5 research outputs found

    Measured water discharges, suspended supply and morphometric parameters of cross-sections in the Lena River Delta during summer period 2002-2012

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    The datasets present hydrographic measurements on discharge and suspended supply in the Lena River Delta in the summer periods from 2002 to 2012. Water discharge was calculated according to profile depth and water current velocity measurements, sediment supply was received after water sampling, filtration and turbidity carrying out. Measurements on the standard hydrometrical cross-sections of Roshydromet (Russian Federal Service for Hydrometorology and Environmental Monitoring) are coded with "H". These are across the Lena Main Channel at 4,7 km from Stolb station, Olenekskskaya, Tumatskaya, Bykovskaya, and Trovimovskaya hydrometrical cross-sections. Parameter "Water level at Stolb station, cm" means daily measurements of water level of the Bykovskaya channel at the Stolb (Habarova, Sokol) station of Roshydromet. We undertook a lot of measurements on the additional cross-sections along the length of channels. Along Tumatskaya channel it was done in 2006, along Sardahkskaya channel - in 2002 and 2005. Along Olenekskaya channel in 2005 and 2012 measurements were done including mouth area and Angardam channel. Stations near Chay-Tumus and Nadym on Olenekskaya channel were measured more frequently. Detailed hydrological situation was analyzed near Sardahk Island bifurcation. All data were carried out by scientists from Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and Saint Petersburg State University of Russia during Russian-German expeditions to the Lena delta and ongoing projects "Scientific research station "Samoylov Island" of the program "The Laptev Sea System". New campaigns will be added every year

    Measured water discharges, suspended supply and morphometric parameters of cross-sections in the Lena River Delta during summer period 2008

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    The datasets present hydrographic measurements on discharge and suspended supply in the Lena River Delta in the summer periods from 2002 to 2012. Water discharge was calculated according to profile depth and water current velocity measurements, sediment supply was received after water sampling, filtration and turbidity carrying out. Measurements on the standard hydrometrical cross-sections of Roshydromet (Russian Federal Service for Hydrometorology and Environmental Monitoring) are coded with "H". These are across the Lena Main Channel at 4,7 km from Stolb station, Olenekskskaya, Tumatskaya, Bykovskaya, and Trovimovskaya hydrometrical cross-sections. Parameter "Water level at Stolb station, cm" means daily measurements of water level of the Bykovskaya channel at the Stolb (Habarova, Sokol) station of Roshydromet. We undertook a lot of measurements on the additional cross-sections along the length of channels. Along Tumatskaya channel it was done in 2006, along Sardahkskaya channel - in 2002 and 2005. Along Olenekskaya channel in 2005 and 2012 measurements were done including mouth area and Angardam channel. Stations near Chay-Tumus and Nadym on Olenekskaya channel were measured more frequently. Detailed hydrological situation was analyzed near Sardahk Island bifurcation. All data were carried out by scientists from Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and Saint Petersburg State University of Russia during Russian-German expeditions to the Lena delta and ongoing projects "Scientific research station "Samoylov Island" of the program "The Laptev Sea System". New campaigns will be added every year

    Electrical Resistance Preheating of High-Amperage Cells

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    На текущий момент нет единого мнения о том, какой способ обжига лучше. В большинстве случаев выбор того или иного способа на каждом алюминиевом заводе определяется рядом объективных и субъективных факторов. Зачастую при выборе способа обжига не учитываются затраты на использование энергии на этот процесс (электрической или от сжигания эквивалентного количества различных видов топлива), что может иметь существенное значение для различных регионов и влиять на себестоимость выпускаемого алюминия. В данной статье представлены результаты испытаний электрического обжига электролизеров опытного участка РА-400 ОАО «РУСАЛ Саяногорск»At present, there is no single opinion on which cell preheating method is best. In most cases, such a method (that is to be chosen for a smelter) is chosen based on a number of objective and subjective factors. It is often when a method is chosen that power expenses (either electricity or power generated from fuel combustion) for such a method are not taken into account. However, it can play a crucial role for different regions and influence the production cost of Al. This paper discusses the results of testing the method of electrical preheating in a pilot cell area (RA-400 cells) at OJSC RUSAL Sayanogors

    Electrical Resistance Preheating of High-Amperage Cells

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    На текущий момент нет единого мнения о том, какой способ обжига лучше. В большинстве случаев выбор того или иного способа на каждом алюминиевом заводе определяется рядом объективных и субъективных факторов. Зачастую при выборе способа обжига не учитываются затраты на использование энергии на этот процесс (электрической или от сжигания эквивалентного количества различных видов топлива), что может иметь существенное значение для различных регионов и влиять на себестоимость выпускаемого алюминия. В данной статье представлены результаты испытаний электрического обжига электролизеров опытного участка РА-400 ОАО «РУСАЛ Саяногорск»At present, there is no single opinion on which cell preheating method is best. In most cases, such a method (that is to be chosen for a smelter) is chosen based on a number of objective and subjective factors. It is often when a method is chosen that power expenses (either electricity or power generated from fuel combustion) for such a method are not taken into account. However, it can play a crucial role for different regions and influence the production cost of Al. This paper discusses the results of testing the method of electrical preheating in a pilot cell area (RA-400 cells) at OJSC RUSAL Sayanogors