8 research outputs found

    Assessing natural variability in RCM signals: comparison of a multi model EURO-CORDEX ensemble with a 50-member single model large ensemble

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    Uncertainties in climate model ensembles are still relatively large. Besides scenario and model response uncertainty, natural variability is another important source of uncertainty. To study regional natural variability on timescales of several decades and more, observations are often too sparse and short. Regional Climate Models (RCMs) can be used to overcome this lack of useful data at high spatial resolutions. In this study, we compare a new 50-member single RCM large ensemble (CRCM5-LE) with an ensemble of 22 EURO-CORDEX models for seasonal temperature and precipitation at 0.11° grid size over Europe—all driven by the RCP 8.5 scenario. This setup allows us to quantify the contribution of natural/model-internal variability on the total uncertainty of a multi-model ensemble. The variability of climate change signals within the two ensembles is compared for three future periods (2020–2049, 2040–069 and 2070–2099). Results show that the single model spread is usually smaller than the multi-model spread for temperature. Similar variabilities can mostly be found in the near future (and to a lesser extent in the mid future) during winter and spring, especially for northern and central parts of Europe. The contribution of internal variability is generally higher for precipitation. In the near future almost all seasons and regions show similar variabilities. In the mid and far future only fall, summer and spring still show similar variabilites. There is a significant decrease of the contribution of internal variability over time for both variables. However, even in the far future for most regions and seasons 25–75% of the overall variability can be explained by internal variability

    Monitoring Water Diversity and Water Quality with Remote Sensing and Traits

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    Changes and disturbances to water diversity and quality are complex and multi-scale in space and time. Although in situ methods provide detailed point information on the condition of water bodies, they are of limited use for making area-based monitoring over time, as aquatic ecosystems are extremely dynamic. Remote sensing (RS) provides methods and data for the cost-effective, comprehensive, continuous and standardised monitoring of characteristics and changes in characteristics of water diversity and water quality from local and regional scales to the scale of entire continents. In order to apply and better understand RS techniques and their derived spectral indicators in monitoring water diversity and quality, this study defines five characteristics of water diversity and quality that can be monitored using RS. These are the diversity of water traits, the diversity of water genesis, the structural diversity of water, the taxonomic diversity of water and the functional diversity of water. It is essential to record the diversity of water traits to derive the other four characteristics of water diversity from RS. Furthermore, traits are the only and most important interface between in situ and RS monitoring approaches. The monitoring of these five characteristics of water diversity and water quality using RS technologies is presented in detail and discussed using numerous examples. Finally, current and future developments are presented to advance monitoring using RS and the trait approach in modelling, prediction and assessment as a basis for successful monitoring and management strategies.This research received no external funding.Peer Reviewe

    Comparing interannual variability in three regional single-model initial-condition large ensembles (SMILEs) over Europe

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    For sectors like agriculture, hydrology and ecology, increasing interannual variability (IAV) can have larger impacts than changes in the mean state, whereas decreasing IAV in winter implies that the coldest seasons warm more than the mean. IAV is difficult to reliably quantify in single realizations of climate (observations and single-model realizations) as they are too short, and represent a combination of external forcing and IAV. Single-model initial-condition large ensembles (SMILEs) are powerful tools to overcome this problem, as they provide many realizations of past and future climate and thus a larger sample size to robustly evaluate and quantify changes in IAV. We use three SMILE-based regional climate models (CanESM-CRCM, ECEARTH-RACMO and CESM-CCLM) to investigate downscaled changes in IAV of summer and winter temperature and precipitation, the number of heat waves, and the maximum length of dry periods over Europe. An evaluation against the observational data set E-OBS reveals that all models reproduce observational IAV reasonably well, although both under- and overestimation of observational IAV occur in all models in a few cases. We further demonstrate that SMILEs are essential to robustly quantify changes in IAV since some individual realizations show significant IAV changes, whereas others do not. Thus, a large sample size, i.e., information from all members of SMILEs, is needed to robustly quantify the significance of IAV changes. Projected IAV changes in temperature over Europe are in line with existing literature: increasing variability in summer and stable to decreasing variability in winter. Here, we further show that summer and winter precipitation, as well as the two summer extreme indicators mostly also show these seasonal changes.ISSN:2190-4987ISSN:2190-497

    Vulnerability of ski tourism towards internal climate variability and climate change in the Swiss Alps

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    Increasing temperatures and snow scarcity pose a serious threat to ski tourism. While the impacts of climate change on ski tourism have been elaborated extensively, little is known so far on the vulnerability of winter tourism towards both internal climate variability and climate change. We use a 50-member single model large ensemble from a regional climate model to drive the physically-based snowpack model SNOWPACK for eight stations across the Swiss Alps to model daily snow depth, incorporating both natural snow conditions and including technical snow production. We make a probabilistic assessment of the vulnerability of ski tourism towards internal climate variability in a future climate by analyzing selected tourism-related snow indicators and find significant overall decrease in snow reliability in the future. Further, we show how the sensitivity towards internal climate variability differs among different tourism-related snow indicators and find that certain indicators are more vulnerable to internal climate variability than others. We show that technical snow production is an appropriate adaptation strategy to tackle risks from climate change and internal climate variability. While technical snow production can drastically reduce uncertainties related to internal climate variability, in low elevations, the technique reaches its limits to counteract global warming by the mid of the century.ISSN:0048-9697ISSN:1879-102

    Data Integration for Investigating Drivers of Water Quality Variability in the Banja Reservoir Watershed

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    It is increasingly important to know the water quality of a reservoir, given the prospect of an environment poor in water reserves, which are based on intense and short-lived precipitation events. In this work, vegetation indices (NDVI, EVI) and bio-physical parameters of the vegetation (LAI, FC), meteorological variables, and hydrological data are considered as possible drivers of the spatial and temporal variability of water quality (WQ) of the Banja reservoir (Albania). Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8/9 images are analyzed to derive WQ parameters and vegetation properties, while the HYPE model provides hydrological variables. Timeseries of the considered variables are examined using graphical and statistical methods and correlations among the variables are computed for a five-year period (2016–2022). The added-value of integrating earth observation derived data is demonstrated in the analysis of specific time periods or precipitation events. Significant positive correlations are found between water turbidity and hydrological parameters such as river discharge or runoff (0.55 and 0.40, respectively), while negative correlations are found between water turbidity and vegetation descriptors (−0.48 to −0.56). The possibility of having easy-to-use tools (e.g., web portal) for the analysis of multi-source data in an interactive way, facilitates the planning of hydroelectric plants management operations