assistance in childhood; and 2 - Primary Healthcare constructing meaning for oral health. We concluded that Social Constructionism assists epistemologically for the construction of meaning for oral health and that Primary Healthcare is essential for valuing healthcare for the construction of meaning for oral health on the part of the elderly by fostering conditions for self care and healthy attitudes
Nursing values as social practice: a qualitative meta-synthesis
OBJECTIVE: to identify values which structure and guide nursing as social practice. METHOD: qualitative meta-synthesis. RESULTS: three concepts were identified: The tension between technique, organization and ethics in the nurse's practice; Historical carry-overs of the values which run through nursing practice; Attention to ethics, to reform of the health system, and to the humanization of care. These led to the synthesis of the principal variables 'planning' and 'care', which represent, respectively, guiding values of the technical-operative and ethical-moral elements of the social practice of nursing. CONCLUSION: these values are articulated through the prism of ordering so as to care well. Their recognition contributed to a better understanding of the process of health care and nursing care