12 research outputs found


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    Facing the need for preservation and maintenance of biological materials, among them fungi with potential for biological control, for biotechnological and scientific development, which are gaining prominence in the world scenario. It is necessary to adapt preservation methods that besides guaranteeing the survival of these microorganisms allow the conservation of their morphological, physiological and genetic characteristics, however, there is no ideal or universal method for the conservation of biological materials. In view of this need, the present work had the objective of evaluating the efficacy and feasibility of three methods for the preservation of Phoma dimorpha (periodic repictions, Castellani and filter paper fragments) isolates in two evaluation periods, six and twelve months after the storage. Efficacy and viability were studied by mycelial growth of the fungus in a culture medium containing potato-dextrose-agar. There was variability between the preservation methods of the P. dimorpha fungus isolate for mycelial growth, method efficacy and mycelial growth rate index, in the two evaluation periods, after six and twelve months of storage. The filter paper fragment preservation method was the most effective in preserving the P. dimorpha fungus isolate in the two evaluation periods, after six and twelve months of storage, being ideal to obtain the highest mycelial growth, efficacy of the method and mycelial growth rate index.Frente a necessidade de preservação e a manutenção de materiais biológicos, dentre eles fungos com potencial para controle biológico, para o desenvolvimento biotecnológico e científico, que vêm ganhando destaque no cenário mundial. Sendo necessário a adequação de métodos de preservação que além de garantia a sobrevivência destes microrganismos permitam a conservação de suas características morfológicas, fisiológicas e genéticas, no entanto, não existe um método ideal ou universal para a conservação de materiais biológicos. Diante desta necessidade o presente trabalho teve como objetivo de avaliar a eficácia e viabilidade de três métodos de preservação de isolados do fungo Phoma dimorpha (repicagens periódicas, Castellani e fragmentos de papel-filtro), em dois períodos de avaliação, seis e doze meses após o armazenamento. Estudou-se a eficácia e viabilidade, através do crescimento micelial do fungo em meio de cultivo contendo batata-dextrose-ágar. Houve variabilidade entre os métodos de preservação do isolado do fungo P. dimorpha para o crescimento micelial, eficácia do método e índice de velocidade do crescimento micelial, nos dois períodos de avaliação, após seis e doze meses de armazenamento. O método de preservação em fragmento de papel filtro mostrou-se como o mais eficaz na preservação do isolado do fungo P. dimorpha nos dois períodos de avaliação, após seis e doze meses de armazenamento, sendo ideal para obter o maior o crescimento micelial, eficácia do método e índice de velocidade do crescimento micelial

    Uso de membrana de microfiltração seguida de ultrafiltração no tratamento de efluente líquido de indústria de soro de leite / Use of microfiltration membrane followed by ultrafiltration in the treatment of liquid effluent from the whey industry

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar membrana de microfiltração (MF) seguida de uma membrana de ultrafiltração (UF) no tratamento de efluente líquido de indústria de soro de leite. Foi verificado que o fluxo da membrana de MF foi maior que a de UF. Em relação aos parâmetros nitrogênio total e carbono orgânico total a membrana de UF se apresentou mais eficiente do que a de MF. No entanto, nenhum parâmetro avaliado (cor, pH, nitrogênio total e carbono orgânico total) apresentou valores dentro da faixa estabelecida pela Resolução 128 de 2006 do Conselho Estadual do Meio Ambiente do Rio Grande do Sul

    Uso de membrana de microfiltração seguida de ultrafiltração no tratamento de efluente líquido de indústria de soro de leite / Use of microfiltration membrane followed by ultrafiltration in the treatment of liquid effluent from the whey industry

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar membrana de microfiltração (MF) seguida de uma membrana de ultrafiltração (UF) no tratamento de efluente líquido de indústria de soro de leite. Foi verificado que o fluxo da membrana de MF foi maior que a de UF. Em relação aos parâmetros nitrogênio total e carbono orgânico total a membrana de UF se apresentou mais eficiente do que a de MF. No entanto, nenhum parâmetro avaliado (cor, pH, nitrogênio total e carbono orgânico total) apresentou valores dentro da faixa estabelecida pela Resolução 128 de 2006 do Conselho Estadual do Meio Ambiente do Rio Grande do Sul

    Uso de membrana de microfiltração seguida de ultrafiltração no tratamento de efluente líquido de indústria de soro de leite / Use of microfiltration membrane followed by ultrafiltration in the treatment of liquid effluent from the whey industry

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar membrana de microfiltração (MF) seguida de uma membrana de ultrafiltração (UF) no tratamento de efluente líquido de indústria de soro de leite. Foi verificado que o fluxo da membrana de MF foi maior que a de UF. Em relação aos parâmetros nitrogênio total e carbono orgânico total a membrana de UF se apresentou mais eficiente do que a de MF. No entanto, nenhum parâmetro avaliado (cor, pH, nitrogênio total e carbono orgânico total) apresentou valores dentro da faixa estabelecida pela Resolução 128 de 2006 do Conselho Estadual do Meio Ambiente do Rio Grande do Sul. 


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    Water is one of the main limiting factors for achieving high productivity in agriculture. The hydric requirement of plants is fundamental for the dimensioning of the irrigation system and contributes to the better use of hydric resources. Moreover, the accurate computation of this element is essential for water management in agricultural systems. Nonetheless, due to the heterogeneity of different evapotranspiration estimation methods, the performance of its calculation can be considerably compromised. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to compare the methods for estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo) by Benevides & Lopes, Camargo, Hargreaves & Samani, Jensen & Haise, Linacre, Makkink, Penman, Priestley & Taylor, Tanner & Pelton, and Turc, with the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith standard method, to evaluate the performance and accuracy of equational models. Furthermore, data from an automatic weather station belonging to the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology (INMET), located in Palmeira das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from January 1, 2020, to January 1, 2021, were used. Comparative statistical methods were utilized to express the accuracy of the models and indicate the most appropriate equations for the conditions of the selected location. Cluster analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were applied. For Palmeira das Missões, the model proposed by Hargreaves & Samani indicated the best results and was characterized as the most appropriate alternative to estimate the ETo more accurately. The method indicated the most favorable results for R2 (0.9890), d (0.9253), and r (0.9944). Furthermore, cluster and PCA analyses expressed the behavior of relationships between different mathematical models and meteorological parameters in relation to the ETo determination

    Efeito de metabólitos secundários produzidos por Phoma dimorpha sobre a germinação e crescimento de sementes de diferentes espécies vegetais

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    Algumas espécies do gênero Phoma são consideradas fonte potencial de substâncias biologicamente ativas, as quais podem ser utilizadas no meio agrícola. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito dos metabólitos secundários presentes no caldo fermentado do fungo Phoma dimorpha sobre a germinação, crescimento, massa fresca e seca de plântulas e em folhas destacadas de diferentes espécies de plantas bioindicadoras e daninhas encontradas em diferentes regiões do mundo: Cucumis sativus, Triticum aestivum, Amaranthus cruentus, Bidens pilosa e Echinochloa sp. Observou-se efeito significativo sobre a germinação de todas as espécies avaliadas. As sementes das espécies dicotiledôneas (Cucumis sativus, Amaranthus cruentus e Bidens pilosa) mostraram-se mais sensíveis, inibindo totalmente a germinação. As sementes das espécies monocotiledôneas apresentaram-se resistentes, com maior capacidade de germinação. Em geral, o crescimento das plântulas das espécies estudadas foi inibido pelo caldo fermentado do fungo P. dimorpha. No teste em folha destacada, lesões foram observadas, com amarelecimento e necrose acentuada nas folhas de todas as espécies estudadas. O caldo fermentado do fungo P. dimorpha apresenta compostos biologicamente ativos, com ação bioherbicida com alta atividade fitotóxica

    Influence of potassium on the quality of grains and seeds of flooded rice

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    Potassium can influence the productivity and the physical and physiological qualities of grains and seeds of flooded rice, although its influence is not clear yet. Based on the necessity of more information, this work presents the evaluation of different stages of potassium application on rice grains productivity, physical quality (whole grain and chalk kernel) and seed physiological quality (vigor and germination). The results show that the potassium fertilization has an influence on the physical quality of rice grains. When performed near to the reproductive stage, it can increase the percentage of whole grains and decrease the chalk kernel index. For producing seeds, all fertilization should be done up to the V3 stage in order to increase the seed vigor

    Impact of MWCO and Dopamine/Polyethyleneimine Concentrations on Surface Properties and Filtration Performance of Modified Membranes

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    The mussel-inspired method has been investigated to modify commercial ultrafiltration membranes to induce antifouling characteristics. Such features are essential to improve the feasibility of using membrane processes in protein recovery from waste streams, wastewater treatment, and reuse. However, some issues still need to be clarified, such as the influence of membrane pore size and the polymer concentration used in modifying the solution. The aim of the present work is to study a one-step deposition of dopamine (DA) and polyethyleneimine (PEI) on ultrafiltration membrane surfaces. The effects of different membrane molecular weight cut-offs (MWCO, 20, 30, and 50 kDa) and DA/PEI concentrations on membrane performance were assessed by surface characterization (FTIR, AFM, zeta potential, contact angle, protein adsorption) and permeation of protein solution. Results indicate that larger MWCO membranes (50 kDa) are most benefited by modification using DA and PEI. Moreover, PEI is primarily responsible for improving membrane performance in protein solution filtration. The membrane modified with 0.5:4.0 mg mL−1 (DA: PEI) presented a better performance in protein solution filtration, with only 15% of permeate flux drop after 2 h of filtration. The modified membrane can thus be potentially applied to the recovery of proteins from waste streams

    Encapsulation of Bioactive Compounds for Food and Agricultural Applications

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    This review presents an updated scenario of findings and evolutions of encapsulation of bioactive compounds for food and agricultural applications. Many polymers have been reported as encapsulated agents, such as sodium alginate, gum Arabic, chitosan, cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose, pectin, Shellac, xanthan gum, zein, pullulan, maltodextrin, whey protein, galactomannan, modified starch, polycaprolactone, and sodium caseinate. The main encapsulation methods investigated in the study include both physical and chemical ones, such as freeze-drying, spray-drying, extrusion, coacervation, complexation, and supercritical anti-solvent drying. Consequently, in the food area, bioactive peptides, vitamins, essential oils, caffeine, plant extracts, fatty acids, flavonoids, carotenoids, and terpenes are the main compounds encapsulated. In the agricultural area, essential oils, lipids, phytotoxins, medicines, vaccines, hemoglobin, and microbial metabolites are the main compounds encapsulated. Most scientific investigations have one or more objectives, such as to improve the stability of formulated systems, increase the release time, retain and protect active properties, reduce lipid oxidation, maintain organoleptic properties, and present bioactivities even in extreme thermal, radiation, and pH conditions. Considering the increasing worldwide interest for biomolecules in modern and sustainable agriculture, encapsulation can be efficient for the formulation of biofungicides, biopesticides, bioherbicides, and biofertilizers. With this review, it is inferred that the current scenario indicates evolutions in the production methods by increasing the scales and the techno-economic feasibilities. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for most of the encapsulation methods is going beyond TRL 6, in which the knowledge gathered allows for having a functional prototype or a representative model of the encapsulation technologies presented in this review

    Spray-Dried Powder Containing Chitinase and β-1,3-Glucanase with Insecticidal Activity against Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    This study focused on obtaining a spray-dried powder containing chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase as active ingredients for the control of agricultural pests. Different carriers were tested in the spray drying of these enzymes. The effectiveness of the application of the enzymes was evaluated against Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). The combination of maltodextrin (2.5% w/v), gum Arabic (2.5% w/v), and soluble starch (5.0% w/v) as carriers showed the best result of residual activity of β-1,3-glucanase (88.36%) and chitinase (69.82%), with a powder recovery of 45.49%. The optimum conditions for the operational parameters of the spray drying process were: inlet air temperature of 120 °C, drying airflow rate of 1.1 m3/min, feed flow rate of 5.8 mL/min, and nozzle air pressure of 0.4 MPa. The powder produced showed 65.6% efficiency for the control of the fly. These results demonstrated the possibility of using the spray drying process to obtain an enzymatic potential product for biological pest control