355 research outputs found

    From inflation to dark energy in the non-minimal modified gravity

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    We consider the modified gravity non-minimally coupled with matter Lagrangian for the description of early-time and late-time universe. Such F(R)F(R) (F(G)F(G)) gravity in the absence of non-minimal coupling is viable theory which passes the local tests and reproduces the Λ\LambdaCDM era. For qualitatively similar choice of non-minimal gravitational coupling function it is shown that the unified description of early-time inflation and late-time cosmic acceleration is possible. It is interesting that matter (scalar) which supports the inflationary era is gravitationally screened at late times. Hence, it may be effectively invisible at current universe.Comment: LaTeX file, 10 pages, based on the talk given by S.D. Odintsov at ICGA8 conference, Nara, Japa

    On the Definition of Effective Permittivity and Permeability For Thin Composite Layers

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    The problem of definition of effective material parameters (permittivity and permeability) for composite layers containing only one-two parallel arrays of complex-shaped inclusions is discussed. Such structures are of high importance for the design of novel metamaterials, where the realizable layers quite often have only one or two layers of particles across the sample thickness. Effective parameters which describe the averaged induced polarizations are introduced. As an explicit example, we develop an analytical model suitable for calculation of the effective material parameters ϵeff\epsilon_{\rm{eff}} and μeff\mu_{\rm{eff}} for double arrays of electrically small electrically polarizable scatterers. Electric and magnetic dipole moments induced in the structure and the corresponding reflection and transmission coefficients are calculated using the local field approach for the normal plane-wave incidence, and effective parameters are introduced through the averaged fields and polarizations. In the absence of losses both material parameters are purely real and satisfy the Kramers-Kronig relations and the second law of thermodynamics. We compare the analytical results to the simulated and experimental results available in the literature. The physical meaning of the introduced parameters is discussed in detail.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Quasiclassical calculations of BBR-induced depopulation rates and effective lifetimes of Rydberg nS, nP and nD alkali-metal atoms with n < 80

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    Rates of depopulation by blackbody radiation (BBR) and effective lifetimes of alkali-metal \textit{nS}, \textit{n}P and \textit{nD} Rydberg states have been calculated in a wide range of principal quantum numbers n80n \le 80 at the ambient temperatures of 77, 300 and 600 K. Quasiclassical formulas were used to calculate the radial matrix elements of the dipole transitions from Rydberg states. Good agreement of our numerical results with the available theoretical and experimental data has been found. We have also obtained simple analytical formulas for estimates of effective lifetimes and BBR-induced depopulation rates, which well agree with the numerical data.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables. Typo in Eq.16 corrected in V2. Typos in Eq.5 and Eq.9 corrected in V3. Error in calculation of Rb nP_{3/2} effective lifetimes corrected in V4: see new data in Table II and Table VII, Erratum to be published in PR

    Synthesis of nitroxyl radical by direct nucleophilic functionalization of a C-H bond in the azadiene systems

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    Cyclic dinitrones underwent nucleophilic substitution of the hydrogen atom in the reaction with a paramagnetic carbanion, the lithium derivative of 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-1-oxyl 3-oxide, to give polyfunctional nitronyl nitroxyls. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Full light absorption in single arrays of spherical nanoparticles

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    In this paper we show that arrays of core-shell nanoparticles function as effective thin absorbers of light. In contrast to known metamaterial absorbers, the introduced absorbers are formed by single planar arrays of spherical inclusions and enable full absorption of light incident on either or both sides of the array. We demonstrate possibilities for realizing different kinds of symmetric absorbers, including resonant, ultra-broadband, angularly selective, and all-angle absorbers. The physical principle behind these designs is explained considering balanced electric and magnetic responses of unit cells. Photovoltaic devices and thermal emitters are the two most important potential applications of the proposed designs.Comment: (e.g.: 18 pages, 5 figures

    Effect of finite detection efficiency on the observation of the dipole-dipole interaction of a few Rydberg atoms

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    We have developed a simple analytical model describing multi-atom signals that are measured in experiments on dipole-dipole interaction at resonant collisions of a few Rydberg atoms. It has been shown that finite efficiency of the selective field-ionization detector leads to the mixing up of the spectra of resonant collisions registered for various numbers of Rydberg atoms. The formulas which help to estimate an appropriate mean Rydberg atom number for a given detection efficiency are presented. We have found that a measurement of the relation between the amplitudes of collisional resonances observed in the one- and two-atom signals provides a straightforward determination of the absolute detection efficiency and mean Rydberg atom number. We also performed a testing experiment on resonant collisions in a small excitation volume of a sodium atomic beam. The resonances observed for 1 to 4 detected Rydberg atoms have been analyzed and compared with theory.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; equations 8,9,18,19,23,26-31, figures 3 and 4(d), and measurements revised in version