4,282 research outputs found

    An Early Bronze Age 'dagger grave' from Rameldry Farm, near Kingskettle, Fife

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    In February 2000, ploughing disturbed the capstone of a cist, located on the side of a prominent knowe at Rameldry Farm, near Kingskettle in central Fife. Excavation by Headland Archaeology Ltd on behalf of Historic Scotland revealed a short cist which contained the crouched inhumation of a man aged 40-50, who had suffered from arthritis, some tooth loss and possibly Paget's Disease. He had been buried wearing a garment adorned with six V-pelforated buttons. Five of these are of Whitby jet (including one with unique decoration including inlaid tin); the sixth is of the mineral lizardite, and has an enigmatic coating, possibly a glaze. Behind his shoulder was a dagger, of 'Milston type (East Kennet variant) it had had a fancy horn hilt and a scabbard lined with animal skin. The scabbard yielded two A MS radiocarbon dates, with a mean value of 2280-1970 cal Bc at 2

    Bulge plus disc and S\'ersic decomposition catalogues for 16,908 galaxies in the SDSS Stripe 82 co-adds: A detailed study of the ugrizugriz structural measurements

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    Quantitative characterization of galaxy morphology is vital in enabling comparison of observations to predictions from galaxy formation theory. However, without significant overlap between the observational footprints of deep and shallow galaxy surveys, the extent to which structural measurements for large galaxy samples are robust to image quality (e.g., depth, spatial resolution) cannot be established. Deep images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82 co-adds provide a unique solution to this problem - offering 1.6−1.81.6-1.8 magnitudes improvement in depth with respect to SDSS Legacy images. Having similar spatial resolution to Legacy, the co-adds make it possible to examine the sensitivity of parametric morphologies to depth alone. Using the Gim2D surface-brightness decomposition software, we provide public morphology catalogs for 16,908 galaxies in the Stripe 82 ugrizugriz co-adds. Our methods and selection are completely consistent with the Simard et al. (2011) and Mendel et al. (2014) photometric decompositions. We rigorously compare measurements in the deep and shallow images. We find no systematics in total magnitudes and sizes except for faint galaxies in the uu-band and the brightest galaxies in each band. However, characterization of bulge-to-total fractions is significantly improved in the deep images. Furthermore, statistics used to determine whether single-S\'ersic or two-component (e.g., bulge+disc) models are required become more bimodal in the deep images. Lastly, we show that asymmetries are enhanced in the deep images and that the enhancement is positively correlated with the asymmetries measured in Legacy images.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures. MNRAS accepted. Our catalogs are available in TXT and SQL formats at http://orca.phys.uvic.ca/~cbottrel/share/Stripe82/Catalogs

    The signature of dissipation in the mass-size relation: are bulges simply spheroids wrapped in a disc?

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    The relation between the stellar mass and size of a galaxy's structural subcomponents, such as discs and spheroids, is a powerful way to understand the processes involved in their formation. Using very large catalogues of photometric bulge+disc structural decompositions and stellar masses from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Seven, we carefully define two large subsamples of spheroids in a quantitative manner such that both samples share similar characteristics with one important exception: the 'bulges' are embedded in a disc and the 'pure spheroids' are galaxies with a single structural component. Our bulge and pure spheroid subsample sizes are 76,012 and 171,243 respectively. Above a stellar mass of ~101010^{10} M⊙_{\odot}, the mass-size relations of both subsamples are parallel to one another and are close to lines of constant surface mass density. However, the relations are offset by a factor of 1.4, which may be explained by the dominance of dissipation in their formation processes. Whereas the size-mass relation of bulges in discs is consistent with gas-rich mergers, pure spheroids appear to have been formed via a combination of 'dry' and 'wet' mergers.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 6 pages, 3 figure

    Galaxy pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - IX: Merger-induced AGN activity as traced by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer

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    Interactions between galaxies are predicted to cause gas inflows that can potentially trigger nuclear activity. Since the inflowing material can obscure the central regions of interacting galaxies, a potential limitation of previous optical studies is that obscured Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be missed at various stages along the merger sequence. We present the first large mid-infrared study of AGNs in mergers and galaxy pairs, in order to quantify the incidence of obscured AGNs triggered by interactions. The sample consists of galaxy pairs and post-mergers drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey that are matched to detections by the Wide Field Infrared Sky Explorer (WISE). We find that the fraction of AGN in the pairs, relative to a mass-, redshift- and environment-matched control sample, increases as a function of decreasing projected separation. This enhancement is most dramatic in the post-merger sample, where we find a factor of 10-20 excess in the AGN fraction compared with the control. Although this trend is in qualitative agreement with results based on optical AGN selection, the mid-infrared selected AGN excess increases much more dramatically in the post-mergers than is seen for optical AGN. Our results suggest that energetically dominant optically obscured AGNs become more prevalent in the most advanced mergers, consistent with theoretical predictions.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures accepted to MNRAS (with minor revisions

    Bulge mass is king: The dominant role of the bulge in determining the fraction of passive galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We investigate the origin of galaxy bimodality by quantifying the relative role of intrinsic and environmental drivers to the cessation (or `quenching') of star formation in over half a million local Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxies. Our sample contains a wide variety of galaxies at z=0.02-0.2, with stellar masses of 8 < log(M*/M_sun) < 12, spanning the entire morphological range from pure disks to spheroids, and over four orders of magnitude in local galaxy density and halo mass. We utilise published star formation rates and add to this recent GIM2D photometric and stellar mass bulge + disk decompositions from our group. We find that the passive fraction of galaxies increases steeply with stellar mass, halo mass, and bulge mass, with a less steep dependence on local galaxy density and bulge-to-total stellar mass ratio (B/T). At fixed internal properties, we find that central and satellite galaxies have different passive fraction relationships. For centrals, we conclude that there is less variation in the passive fraction at a fixed bulge mass, than for any other variable, including total stellar mass, halo mass, and B/T. This implies that the quenching mechanism must be most tightly coupled to the bulge. We argue that radio-mode AGN feedback offers the most plausible explanation of the observed trends.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS. 32 pages, 27 figures. [This version is virtually identical to v1
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