8 research outputs found

    Media Consumption Trends in Russia under Digitalization

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    The paper analyses media consumption in Russia and media business strategies. The authors describe the media environment and identify the central trends typical of the transition to digital communication in society. The research approach implies evaluating the volume and distinguishing features of information consumption using the main media resources (the Internet, television, radio and print media). The information and empirical base of the research include the data of the Mediascope analytical agency, the statistical data provided by the Russian Federal State Statistic Service (Rosstat) and the results of research studies performed by consulting companies for the period of 2003-2017/2018. The paper presents the dynamics and specificity of transformation in the media environment and discusses a range of trends in media consumption: such as communication technology development; changes in the structure of media consumption; an increase in online advertising; a gradual transformation of media, etc. The results obtained show that the share of organizations and households in Russia that use the Internet in their work is constantly growing, but this growth is uneven and heterogeneous. Our findings prove that there are age (generation) differences in using traditional and new media, and the frequency of using information resources is changing

    Brand Marketing Trends in Russian Social Media

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    In the paper, the authors have reviewed common actions, an aim of which is consumer engagement in interactions with a brand in social media. They have also reviewed engagement types and effects of their use. Based on a literature review, in a clearer way, the authors have presented attributes of Internet marketing and explored brand-marketing challenges on the Internet. Authors have summarized the information on Russian users' efforts in social media. Based on empirical data, the researchers have made a portrait of media actors and the audience in Russian social media, identified target groups among consumers by a number of criteria. They have also completed an analysis of common ways for promotion of companies (brands) and their products and services, taking into account a structure of social media users and specifics of communication channels. Findings include identified most common lines of business for promotion in a competitive social media based on efficiency of the engagement response (rate) per brand/product-specific page or post. These data have made it possible to formalize strategic goals and possible results of brand marketing for various types of social media

    A methodological approach to forecasting spatial distribution of workplaces in an industrial metropolis

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    Many world cities retain their unique industrial status. Such a feature of the economy of an industrial metropolis imposes additional requirements on the development of the forecast of spatial distribution of workplaces. The article highlights the contradictions of the long-term development of an industrial megalopolis, which become scenic forks, when forecasted. These include optimization of the industrial and trade-service sectors of the economy, the ratio of inertial and innovative development vectors, variability of migration flows and the choice of the agglomeration model type. The article is devoted to the problem of forecasting the development of a large metropolis, where the industrial sector plays a significant role in the economy. At the methodological level, the article justifies principles of spatial development of an industrial metropolis. The article describes forecasting tools for spatial location of workplaces, based on a combination of several models. The study was performed through the example of Ekaterinburg – the industrial capital of Russia; the metropolis scenarios were justified until 2035; the forecast of spatial distribution was calculated through the example of the two sectors competing for investments – industrial and trade-service. The authors substantiate spatial distribution of workplaces taking into account the projected number of people employed, the number of population of working age and distinguishing features of transport behavior of citizens. The paper demonstrates that the number of large industrial enterprises in a historically industrial center and its first zone decreases, and the modern industry in the form of small and medium-sized businesses located in industrial parks commence gradually forming a circuit with nodes on transport routes towards the largest consumer territories

    Media Consumption Trends in Russia under Digitalization

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    The paper analyses media consumption in Russia and media business strategies. The authors describe the media environment and identify the central trends typical of the transition to digital communication in society. The research approach implies evaluating the volume and distinguishing features of information consumption using the main media resources (the Internet, television, radio and print media). The information and empirical base of the research include the data of the Mediascope analytical agency, the statistical data provided by the Russian Federal State Statistic Service (Rosstat) and the results of research studies performed by consulting companies for the period of 2003-2017/2018. The paper presents the dynamics and specificity of transformation in the media environment and discusses a range of trends in media consumption: such as communication technology development; changes in the structure of media consumption; an increase in online advertising; a gradual transformation of media, etc. The results obtained show that the share of organizations and households in Russia that use the Internet in their work is constantly growing, but this growth is uneven and heterogeneous. Our findings prove that there are age (generation) differences in using traditional and new media, and the frequency of using information resources is changing

    Brand Marketing Trends in Russian Social Media

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    In the paper, the authors have reviewed common actions, an aim of which is consumer engagement in interactions with a brand in social media. They have also reviewed engagement types and effects of their use. Based on a literature review, in a clearer way, the authors have presented attributes of Internet marketing and explored brand-marketing challenges on the Internet. Authors have summarized the information on Russian users' efforts in social media. Based on empirical data, the researchers have made a portrait of media actors and the audience in Russian social media, identified target groups among consumers by a number of criteria. They have also completed an analysis of common ways for promotion of companies (brands) and their products and services, taking into account a structure of social media users and specifics of communication channels. Findings include identified most common lines of business for promotion in a competitive social media based on efficiency of the engagement response (rate) per brand/product-specific page or post. These data have made it possible to formalize strategic goals and possible results of brand marketing for various types of social media